Newest Tesla referral code for up to $1000 off your new Tesla Model S, Model 3, Model X, Model Y order or even a CyberTruck. ( latest code Updated November 24)

2024.11.25 03:40 Dzha2000 Newest Tesla referral code for up to $1000 off your new Tesla Model S, Model 3, Model X, Model Y order or even a CyberTruck. ( latest code Updated November 24)

Unlock up to $1,000 off your brand-new Tesla by using my referral link: No need for a promo code—just click the link and enjoy the discount on your next Tesla purchase!
Tesla recently changed their referral program and now model 3 and Y only get $500 discount and Model S, Model X, and now the CyberTruck get $1000 discount.
submitted by Dzha2000 to TeslaReferralsCode [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:40 CreduLouse Opinions Please

Looking for a Taycan to lease, not in love with the color but it is leather-free which is a must have for me. I intend to lease for 3 years so the warranty should cover me through ownership as I would like to experience an EV esp in a Porsche. I plan to drive less than 10,000 a year more like 7,500. My average range will be no more than 30-50 miles round trip with an occasional 100-150 mile round trip and a bi-annual 600 mile round trip. Driving in New England and the car will be garaged.
What are your opinions on this and if you know of better please share.
Thanks in advance for the feedback.
submitted by CreduLouse to Taycan [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:40 Aggravating-Salt-785 How did y’all survive college

I don’t understand how this is possible. I already took mental health leave. I take my pills my room stays clean, I exercise, I’m a go-getter when it comes to jobs and internships. But school…I can’t make a deadline to save my life and then it just piles on and on. My college is super understanding at this point pitying me cause they know my situation. Anyways it’s a mix of executive dysfunction and apathy. If I could pay my parents back all the money for tuition and run away that’d be the goal. I’m a senior tho. After this degree I can do whatever I want, run away or just give myself relief you’re not supposed to want cause again I did what I was told. I can’t go out a failure but at this point I can’t even run towards the finish line
submitted by Aggravating-Salt-785 to bipolar2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:40 dirtyharrison Mark Halperin: Never Trumpers and Liberal Media Stuck in 'Blue Bubble' Prior to Trump's Win

Mark Halperin: Never Trumpers and Liberal Media Stuck in 'Blue Bubble' Prior to Trump's Win submitted by dirtyharrison to NewsWhatever [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:40 Techswitzerland 木の・レンは、文字通り資格がなく、主にキノ・レンの妻が実際の商業スペースでウギ・タリスマンに基づいているため、新しいクリエイティブ・ディレクターが参加したロゴに300ドルの追加料金を支払う必要がないため、残念ながら縁故に、縁故主義による最大のL dhua10です。

木の・レンは、文字通り資格がなく、主にキノ・レンの妻が実際の商業スペースでウギ・タリスマンに基づいているため、新しいクリエイティブ・ディレクターが参加したロゴに300ドルの追加料金を支払う必要がないため、残念ながら縁故に、縁故主義による最大のL dhua10です。 submitted by Techswitzerland to Kinorenschedules [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:40 maybeimtheproblemm Help

can someone teach me how to drive :( please
submitted by maybeimtheproblemm to SanJose [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:40 Fantastic_Elk_ It's this Pokémon Ruby legitimate?

It's this Pokémon Ruby legitimate? I buy this copy A few years ago and when I bought it I never thought it could be a reproduction, recently I discovered the amount of fakes out there so I decided to ask here if it's a real copy or not
Unfortunately that is the condition I bought it in.
submitted by Fantastic_Elk_ to gameverifying [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:40 Background-Salad9987 Random story

Im a teenage boy and I'm honestly embarrassed about my eating disorder. It started a while back when i started gaining weight from binge eating during a wave of depression and i was determined to lose weight. I have always had an extreme fear of gaining weight ever since i could remember and i started to develop bad body dysmorphia even tho i am already very slim to begin with. My whole life all i could ever think about was food and weight and im not sure why. Back in January when it started i would only go on "diets" but i would end up binging again once i lost the weight and would just gain it all back immediately. I just kept the cycle going but each time i would give up. I would end up sleeping the whole day for months so i wouldnt have to eat anything. For a while i got a little better and i started eating normal for maybe a few weeks but then one day i felt horrible about myself and thats when i started my "diets" again but i kept cutting more and more meals out. In june wouldnt eat much a day and had to smoke to be able to eat a proper meal. Then in July it got really bad and i went to smoking cigarettes drinking water and only eating a granola bar a day for around two weeks. My skin turned yellow, my undereyes turned purple and i felt cold and weak so much so that i couldn't get out of bed much so that i couldn't get out of bed or shower without almost passing out. I couldn't sleep at night and had to take 5 melatonins to be able to fall asleep. This started a cycle another cycle and i didn't realize what i was doing was unhealthy. This cycle lasted til late august until i started feeling better again even though the thought of food was always running through my mind. In September i started bringing an apple to eat at school and then i would eat half of my dinner and go on 4 hour walks around the town because i felt guilty for eating and i felt like i was eating too much and i needed to burn off the calories. I started counting and writing the amounts of food and calories i would eat and i decided to cut out eating dinners meaning that i would only eat a bagel or an apple a day. My eating cycles were still wonky during October. Somedays i would do good and eat a good amount of food but then the next day i couldn't bring myself to eat. During this my mom noticeably started realizing what i was doing and would let me me pick out meals, trick me into going to a restaurant or randomly bringing me food after work. I feel bad for making her do this because normally she would've lectured me about sending me away so its weird. Now recently I started my cycle of smoking and skipping my meals again and im scared i will take it too far. because i feel proud of myself for starting the cycle again but i know i shouldnt. I thought i was recovering. The other day i had to go home early from a thrifting trip with my friend because i could barely keep myself up from how tired and weak i was and had to lay in my bed for the rest of the evening. My brain was so foggy. Everytime i try eating i feel extremely nauseous and sick. All i ever think about is food and calories i can't sleep at night. Ive tried talking to my friends about it but they usually tell me im skinny enough or that my body dysmophia should get to a point or they just end up not listening and i get that there not a therapist or anything like that and i don't expect them to be but its tiring sometimes. They constantly make comments about my body or make offensive comments towards EDs for absolutely no reason and i don’t get it. I really want help because i do not want to keep living like this and i want to be able to enjoy my life again. Im extremely embarrassed to have anorexia as a boy and most people disregard it because of my gender so im lost. Sorry if this makes no sense English isn’t my first language.
submitted by Background-Salad9987 to AnorexiaNervosa [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:40 DevelopmentJumpy5218 Quick question

Is this the subreddit for the game that came out in 2018?
submitted by DevelopmentJumpy5218 to Battletechgame [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:40 Bassoon55 Gildan 18000 Embroidery

Has anyone had good luck with embroidery on the Gildan 18000? I've seen a lot of issues people have had with Dimona (loose threads, absolutely giant untrimmed backing). Has Fullfil Engine been more reliable? Thanks!
submitted by Bassoon55 to Printify [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:40 mmparody Petro Pelele aprenda de Bukele

La dictadura de Nayib Bukele en El Salvador torturando a sus ciudadanos con paz y tranquilidad para celebrar Navidad en las calles.
La Paz de Petro nos regresó a los 90’s: Secuestros, extorsion, desuñaría de líderes sociales, inseguridad en muchas regiones del país, en fin el gobierno de criminales para criminales.
submitted by mmparody to ColombiaReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:40 WizzzRad 355291410415 Groudon

355291410415 Groudon submitted by WizzzRad to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:40 Lucky_Quail_3953 Duolingo Japanese

I’m on section 1 unit 8 for Japanese in Duolingo and I’m having an issue with the talking portion. When I say the sentence it will hi-light blue indicating that my pronunciation was correct but then when I continue speaking it will undo one of the earlier parts. I’ve been stuck on the speaking portion for over a week now and no matter how fast, slow, loud, or even If I do it with or without headphones it keeps doing this. I’m not sure why this is happening and I’m curious if anyone else is having a similar issue. It keeps specifically happening with the first word or “wa” regardless of how easy the word is.
submitted by Lucky_Quail_3953 to duolingojapanese [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:40 Wireless_Future New to GX-100 - Long Pressing Bank

Seems since the last firmware update, long pressing the bank buttons no longer scrolls quickly through the banks. Do we care?
submitted by Wireless_Future to BossGX100 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:40 ViviBrazilianGrl Hi :)

submitted by ViviBrazilianGrl to SexyButNotNude [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:40 philosophicnoodle I feel so broken

The title. I feel so broken and filled with despair. I don't like who I am anymore, and feel like a burden to my family. I always seem tense, and irritable. I can't sleep enough. I want my wife and kids to be happy, but feel like I always ruin it. I don't drink or smoke, and I'm not an angry person but lately I seem to be so irritable I ruin every outing, evening, or special occasion. I hate myself and can't see my family feeling differently either. I feel like they would all be better off without me around anymore. I don't know what's happening to me and I'm so tired. I just want it to end.
submitted by philosophicnoodle to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:40 Trainzfan1 Tips for a beginner?

So I'm new to railroads online. I watched like 5 videos of it in 2021 and then forgot about it because I'm a console gamer. But now that it's coming to console on the 5th, I'm definitely picking it up. So anything I should avoid? Things I should do?
submitted by Trainzfan1 to RailroadsOnline [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:40 Zi1346 Xfinity is not canceling my service

I called xfinity and asked to canceled my internet and cable service , they even sent me a confirmation email that my service will be disconnected on November 18, however still the service is not disconnected and my online account shows a bill due on December 6th. I called 4 times and talk with a representative, told them I have already paid in November and dont want to pay another bill, they said ok but they never disconnected the setvice. What should I do ?
submitted by Zi1346 to Comcast_Xfinity [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:40 bloodtype_darkroast Orange Blep

Orange Blep Title. George bleps.
submitted by bloodtype_darkroast to cats [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:40 Ender5674Light SO DO I LOOK?

submitted by Ender5674Light to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:40 PalpitationFar9904 LET GO my most popular song right now please like subscribe and also check out my other muisc

LET GO my most popular song right now please like subscribe and also check out my other muisc submitted by PalpitationFar9904 to youtube [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:40 evelynhutton Is Chat GPT good for content marketing?

Has anyone used ChatGPT for content creation in marketing? How effective is it?
submitted by evelynhutton to ChatGPT [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:40 Creepy-Membership564 Can anybody help me with converting wbfs to wup?

I need help converting wbfs files to wup but I don't know how.
submitted by Creepy-Membership564 to wiiu [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:40 Im_Not_Here2day What are your favorite low calorie foods that people might not be aware of?

submitted by Im_Not_Here2day to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:40 maximeWTH What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by maximeWTH to Pixelary [link] [comments]