2024.11.25 05:00 nvs_ju Sou no mínimo 10 anos mais velha
Sou M(27) e desde sempre gostei de homens mais velhos, meu primeiro namoro foi aos 18 e o rapaz tinha 32, sempre houve uma diferença grande entre eu e as pessoas com quem eu me relacionava, mas eu sempre era a mais nova do casal. Recentemente me mudei pra uma cidade do interior, comecei na academia e algumas semanas depois, chegou um rapaz que coincidentemente malha no mesmo horário que eu, e eu juro por tudo, ele parece ter no mínimo 20 anos, alto, estrutura corporal grande e tls, e muito bonito, não é uma beleza que passa despercebido. Ok, gente bonita tem em todo lugar, né? Mas desde então, me pego olhando muito pra esse rapaz, acho que ele percebe, e honestamente não sei dizer se ele olha normal pra mim ou se me olha com desejo, não sei mesmo. E olha, o que eu tenho sonhado com esse rapaz, não é brincadeira.
Até que um dia, esse rapaz chega com uma blusa que era o uniforme de uma escola da cidade, levei um choque, na verdade o segundo, porque eu sabia que ele era mais novo, e nunca houve interesse da minha parte, mas agora saber que ele ainda estuda, ou seja, no mínimo 17 anos, 3° ano né? Tentei me desvincular da atração que sentia por ele, mas como é difícil viu? Mas acima de tudo, humilhante kkk 17 (possivelmente) anos!! A minha tia tem uma escola aqui nessa cidade, e eu cuido das redes sociais, e sigo as outras escolas também no Instagram, por troca de conteúdos e afins, eis que a escola do dito cujo posta stories com os formandos do 3° ano de 2024, e aqui sendo interior cada série tem apenas uma turma, fui olhar, cadê o menino?? Conclusão, ele não é do 3° ano, ou seja, além de ser menor de idade, ainda pode ter 15 ou 16 anos.
Gente, o que eu faço? Me sinto uma criminosa, já troquei de horário na academia, mas muitas vezes ele aparece nesse outro horário também. Por que a atração por mais novos??? De onde veio isso?
submitted by nvs_ju to desabafos [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:00 Lazy_Discount2357 Numbness/Tingling from Sciatica (9 months in)
Hey everyone, so I am a track and field athlete and I have been dealing with sciatica since March 2024 so about 9 months. It started off pretty bad but then tapered off a tad after the season (May 2024), and I just thought I would rest it throughout the summer and just focus on mobility, stretching, and some strengthening. However it never really improved at all and honestly got worse throughout the summer. I got an MRI in September and they said that I had some severe narrowing of vertebrae and “mild” disc bulging. The doctors weren’t too worried about it despite my severe symptoms. Now, in the past month or two I’ve had numbness and tingling in my feet/lower leg and major discomfort in lower back and right hip. It’s to the point where I can barely bend over, lift my right leg when I’m sitting, or do basically any athletic movement. I don’t know what to do at this point and am wondering if I’m going to even be able to continue with track this year. I just feel so frustrated with this whole thing. I’m also a senior in college M22 if that clears anything up.
submitted by Lazy_Discount2357 to Sciatica [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:00 BookishGamer49 Indie-Smash Ultimate Roster Day 2
Looks like the first characters that will be chosen are: Shovel Knight (Shovel Knight) Zagreus (Hades) Madeline (Celeste) On to Day 2! Recommend what Indie Game Character you want to see in Smash. Top 3 comments with the most votes will be added to the roster until it is filled up. Additional Rules: 1) Non-Indie game characters aren't allowed (duh). 2) Maximum of 5 characters per series. I know some games are more popular than others, but this way it will be balanced. submitted by BookishGamer49 to SmashBrosUltimate [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 05:00 applepie2367 My dog tries to run away from me on walks. She tries to turn out from the harness. I have sever anxiety every time we go to a walk. Any advice?
I have a 2.5 years old bully breed dog. She follows me always if we are at home. But on walks she never listens to me, and tries to run away. It’s really scary, I’m scared she will get out from the harness. We use a Julius K9 harness and also it’s connected to the collar for extra safety
submitted by applepie2367 to DogAdvice [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:00 AutoModerator r/DisneyWorld's Weekly Trip Planning Thread
Welcome to the DisneyWorld!
We’re here to help you plan your trip and give you as much advice as possible, straight from the reddit community here on this subreddit.
We know you've probably got a million questions for us, so we'd like to take a moment to remind you to check out the FAQ, where you can find many pages about various topics here to help you with your vacation from start to finish!
If you'd like quicker help, join our Discord or visit DisneyPlanning!
submitted by AutoModerator to DisneyWorld [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:00 AutokorektOfficial Is there gonna be more than 10 prestige’s?
Just got to master prestige and it says this after every game but gives an error if you do it. submitted by AutokorektOfficial to CODZombies [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 05:00 No-Conclusion167 [H] 20 Amazon [W] 15 PayPal
submitted by No-Conclusion167 to GCTrading [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:00 Loud_Cell Overthinking rook Piercing
I feel as though my rook piercing has migrated. First pick is from March 17th of this year. Second photo is very recent. Got my rook done in like February of this year. But I feel like it migrated a bit or is a little shallow. But I haven’t had any big issues yet! And again I’m just worried it might reject because I feel as though it’s really shallow. submitted by Loud_Cell to piercing [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 05:00 theglorpiv 19m - anyone got any good songs for a night walk
i'm on my way to do something i can't come back from 🙃 and i mean that literally. i'm walking far enough away to where no one will find me anytime soon (hopefully)
anywhoooo. does anyone have any nice songs for a night walk just to make it a little more chill, and less dark and quiet and scary?
submitted by theglorpiv to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:00 hook1313 Costco Elite - using multiple sets
Got one box of 150' elite installed and looks great, I have a second box that would let me go all the way around the house. Do I just install the whole second set with the whole kit (power supply and on/off) and will they coordinate together in app? Does it matter which direction I run the lights? I'd actually like to start at the same outlet, and go the opposite way around the house instead of continuing where the first set ended. Thank you for any info!
submitted by hook1313 to Govee [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:00 Disastrous_Gur3472 Destroyed diz C-spammer today 🤣🤣🤣
submitted by Disastrous_Gur3472 to DreamLeagueSoccer [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 05:00 Traditional-Sun-3076 Who else started Saquon Barkley?!?!? 46 points 🚀
submitted by Traditional-Sun-3076 to fantasyfootballadvice [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:00 AutoModerator r/Catholicism Prayer Requests — Week of November 25, 2024
Please post your prayer requests in this weekly thread, giving enough detail to be helpful. If you have been remembering someone or something in your prayers, you may also note that here. We ask all users to pray for these intentions.
submitted by AutoModerator to Catholicism [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:00 Gojira_Ultima My Friend sent me this (Erika Itsumi from GuP as Misato?)
submitted by Gojira_Ultima to evangelion [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 05:00 togetherweplay-games "The Spine of Frostbane, a formidable mountain range filled with shadowed caves, ancient fortresses, and dense forests, where only the brave venture, seeking relics of a long-lost age.”
submitted by togetherweplay-games to HexcrawlAI [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:00 pantasmicShenanigans What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by pantasmicShenanigans to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:00 HedgehogAlert7470 Guys, is it normal to have this swelling in the mouth area in hypothyroidism? Has anyone ever had this?
Guys, is it normal to have this swelling in the mouth area in hypothyroidism? Has anyone ever had this?
submitted by HedgehogAlert7470 to Hypothyroidism [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:00 WillingArticle9128 why am i so uncomfortable with the idea of those close to me being christian?
recently my girlfriend brought up to me the idea of going to church and reading the bible and stuff like that. every time she mentions it my stomach pits and i get really nervous. its like im filled with fear and dread. i would consider believe myself to either be atheist or agnostic. i have many christian friends and i never have felt this way about them, it's only specifically about my girlfriend that makes it so uncomfortable. i hate feeling like this because i dont know what im so afraid of. when i was in elementary i went to a christian academy and i grew up loosely with the christian lifestyle like going to church on sundays. i guess this could it explain it but it just doesn't sound right. i always thought that it didn't affect the way i think now but with this recent development it makes me feel otherwise. i want to get over these feelings so i can move forward and be supportive of my girlfriend's interests but i dont know how to take the first step and im not sure where to go from here. any thoughts help.
submitted by WillingArticle9128 to Christianity [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:00 Advanced-Code-570 New Moon
Yay or nay??? Also is it too cluttered with all the floral deco? submitted by Advanced-Code-570 to SuitU [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 05:00 anarchyart2021 WSJ: Trump Considers Defense Financiers for a Top Spot at Pentagon - Choice of either a venture capitalist or private-equity investor could signal changes in how the Defense Department does business
submitted by anarchyart2021 to politics2 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 05:00 ZealousidealClaim374 Upgrade from 2022 Preferred hatchback to 2024 Carbon Turbo
As the title states went from lease to lease only put 1500 down with Mazda 750 customer cash and 1500 in positive equity. Loving the sedan so far. submitted by ZealousidealClaim374 to mazda3 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 05:00 bunnygirlxox found this minty toy! who else was obsessed with the Christmas movie as a kid?
submitted by bunnygirlxox to mylittlepony [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 05:00 ttystikk 100-year history of US meddling, coups and wars in the Middle East | Roy Casagranda | UNAPOLOGETIC
submitted by ttystikk to InflectionPointUSA [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 05:00 Azure_Crenell Conclusion about the Brant hate from my previous post
submitted by Azure_Crenell to WuWaHusbandos [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 05:00 Stunning_Fix_5655 Anyone going 12/21
submitted by Stunning_Fix_5655 to EchoStage [link] [comments]