The Champ is here.

If, in a contract fr example, the text reads: "X has to finish the work by MM-DD-YYYY", does the "by" include the date or exclude it? In other words, will the work delivered on the specified date I think the only way I'd say I have lived here for 5 years and mean that I had lived here for a total of 5 years some time in the past, is if I was in an argument and somebody said, "Try living here for 5 years" to which I might reply (with strong emphasis on the have), "I have lived here for 5 years." – What is the difference between Have a look and Take a look (meaning/connotations)? For example: Have a look at the question. Take a look at the question. For some reason I only found first versio... @JanusBahsJacquet Here's something to ponder: consider how you cannot swap in below for any adjective in “Their eager young eyes stared at the stormy grey sea.” Because it cannot substitute for an adjective in syntactic tests such as these without yielding an ungrammatical result, I believe that this failure provides strong evidence that below is not an adjective at all. Also note that although both answers here assert an absolute distinction between by/before, the reality (as covered by several answers to other questions) is that people frequently don't distinguish that precisely, so you may end up being misled. – @user61830 That's a good point but it is also part of a more general one that they were very concerned to avoid the heresy of mistranslation and often erred on the side of a word-for-word translation even if it failed to get the meaning across correctly. How is the causative form of fall used in English? In the present tense, often enough, A tree falls in the woods, but a logger falls trees as well. but in the past tense, A tree fell in the ... In the first sentence here, using had, the sentence is fine. But using "have had", the sentence is ungrammatical, because "last year" is always a completed event that is not connected to the present. But, as we know, the present perfect tense means that there is a connection to the present. You can, but it’s not advisable. Since has to have a specific time reference.Two months ago is such a reference, but a reader might initially be confused by seeing since followed by two months, which would normally be preceded by for. How to appropriately respond to someone saying "I hope you are well./?" There are certain situations in writing where this would obviously not be soliciting a response (requiring a full s...

2024.11.25 04:30 paynexkillerYT The Champ is here.

submitted by paynexkillerYT to AEWOfficial [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:30 Roxas_2004 My teir lis ranking for metal fight character

My teir lis ranking for metal fight character I didn't had zero g bladers because they're hard to scale
submitted by Roxas_2004 to BeybladeMetal [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:30 Flyinghigh2025 What do flight attendants do with their baby hairs and fly aways?

My hair can get crazy and I’m trying to find a solution. Thanks in advance!
submitted by Flyinghigh2025 to cabincrewcareers [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:30 Pure-Priority3725 Recurring pain in my left lung

I don’t think it’s anything serious, maybe just inflammation? But I’ve noticed once in a while I feel a weird pain in my left lung. It’s usually fine when I’m lying down but flares up when sitting/standing up. Im not sure how long I’ve had this but it’s definitely been years. It comes and goes and I sometimes forget about it completely until the next time it happens. I can’t find anything about it on the internet. Any ideas ? Medical details: I am a female, 22 years old, not on any medication other than birth control (although I’ve had this since before I started bc), weigh about 116 pounds. I don’t smoke, but I did used to vape. I quit over a year ago. However, the frequency of the lung pain appears unrelated, I don’t remember any notable flare ups when I used to vape, and they haven’t totally stopped since quitting. I don’t have any underlying health conditions as far as I’m aware or any family history of medical conditions.
submitted by Pure-Priority3725 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:30 Scared-Stock6985 Girls kissing. . . . [@feralen8y]

Girls kissing. . . . [@feralen8y] submitted by Scared-Stock6985 to VuziMurderDrone [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:30 Professional-Use2265 Screen without IC

Hey guys, I just bought a screen without IC but I don’t need to transplante the IC because I don’t have the tools for that now (and the necessity). So, is it serious? I know for the alert, not a big deal for me as long as the display works !
submitted by Professional-Use2265 to mobilerepair [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:30 easylearn__ing 3 h (4.4 stars)- Master Business Operations: 20 Proven Models for C-Level Success

submitted by easylearn__ing to udemyfreebies [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:30 GamermannerOnly Dr. Blowhole vs Dr. Blowhole | Super Brawl Showdown v0.3.1b Krusty Krab Alley Stage Full Match Gameplay

Dr. Blowhole vs Dr. Blowhole | Super Brawl Showdown v0.3.1b Krusty Krab Alley Stage Full Match Gameplay submitted by GamermannerOnly to SuperBrawlShowdown [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:30 LightofHeaven00 Two Mighty XXL Starter Pokémon on same day

Two Mighty XXL Starter Pokémon on same day submitted by LightofHeaven00 to pokemongo [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:30 GamermannerOnly Classic SpongeBob SquarePants vs King Julien II | Super Brawl Showdown v0.3.1b Krusty Krab Stage Full Match Gameplay

submitted by GamermannerOnly to SuperBrawlShowdown [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:30 Salamanda246 Inside the ears

I have eczema inside my ear canal. I’ve been using Dermotic oil ear drops (steroid) off and on for years and my dermatologist recommended I stop using it. She didn’t suggest what to do instead…does anyone use something for their ears? If I use a Q-tip, could I use Vaseline? Moisturizer? Polysporin? What about olive oil?
submitted by Salamanda246 to eczema [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:30 Impossible_Vehicle15 Mouse or Baby Rat?

Mouse or Baby Rat? I live in the southern California desert on a golf course with fruit trees. My cat started banging against my sliding glass door and I thought it was coyotes but I went outside and heard crazy squeaking. Found this lil guy.
submitted by Impossible_Vehicle15 to RATS [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:30 Slow-Resolve3905 how do i move my youtube channel to a new email??

i’ve been trying but when i get to end it either takes FOREVER to load or takes me to a random youtube channel pls help
submitted by Slow-Resolve3905 to GMail [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:30 CommunicationPrior94 meirl

meirl submitted by CommunicationPrior94 to meirl [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:30 1flaccidleg READ the WIKI!

Before you post read the WIKI!
submitted by 1flaccidleg to biid [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:30 Funnynamehere1776 What advice do you have for someone who just tried 34?

What advice do you have that could help me? Avoid bad outcomes, achive goals, avoid wasting time, etc.
submitted by Funnynamehere1776 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:30 wearismymined How said is it knowing you think about someone 1000x more than they think about you

submitted by wearismymined to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:30 snesCUB364 Why is Melty Blood a dead game?

I've recently started exploring Melty Blood and learning more about the game. However, I keep hearing that the series is no longer active anymore, with many saying it’s been forgotten. For example, I heard that Type Lumina, the latest entry, received a huge popularity but lasted within about two years and is now considered 'dead' after EVO 2023. I also found out that older titles like Actress Again and Act Cadenza are available on Fightcade, but whenever I check, I seem to be the only one online in the community. Is the Melty Blood scene really this quiet, or am I missing something? Has it become just another uncommon abandoned and forgotten fighting game?
submitted by snesCUB364 to meltyblood [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:30 KKS_Hayashi 2024w48 Syed Modi India International 2024

Please keep all tournament discussion in this thread.
Videos of tournaments can be found at
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Do check out our discord as well at

26 - 01 Syed Modi India International 2024
submitted by KKS_Hayashi to badminton [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:30 FairCarob2965 Day 7 and 8 of learning to draw critiques

Day 7 and 8 of learning to draw critiques Hey everyone, I posted a few days ago about wanting to learn to draw. I’m going to post my first attempt of using charcoal pencils and my first time drawing an eye and really shading (other than the charcoal), along with the references. I’m still trying to figure out perspective and I need to work on proportions but we’ll get there. If you have any critiques and tips that would be so helpful! I also don’t have the greatest quality of supplies but oh well.
submitted by FairCarob2965 to learntodraw [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:30 PropBet College Football Prop Bet Picks Week 14

Post Your Best College Football Player Prop Picks

submitted by PropBet to PropBetpicks [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:30 Adorable69420 tattoo

I want to get Arthur's runes tattooed onto me, is there any official artwork of them out there?
submitted by Adorable69420 to tbatenovel [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:30 No-Split4705 Coffee

Is coffee like cappuccino not good to drink once you go through this? I love my morning milk coffee so wanted to confirm from experience.
Any recommendations on food items to eat as a vegetarian, I have heard to start having a Keto diet.
submitted by No-Split4705 to breastcancer [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:30 Remarkable-Fish7496 PS5 W: Two handed sword talisman, rotten wingsword talisman, milicent prosthesis H: Karma🫶🏻

submitted by Remarkable-Fish7496 to PatchesEmporium [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:30 Small_Cell5550 Evelyn & Fred

I'm just now watching their crumbl video (ik i'm late🥲) and evelyn says that she doesn't "understand mutual breakups" but that was evenly and fred's whole excuse on why they broke i'm not really understanding what she is trying to say there. can we also talk about her new boyfriend.. i have no idea why but he creeps me out so bad like he kinda reminds of elon musk i have absolutely no idea why but he just does. Fred also flashing his new girlfriend and everyone in the comments is being so weird about it like come on y'all.. that wasn't even your relationship and yall are more hung up then evelyn.. that's all goodnight 😇
submitted by Small_Cell5550 to HaSisters_ [link] [comments]