Newbie in Khobar

2024.11.25 03:29 Amiraxdima Newbie in Khobar

What are things that locals in Khobar do, or places they go to, that are only known to locals?
PS, I’m new to the area and I’m staying here for a while bc of the war in Lebanon.
submitted by Amiraxdima to saudiarabia [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:29 Anvors What am I going through.

I've recently entered a relationship with a guy (we're both 22) I'm enamored with. I love - a bit too soon to say love but not sure what else to describe it as - him differently than what I've experienced before, I see him as a person with complex wants, needs, desires and ache to know what's going on behind his eyes every night. We've been dating for just 4 months now and things have not been great recently. I feel neglected to say the least and can't wrap my head around what's changed. In the beginning we had a mutual attachment and during a week I spent with my family he was very actively reaching out to me and wanted to know what I was up to. We otherwise see eachother every day cause we live very close. In this relationship I feel intense emotional stress and also longing. I've had on numerous occasions had to decipher what he's feeling or thinking, and when I bring up my emotions I often end up having to apologize when he ultimately withdraws from me and makes me feel like I've done something wrong. He used to care about me some but I can't say that's the case anymore, he doesn't ask about me much or make an effort to compliment me or seek a deeper connection. He's completely content to watch TikTok at night before bed when all I want to do is stare in his eyes. He's obsessed with his own body and often posts on Instagram, when I commented on this asking if he was seeking attention he got very defensive and that started a bit of a rift. He has never initiated sex and hardly kisses me. I wonder why he is even with me. When I explicitly ask him he is usually reassuring but also dismissive saying things like of course he wants to have sex with me etc etc. These days we see eachother at home mostly, I want to go do activities and stuff but it seems he prioritizes his friends and has so much more energetic fun with them. I feel like a backup in way which is tearing me apart. When we are together like I mentioned he's addicted to his phone. When we have deep talks it's like pulling teeth to get him to open up to me, and when we have had disagreements in the past he would shut down completely in person, leave my house, then text me an hour later how he's feeling, usually something apologetic. In these moments I feel utterly worthless and sick to my stomach. I'm not sure if there are cultural differences at work here, maturity differences at work, or just incompatibility. In the past he's talked about the future and us together and I'm not sure if that's all smoke and mirrors or not. It's also worth mentioning he's working three different jobs now and I have been working hard to recognize how exhausting it must be. I'm so conflicted, at night and in the morning he's more affectionate cuddly and sincere but I don't get that throughout the day and in the evenings. For someone who's addicted to their phone he takes a long time to respond too. I just need to bite the bullet here, but I can't imagine not having him around.
submitted by Anvors to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:29 lawrencefishbaurne I'm so confused

I'm so confused Trying to get started but something's up with doc Mitchell's entrance, and I keep getting popups about being poor. Doubt they're unrelated. I'm under the impression the bathroom doors are conflicting with Doctors house, but I've tried a few different ways to put it and it still happens. No clue about the being poor. It just keeps flashing, like, consistently. It's kinda depressing ngl
submitted by lawrencefishbaurne to FalloutNewVegasMods [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:29 Sufficient-Error-795 Engine Roll Call

I found a better quality version of the PT-BR S8-S12 engine roll call!
submitted by Sufficient-Error-795 to thomasthetankengine [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:29 xatfi Pizzakeisari myi tähtiravintolansa omistuksen ja perusti uuden firman – Hakee nyt kasvua ”bunkkeri bunkkerilta”

Pizzakeisari myi tähtiravintolansa omistuksen ja perusti uuden firman – Hakee nyt kasvua ”bunkkeri bunkkerilta” submitted by xatfi to Uutiset [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:29 logisticscore 25 [M4F]: looking for sadistic girls around my age or older for chat that like the idea of hurting a guys balls to control or punish him

Hey! I’m 25, and I’m just looking for a sadistic girl that likes the idea of hurting guys in their most sensitive, intimate spot to have a conversation with! Teasing and such welcome, lol. I’m mostly just looking for conversation up front. My balls are super sensitive, so this is mostly for the girls that like conversation and teasing and such, but depending on how we get along, I could be down for something more. If you’re interested, send me a chat saying what you like about this kind of stuff.
I have a preference for the more cute kind of dominations, opposed to super strict and serious. But open to many kinds of dynamics. Please be over 20, around my age and able to form sentences and like chatting and such. Chats opens! Findoms of any kind, stay away submitted by logisticscore to LetsChat [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:29 ExplanationNo5343 devil as the current situation when asking about romance?

so for context, I did my usual daily spread (celtic cross) just about life in general and I got the Lovers for #6 as approaching influence and 2 of Cups for #10 as outcome. I read that this combo means something like there’s mutual attraction and a choice incoming for something that runs deeper, is generally a good indicator of romance, but can also be about career or health
I had a flirtation going a few weeks ago that didn’t go anywhere and I’ve been on dating apps this week, but I don’t have any real connections currently, so I decided to do a spread specific to romance asking “what’s my current romantic situation” to see if it’s related and I’m a little confused
I got the Devil as my current situation, which seems to be about lust, codependency, and mistaking something else for love. I’m not really sure what this means? Because then I also got both the Knight of Wands and Knight of Cups which seems to indicate a strong and fast romantic connection; full spread below
1 - Devil 2 - Strength 3 - 7 of Swords 4 - Queen of Swords 5 - 9 of Wands 6 - Temperance 7 - 8 of Coins 8 - Hermit 9 - Knight of Wands 10 - Knight of Cups
Any thoughts on what this spread means regarding romance? Overall I’m just very confused so any thoughts would be much appreciated :)
submitted by ExplanationNo5343 to tarot [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:29 Wubbzy-mon Hidden gem?

Hidden gem? submitted by Wubbzy-mon to tomorrow [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:29 Charming-Promotion92 Expanded item hitboxes

I swear Survival is more buggier than normal Fallout 4, all of a sudden turrets, generators and now mannequin hitboxes are extended i don’t know how to fix this
submitted by Charming-Promotion92 to Fallout [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:29 hydranoid1996 ME:I - Beyond (Feat Te Vaka) (Ending Credit Ver.) (From “Moana 2” Japanese Soundtrack Ver.)

ME:I - Beyond (Feat Te Vaka) (Ending Credit Ver.) (From “Moana 2” Japanese Soundtrack Ver.) submitted by hydranoid1996 to kpop [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:29 Krishblvd Good disco house sets/dj’s

I have been listening to countless sets all across the app and haven’t quite found any that resonate with me. For some context, kaytranada, kylie and danii minogue, modjo, daft punk are in my rotation heavy rn and want more dance/house music along those lines. Pls help thanks so much. :)))
submitted by Krishblvd to NTSradio [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:29 Important-Month8994 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Important-Month8994 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:29 buce15 [Request] If you empty a bag with an even number of coins onto a table, what are the odds half land on heads and half on tails?

Just curious as to the math behind this and how it changes from n=10 to n=100 etc. I'm sure it's pretty straight forward. Thanks!
submitted by buce15 to theydidthemath [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:29 KaidenU12 Oh glorious Ouija, what is the most attractive part of the body?

submitted by KaidenU12 to AskOuija [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:29 godess_milla Turtle ! Let's drive! I'm your top man

Turtle ! Let's drive! I'm your top man submitted by godess_milla to Awww [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:29 BlazinBoom21YT Can I just say that Quincy’s victory pose looks straight up dumb

Can I just say that Quincy’s victory pose looks straight up dumb This pose looks super stupid from the way he makes that face and moves his hips while holding his bow in the air, just doesn’t feel very Quincy and something he would do. All of his other ingame art, animations, and voice lines feel Quincy and I have no problems with. So NK, please fix this or let us customize hero animations like in Battles 2.
submitted by BlazinBoom21YT to bloonscardstorm [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:29 Personalized_Rock 🎵 Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, now we start again🎵🎶 🦉

and again :) an d aga in : ) a n d ag, æi. ; : )
submitted by Personalized_Rock to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:29 Jon__Targaryen19 Aranza 😍😍😍

Aranza 😍😍😍 submitted by Jon__Targaryen19 to FamosasFap [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:29 ButterflyMiserable45 Dog is frequently expressing anal glands and has weird shaped poop.

My dog is 1.5 years old and is a male corgi mix (neutered). Recently we had an issue with him expressing his anal glands on the couch when relaxing so we upped his fiber intake (Glandex) and took him in to get them expressed at the vet. Tech said everything with his butt seemed normal. Then four days later he starts expressing in the house again. 3+ times per day and seems to be correlated with when he has to poop. The addition of fiber has improved his poop consistency but seems to have made the expressions more frequent. I scheduled a vet appointment for Tuesday but wondering if anyone has seen anything similar or has any ideas of what I could be expecting. The other change in him we have seen during this period is in the shape of his poop. The beginning 0.5 to 1 inches of his poop seem to be folded coming out.
My working theory as someone with absolutely no knowledge is that there’s some issue in his colon like a minor intussusception or something similar and this is causing extra pressure at the end of his digestive tract, causing the frequent expression and the shape of his poop to look folded at the end.
Has anyone seen symptoms like these or have any ideas to what this could be? Or am I overthinking it? He’s only been on the Glandex for a week so I’m wondering if it’s too early to tell if there’s any changes, but the amount of expressions seems concerning and more than the typical gland issues.
submitted by ButterflyMiserable45 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:29 strakerak What was the schoolbus/playground rumor of your time?

submitted by strakerak to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:29 brenpeter Looking for a Dodge Charger Super Bee model

I'm looking to print a copy of my little brother's old car as a Christmas gift. He had a 2013 Dodge Charger SRT8 Super Bee. Any help in this search would be amazing!
submitted by brenpeter to 3Dprinting [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:29 RutabagaStriking5921 Any professional bodybuilder/athlete eating no egg or any non veg

Wondering what a good diet looks like when you are competing on a pure vegetarian diet that excludes eggs and any forms of meat.
submitted by RutabagaStriking5921 to Fitness_India [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:29 Ilovecarsandchicks How to get rid of this lag ?

I know ever since they integrated mw3 DMZ has been lagging bad which is why I quit. Recently tried to enjoy it but It’s been to the point where I loose a fight due to the packet loss and ping . Anyone have any solutions
submitted by Ilovecarsandchicks to DMZ [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:29 Admirable-Sir246 Twisted Wonderland Edit (Pomefiore)
submitted by Admirable-Sir246 to TwistedWonderland [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:29 SuddenJob9618 Reformed is a denomination but there's still division within it?

It's not easy to think denomination exist because people especially leaders have their own agenda. They could split because the issue of the lord super?! Ok fine let's assume Calvin got it right. After awhile there are division within the reformed denomination that about something else. If I'm not a believer I really did see religion as a playground for selfish ambition. Especially for church that never endorsed by other church yet keep saying they're doing best for God. In a city there are so many Christian and churches, how could it be they're the only one who got it right?
submitted by SuddenJob9618 to Reformed [link] [comments]