Please send your prayers

Hey guys, I'm a newcomer here, nice to join all of you! I am now working on a welcome board for a meeting to be held in my company tommorrow. And I'm trying to figure out whether it should be "Warmly welcome somebody to ***", or "(A) warm welcome to somebody (to ***?)", or any other better... Palabras, frases y modismos. Words, phrases and idioms. "The company wants to dispose off the equipment." Is this sentence correct. Iam confused whether it is dispose of or dispose off as I see a lot of sentences that use dispose off. But when I searched I could just find that dispose of is the phrasal verb that should be used. Please help. Active forums about languages and translation. Questions en espagnol ou en français sur le sens et la traduction d'une langue à l'autre de mots, expressions ou tournures contextualisés . Discussions in English about the English language. This is not a translation forum. Hi everyone, Please see the following sentences. I saw these sentences on the Facebook page of a native speaker. Here please see the word "supporters' ". I think that the apostrophe should be before 's' as " supporter's ". I'd like to get your opinion on this. "I manage this page in my free... what is the french word for the symbol "#" pound; found on a standard telephone and keypad, etc. # Moderator note: Multiple threads merged to create this one. If you want a quick answer, see below. Otherwise, keep reading. English: UK: hash (sometimes square) USA: pound sign (sometimes... Hi everyone! I'm writting a medical document of several pages that has to be sign for the patients. In the first page, in the instructions to fill the form paragraph, I ask the patient to sign the document in the last page. But here is my doubt. Is "in the last page", or "on the last page", or... Please be informed = Please receive and accept this information from me. However, Please be noted does not mean Please take notice (another old-fashioned term that's usually used only in legal notices nowadays, and which has a similar meaning to "Please be informed"). Hi there Could you please tell me which one is grammatically correct? They are self-made sentences. 1- I was admitted by one of the best university in the world. 2- I was admitted to one of the best university in the world. 3- I was admitted at one of the best university in the world. Many Thanks

2024.11.25 08:52 7venSevens Please send your prayers

Long time lurker, first time posting. Ive been holding a bag since 2017. Unfortunately I bought pretty high during the bull run but was able to accumulate around 9k coins.
The first couple of years I was checking the charts constantly. A few years go pass and I stopped checking the charts. It was disheartening to see my investment dropping to around 25%. For a while I would only check every few months.
This last week I got hooked again, checking my app every 20 mins or so. Today after seeing it drop a fair bit I decided this is my chance to get more coins, Unfortunately I didn’t have any capital to invest so I figured I’d sell my bag and buy in again as the price goes lower. Well lo and behold as soon as I sold the price goes up again. Turns out that was the bottom and now I’m kicking myself..
Now the question. What can I do to keep my mind off the charts. It’s been glued to my face for the last few hours, I know there will be a price correction again which I will jump right back in but in the back of my mind there’s always that “what if”
submitted by 7venSevens to XRP [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:52 Realistic_Werewolf62 Need help with RSPA as a contractor working for a US startup

I'm a contractor from India working for a USA-based startup. My company is giving me ESOPs through an RSPA and has asked me to file an 83(b) election form with the IRS. While going through the form, I realized I need an SSN or ITIN. After some research, I found out I can apply for an ITIN along with the 83(b).
But here's the issue: ITIN processing takes time, sometimes up to 9 weeks, and they ask for a physical passport to be mailed to the US. I'm really confused about how to proceed, especially since the 83(b) has a hard deadline of 30 days from payment, and I only have 2 weeks left.
Am I cooked? Also, what are the tax implications in India for this? Sorry if this isn't the right place to ask, I'm so confused on how to processed. Any help or advice will be much appreciated.
submitted by Realistic_Werewolf62 to IndiaTax [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:52 sub_RedditTor Today's Ivan on Tech live was basically Pulse Chain special.

The chat was filled with soo many people from Pulse Chain.. And we really had a great time.. Even the mods loved it
submitted by sub_RedditTor to Pulsechain [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:52 chefnightmare How to fix?

How to fix? submitted by chefnightmare to DIYUK [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:52 Character-Law-5754 Musigma cancelling 2024 offer

Guys I heard the company is reaching out those who did not receive DOJ 2024 through phone calls and cancelling the offer is that true?
submitted by Character-Law-5754 to MuSigmaStories [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:52 pezzzor What is the Brown Box in Daily Gifts

What is the Brown Box in Daily Gifts I've managed to get these, but I don't know what they are or what they do ?
So what exactly is this ? I can't find it in items ?, does it have anything inside it ?
submitted by pezzzor to PTCGP [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:52 nootheridleftoz Good CBD food

I’ll be in Sydney for work and am dining out on the company card. Looking for good but affordable seafood in the CBD. Any suggestions?
submitted by nootheridleftoz to foodies_sydney [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:52 OkRoutine489 trying to buy an affordable purple horse of any kind!

PREFERABLY FLORA, but I would like to buy an affordable purple horse, anything other than ghoul because I don't have the breeding certificate. pleeassee let me know!
submitted by OkRoutine489 to HorseLifeHQ [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:52 wotan_weevil Daisho with kanji text inscription on blade

Daisho with kanji text inscription on blade submitted by wotan_weevil to SWORDS [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:52 FactoryManCan 26M struggle with self confidence

26M struggle with self confidence submitted by FactoryManCan to amIuglyBrutallyHonest [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:52 Formal-Blueberry-203 When eating out, what's the deal with Barbecue bologna versus other quality meat options like Ribs, Brisket, Pulled Pork?

submitted by Formal-Blueberry-203 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:52 surveycircle_bot Ingredients & product choosing

Ingredients & product choosing submitted by surveycircle_bot to SurveyCircle [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:52 tiamatdaemonx1 Help me decide buying games for Black Friday!!! (Or wait for Holiday Sales?)

So I got a $100 PSN Gift Card to buy games for Black Friday and Holiday Sale. (Digital only unfortunately). I tend to buy games during this season to play for the whole next year.
I already bought Hogwarts Legacy and Metro Exodus, current balance is $80 USD only!
Current options:
Resident Evil 4 $20 USD Raccoon City (RE 2 & 3) $15 USD Final Fantasy VII Rebirth $42 USD Final Fantasy XVI $37 USD Horizon Forbidden West* $20 USD Death Stranding Director's Cut* $20 USD
The last 2 games (HFB and DS) are not currently on sale, but will most likely be be during the Holiday Sale.
I am also unsure to buy FF XVI or VII Rebirth rn, as I could get 2 games for the price of one and Im hoping to get better deals by late December (especially FFXVI as you can get it for 25 USD in disc).
Any thoughts?
submitted by tiamatdaemonx1 to playstation [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:52 reikadejuan Looking for encoding jobs

I can do documents and spreadsheets in both microsoft or google. Hire niyo ako please.
submitted by reikadejuan to phclassifieds [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:52 Serious_Toe_2210 Is Legally Bidning

Hi I hope somebody can help me. I bided on a domain on and it was accepted I then changed my mind about purchasing it. are telling me this is legal binding and i must go through with the purchase. Is this true? or has anyone else had a similar experience
submitted by Serious_Toe_2210 to Domains [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:52 JimmyRecard_ Arbeitslohn im Gutachten zu niedrig?

Arbeitslohn im Gutachten zu niedrig? submitted by JimmyRecard_ to automobil [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:52 Beneficial-Egg9855 Really good gaming chairs in ranked

I be thinking I can hit high diamond by the end of the season until I get “Hi-Techweapon” level 23 and gold shooting me through dome shields with a model boosting two ruby’s.
What a prodigy.
submitted by Beneficial-Egg9855 to thefinals [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:52 adulting4kids Foreshadowing

Examples of foreshadowing

  1. "Romeo and Juliet" by William Shakespeare:
    • Foreshadowing is present in Romeo's dreams and premonitions, hinting at the tragic events to come.
  2. "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee:
    • The mention of Boo Radley early in the story foreshadows his eventual role in saving Scout and Jem.
  3. "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" by J.K. Rowling:
    • The mention of the Philosopher's Stone early in the book foreshadows its significance in the climax.
  4. "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding:
    • The pilot's body hanging in the parachute foreshadows the descent into chaos and violence on the island.
  5. "Macbeth" by William Shakespeare:
    • The witches' prophecies at the beginning foreshadow Macbeth's tragic downfall.
  6. "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald:
    • The green light at the end of Daisy's dock is a symbol that foreshadows Gatsby's unattainable dreams.
  7. "The Tell-Tale Heart" by Edgar Allan Poe:
    • The narrator's insistence that he is not mad foreshadows his descent into madness throughout the story.
  8. "Of Mice and Men" by John Steinbeck:
    • Candy's aging dog being shot foreshadows the tragic fate of Lennie at the end of the novel.
These examples showcase how authors use foreshadowing to hint at future events, creating suspense and deepening the overall impact of the narrative.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:52 ender1adam New settler video ad from Kerem Hashviis

submitted by ender1adam to ender1adam [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:52 sausages19701970 M55

submitted by sausages19701970 to currentlyfapping [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:52 ShockThin9726 Üniversite

Ben bursada okuyorum ama kimse benle arkadaş olmuyor yardımcı olucak biri varmı bendemi sorun var benmi tanışamıuorum benmi Rahatsızlık veriyorum yoksa insanlar kötü egoist çıkarcı vb. Mi bilmiyorum bide sanaldan sevgilim var kızlarla tanışmaktan kaçınıyorum aldatmamak için ama ben aldatan biri değilim diyorum sonradan sadece arkadaş olurum diyorum tanışmaya çalıiıyprum onlar tersliyor erkeklerde ÜNİDE ZORBALANDIM hatta yani bilmiyorum açıkçası abi ben üniversiteliyim hayatımın en güzel yılları bu asosyal karakterden çıkmak istiyorum yoksa böyle giderse çocukluğum gençliğim lise zamanım gibi çöpe gidicek bana yardım edin çok korkak asosyal anksiyetesi olan biriyim geçmişte zorbalandım diye herkesten korkuyorum aile içi Şiddette işe girnce tam korkağım kızlardan korkuyorum o derece hayır kim beni kabul etti kim etmedi anlayamıyorum sosyal anlamda geriyim sadece sevgilimi aldatmadan çevre edinmek gençliğimi yaşamak gezmek tozmak ortamlara akmak istiyorum kızlarla erkeklerle ve buray yazıyorum olurda sevgilimi aldatırsam ben onursuz k*pek bir insanım bunu buraya yazıyorum yani.İşte sorun şu sevgilimin kız arkadaşkarı var geziyo tozuyo benim onun gibi eşcins arkadaşımda yok çok yalnızım hayattan istediğiö bazı şeyler oldu ALLAH a olan inancım fırladı zikir bile çekiyorum eski postlarımo görenelr için diyorum hani düzelme aşamasındayım ama yalnızım gençliğimin boşa gitmesini istemiyorum yardım edin lütfen(size yalvardım diye şuan gözünüzde eziğim insanlar bu konuda garip açıkçası ünide bunu anlatacak kimsem yok anlatsamda kaçarlar yada lütfen falan dedim diye küçümserler insanlar bu konuda garip herneyse yardım edin)sosyal anlamda güçlenmek istiyorum tek derdim bu
submitted by ShockThin9726 to bursa [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:52 Right-Truck1859 Why Boomers dislike BoS?

Is there any explanation?
Coming to Nelis with Veronica, they would call her "a spy of Brotherhood".
Also Pearl would be aggressive if you steal Colonel Blackwell key.
submitted by Right-Truck1859 to fnv [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:52 puSSssydestroyeR69 Game royal lows- SNKRS India

Game royal lows- SNKRS India Game Royal lows dropping on 30/11 on snkrs india! Great pair of lows in og colourblocking.
submitted by puSSssydestroyeR69 to SneakersIndia [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:52 Tymiann Get up to $1,000 Off for new Tesla orders. Link Works for most regions in EU too

Please follow this link for those bonuses:
submitted by Tymiann to TeslaReferralsCode [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:52 30MMII Speaker issues?

After updating my Iphone 15 Pro Max to IOS 18.1.1, the speakers on the bottom don't seem to work anymore, only the top speaker( I can't hear music from them anymore). The bottom microphone works well, i tried recording myself. Is there an issue with my bottom speakers or i it because of the new update?
submitted by 30MMII to iphonehelp [link] [comments]