[S2 Spoilers] I miss them

2024.11.25 09:57 Songkolmae [S2 Spoilers] I miss them

submitted by Songkolmae to arcane [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:57 terrabranfordstrife Love this fanart (did reverse image search and cannot find artist - help?)

Love this fanart (did reverse image search and cannot find artist - help?) submitted by terrabranfordstrife to disneyprincess [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:57 Over_Spring_602 Make it make sense.

Make it make sense. Also, no idea how it’s legal, even in Dubai.
submitted by Over_Spring_602 to Porsche [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:57 Remarkable-Fly-7119 I was wondering if anyone could make the hair using the horns I'm still learning how to do the horns and stuff, but it's a slow burn. Anyway, I was hoping someone who knows how to make hair with horns would try and make him. Since I lack the skills to do it as of now. I appreciate any help. 🙏🏽

 I was wondering if anyone could make the hair using the horns I'm still learning how to do the horns and stuff, but it's a slow burn. Anyway, I was hoping someone who knows how to make hair with horns would try and make him. Since I lack the skills to do it as of now. I appreciate any help. 🙏🏽 submitted by Remarkable-Fly-7119 to HeroForgeMinis [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:57 Gojinaf_10 Cassidy in my art style

Cassidy in my art style submitted by Gojinaf_10 to fivenightsatfreddys [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:57 TakeiteZZ 24 PST LF>people with similiar interests ( Touhou , Vocaloid / Miku , Anime , Rhythm Games)

doubt anyone from my timezone is awake LOL but here we go again..
Prefer to chat to people with similiar interests and timezone please! also adults so no minors, sorry! (+18) I love touhou project , vocaloid, rhythm games (been playing a lot of osu!, maimai and sdvx)!, and japanese music! yes all my taste kinda come from the games but im still exploring. i've not been playing as much games as i used to but i hover around halo , tower of fantasy, town of salem 2 and a bit of minecraft. i was looking forward to blue protocol but rip that game i'm open to new things so please! I would love some genuine interactions is kind of all I ask for. would prefer to chat on discord btw!
submitted by TakeiteZZ to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:57 DaRealGoat69 Question: If my power was to go out while my PS5 was updating, BUT I have an inverter, will the PS5 be damaged/corrupted? (The power only goes out for a second before the inverter turns on)

submitted by DaRealGoat69 to PS5HelpSupport [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:57 Typical-Customer7513 AI-Powered OS

I have the idea of building AI-powered OS. I just get into the field of Linux/VM and stuff. I'm just wondering what should I look into first? Whether to build on top of Virtual Box or must start from the OS itself. I really hope receiving as much ideas/contributions from you guys as I can!
submitted by Typical-Customer7513 to linuxquestions [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:57 New_YoghurtZ Fun people on Erasmus in Zagreb

Erasmus in Zagreb is boring, I know that from most people I've met. I am a local student and wanna meet people from all around the world. This is one opportunity for me to ask you guys to make the most of this city and for me to connect to more international friends.
Would love to ask you to grab a drink with me and my friends or go out to some clubs?
If you know other places to reach out to some new people feel free to drop it in the comments.
submitted by New_YoghurtZ to Erasmus [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:57 Pierre1306 Pflegefachkraft Ausbildung abgeschlossen, Examen ist beantragt. Wollen die mich übers Ohr hauen?

Pflegefachkraft Ausbildung abgeschlossen, Examen ist beantragt. Wollen die mich übers Ohr hauen? Hallo zusammen,
Ich bräuchte mal eure Hilfe. Ich habe meine Ausbildung zur Pflegefachkraft erfolgreich abgeschlossen und habe mein Examen beantragt.
Mein Arbeitgeber will mich nun als Pflegehilfskraft einstellen, solange ich mein examen noch nicht in der Hand habe. Ich habe mir auch online den TVöD-P angeschaut und finde da keine P2 stufe 2 oder p3 stufe 1... Ich weiß nicht ob die noch eine alte Tabelle benutzen aber ich habe das Gefühl das die mich übers Ohr hauen wollen.
Zur Info ich habe nicht vor da ewig zu bleiben war auch nicht der Plan. Aber über Weihnachten/Neujahr wollte ich eig. Noch bleiben.
Ich hoffe jemand mit mehr Erfahrung kann mir vielleicht weiterhelfen und/oder tipps geben wie ich vorgehen soll.
submitted by Pierre1306 to Pflege [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:57 Akslepios Ich glaube kaum, dass er einfach wieder so in die Wissenschaft zurückkehren hätte können

Hello, I was reading Die Drei Sonne and this 3 verb combination gave me a hard time. However after looking it up I came to the idea that Ich glaube kaum, dass er einfach wieder so in die Wissenschaft hätte zurückkehren können would be the correct grammar. Am I missing something or the book is wrong written?
submitted by Akslepios to German [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:57 qKnockout Welcher Spinner hat das gestern nochmal gepusht?😂📉

Welcher Spinner hat das gestern nochmal gepusht?😂📉 submitted by qKnockout to wallstreetbetsGER [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:57 ChimmyPop What type of oil do Philippine Cinemas use for their popcorn?

To anyone who worked for any cinema outlet here sa Philippines, genuine question, but what kind of oil do they use? 😭
I have been trying to figure this one out for such a long time, and it was always a hit or miss. I tried the Popperoo one being sold sa Shopee/Lazada, and I swear, that is not what popcorns taste like sa cinemas.
I did find one before, pero it was not branded, like it was being sold as "Popcorn Oil" lang through Shopee. And they came in these opaque bottles, and boi, let me tell you, that was what the popcorns tasted like in theaters! Sad lang kasi ni-label, wala siya. So you can't really know what kind of oil it is or like where it came from. Also, wala na siya sa Shopee/Lazada, this unbranded popcorn oil. I guess hindi siya FDA approved kaya tinanggal.
That explains why I'm here, what kind of oil do our local cinemas use ba? 😭 The Popperoo one is not the answer. I want that buttery, yellow oil lmao
submitted by ChimmyPop to filipinofood [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:57 grimmjawJJ 32 [m4f] #online/netherlands. Dutch giant looking for fun chat, Friends, fwb, whatever.

I'm happy to tell you all about me in our chat, but here's a few things: 32 years old, 6'5" (196cm) tall, has a cute dog(might send cute pics), gamer, and I'm very talkative if the other puts in some effort too :) I'm down for anything, whether that's sfw or nsfw, I go with the flow (hence why I marked it nsfw, don't worry I won't randomly start sending you dickpics).
Mainly looking for something online, but I'm not opposed to meeting up if we click and are relatively close (I'm sorry, not planning in moving half way across the world for someone🙈)
So yes, just message me and say hi, I'm sure we'll get along!
submitted by grimmjawJJ to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:57 Downtown-Raccoon2864 Schätzung des Unternehmenswertes nach Ausscheiden aus junger GmbH

Person X ist Gesellschafter einer GmbH zu 8%. Es gibt 3 weitere Gesellschafter (60%, 24%, 8%)
Die GmbH wurde vor 1,5 Jahren gegründet und produziert Designermöbel. Aktuell macht das Unternehmen schon ca 2-3 Mio€ Umsatz, jedoch bleibt aufgrund viel Werbeausgaben nicht viel Gewinn übrig. Es gibt ein Designpatent beim best verkauften Produkt. Die Marke des Unternehmens hat bisher ca. 70.000 Follower auf Instagram.
Person X hat die Unternehmensanteile bekommen, weil er in der Gründung 50.000€ privates Geld als Darlehen dem Unternehmen bereit gestellt hat. Ende diesen Jahres ist die Schlussrate vertraglich fällig.
Jetzt hat Person X im Unternehmen gekündigt und es knallt leider. Der Geschäftsführer möchte die Schlussrate nur dann Zahlen, wenn Person X seine Unternehmensanteile und alle Forderungen an das Unternehmen abtritt (die 8% quasi einfach schenken).
Das das Unternehmen die Schlussrate zahlen muss, ist klar. Ansonsten sind auch Verzugszinsen im Darlehensvertrag festgehalten, die keiner Mahnung bedürfen. Hier ist alles klar.
Die Frage: Wie schätzt man den Wert eines solchen Unternehmens? Aktuell hat es zwar kaum Gewinn, weil das meiste Geld in Werbung fließt, aber die Werbekosten sollten sich in Zukunft reduzieren, da die Marke und Reichweite wächst.
Im Gesellschaftsvertrag steht, dass "die Bewertung der Anteile durch Ermittlung des objektivierten Unternehmenswerts erfolgt, indem sich der Wert des im Rahmen des vorhandenen Unternehmenskonzepts fortgeführten Unternehmens ausdrückt."
Für jeden Tipp, Rückfragen, Ideen usw. dankbar.
submitted by Downtown-Raccoon2864 to selbststaendig [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:57 TerzieffaCZ Dialga 985890755280

submitted by TerzieffaCZ to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:57 East_North Do you call out a company's layoffs in the interview?

I have an interview later today and was reviewing information about the company online. I see they have had layoffs in Summer 2024 and it is now Nov 2024.
I'm thinking about saying/asking something like: "I've seen some rumblings online that maybe your company had layoffs in mid-2024. First of all, is this true?" And if it's true, ask a follow up question like, "When you began hiring again, what percentage of those who were laid off were re-offered positions?"
I feel like this is a valid question since a company that is struggling in 2024 is likely to continue to struggle and I could be laid off at some point. Any thoughts on this? Should I not ask it at all? Is there a better way to word it?
submitted by East_North to interviews [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:57 teuluzen Taki from &Team

Hello, you can tell me a list of things that Taki from &Team loves and hate?
submitted by teuluzen to AndTeam [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:57 Otherwise-Panda2535 Narcissist transformation

I am 21 f and I have been with my current partner 28 m for about a year and a half now, I started university in January and ever since then our relationship went downhill, my courses were very very difficult and I failed a few of them in my first semester, we started arguing almost weekly, it would start small and over time every argument would have a new upgrade, but we would make up, he would drive to my dorm, or I would drive to meet him somewhere, we would talk and try and reflect, but the cycle would repeat in a few weeks. Especially during my finals I would find it extremely difficult to regulate my emotions and reactions. The last few weeks it got to the lowest point and I talked down on my partner in a non direct way but with the things I said it was insinuated that I am undermining him and his life accomplishments, that I am devaluing him in a way and taking away from the depth of his character. I did a lot of research and reading and listening to my partner’s end of the story and I have come to learn that I am a narcissist, it took me longer than it should to discover that but we’re here now. I feel very weird and odd, I genuinely truly do not want or wish to be this way, I want to change and be a better person for my partner and for myself, I truly feel bad with myself for all the things I said to my partner, I have no excuses for them, even right now writing this while sitting in a lecture I am tearing up, I realize how bad I have made him feel, especially when he came to me and said he feels like he lost touch and sense of who he was before all this chaos, this really made me feel that I have harmed him in a way that he may never recover from again. I talked to him and I apologized and I described to him the habits I am aware I need to change and I explained how I see the hurt I caused him, he says he stuck around for so long because he loves me and to him, he wants this relationship to workout because he feels so much comfort and peace with me, at least before the university phase began… It’s been a week or so since this conversation, he has also told me he wishes to focus more on himself and his work so he can save up for our marriage, also I myself have finals coming up in January so I am at university most of the time. For the last week the routine has been us waking up, texting each other good morning, maybe shortly catching up throughout the day over text, and ending the day with a phone call at night and talking about our days. This morning I woke up and I just feel weird, I feel really weird, I don’t know what to label this emotion, I just genuinely feel kind of weird, I do love him, I have many reasons to love him, he’s a really kind and compassionate man, i just don’t know what to feel, I don’t feel hopeful maybe, or maybe I just feel that I have “repented” way later than I should’ve, I read almost everywhere that even the reflection of narcissists isn’t a true one, and it rarely happens that a narcissist can change, to me it feels like I inflicted my internal conflict and struggles onto him and now, I just want to shutdown and never come in contact with another person because I am scared to hurt them. I feel that I am obligated to make it up to him, and at the same time, something in me is telling me that what’s broken cannot be fixed, I can support him and respect him but, the love and security might be too far gone by now… I feel like I need to tell him to recover from me and move on, at the same time he’s expressed that he wants to continue working on the relationship and marry me, he’s expressed that he only needs me to try for him and break this cycle,which I really want to and I am genuinely trying to. I have looked into CBT and mindfulness and all of those tools and I have been implementing them into my routine, I read online that there’s something called the narcissist transformation phase, this is where a narcissist finally commits to the idea or urge to change their habits and behaviors, but I found no information on how this phase can feel, I am writing this because I just want to be able to understand myself better and what is it that I exactly feeling and what do I do about it?
submitted by Otherwise-Panda2535 to helpme [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:57 stat-insig-005 12TB Ultrastar or Barracuda Pro

I want to upgrade my NAS from single 4TB pool to 12TB RAID1 with two disks. I have two refurbished 12TB options:
1) WD Ultrastar DC HC520 for $109.99: https://serverpartdeals.com/collections/manufacturer-recertified-drives/products/hgst-ultrastar-he12-0f29590-huh721212ale600-12tb-7-2k-rpm-sata-6gb-s-512e-256mb-cache-3-5-ise-power-disable-pin-manufacturer-recertified-hdd
2) Seagate Barracuda Pro ST12000DM0007 for $96: https://serverpartdeals.com/collections/manufacturer-recertified-drives/products/seagate-barracuda-pro-st12000dm0007-12tb-7-2k-rpm-sata-6gb-s-256mb-3-5-manufacturer-recertified-hdd
My plan is to buy one of each and set up taid 1. I want to buy different brand and models to avoid a bad batch possibility.
Is there anything wrong with these drives? I like the idea of buying cheap refurbished because in any case it will be a more resilient setting than my single disk solution.
submitted by stat-insig-005 to DataHoarder [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:57 NagolSook Fluctuations Between

In shadows’ grasp, where light dares not linger, I’ve wandered long, feeling every splinter. Hope flickers out like a dying flame; In the clutches of pain, I forget my name.
Nihilism whispers, but it’s not my tongue; It demands a fire I’ve never sung— Yet daily, mindlessly, I walk its path, Invisible chains pull me into the wrath.
My mind, once a sanctuary, now a battleground, Full of echoes of the good I haven’t found. I try to quiet the noise, the inner fight, But the world laughs, feeding my plight.
I look in the mirror, see a stranger’s frown— Molded by a world that loves to see me down. Every step costs, each breath a toll, In this life’s market, I’ve sold my soul.
I’m the rot within, self-loathing at the core, A reflection tarnished, can’t recognize anymore. Even simple minds seem to wander free, While I’m chained by my own complexity.
Offered everything or nothing at all, I’d choose silence, let into the void I fall. For peace in nothingness, I yearn to dive, Away from this noise where I barely survive.
Memories, once vivid, now faded and cold, Tell tales of happiness, now just stories retold. Life’s been a cocktail—forlorned and pained, Mixing until nothing but stains remain.
What’s joy but a fleeting trick, A moment’s grace, thin and slick? Disillusioned, seeing all, feeling small, In a world too vast, against which I pall.
Why try, why dream, when all’s a mess? A cog in a machine of endless stress. Feeling less, yet more than a simple part, A human—this title—a questionable art.
Everything converges, yet nothing aligns, Surviving is a game where no one really shines. Caught between highs and lows, I’m just another soul that nobody knows.
submitted by NagolSook to awakened [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:57 not_my_name_26 What about auction today?

How many good players are yet to come, and where can we see them going?
submitted by not_my_name_26 to ipl [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:57 Delilahr Any sellers for creative custom mugs?

First off, let’s make this a safe space please (you’ll see why in a second). I want to get my boyfriend mug as a gift, but I don’t want one of those basic mugs where they do a crappy print-job of whatever picture you select. I want it to be personalized to a certain kink we have (don’t judge). Ideally, I can describe to the seller what I want on the mug, and they’ll use their creative minds to make something nice. Any seller recommendations?
submitted by Delilahr to Etsy [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:57 ahmede2020 Does Zcash Really Belong in the Monitoring Tokens List?

Placing Zcash (ZEC) under the "Monitoring Tokens by Market Capitalization" list due to its supposed higher volatility and risks raises valid concerns. While Zcash, like many cryptocurrencies, experiences fluctuations, labeling it as exhibiting "notably higher risks" seems unjustified, especially given the inherent volatility of emerging digital markets.
Zcash boasts a strong market capitalization and significant trading volume, yet this monitoring tag risks unfairly stigmatizing it. Such classifications can mislead investors and harm the reputation of a project that prioritizes privacy and security—innovations that deserve recognition, not unwarranted caution.
Rather than applying ambiguous tags, platforms should focus on educating users about genuine risks and fostering transparency. Zcash is more than just a cryptocurrency; it represents a vital step toward financial privacy that deserves balanced consideration, not reactionary labels.
To CZ (Changpeng Zhao) :
Hi CZ, as a long-time supporter of Binance and the crypto ecosystem, I’m curious about the reasoning behind adding Zcash to the 'Monitoring Tokens' list. Zcash is a well-established project with significant market cap and a focus on privacy—a cornerstone of blockchain innovation. Labeling it as notably risky seems to contradict the ideals of decentralization and freedom that Binance champions. Could you clarify how these decisions are made? Transparency in such cases strengthens trust with your community
submitted by ahmede2020 to zec [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:57 Daniel_reed17 Brought a Trezor.. whats the first pics all about? Is it more secure than 24 seed word?

Brought a Trezor.. whats the first pics all about? Is it more secure than 24 seed word? submitted by Daniel_reed17 to TREZOR [link] [comments]
