2024.11.25 04:47 Advanced-Being8911 Sourdough Discard Cinnamon Sugar Crackers
submitted by Advanced-Being8911 to SourdoughDiscard [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 04:47 Sea-Individual-7021 Looking for a video(with little info on it)
I'm looking for a video with the line "oh she's gone girl she hit a regina" said by Jeff, I think it was one of the older ones maybe with Polecat, I dont really remember anything other than that sadly, I say the line all the time and want to rewatch the og vid, if anyone can help that would be helpful
submitted by Sea-Individual-7021 to bayareabuggs [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 04:47 Quality_Potato Big Ass B!
submitted by Quality_Potato to UnexpectedMulaney [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 04:47 Flat_Broccoli_3801 медицинский туризм для женской стерилизации
доброго дня всем сосабовцам (:D), long time lurker, first time poster. возможно, странное место для подобного вопроса, но иных сабов, которые ощущались бы сейфспейсом касательно всего, что осуждается/запрещается в РФ, я не знаю.
мне скоро исполняется 18 лет, и по множеству разных причин (от связанных со здоровьем до идеологических) я никогда не хочу иметь биологических детей. беременность, скорее всего, уничтожит мое тело, жалкие остатки какого-либо здоровья, что у меня всё еще есть, менталку и в целом жизнь. официальных противопоказаний нет, но я уверена в одном — я не готова идти ни на какой из рисков, связанных с беременностью, если на кону стоит даже малейшее ухудшение уровня жизни (а риски объективно велики). если я забеременею и у меня не будет возможности прервать эту беременность, я убью себя.
ситуацию, думаю, вы все знаете: закручивают гайки, активно пытаются запретить аборты, тянутся и к контрацепции, законы про стерилизацию не позволят таковую осуществить ни женщине, ни мужчине до 35 лет, пропаганда деторождения из каждого угла, стандартная и мерзкая хуйня.
будь мы в нормальной стране, я бы не стала идти на подобный радикальный шаг, но 1) гормональную контрацепцию я переношу плохо + очень сложно соблюдать строгий временной режим + постоянное высасывание денег 2) внутриматочные спирали могут обладать неприятными постоянными побочками + стоят нихуя не дёшево 3) презерватив порвется, одновременно вдруг запретят аборты — всё, гг, рожай и не выебывайся. а у меня есть постоянный партнёр (тоже чайлдфри), с которым мы за несколько лет отношений ни разу не занялись и не собираемся заниматься проникающим сексом именно из-за моей боязни беременности. в общем, перспектива такая — либо остаюсь девственницей на неопределённое количество лет, либо играю с судьбой, а случайный залёт, если очень сильно не повезет с таймингом, эквивалентен суициду.
дисклеймер — никаких разубеждений с медицинской точки зрения слушать не буду, операцию изучала и о ней прекрасно осведомлена, о нежелании иметь детей решила лет с 11 и с тех пор оно ни разу не колебалось, с "ещо вырастеш передумаеш ууу неразвитасть корымозга" — лесом.
есть ли у кого-то опыт/релевантная информация касательно выполнения лапароскопической перевязки труб за пределами РФ? знаю, что в Кыргызстане выполняют по желанию с 18 лет, но продолжительный поиск инфы не увенчался успехом и никакого полезного опыта конкретных людей я найти не смогла.
на всякий случай ещё немного бэкграунда обо мне — операции иного рода были несколько раз, наркоза и восстановления не боюсь; ни разу не была за границей, не летала на самолетах и не путешествовала, но особого страха нет; опыта взаимодействия с каким-либо частным здравоохранением у меня ровно ноль, поэтому я не в курсе, как в целом должны работать назначение и оплата платных медицинских услуг с точки зрения сроков, необходимых документов, возможного проживания/питания. деньги — более-менее не проблема, так как собираюсь долгое время копить специально на операцию. от родителей, естественно, буду держать в секрете как минимум до того, как всё произойдёт.
2024.11.25 04:47 ZooterTheWooter TCG cards not working?
I downloaded BepinEx and put my mods in the plugin folder. My fastpack mod isnt working but my handsnotfull mod is.
Any reason this is?
submitted by ZooterTheWooter to TCGCardShopSimulator [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 04:47 ExplorerNo160 Teleguard trading beast
submitted by ExplorerNo160 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 04:47 Impressive-Engine822 Sender AI ASI
📣Bitget listet Sender AI (ASI). Kommen Sie und sichern Sie sich einen Anteil von 2.816.000 ASI❗️ 👉Wir freuen uns, ankündigen zu können, dass Sender AI (ASI) in der Innovation and AI Zone gelistet sein wird. Sehen Sie sich die Details unten an: 👉Einzahlung verfügbar: Eröffnet: 📅Handel möglich: 21. November 2024, 11:00 (UTC) 📅Abhebung verfügbar: 22. November 2024, 12:00 (UTC) 👉Link zum Spothandel: ASI/USDT 💪Aktivität: PoolX - DOGE sperren, um ASI-Airdrop zu erhalten 📅Sperrfrist: 21. November 2024, 11:00 - 1. Dezember 2024, 11:00 (UTC) 🏆Airdrops insgesamt = 1.050.000 ASI 💪Aktion 2: CandyBomb - Einzahlen und Tauschen, um ASI-Airdrops zu erhalten 📅Aktionszeitraum: 21. November 2024, 11:00 - 28. November 2024, 11:00 (UTC) ✍️Details zur Aktion: 🔗https://www.bitget.com/de/support/articles/12560603818526 bitget #BGB #staking #cryptocurrency #ethereum #crypto #ETH #trading #bitcoin #BTC #ASI submitted by Impressive-Engine822 to BitgetReddit [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 04:47 platinumdisco- All MBA Colleges in India Categorisation
submitted by platinumdisco- to collegeindia [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 04:47 Medical_Employer7613 Some footage from an adventure ride this weekend
submitted by Medical_Employer7613 to Tenere700 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 04:47 FlyingScarecro H: (can craft) bloodied, overeater's, quad, unyielding and vampire's W: 2x anti armor
submitted by FlyingScarecro to Market76 [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 04:47 BicycleEuphoric7823 Another chance to sparkle
Very good to see, I’d personally of been more inclined to go for Parfitt, so let’s hope he gets another look at AFL.
submitted by BicycleEuphoric7823 to GeelongCats [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 04:47 SadBrazilian7 Have not played for a year.
I have not played the game for a whole year, literally. I am currently installing it right now but what has changed since then? I main blight and huntress. And for survivor my main build was Dead hard, OTR, adrenaline and resilience.
submitted by SadBrazilian7 to deadbydaylight [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 04:47 DoubtChemical2668 Anyone else's fish come to you when you tap the glass? They know it's feeding time
submitted by DoubtChemical2668 to Aquariums [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 04:47 SurpriseHopeful4535 changing majors
I'm a sophomore at UTSA and I am very behind at my coding skills, I have no passion to code at all. Also the job market is bad. My major is computer science and honestly I was to change it, but I have ethnic parents and also I would probably be behind, Do you guys know and majors I could do that are similar and wouldn't extend my time being in school for more than a year.
submitted by SurpriseHopeful4535 to UTSA [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 04:47 annabelleboocurls Strong symbol of change and freedom
submitted by annabelleboocurls to Awww [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 04:47 shreejisteelcor Cold-Formed vs. Hot-Rolled Structural Steel: What’s the Difference?
Cold-Formed vs. Hot-Rolled Structural Steel: What’s the Difference? When it comes to structural steel, two common methods of processing are cold-formed and hot-rolled. Both methods have their own unique characteristics and applications, making it important to understand the differences between the two. In this blog post, we will explore the distinctions between cold-formed and hot-rolled structural steel to help you make informed decisions for your projects.
Hot-rolled structural steel, as the name suggests, is processed at high temperatures, typically above 1700 degrees Fahrenheit. This method involves rolling the steel into various shapes and sizes, resulting in a finished product with a rough surface finish. Hot-rolled steel is known for its strength and durability, making it suitable for a wide range of applications, such as construction, manufacturing, and infrastructure projects.
On the other hand, cold-formed structural steel is processed at room temperature, using a series of rollers to shape the steel into the desired form. This method results in a smoother surface finish and tighter dimensional tolerances compared to hot-rolled steel. Cold-formed steel is commonly used in applications where precision and aesthetics are important, such as in the production of furniture, automotive components, and architectural structures.
Shree Ji Steel Private Limited, a leading supplier of mild steel materials in India, specializes in hot-rolled steel products. The company offers a wide range of hot-rolled structural steel products, including beams, channels, angles, and plates, all of which are manufactured to meet the highest quality standards. With a strong presence in the market, Shree Ji Steel Private Limited has established itself as a trusted supplier of hot-rolled steel materials on a PAN India basis.
While hot-rolled steel is known for its strength and durability, cold-formed steel offers advantages in terms of cost-effectiveness and design flexibility. Cold-formed steel is easier to work with and can be customized to meet specific project requirements, making it a popular choice for a variety of applications. Additionally, cold-formed steel is recyclable and environmentally friendly, making it a sustainable option for construction projects.
In conclusion, the choice between cold-formed and hot-rolled structural steel depends on the specific requirements of your project. Hot-rolled steel is ideal for applications where strength and durability are paramount, while cold-formed steel offers advantages in terms of cost-effectiveness and design flexibility. Whether you choose hot-rolled or cold-formed structural steel, Shree Ji Steel Private Limited has you covered with a wide selection of high-quality products to meet your needs. Choose Shree Ji Steel Private Limited for all your hot-rolled structural steel requirements and experience the difference in quality and service.
Product Page: https://shreejisteelcorp.com/products/
Website: https://shreejisteelcorp.com/
submitted by shreejisteelcor to IronAndSteel [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 04:47 _uwu_moe What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by _uwu_moe to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 04:47 Aughost_ Back to drawing hahaha, consistency is my enemy xD
submitted by Aughost_ to drawing [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 04:47 McGeeTake3 Advice for “depression spending”
Hey everyone. I’ve come to the realization that I absolutely need to get my finances on track.
My debt I’m handling fairly well (got Student Loans down from 13K - 2K in about a year, and credit card is stabilized), but my Savings is an absolute joke right now. It took me a long time slow searching to figure out the culprit because it doesn’t FEEL like I’m overspending.
Then I realized that, when I am getting overwhelmed with work or just overall very depressed, my two vices are to spend money and to eat food (which also spends money, of course). It’s a vicious cycle that is not only affecting my bank account but also my weight.
I’m tired of living like this though. I really am. I am hoping you all can help provide some advice on how to avoid “depression spending”. Open to any and all advice and willing to answer any questions y’all have. Thanks in advance!
submitted by McGeeTake3 to nobuy [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 04:47 argon_palladium Shot a video for proof
Cousin is going through divorce, in the midst of court appearings, her husband has said to the court that he can't attend the court coz he has work and that his parents are sick and he needs to look after them.
Its not true, they're all healthy and his dad is a GP and still going to work. We secretly recorded a video of the dad arriving to his clinic in his scooter and opening the clinic and taking in a patient to examine.
Question- is it legal to show in court as proof that he's lying?
submitted by argon_palladium to LegalAdviceIndia [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 04:47 yamitcg [H] Spiderman 2 digital deluxe PS5 code [W] $45 PayPal, Venmo or $50 Amazon gift card
Comment before PM Will accept $45 PayPal, Venmo or $50 Amazon gift card
submitted by yamitcg to giftcardexchange [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 04:47 Efficient_Election_8 case gpd xd for nitendo 3ds xl reference
submitted by Efficient_Election_8 to gpdxd [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 04:47 Standard-Educator719 What are your pettiest "Dispatch vs. Us" stories?
It's not a secret sometimes dispatch and officers don't always get along for one reason or another. Maybe Kathy keeps sending you to random calls other officers are already in the area of right before you sit down for lunch. Maybe you've gone on one too many "phone details" in a shift.
Whatever it is, what were the pettiest (or funniest) feuds that happened between dispatch and your crew?
submitted by Standard-Educator719 to AskLE [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 04:47 Unable_Homework3296 Latest I’ve ever seen a Gem
submitted by Unable_Homework3296 to EANHLfranchise [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 04:47 poisonedviolet blursed pumpkin pie
submitted by poisonedviolet to blursedimages [link] [comments] |