I want to do something different

2024.11.25 06:39 EstroJen I want to do something different

Not a typical request abd maybe not the right place.
I've worked in a police evidence room for 15 years now. My degree is in criminal justice, I have various minor training under my belt, in a certified evidence tech - but I'm really unhappy being in a police department. I'm tired of fighting with the officers and I'm tired of fighting with my boss to be a half way decent human to the community members we serve.
I want to do something better with myself but I also want to make sure my retirement is safe. I'm 43 now. I don't want to be a social worker or be in law enforcement anymore.
Is there something I can move into or work on With my degree as a jumping off point?
submitted by EstroJen to forensics [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 06:39 Hotkillerz2 Unlock your $$ bonus with code "VBM1H1EGW4". Trying to save for trip to Japan in march please help

Unlock your $$ bonus with code submitted by Hotkillerz2 to CSLPlasmaReferrals [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 06:39 Kipino Ma ktoś może na sprzedaż Upadek Lewiatana, Expanse 9?

Nigdzie nie mogę znaleźć tej książki, a to ostatnia której mi brakuje. Niby mogę przeczytać ebooka ale nie jest to to samo.
submitted by Kipino to ksiazki [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 06:39 CrazyyBermudabeach Tutions available!

Hi, im in sharjah and i offer private tutions (offline and online) for as low as aed 250! For classes of 3rd grade to 10th and even o levels! dm me for more information
submitted by CrazyyBermudabeach to Sharjah [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 06:39 Tenno_Scoom Ivo Robotnik has finally arrived from Amazon!

submitted by Tenno_Scoom to JakksPacificSonic [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 06:39 yermyyy 25m - depressed and tired, looking for a buddy

Anyone down to make a friend tonight? I’ll be up for a while. Dreading my first day at my new work place tomorrow lol. Im chill I don’t bite. I have a lot of interests so tell me what you like and we may have more in common then to think! DMs open
submitted by yermyyy to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 06:39 Spookeonofficial gimme a number between 1-200 and I'll name a random song from my Hazbin/Helluva playlist

gimme a number between 1-200 and I'll name a random song from my Hazbin/Helluva playlist submitted by Spookeonofficial to hazbin [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 06:39 keepitcooli 24[M4F] #Estonia/Online - Girls with big asses.

I have always found a big ass to be the most sexiest feature a woman can have. If I see a girl walking past with a nice big ass, matched with thick thighs I just cant get my eyes off her and just imagine how she would look with that ass naked and on my bed.
I think most girls that know they have a nice ass also know that they break necks on the street or online, giving them even more confidence to show it off, wear shorter dresses etc, and I love that.
Usually girls with big asses love the attention they get from it, so if you are not shy to show off please send me a DM.
submitted by keepitcooli to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 06:39 FranceGalaxy Infinity Nikki releases on December 5th!

Infinity Nikki releases on December 5th! I can't wait to see Nikki's smile again! ⏳The world is so big, and I want to go explore it.
submitted by FranceGalaxy to InfinityNikki [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 06:39 ConstructionHot4530 So what should I do now?

So what should I do now? submitted by ConstructionHot4530 to DragonballLegends [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 06:39 Candid_Charity606 Duda

Que tan cierto es que en la nacional venden cupos y además que se puede comprar el examen de admisión?
submitted by Candid_Charity606 to Colombia [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 06:39 OkFix7120 First North Korean military concert since troops have arrived in Kursk.

First North Korean military concert since troops have arrived in Kursk. submitted by OkFix7120 to northkorea [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 06:39 Holmbone A low science sci-fi book for my mom

Me and my mom are both big readers but she reads mainly realistic fiction. She has however read some speculative fiction that she likes, stories about supernatural things in every day settings. I thought it could be fun to find a sci-fi book to give her for Christmas. However I like sci-fi with extreme premises which I think would be to weird for her.
She likes books with straight forward plots and complex characters. She also likes some suspense and stakes like people's lives being in danger, not just a relationship drama or such. She also enjoys reading historical fiction and books set in different countries. The last request is for it to be a fairly popular book so that it might be translated to Swedish.
submitted by Holmbone to suggestmeabook [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 06:39 TheDoodleBug_ Jasprit Bumrah hunted Travis head !!

Jasprit Bumrah hunted Travis head !! submitted by TheDoodleBug_ to actualcricketshitpost [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 06:39 Sensitive-Meat-516 If x show up would the kirijo group be interest to find x or no?

submitted by Sensitive-Meat-516 to persona3reload [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 06:39 DarshanJain0502 Diljeet Concert Tix for Mumbai show

Dm me for silver tickets! I have bought extra so!
submitted by DarshanJain0502 to diljitconcert [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 06:39 yami_five Redraw of my old painting with a different portrait

Redraw of my old painting with a different portrait submitted by yami_five to DigitalPainting [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 06:39 HelomaDurum मनोहर श्याम जोशी कृत क्याप

मनोहर श्याम जोशी कृत क्याप जातिवाद, साम्यवाद, समाजवाद - सामान्य तौर पर राजनेता, नौकरशाही पर शानदार तीखा व्यंग्य (satire)
वन्यजीवों, लकड़ी, जड़ी-बूटियों, खनिजों आदि जैसे प्राकृतिक संसाधनों के शोषण का एक तीव्र आरोप, जैसा कि कुख्यात Fredrick Wilson उर्फ पहाड़ी विल्सन या Rajah of Harsil द्वारा शुरू किया गया था और वर्तमान व्यवस्था द्वारा भी जारी है - दोनों - कानूनी रूप से सरकारी एजेंसियों द्वारा और अवैध रूप से 'माफिया' द्वारा।
इसमें आरएसएस के आदर्शवादी श्री हेडगेवार की ओर संकेत है - यहां वह कम्युनिस्टों के पार्टी के मुख्यविचारक (party idealogue) हैं - 'डाक्साब'।
कथा उत्तराखंड के एक काल्पनिक क़स्बा व जनपद में स्तिथ है। यह विफल एवं अनबिलाषित प्रेम (unrequited love), प्रतिशोध और पागलपन की कहानी भी है। अत्यंत रोचक व हास्यपूर्ण रचना।
submitted by HelomaDurum to Hindi_Gadya [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 06:39 TheEradicat0r Looking for songs like these

Spineshank - Dead to Me, The Height of Callousness
American Head Charge - Americana Evolving Into Psychic Useless Garbage
I love the aggression and speed in them, and i’m looking for more songs with that same kinda energy
submitted by TheEradicat0r to numetal [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 06:39 Manofjordan What to do in Kazbegi?

I’m staying in Kazbegi today, what things I can do? what about bars?
submitted by Manofjordan to Sakartvelo [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 06:39 saulnasser726 Sorry if this is an over-asked question here, but very curious for opinions on if you all think my dog is a border collie or something else??

Sorry if this is an over-asked question here, but very curious for opinions on if you all think my dog is a border collie or something else?? The lady I bought her from said she thought she was of the Australian Shepherd breed but from what I can tell when I look up border collie characteristics and such, it seems she may have been wrong and that my dog is actually a border collie? I’ll probably ask the vet next time we visit them but until then, thoughts and opinions on this are very welcome. Thanks!!
submitted by saulnasser726 to BorderCollie [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 06:39 thesmaya Lose Weight in 30 Days: How Much Is Possible?

submitted by thesmaya to HealthyLifeForYou [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 06:39 Demaestroo ?Stuck? In Duga sewers S2:HoC

I have run into a point where for a main story mission I need to move through the sewers toward Duga. Just a few minutes into exploring, directly after some voice lines from main characters, and at an obvious 'transition' point in the route. I suddenly get a grey screen aaaaand that's it. 3 times it crashed, once it just sat there. I don't know how to fix this, but I have a sneaking suspicion its trying to give me a cut scene to show me whats going on outside and somehow that camera transition is getting frozen and thus not continuing. Has anyone else encountered this or a similar issue elsewhere
submitted by Demaestroo to stalker [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 06:39 xArbiter whats wrong with kyren

4 weeks he didn’t get a td and got around 10 points per week, this week he finally gets into the end zone but then winds up with the same result, around 10 points, so whats wrong with him? is it time to start panicking?
submitted by xArbiter to Fantasy_Football [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 06:39 Aromatic_Zebra_8708 Gentildonna (by はち)

Gentildonna (by はち) submitted by Aromatic_Zebra_8708 to UmaMusume [link] [comments]
