Empty Pages by Traffic (1970) fear. Steve Winwood

2024.11.24 23:11 SmallButMightyStudio Empty Pages by Traffic (1970) fear. Steve Winwood

Empty Pages by Traffic (1970) fear. Steve Winwood Just a cover of a deep cut
submitted by SmallButMightyStudio to drums [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:11 Different_Education1 Relapse

Hello, I am currently in Thailand training boxing. I had 17 days under my recovery belt from binging and purging (the longest I’ve had in months) but I relapsed yesterday and had an extreme day long episode of binging and purging on what was meant to be my rest day. I am unsure of what to do now. I want to continue training today and feel guilty if I take another day off training but my body feels horrible. Not to mention, it’s so humid here that it’s basically impossible to train in anything but shorts and a sports bra and I am extremely bloated right now, contributing to the self consciousness and shame. How do I go about getting back on track from here? Should I take the morning off and resume training again in the afternoon? Or should I just push through as if nothing happened? Tips please
submitted by Different_Education1 to BulimiaRecovery [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:11 DustyPeanuts Wtf Was Onishi Thinking?

Why did Onishi leave Michiko Hirota (the secretary) in Lux by herself instead of going with Ichise to the class? What was the thought process?
Organo was effectively done, there was chaos everywhere from what Yoshii adminstered and now there was the shapes battle. A woman who joined him during his crazy battles and stuck by him. Hell she saved him when he was going to be killed. Then when he finds her brutally beaten, tortured and raped he shows no emotion? Fuck this guy.
submitted by DustyPeanuts to Texhnolyze [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:11 IOnlyPostIfINeedHelp If I get 1 upvote, I will stop this chain

If I get 1 upvote, I will stop this chain submitted by IOnlyPostIfINeedHelp to AnarchyChess [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:11 SubstantialPaint9858 Urgent Passport

I won a vacation to Japan that has to be used this year, and my flight is going to leave the 12th of December. I do not have a passport because this was completely unexpected, im just wondering what’s the cheapest (more importantly quickest) way to get my passport in time?
submitted by SubstantialPaint9858 to Passports [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:11 LeptinGhrelin ЗА ДОМ - ГОТОВИЙ

ЗА ДОМ - ГОТОВИЙ submitted by LeptinGhrelin to 2easterneuropean4u [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:11 Important_Bit1104 Any apps to print my pictures from an event in a small book, that might also let me put messages in a blank page underneath or next to it?

Just got back from Japan and want to put all my photos in book, but a book that is made in good quality, maybe even customizable options
submitted by Important_Bit1104 to ios [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:11 First_Background9656 Shotgun strikes again

Shotgun strikes again Special thanks to the guy in the last image.
submitted by First_Background9656 to blocktales [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:11 Popular-Computer8836 Best luck

Best luck I killed glykan earlier and was gonna use my rank 1-2 gem on Chavez but just pulled this beast.
submitted by Popular-Computer8836 to MarvelContestOfChamps [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:11 CH_ALKalt High Performance Endorsement test plane repeatedly can't produce enough thrust to take off making it impossible to progress. Solutions?

submitted by CH_ALKalt to MSFS2024 [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:11 DeViAnT_8 Ou manger pimenté à Lyon ? 🌶️

Hello à tous !
Je suis un très grand amoureux de piment et j'ai emménagé récemment dans ce coin de la France 😁
Seul problème, Lyon + Piment ne me donnent pas beaucoup de résultats dans mes recherches sur internet 🥲
Pouvez-vous m'aider à trouver mon bonheur ?
submitted by DeViAnT_8 to Lyon [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:11 Physical_Mail6217 black friday sale 2024 paint.

Anyone know if the paint sale is a rebate or taken off at the register for black friday? Playbook just says there is a sale.
submitted by Physical_Mail6217 to Lowes [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:11 United_Marsupial5151 Help - GP doesn't believe gene tests

Hi everyone :( As the title indicates, my GP dismissed the results of my direct-to-consumer test in which I tested positive for BRCA2 (because "anybody who gets tested will find something wrong" and "these tests just show slightly increased risks" and that he will only act on my symptoms, age and family history). I'm only 22, so I don't expect to qualify for any preventative measures but I was hoping to get referred to a genetic councillor or OBGYN who could order a clinical gene test to confirm the results and give me an overview of any future considerations. I am in Sydney, Aus, and it looks like most hospital genetic testing facilities specifically do not check for hereditary cancer. I've just been really frustrated with trying to navigate the results of my test and was hoping to get some recommendations for GPs or accessible clinics/services in Aus. Thank you so so much in advance
submitted by United_Marsupial5151 to BRCA [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:11 Detuned_Clock The Weezer Sneezer Game

submitted by Detuned_Clock to WeezerCircleJerk [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:11 WildfuryX14 Primal Groudon Raid (will start with 5) 681381680189

Primal Groudon Raid (will start with 5) 681381680189 submitted by WildfuryX14 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:11 femnida Looking for a Special Connection for Someone I Care

Hey everyone, I hope you’re all doing well! Today, I’m here to share something special and, honestly, close to my heart.
There’s this amazing girl in my life who means a lot to me. She’s 22, from Pune, and one of the most wonderful, kind-hearted people I’ve ever known. The only thing is—she’s into girls, not guys, and I completely respect that. Her happiness means the world to me, and I’d love to help her find someone who can make her feel as special as she truly is.
If you’re a girl who’s looking for a genuine connection and happens to be near Pune, I’d love to introduce you to her! She’s funny, compassionate, and has a smile that could light up anyone’s day. Trust me, getting to know her could be one of the best decisions you’ll ever make.
Feel free to DM me if this post resonates with you, or if you’re interested in knowing more. Let’s create some magic for someone who truly deserves it! 🌈💖
Thanks for reading, and sending love to all of you!
submitted by femnida to LGBTMaharashtra [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:11 That_Is_Bryce What is your funniest emergency room story?

submitted by That_Is_Bryce to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:11 ThickLady_ The Mysterious Dancing Plague: In Strasbourg, 1518, dozens were struck by an uncontrollable urge to dance. It began with Frau Troffea dancing non-stop for days, soon spreading to hundreds. The "plague" caused exhaustion, injuries, and deaths, with its true cause remaining a mystery to this day

The Mysterious Dancing Plague: In Strasbourg, 1518, dozens were struck by an uncontrollable urge to dance. It began with Frau Troffea dancing non-stop for days, soon spreading to hundreds. The submitted by ThickLady_ to InterestingToRead [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:11 Certain-Point685 Some more Night cards (and two more Actions)

submitted by Certain-Point685 to dominion [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:11 MethturbationEnjoyer Wardrobe overhaul now that I’m having more face time with leadership…thoughts? Advice?

Wardrobe overhaul now that I’m having more face time with leadership…thoughts? Advice? submitted by MethturbationEnjoyer to mensfashion [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:11 EnviroSci_Nerd The video quality is so good on the Galaxy S24 Ultra, I am now using it in place of my Gopro for a lot of 4k 60 and 30fps shots like in this video. The footage edits really nicely as well and the "HDR" recording feature makes footage pretty sharp in most lighting conditions.

submitted by EnviroSci_Nerd to samsunggalaxy [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:11 Popular-Owl-4394 Have any of you femboys ever been caught wearing feminine clothes by your parents or friends?

submitted by Popular-Owl-4394 to teenfemboy [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:11 RobotMonsterArtist Dr. Underfang and the Deadly Mrs. Nautilus (80s-style animation made in Vidu)

submitted by RobotMonsterArtist to viduai [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:11 D-jboy8 Any good 3.5 inch drone build kits?

Are there any kits that aren’t too expensive? I want to build just for the fun of it but I can’t find anything good. Help would be great.
submitted by D-jboy8 to fpv [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:11 CarefulGrand8954 Ich kann eure kanacken weiber/familie auf snap testen + reaction. Dm oder add snap: david_jas1441

submitted by CarefulGrand8954 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
