2024.11.25 09:30 NightmareLarry Perché dire che sono pieno a merda di già è troppo
submitted by NightmareLarry to MemeItaliani [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 09:30 AnyRefrigerator9828 Sahte sigortalılık
Böyle bir durum olmamasına rağmen emekli olan eski bir çalışanımızdan doğru sgk soruşturma açmış. Ne yapmamız lazım neye dikkat edelim? Eyt den emekli olduğu için mi araştırıyolar bilgisi olan var mı acaba?
submitted by AnyRefrigerator9828 to hukuk [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 09:30 Zaxa7 Disc Drive in Stock PSdirect UK
Crosspost: Gents and Ladies, got a couple alerts about playstation direct this morning. Managed to snag a drive even though it took me forever to enter my details. That was 30min ago, they're still available right now so they must have a decent amount of stock. Give it a go. Good luck.
submitted by Zaxa7 to PS5pro [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 09:30 These-Cherry352 I might be your teacher, send me the nudes you wish you could send to the teacher you want to hook up with.
submitted by These-Cherry352 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 09:30 justpedro123 Reddut sings ashley's song from warioware
submitted by justpedro123 to redditsings [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 09:30 Sad_Frankenstein [PC - FLASH GAME][2000's] Escape the planet before it explodes
Platform(s): PC, played on websites like GirlsGoGames, Vivelejeu, or Newgrounds. It was a Flash game.
Genre: 3rd person. Point-and-click, likely an adventure or escape game. The game featured multiple endings based on choices and completing quests.
Estimated year of release: Between 2005 and 2013.
Graphics/art style: Colorful and cartoony. The setting was sci-fi, taking place on an alien planet that was about to explode.
Notable characters:
2024.11.25 09:30 superdurszlak Adding more relevant community highlights?
There are community highlights about US elections (relevant for US only) and Halloween (relevancy really depends on local traditions).
On the other hand, I see multiple new posts every day about similar topics 1. Getting diagnosed, and generally finding medical support 2. Coping with comorbidities, like depression 3. Relationships with autistic people - though it's more case by case than the other, so I'm not sure
Would it be a good idea to have pinned posts with some 101 / wiki links on how / where to seek medical support, such as what kind of specialist of therapy might to search for, how does the examination for autism look like (by country if needed) and such?
submitted by superdurszlak to autism [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 09:30 planetariuz Samsung com 5G da Digi até ao final do ano (talvez?)
https://preview.redd.it/kpgdcro5o03e1.png?width=651&format=png&auto=webp&s=82a4898d07b63aef37865202a58f2b2b96b547c0 Um utilizador Samsung recebeu esta resposta directamente da Samsung: submitted by planetariuz to digipt [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 09:30 Uzitabz How did I get a mythic in br ??!!
submitted by Uzitabz to sypherpk [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 09:30 Virtual_Raisin5246 New domme ready to drain, should I be active on here or bluesky ?
submitted by Virtual_Raisin5246 to findommes [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 09:30 erer1243 Currently, it's November 25, 2024 at 04:30AM
Currently, it's November 25, 2024 at 04:30AM
submitted by erer1243 to every15min [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 09:30 ps_news_bot Israeli attack on Rafah kills 4 as Hezbollah fires 340 missiles
submitted by ps_news_bot to palestinenews [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 09:29 Background-Ad-5779 Can someone help identify what country this is?
https://preview.redd.it/eiqoetz0o03e1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=27884584f167c6424b2848f790dd653623e7496e submitted by Background-Ad-5779 to mapporncirclejerk [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 09:29 Zer0_Square 5’8 at 17 will I grow taller
I was shorter than everyone for basically all my life and got my growth spurt later than others, I’ve looked it up and apparently you can keep growing until 21? I turn 18 in July next year, thoughts?
submitted by Zer0_Square to short [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 09:29 WolfoPoP Sh*tposting so this sub gets back on track (9/infinite)
submitted by WolfoPoP to FoundFelt389 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 09:29 Elrehon [FOR HIRE] Music Composer available for new works!
submitted by Elrehon to IndieDev [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 09:29 drfetid Kanaleipä. Piti tehdä sipulirenkaiden kanssa, unohtui
submitted by drfetid to ruoka [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 09:29 IndianByBrain That's how a Tap Works !!
submitted by IndianByBrain to FaltooGyan [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 09:29 Combo_player Wich one should i choose
submitted by Combo_player to custommagic [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 09:29 Spare-Rise-9908 Glasgow to London trains
How are trains going from Glasgow to London today? I have a ticket in the evening not sure if I should give it up due to the storm?
submitted by Spare-Rise-9908 to uktrains [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 09:29 Ordinary_Bench_4786 How to make fabric suitable for curtains?
Any advice is welcome! I have this fabric that I want to make curtains out of. I'm worried because it has some stretch up and down. Barely any stretch width wise. It's pretty thick fabric. What can I do to prevent the stretch? Interfacing is probably the answer here, but what kind? Can I put strips of some kind of stabilizeinterface along the length of the fabric where the clips will go? Since interface for the whole surface is $$$. Thank you! submitted by Ordinary_Bench_4786 to sewing [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 09:29 Playtipus_perry007 Is there's a battle who would win?? 🤔🤔
And what do you think what looks more appleling and good looking?? 🤔🤔🤔 submitted by Playtipus_perry007 to watchesindia [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 09:29 BakDorDmac 😂😂😂😂😂
submitted by BakDorDmac to TheKM [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 09:29 xatfi Finnair peruu noin 300 lentoa
submitted by xatfi to Uutiset [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 09:29 ILOVESHARKS1892 Scanlation School...
Anybody have an invite to the Discord? I've been scouring the net for links but they all seem to be expired. Did they get nuked or something?
submitted by ILOVESHARKS1892 to Scanlation [link] [comments]