Anybody got some killer tune for my F1?

2024.11.25 01:40 PineappleWeary6674 Anybody got some killer tune for my F1?

Anybody got some killer tune for my F1? I have pretty much all the best parts except for the contraband ecu. I'm at my wits end trying to tune this car and best I ever got to run it is a 7.3xx. I need to run at least 7.2xx to beat race 70 of Murray's vision event
submitted by PineappleWeary6674 to APEXracers [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:40 Stock_Dragonfruit_39 MLB

MLB submitted by Stock_Dragonfruit_39 to yellowstone [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:40 Comfortable-Fall-504 A response to Ryan Walters, from a former Christian club student leader

For four years in the 2000s, I co-led a Christian club at my Tulsa high school.
Wander down the back hall of my school on a Friday morning back then, you’d hear the off-key sound of a dozen students singing worship songs. If you stuck around, you’d hear a kid preach – maybe a reflection on Scripture, maybe a word of encouragement during finals, maybe a call to carry out the Great Commission. Many times, that kid would be me.
Some students liked the group so much, they attended regularly. Others stopped in only once. Most of the kids at our school had no clue we existed and never formed an opinion of us at all.
And there were a few who were bothered by what we did. They would say we were “too exclusive” (we were). They would say we held “bigoted” views (we did).
Yet, not once in those four years did anyone challenge our right to gather. No student, no matter their distaste for what we believed, tried to stop us. So long as we followed school policy, the school let us use a room and then left us alone.
Evangelical culture at large had prepared us for a very different outcome. As Christians, we were taught to expect persecution – from classmates, from our school, from our government. From “martyrdoms” at Columbine to Bill O’Reilly’s “War on Christmas”, our culture was one of increasing antagonism, if not outright violence, to the faithful.
The Christian singer, Carman (whose recording studio sat not far from my school), summed up this mythos back in 1993. In the music video for “Our Turn Now”, Carman sang from the bustling halls of a large public high school:
“The ball got dropped in '62 They wouldn't let children pray in school Violent crime began to rise The grades went down and the kids got high Free love, gay rights No absolutes, abortion on demand Brought VD, AIDS, and no morality Today no one knows right from wrong There's blood on people's hands.”
Carman is referencing the 1962 Supreme Court decision in Engel v. Vitale. The decision, according to Carmen, “wouldn’t let children pray in school” and declared “no God at all!”, leaving society vulnerable to all kinds of ills.
Carman was either ignorant of the law or simply lying. Engel v. Vitale outlawed state-sponsored prayer. A student’s right to pray in school was untouched. If anything, Engel v. Vitale further protected that right. No longer could a student be subjected to a state-sponsored prayer God as a condition of attending school.
This reality was of no concern for many of the most visible and powerful in Evangelical culture. They told a different story: Christians were under attack. Students were on the front lines. In the music video for “Our Turn Now”, Carman, surrounded by a group of singing high schoolers, issued the call: “World, you had your turn at bat. Now stand back and see. That it's our turn now.”
Yet, after hundreds of meetings over four years, the persecution never came. Quite the opposite, in fact. I enjoyed a place of relative power and influence throughout high school.
I was often blind to the experience of those who believed differently than me and the challenges they faced exercising their Constitutionally protected rights. My blind spots were as big as my ego and I didn’t see the role I played in pushing them to the margins.
High school was a long time ago, but the myth I was taught back then hasn’t gone away.
In fact, it’s policy now in the Oklahoma Department of Education. Ryan Walters is waging a holy war. As his now-famous coffee mug states, “Si Vis Pacem Para Bellum” – “if you want peace, be prepared for war.”
Walters preaches that America took God out of schools and it’s up to him and his ilk to bring God back through Bibles in every classroom, mandated viewing of state-sponsored prayer, and the very normal, not-at-all fascistic creation of the “Department of Religious Freedom and Patriotism.”
There’s just one problem - God never left. Students (Christians especially) enjoy more religious liberty today than ever. American schools have simply made room for kids who don’t believe like Ryan Walters and in the process, further protected the rights of every student.
This is something Christians ought to be thankful for. As the author of the Engel v. Vitale decision reminds us, it was Christians, after all, from whom the Pilgrims fled in their search for religious liberty. Christians have consistently used State power to deny the religious freedom of other Christians in this county, not to mention those of other faiths. Americans have just as consistently fought back. It’s common sense that everyone benefits when the State’s power to enforce religious conformity is restricted.
Ryan Walters knows this but he just doesn’t care. He isn’t stupid. He’s malicious. His is a charlatan’s religion and a despot’s liberty.
Let the kids pray. Let the kids not pray.
And Mr. Walters –please, for the sake of the children you pretend to defend, exercise your Constitutional right to shut up.
submitted by Comfortable-Fall-504 to oklahoma [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:40 1SmartBlueJay Exciting news!!

Exciting news!! For the first time ever, Snowbell and Primrose (the two Canaries) came out, and were able to meet Speck (the Chipping Sparrow)!
submitted by 1SmartBlueJay to Canaries [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:40 TheScoutTyper Where to pay AMEX personal loan?

I can not seem to find where to pay my AMEX personal loan. I just got it last week, they sent me a letter, but it is not showing up on my AMEX account on my computer or phone.
Is there a special way to go about paying for this? I really appreciate any help you can provide.
submitted by TheScoutTyper to amex [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:40 ParachuteAdams85 Old Birmingham Morris Ave sales archive

My grandad purchased bricks from a demolished building on Morris Avenue to use for his house. Anyone know if there would be any find of archive to find what building the bricks came from?
It would have been from 1978.
submitted by ParachuteAdams85 to Birmingham [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:40 Chance-Efficiency695 Anyone tried bud clips

Anyone tried bud clips Anyone tried these bud clips? Are the worth getting instead of tying stuff down? Obviously better for vege and clones rather than flowering plants when you are better off with a net/trellis
submitted by Chance-Efficiency695 to NZTrees [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:40 AnonAccessoriesFS [WTS] KAC MRE Colt Diemaco Complete Upper

NO CHATS! PM ONLY! Claim items by commenting dibs or I’ll take it BEFORE PM
You must PM me, I Won’t PM you
“Dibs/I’ll take it” rules apply with time stamps being the first served. If you claim dibs and try to haggle in PM’s I may skip you entirely.
Once claimed you have two hours to get the transaction going or I’ll move to second in line.
I accept PayPal no comments dammit! F&F. All prices include shipping.

submitted by AnonAccessoriesFS to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:40 Pedal_Quasar Is it a Meme?

submitted by Pedal_Quasar to ImperialFists [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:40 Aggravating-City3215 Thanatar 40k proxy

Hello fellow magos! I love the robotic forces of the mechanicus but am left disappointed with the lack of actual robot units in 40k.
I already proxy some castellax as kastelan robots but want to proxy a thanatar for 40k, I'm debating if the dunecrawler or disintigrator is the better choice for this, I feel like the profile and rules of the dunecrawler fits the thanatar better but I also think the indirect fire from the disintigrator is closer to the weapons on the model.
What are your thoughts on this? Which do you think is most suitable to use as a proxy?
submitted by Aggravating-City3215 to AdeptusMechanicus [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:40 _2886 Sleepy Time Sounds

Thank You to all who have downloaded my sleep app and testing it to it's full capacity. I was granted production and now my app is available on the play store.
Thank you again to this Community.
submitted by _2886 to TestersCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:40 RamzySba When you find an old book cleaning out your parents old place.... and you were an only child .

submitted by RamzySba to pics [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:40 tulipsmash Arcade with DDR or Stepmaniax in SLC?

Does anyone know if there are local arcades with DDR or Stepmaniax (or similar) cabinets?
Stepmaniax app says the arcade in West Valley Mall. Wondering if anyone is aware of any other options.
submitted by tulipsmash to SaltLakeCity [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:40 Papyrusnyehehe19 how would you react if this was the final 64 of BFB?

how would you react if this was the final 64 of BFB?
submitted by Papyrusnyehehe19 to BattleForDreamIsland [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:40 ji-yunn YouTube recap

YouTube recap Should I be concerned?? I don’t even watch Rivals content that’s all from Lud 😭
submitted by ji-yunn to LudwigAhgren [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:40 SynchronicityV1 Item store

So I play on game pass and was wondering if I buy a skin bundle there and if I get the game on steam will it transfer over or no?
submitted by SynchronicityV1 to BO6 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:40 purple_star_zone Tell Me Something I Don't Know About New Vegas

Title gives ya the gist. Been playing since 2016, 400 something hours and still finding new things.
New stuff I've found on this run includes (if something I mention is from a mod please let me know lol):

So yeah, tell me something little known and I'll see if I've seen or done it, if not I'll do it on this run! Doing a Melee only run where I nuked NCR and Legion before going to the strip.
submitted by purple_star_zone to fnv [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:40 xjxjessss What is a legendary skin? And how do you get them?

I’m seeing people mention that Viktor will get a legendary skin, I know that’s not for awhile but I’m just wondering what they are and how it works? Are they more expensive or something? Like what makes them legendary?
submitted by xjxjessss to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:40 rangerquiet Tarrant City Council Meeting Freakout

Tarrant City Council Meeting Freakout submitted by rangerquiet to CommitteeFights [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:40 YumxYummy Yuqi

submitted by YumxYummy to Yuqi [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:40 EquipmentLongjumping Acetone damage ❤️‍🩹

Hey guys, I was removing a brats doll face with nail acetone and I spilled some at my craft table… I should be more aware that the liquid got into the drawer and now my bluebird bubble bath is so damaged 😭 this one was already really damaged inside and I wanted to repurpose her as a purse mirror.
Anyone has a suggestion to revitalize/polish this? I saw people talking about headlight restorer to recover transparent plastic but I thought that maybe someone here could help me a little?
submitted by EquipmentLongjumping to pollypocket [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:40 Fair-Author9766 M30 my friends son saw my wife walk out of the shower naked. Session 058de6f1d38a5e32dce93c6fe35d3a61374fd8c7855253b810d7e5b8ddf2e86877

submitted by Fair-Author9766 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:40 Ch1nchillaRage_ Children by Vasquetch (me)

Children by Vasquetch (me) submitted by Ch1nchillaRage_ to CyberpunkArt [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:40 LucaParmar1234 The Gold Logo

Has Crunchyroll stopped using the gold logo with the Shonen Jump on top? Because they just used the blue logo for episode 1089, but everything else is in English
submitted by LucaParmar1234 to OnePiece [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:40 SagmaTheRealOne What Do You Have?

What do you have out of the following:
View Poll
submitted by SagmaTheRealOne to consoles [link] [comments]