Someone here free to share info about was is Washington and Lee like once you're on campus?

2024.11.25 00:41 revientaholes Someone here free to share info about was is Washington and Lee like once you're on campus?

So the title basically, I want to dm because everything seems so contradictory on the internet.
submitted by revientaholes to wluLex [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 No_Cartographer455 Something I saw a few days back

submitted by No_Cartographer455 to xbiking [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 Comfortable-Radio771 How to get out of platinum

I’ve been platinum for a whopping 6 years and I have never touched diamond in my life. Mainly because whenever I get to my rank up games, my opponents are all champ tourney winners and champ peaks, and me and my teammate are lousy platinums. Whenever I do get a champ peak teammate, it’s always basically a 1v1 to see which team’s champ peak is better. Not to mention the other team has a champ peak absolutely carrying them. I’m talking 7 goals compared to zero. What’s even more frustrating is seeing all these pros giving tips on how to get out of this rank. They all say “hit the ball at the net”. Like ok, but what do I do when I’m literally getting flip reset mustied on in platinum. So that brings me to the question, how do I train or get better to get out of this god awful rank?
submitted by Comfortable-Radio771 to RocketLeague [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 Jhoerdson Young girls 18

submitted by Jhoerdson to Brsgostosas_ [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 InsurancePrior905 Cheaper tofu litter?

Hi everyone, I'm currently using the 'really great cat litter' tofu litter, but it's SO expensive at $58 for 2 bags of 9.5 pounds and I'm looking for tofu litter that's less expensive and that I can get more per bag. Please help me find some🙏
submitted by InsurancePrior905 to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 Mrbeardgravy Why do people do this sort of thing?

Why do people do this sort of thing? I bought a project car a few months ago, I’ve pulled it into the garage to start doing the body work and there’s allot more than I expected. I used to do body work back in the day and I’m a fabricator so this isn’t something I can’t handle. But regardless I honestly can’t believe that someone would do this.
submitted by Mrbeardgravy to Autobody [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 Digginf That was weird in the first episode

When Alan is leaving that message on Charlie’s answering machine he says “it’s Alan, your brother” why would he even say that? It looks like it’s meant to let first time watcher know who he is, but it doesn’t make sense in universe. It’s not like they haven’t seen each other in years.
submitted by Digginf to TwoandaHalfMen [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 datfonkycat Verne’s Glaucous

Verne’s Glaucous Get this nice 15” piece of a classic for only $50 shipped. I can take pp, vnmo, or zlle. Thanks for looking !
submitted by datfonkycat to sanpedrocactusforsale [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 whohasgottenropes Who wants a turn with Madie? What position?

Who wants a turn with Madie? What position? submitted by whohasgottenropes to vscosloots [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 protopease Would a person wearing blue run faster than someone wearing red because of the Doppler Effect?

I heard that red light is longer waves than blue light which means that blue would win because the waves are shorter / faster right?
submitted by protopease to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 Reaper357896 Looking for party again 😭😭😭

Girls or guys alike, any age is okay. IF YOURE A FUCKING PEDO, THEN FOR FUCKS SAKE, PISS OFF Anyways, dm me on herd or discord Discord: synergy.96 Fortnite User: Synergy011
submitted by Reaper357896 to FortNiteBR [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 AerikVon New York, New York

New York, New York submitted by AerikVon to photographybyaerikvon [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 One_Shape_5919 21 [F4M] kastang kasta tonight

yes, kastang kasta na parang aso na besh! been very bored lately, sawa na sa silicon d*ck, show me how it's done and if you're a virg*n I'll be the one to guide you di naman ako madamot, tips and tricks haha lol
me: 21 yrs old, 5'4, Exploring, Adventurous, Wild, either Dom or Sub. Clean, Practicing safe sex. I do my HIV testing often.
Thank you!
submitted by One_Shape_5919 to phr4rmarikina [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 Senior-Society-2562 What do you guys think about $Dna and $rna?

I invested maybe like 200 dollars in $dna i got almost 1 trillion $dna.
Would be cool if i can get 1 mill gains out of this 😅 but prob unlikely since the supply needs to burn no?
I didnt buy and $rna because theres low lp providers so i am scared i wouldnt be able to cash out maybe i am wrong i am still new to crypto and still learning.
Only invested what i can afford to lose. Both are trending in Phantom right now. What do you guys think? Scam? Rug pull?
Its very cheap right now so technically dont need to invest in a lot but this isnt financial advice i am not suggesting anyone to buy i am a noob who started crypto like 2 weeks ago.
Its been fun gambling with meme coins though. I missed out on chill guy but thats kinda a game its like a lottery lol.
Also not gonna answer any DMs dont try lol.
Anyways what do you guys think? Both been popping off.
Still been going strong and been making money. Nothing to big. Doubled my money basically
Curious to check back in a week.
This kinda reminds me of pepe and shib and i found $toad i invested in because i like the story book. Didnt they start really low numbers too at one point? Like of dna gets to 0.0001 id be rich.
Again im a newbie. I missed out on chill guy however its still going strong in my portfolio again but i got in late. These memes lately been making people rich. Ive got fomo for sure. Gonna hold on to my coins though and see where it goes. Like trump isnt even president yet and elons with him i feel like all of cryptos gonna go boom especially the ones that elon tweets and xrp, bitcoin ect. Pnuts gonna prob keep going and doge.
Anyway TLDR what do you guys think about $Dna and $rna?
submitted by Senior-Society-2562 to CryptoMoonShots [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 Substantial-Fix7161 Scarecrow, Tin Man, and Lion in Wicked movie?

Hi! I saw the wicked broadway show a while ago and remember the showing of how the Tin Man, The Scarecrow, and the Lion were created. I know the movie is only part one, but wasn't that backstory also part of part one? Did they take this out of the movie.
submitted by Substantial-Fix7161 to wicked [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 plsdomeafavor- 😭💀💀😭💀🗿🗿😭

<INSERT UNFUNNY KINDA SEXUAL JOKE THATS OLDER THAN COMMENTER>😭💀💀😭💀🗿🗿😭 submitted by plsdomeafavor- to youngpeopleyoutube [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 Psychological_Price5 primal kyogre 3 locals 800477429817

submitted by Psychological_Price5 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 brattybatgirl87 AITAH for thinking there's more to this proposal than meets the eye?

I've been with my partner for just over 3 years. The first 18 months of our relationship was rocky, it took a lot of adjusting after finding out he's a self diagnosed narcissist (which he is getting help for) We worked through a lot of issues and we're happy and it works (now I know how to handle him)
I've always wanted to get married, but he made it clear from the start he would never get married and he didn't believe in "just a piece of paper" I made my peace with it and put it out of my mind to focus on more important things.
However his ex partner (also mother of his son) got married in March this year, and he was mocking her and saying "I always told her I'd never marry her, she must have been desperate to get married so fast, shes only known him a year" I just smiled and nodded in agreement rather than say what I was really thinking.
The last few months, he started talking about marriage. Last weekend I was cleaning and sorting through stuff to donate when I stumbled upon a ring box with an engagement ring inside, engraved with our names on it. Shocked I immediately put it back. I haven't been able to stop thinking about it for 2 reasons: 1) he was always against marriage, then the year his "psycho" ex gets married he buys me an engagement ring? Is that just a coincidence or is he trying to prove a point after telling her he'd never marry her? 2) the receipt was with the ring and although beautiful it's not my style, and its sterling silver and cost less than £80. Now I'm really not an ungrateful person by any means, but he makes a hell of a lot of money, more than comfortable, with money to spare.
AITAH for thinking there's an ulterior motive behind this proposal? And for being a little hurt that he intends to do it with a cheap ring?
I'd be interested in hearing any thoughts from other narcissists
submitted by brattybatgirl87 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 TBNSK74 Wie bitte?

Wie bitte? submitted by TBNSK74 to ichbin40undSchwurbler [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 Proper_Building_1987 My mom caught my dad with a 16yo and covered it up.

submitted by Proper_Building_1987 to Reigning_CandD_pod [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 General-Wasabi-4567 The Future Of Music

I know this isn't really the right place to put a discussion like this in but I'm a 18 year old Oasis fan and love a lot of older rock music like The Beatles, Nirvana, The Verve etc. But I just feel so ashamed of music nowadays compared to the 90s and 60s. Will music ever have catchy tunes and actually good and interesting songwriting again instead of the mindless pop and rap of today.
submitted by General-Wasabi-4567 to oasis [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 Numerous_Block29 planning on using DITO, any advice?

I'm in QC area, Muñoz and i used to be a SMART user (currently am but i'm still looking for alternatives). i use my phone data to use as my WiFi for my PC but the signal for SMART isn't even that strong.. Any suggestions?
Also, I used to pay 600/month for the SMART plan.
submitted by Numerous_Block29 to InternetPH [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 wackkoh WB SNORLAX 824789647569

submitted by wackkoh to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 treesqu 2025 Local TV Ad Revenue Forecast To Drop by 20%

2025 Local TV Ad Revenue Forecast To Drop by 20% submitted by treesqu to Broadcasting [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 trailer8k Monsters Inc. for PS1 - videogamedunkey

Monsters Inc. for PS1 - videogamedunkey submitted by trailer8k to Trailerclub [link] [comments]