I’ll pay 20 gold for most sticker

2024.11.25 00:46 South_Housing5458 I’ll pay 20 gold for most sticker

I’ll pay 20 gold for most sticker I need to finish this craft for the m4a1-s to complete my set I would sell it to you at request for around 30 than once you stick the sticker you can post it for 62 and I’ll buy it back so you can make 20 gold
submitted by South_Housing5458 to standoff2game [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:46 Rikiest Will there be a deluxe or a part 2 of the album?

Will there be a deluxe or a part 2 of the album? This snippet went hard and dont know why he didnt drop the full song on Gnx
submitted by Rikiest to KendrickLamar [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:46 Marmodius Was debating if I should get warhammer 3 went it’s on sale

I have warhammer 1 and 2 will the DLCs transfer over to warhammer 3. I don’t have all the DLCs but I have vampire coast and wood elves. And will dlc locked units be available in warhammer 3?
submitted by Marmodius to totalwarhammer [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:46 PetalWhisper_ 100%!

100%! submitted by PetalWhisper_ to introvertmemes [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:46 Sons_of_Maccabees Why they refuse to see Jews as victims: The left’s pitiless cynicism about the pogrom in Amsterdam confirms how morally lost they are.

Why they refuse to see Jews as victims: The left’s pitiless cynicism about the pogrom in Amsterdam confirms how morally lost they are. submitted by Sons_of_Maccabees to JewHateExposed [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:46 NeckArtistic Should the option for active processor cores be disabled which is better enabled or disabled. Default is disabled

Should the option for active processor cores be disabled which is better enabled or disabled. Default is disabled submitted by NeckArtistic to computers [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:46 Javon-Hacim-Micah 23M Hey guys looking for some online friends

I’ve never had an online presence and never had friends online. Most of my IRL friends are too busy to hang out, so we don’t ever really get a chance. I’m not looking for replacements, just add ons. Just want people to connect with and allowed to be 100% myself with. If you’re interested let me know and I’ll let you know more about me, if not that’s totally understandable.
Enjoy the rest of your day.
submitted by Javon-Hacim-Micah to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:46 Beginning-Energy2085 Spouse In MOS School

I am supposed to go to MOS school for ATC in Pensacola FL. I have been married for 2 years before I even joined the Marines. I am trying to figure out if my wife can come with me to school and if anyone has done it. I have seen so many conflicting reports and I could be there anywhere from 6-9 months. I can go without her but I really would prefer not too. If anyone has done this before or known of anyway it can be done that would be so helpful.
submitted by Beginning-Energy2085 to USMCboot [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:46 One_Maintenance4379 889447929313 kyogre

submitted by One_Maintenance4379 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:46 Suspicious-Note-8571 Gianna is gonna crumble ar the first offensive tts

submitted by Suspicious-Note-8571 to fishtanklive [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:46 laryiza The fact that Mr Laced has convinced Josh to start a shit coin is crazy

Only issue with this is, so many have been educated about these shit coins. Nobody will buy any, especially when a shekel goblin is behind ball
submitted by laryiza to WorldOfTShirts [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:46 LoganCrimson Can't tell if I'm an ENTP or ESFJ

What’s up everyone! I’ve been tryin to type myself for years atp, and I think I’ve finally narrowed it down to 2. I noticed that I use both Ne and Fe a lot, but it’s hard to tell if Im better at Si or Ti. In other words, I’m stuck between ENTP and ESFJ lol
Im gonna give some reasons I may be an ENTP and others why I may be an ESFJ and see what yall think!

So yea! The way things look to me I’m either an ENTP who developed his Fe or an ESFJ who developed his Ne.
I’ve also considered ENFP, ENFJ, and even INFJ. I stopped thinking I was an ENFP bc the more I analyzed my own behavior the more I realized I used Fe more than Fi, and I also dont think I use Te often enough to be even tert. I also stopped w INFJ and ENFJ cause I use Ne more than Ni. Looking forward to hearing what yall think!
submitted by LoganCrimson to ESFJ [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:46 Guardax With it almost being Thanksgiving and Wicked coming out, thought of this classic

With it almost being Thanksgiving and Wicked coming out, thought of this classic submitted by Guardax to LiveFromNewYork [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:46 pinetree113 Why is it so damn hard?

How do people cope with the negative tests month after month. We have been TTC now for 6 months, (35F and 30M), every month is a BFN. I was on the pill since I was 20 and always skipped my periods, came off in February 2024.
I track using OPKs and get regular periods, peak OPKs, have sex every other day in my fertile window and always on or after peak days.
Partner has has his SA done and that's all come back normal, I've had my progesterone done multiple times and that always comes back saying I'm ovulating (albeit usually late which goes with my OPK testing). I have had my AMH levels done and those have come back low. But still every month, negative.. its just so hard.
We have a appointment with a fertility specialist in the new year but I also suffer from anxiety so I'm always thinking it's never going to happen and that im too old (even though i know in my heart I'm not that old). It's hard when everyone around you makes it look so easy when in reality it's not.
Really just after some advice/tips/positive vibes or anything really from people who understand what its like or who have been in my situation.
Thanks for reading if you’ve got this far and good luck to anyone whose TTC.
submitted by pinetree113 to ttc_35 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:46 Free-Web-5195 Add me! 506836733644

add me I'll send gifts
submitted by Free-Web-5195 to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:46 MrStupid420 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by MrStupid420 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:46 Foreign_Movie_6454 Would be very based for Hoppe to become secretary of homeland for trump

Would be very based for Hoppe to become secretary of homeland for trump submitted by Foreign_Movie_6454 to austrian_economics [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:46 fr3akyleciapt2 F21

submitted by fr3akyleciapt2 to currentlyfapping [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:46 dmb1987 Customer Response Time

Hello everyone, I am new to buying anything from TokyoTreat. I ordered the two Advent calendars back at the end of September and have not heard anything nor received them or a tracking number for them. I emailed customer service recently but wanted to know how responsive they are? Are they usually pretty prompt or can I expect to be waiting for some time? Thanks for any help!
submitted by dmb1987 to TokyoTreat [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:46 Tr7xie Unable to join the discord server?

Apologies if this is the wrong place to ask, but I went to join the discord server simply titled "The Undertale Discord" which I believe is tied w/ this subreddit? But it simply said the invite is invalid. I'm not sure if I was banned in the past or something, but I vaguely recall being in an undertale discord server before. Is there somewhere I can contact to check if I'm banned and if so try to appeal?
submitted by Tr7xie to Undertale [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:46 No-Feed9593 I need help

I need help Today my grandfather gave me 2 really old watches ( he said they are atleast 80 years old) one seiko 5 with square case and one technos watch. Technos ones dial broke down so they changed it with something different. I want to restore them and protect them but i cant identify the models and years can you help?
submitted by No-Feed9593 to Watches [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:46 Best-Ad-5053 🔄 كيفية تبديل عملة PEPE (Pepe Coin) على كريبتوبترا 🚀

تعلّم كيفية تبديل عملة PEPE بسهولة عبر كريبتوبترا، منصة التبديل الرائدة في الأردن. اتبع هذه الخطوات البسيطة:
1️⃣ إنشاء حساب:
قم بزيارة كريبتوبترا واضغط على "إنشاء حساب" لبدء التسجيل.
2️⃣ البحث عن عملة PEPE:
استخدم خاصية البحث للعثور على عملة PEPE ضمن قائمة العملات المتاحة.
3️⃣ التبديل:
اختر عملة PEPE وحدد العملة التي ترغب في التبديل إليها، ثم أكمل العملية بأمان.
💡 ما هي عملة PEPE (Pepe Coin)؟
عملة PEPE هي عملة رقمية مستوحاة من شخصية "بيبي الضفدع" الشهيرة، والتي أصبحت رمزاً ثقافياً على الإنترنت. تسعى هذه العملة إلى دمج الثقافة الشعبية مع عالم العملات الرقمية، مما يجعلها جذابة للعديد من المستخدمين.
تداول العملات الرقمية بشكل سهل وآمن مع كريبتوبترا!
#PEPE #بيبي #كريبتوبترا #كريبتو #التشفير_في_الأردن #بلوكتشين #تبديل #الأردن #usdt_jordan #bitcoin_jordan #العملات_الرقمية #تداول_العملات
submitted by Best-Ad-5053 to CryptoPetra [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:46 cekin123 How long did it take to master Ableton?

And by master I mean by being able to make whatever ideas you have exactly or close to exactly from how they are in your head?
And what kind of discipline did it take?
submitted by cekin123 to ableton [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:46 Worldly-Meal9825 mod troubleshooting??

so since 1.6.9, I have redownloaded the skull caverns elevator mod and deleted the outdated file. the download seemed fine and the elevator is there in the game, but when I try to use it, the game crashes. any idea what’s going wrong? this never happened before and my computer is fairly new, so I’m not sure what the issue is
submitted by Worldly-Meal9825 to SMAPI [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:46 Edgelord420666 [WP] The Title of God is actually a democratically elected position, voted on by various angels, spirits, and divine beings. Yahweh, Zeus, Odin, all of them have served as Commander in Chief. You have won through a successful write in campaign, unbeknownst to the current God.

submitted by Edgelord420666 to WritingPrompts [link] [comments]
