2024.11.25 02:44 Ben_Mo If video games have taught me anything, I’m being led to a side quest here
submitted by Ben_Mo to videogames [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 02:44 jmfeldman Spirit of the Wild - Nigel Westlake
Hi all, I’ve recently performed Nigel Westlake’s Concerto for Oboe “Spirit of the Wild” on soprano saxophone. Let me know what you think! submitted by jmfeldman to saxophone [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 02:44 Educational-Let-1027 Are my children going to hear spirits like me?
I’m not going to act like I’m the clairvoyant that can see and hear everything because I can’t. But I do have a slight natural ability to hear voices of the dead. It comes at random times and it’s not pleasant. Nearly everyone in my family has had paranormal experiences. My mom, my dad, my grandparents from my mom’s side, my paternal great grandfather. Will my children inherit my ability?
submitted by Educational-Let-1027 to Paranormal [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 02:44 Old_Flatworm3 Nurses who went on to become a physicians
Just curious because it's a path I might like to pursue. I originally did pre-med but then switched to a compressed nursing program 3/4 of the way through due to mental health and financial reasons. I specialize in psych. I had always wanted to go on to become a psychiatrist. I have considered upward mobility in nursing in terms of becoming an NP, but I don't think this would be satisfying in terms of scope of practice and education. I have also considered research, I think that is something I would certainly like to do at some point but I'm not so sure it would be satisfying long term.
Anyways, I am a pretty new RN so I plan on getting my bearings straight and working a few years before deciding to try to write the MCAT and apply to med schools, if I even decide to do so. But I was just wondering if anyone here has experience with this pathway. It doesn't seem to be a common one.
submitted by Old_Flatworm3 to nursing [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 02:44 Motor_Farmer5501 Old engine vs New engine
Can someone explain the difference?
submitted by Motor_Farmer5501 to MuvLuv [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 02:44 mahagar92 SPSA 14 bug?
So I bought this SPSA 14 shotgun and I cant shoot it - when I try he will eject all ammo until its empty, then he reloads it. And then again.. am I missing something or its just a bug?
submitted by mahagar92 to stalker [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 02:44 RedGravetheDevil TBM Family member prayed for good weather for their driving trip…
Then praised god for personally giving them blue skies.
I am astounded at the arrogance and entitlement that weather would be changed for YOU without regard to the needs of millions of other people. But Thats Mormonism in a nutshell.
submitted by RedGravetheDevil to exmormon [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 02:44 BrilliantExpert9009 This is a follow up to the post I made earlier about the Disney contest. This is Charlotte Dobre's Channel on YouTube. She just posted a video today and I screenshot the time that this influencer tells a story similar to the giveaway that Alicia is talking about. (More information in the body text)
This influencer Bethany is telling a story about a contest giveaway that she could join as an influencer. It's really sketchy and it sounds similar to the type that Alicia's running. I screenshotted the exact time that she starts her story so that you don't have to watch the whole video if you don't want to. I think I opened a can of worms. A big MF can of worms! 😱 submitted by BrilliantExpert9009 to doughertydozenexposed [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 02:44 Bertohillo Slings/hoisting and tree stands/ climbers
How do y'all get your bow up in your stand? I've used a rope to hoist it up once I'm set up. I've used a sling which is a little awkward but I like the idea of having to take less time to pull up the bow untie it and Yada Yada Yada. I just recently tied a shorter piece of rope about a foot and a half to the bottom of my climber so once I'm set up it's right there under my feet and yet out of the way while climbing.
submitted by Bertohillo to bowhunting [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 02:44 Middle_Rule7764 Cucks cousin exposed - show me the irls you shouldn’t be jerking over (fam/crush/ex) - hmu at Kik/sess/TG in comments
submitted by Middle_Rule7764 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 02:44 Fast_Trade_9787 trading 4 codes ()_() DM MEEE
submitted by Fast_Trade_9787 to Goatapp [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 02:44 Artistic266 Another Speedy Order Fulfilled by Rapidfinil!
submitted by Artistic266 to CatsWithKittens [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 02:44 ur13mum711 NRSA status
My NROTC scholarship application status page said the following until last week:
"Application has been submitted online Your electronic application has been received and is being processed ... Your application is at Naval Education and Training Command for final processing and selection determination."
I was under the impression that this was the second to last stage but now my status says:
"Your application is at CNRC for additional processing ..."
Did my application status go backwards? I submitted at the beginning of November. I plan on calling my coordinator tomorrow but is there anything else I should know? Thanks!
submitted by ur13mum711 to NROTC [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 02:44 thesexycop Overnight Parking in Jaco
I rented a car & I’m staying at a little Airbnb in Jaco. Is my car going to get towed or ticked if I park overnight on the side street?
submitted by thesexycop to CostaRicaTravel [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 02:44 Moist-Principle-1183 Cholesterol
From a distance it looks like my eyes are brown, but I think they have a bit of green on the outside of my iris. The white rainbow shape on top is caused by high cholesterol (have always had it, take meds for it). Jealous as a snake at you blue/green/grey eyes folks hiss ☺️ submitted by Moist-Principle-1183 to WhatisMyEyeColour [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 02:44 Fawwazshafiq101 Whats his aslume name
submitted by Fawwazshafiq101 to BatmanArkham [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 02:44 bingbestsearchengine curcol dan minta saran menghadapi hama
For context:
Baru pindahan ke apartemen baru. Kontak setahun. Pas survey aman ; unit kondisi bersih rapi, gedungnya sendiri tua tapi bersih dan functional. Harga lumayan jg buat yg didapat. Apart nya 2 bed room, bareng roommate. Kita jarang di apart karena mayoritas kerja sampe malem (10 gt baru pulang). Kita gapernah masak di kitchen, selalu take out. Tong sampah cuma ada 1 di deket kitchen dan sering kita bersihin.
Bulan pertama ditempati tidak ada issue sama sekali.
Memasuki bulan kedua ditempati, ketemu 2 kecoa dan 1 laba laba kecil. Saya bisa hadapin kecoa, cuma jijik aja. Tapi laba laba agak takut karena trauma. Cuma yaudalah bunuh, move on.
Next weeknya kok ketemu lg beberapa kecoa (3 hari dari 7 hari). Selama ini saya bunuh pake smack aja gt sandal kek sapu kek.
Nah last weekend, entah kenapa pikir sekalian beli baygon deh. Semprot satu apart (hampir habis tuh beli baru kaleng baygon). Kithcen dan toilet apalagi. Saya tinggal nonton di kamar. Sejam lewat, keluar kamar... Ternyata banyak banget hama yang keluar dan (mayoritas) mati.
New kill streak record : 24 kecoa + 1 laba laba kecil
I can handle 1 atau 2 here and there.... but 24 is fucking too much lol.
Mau minta saran. Saya masih tahap adulting.
2024.11.25 02:44 shitscuits-and-gravy Auntie gotta FULL diaper
submitted by shitscuits-and-gravy to fishtanklive [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 02:44 Ok_Quail9760 Canada's threats against Mexico worked at bringing North America together
submitted by Ok_Quail9760 to MURICA [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 02:44 Centinuus If I could pay 100$ to have access to a camera feed of the basement right now I would
Listen close jet you could print yourself some money to spend on firing squad rifles
submitted by Centinuus to fishtanklive [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 02:44 SmugFrog Just saw this appear in the sky what is it and why is it there? (no mods btw)
submitted by SmugFrog to UAP [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 02:44 Personal-Contract396 Hi everyone the live you were all looking for to get clips from and send them are uploaded. [email protected] is the email for you to send whatever you want them to see.
submitted by Personal-Contract396 to justanotherbabymama [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 02:44 Chubbo1793 Mullvad & Amazon App Usage
Ever since the iOS 18 update, I noticed my 15 Pro would get hot after using the Amazon app, even if for just a minute. It would also drain my battery very quickly, sometimes dropping a percent per minute.
After remembering that Mullvad sometimes causes issues with some apps, I decided to test the Amazon app with Mullvad off and that fixed the issue.
Has anyone else had this issue since the iOS 18 update? Is this a known issue?
submitted by Chubbo1793 to mullvadvpn [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 02:44 hsjdjskkddkks What’s your favorite Nurse Heisel moment?
And why was she the only nurse in the entire show? submitted by hsjdjskkddkks to DesperateHousewives [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 02:44 Jolly_Reporter_2290 Failed bulk?
Hey guys, about 6 months into a bulk. What do you think? Overdone it?