2024.11.25 03:40 cyberjerry42 Need help to evaluate my current financial situation
Hey all, I'm somewhat financially illiterate and would like some advice. Here's a bit of info about my current situation:
Income: 100k/y RRSP & FHSA: ~30k$ Line of credit: 10k$ Credit card limit: 500$ Debt: 2k$ Stocks my company gave me: 50k$ (as of today)
The reason why my credit card is so low is that 7 years ago I got in debt pretty bad which completely tanked my credit. Thankfully I have a job that pays very well now and I've managed to bump my credit score from ~450 to 705 as of today. I recently made a demand to increase my limit to 2k which is (according to my bank) very reasonable.
My GF and I are aiming at buying a ~500k house with a 20% cashdown once she's done with her PHD.
I'm aiming at retiring at roughly 60-65 (earlier if possible) and am currently 27.
All this being said, am I doing this rights? I think I'm somewhat on thr right track but I'm really not sure. What could be improved here? Thanks!
submitted by cyberjerry42 to PersonalFinanceCanada [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 03:40 kiralacus123 Lovebird nesting box bedding material
For those who are used nesting wooden houses during your lovebird pregnancy stages, other than letting your lovebirds tear paper to bring back, my family went ahead to add in hamster wood shavings and some shredded tissue papers. My concern is will this hamster wood shavings cause any issue to my lovebirds when they nest in the nesting wooden house?
submitted by kiralacus123 to Lovebirds [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 03:40 shven50 What's the difference?
I'm fairly new to colognes. In terms of the product you're getting, are these completely different products? submitted by shven50 to Colognes [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 03:40 Upbeat_Tea_9218 I’m so happy!!
submitted by Upbeat_Tea_9218 to Brawlstars [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 03:40 FREAKYCHIPMUNKS Let’s go have fun I said
Then my evil ex wife made me pay child support
submitted by FREAKYCHIPMUNKS to 2sentence2horror [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 03:40 ItzBingus our hank is also op, right gang
submitted by ItzBingus to madnesscombat [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 03:40 BassAddict Gaming Mouse Recommendation - Mad Catz Rat 7 Replacement
I am in the middle of building a new computer for video editing and gaming. I currently use a Mad Catz RAT 7, and I have absolutely loved it over the years, but it's aged fairly well -- still has some life in it, but it's time to upgrade as the rubber material is well beyond the original comfort. I love the weight of the mouse and the adjustability of the thumb, pinky and palm rest.
What I'm looking for is a mouse as similar to the Mad Catz RAT 7 as possible. Has anyone used a RAT 7 and upgraded to another mouse you really enjoy or does anyone have any recommendations on a mouse with weight control and thumb and pinky rest options.
submitted by BassAddict to buildapc [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 03:40 Milky_mooose93 You had 15 seconds to broadcast one message on every tech device, what are you saying?
submitted by Milky_mooose93 to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 03:40 TheGreatPolinator Making Unorthodox actions relatable
How do you make the presumption of infidelity so relatable that the protagonists' most outlandish actions - like spying on their boyfriend, for example - seem legitimate? Are there movie examples that help illustrate this concept?
So far, the only example of a relatable antagonist is Grave Digger in the DCU show Black Lightning. His backstory gave me pause as well as forced me to his side. Who wouldn't understand seeking retribution for the segregation of metahumans post WWII?
Any suggestions are welcome, with a request to refrain from using profanity. Thanks.
submitted by TheGreatPolinator to writing [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 03:40 yakmE1117 whoa, that was cool
submitted by yakmE1117 to DesirePath [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 03:40 Nasteczka feeling of lock in the knee
21F, 170cm
For a long time, while riding a bike, performing similar movements and while squatting, I have had a feeling of blockage in my knee. When riding a bike, there is terrible pain, I can't ride a bike - I feel like my knees are locking. No tests showed anything, doctors don’t know what is wrong with me, maybe some of you have a similar problem. Knee pain is lockated like on pic but inside
submitted by Nasteczka to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 03:40 _HUGE_MAN Europan EOD Meets Mama (design from oZoZ Lozva)
submitted by _HUGE_MAN to TheForeverWinter [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 03:40 fizz_007 To the childcare educator - Have your centre enrolled for the worker retention pay rise?
My partner works as a educator in childcare and was initially excited about the 10%+5% pay increase that was announced in August.
However, after finding out they it's a enrolment process by the centre and only eligible for 2 years as a grant rather then actually payrise. Further, the centre can choose to enrol or not and some decided against it such as apparently good start.
To all the educator, have your centre enrolled into this or had any discussions around this?
submitted by fizz_007 to melbourne [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 03:40 OkAdvertising1495 What's your record of heads in a row? Mines 13. 1 in 8192 "odds"...Shiny odds!
submitted by OkAdvertising1495 to PTCGP [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 03:40 DropMyCroisant Help choose my first 2011
As the title states, I’ve gotten the 2011 bug. My wife is going to kill me, but we will deal with that later lol I’ve narrowed to 2: Watchtower Apache PewView Limited, or the Staccato XC. The Apache I’ve found is about $750 cheaper however I know Staccato has an absolute cult following so I am expecting the mass majority to say Staccato. submitted by DropMyCroisant to 2011 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 03:40 First_Day_1686 R4A Merit Oct1-15
Hello , meron na ba kayo stipend?
submitted by First_Day_1686 to dostscholars [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 03:40 EfficientMeet9535 Pokémon Emulator Game
Is Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver the same game or are they two completely separate games? I am very uneducated in the Pokemon sense, but I wanted to get an emulator on my phone to play. A quick google search told me that HGSS was one of the best, but that made it sound like one game. I can't really tell sadly, so that's why I am asking for help. Thanks!
submitted by EfficientMeet9535 to pokemon [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 03:40 Sage_Varun Roast my resume, looking for project/program management internship for summer 2025
Resume is attached here as an image, thank you!
submitted by Sage_Varun to PMCareers [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 03:40 RoyalRetriver Mega Auction Day 1 done right! ✅ #TitansFAM, #AavaDe | #TATAIPLAuction | #TATAIPL
по каким правилам нужно их соблюдать submitted by RoyalRetriver to Gujarat_Titans [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 03:40 downtownrob [USA-CA][H] Steam Deck OLED 2TB Limited Edition [W] PayPal G&S
Steam Deck OLED 2TB Limited Edition, factory reset, with latest firmware. I upgraded it from 1TB to 2TB, works great. OLED is beautiful. Like new, zero issues, limited edition orange colors and case. I love it but bought a new gaming laptop, so no longer need it. $675 plus shipping costs based on ZIP seems like a decent price?
Images/timestamp: https://imgur.com/a/kENYRS2
submitted by downtownrob to hardwareswap [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 03:40 businessbub can't go wrong with a grilled ribeye steak, mashed potatoes, & beef gravy
Seasoning: Kinders Buttery Steakhouse submitted by businessbub to steak [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 03:40 AdReasonable4490 What does this say about my personality and what i should do(career) in life?
I am just curious about the personality thing- but I have been stuck recently trying to decide what to do for a career. I am in college and I’m just unsure. Does this have any insights on what kind of field I should pursue? submitted by AdReasonable4490 to astrologyreadings [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 03:40 Y45ka Does being arrogant make you a kaffir?
Does arrogance over another person or people make you a kaffir and take you out of the fold of Islam?
submitted by Y45ka to islam [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 03:40 Aggravating_Goose784 MU: How did Mike and Sully become a scare team when they never even finished college ?
As we all know in the prequel the dynamic duo got expelled and started working in the mailroom at MI and then somehow ranked their way up to a scare team,the best one at that but my thing is how ?, wouldn’t Sully still need a college degree to become a scarer, and surely you need a degree to become a scare assistant too right ?
submitted by Aggravating_Goose784 to Pixar [link] [comments]
Fucking line them up and shoot them both.
submitted by Jazzlike-Seesaw585 to fantasybball [link] [comments]