Just got my cordelius to 1k 🍄

2024.11.25 09:30 asianricecooker_ Just got my cordelius to 1k 🍄

Just got my cordelius to 1k 🍄 submitted by asianricecooker_ to CordeliusSimps [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:30 AnnaWiseTheGoat Weekly Discussion

submitted by AnnaWiseTheGoat to AnnaWise [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:30 Clean-Ant-1342 How does it feel when you date someone from your own ethnicity and after dating multiple people from different ethnicity? Is there any kind of fomo Or dissatisfaction?

Actually my boyfriend 'M23'is Indian like me 'F23' , but he told me a few days ago that he has only dated girls from other ethnicity before (white, Russian, Korean) And after hearing this I felt a little uncomfortable and nervous.
TL;DR ihave to ask you guys, are there any of you who have dated someone from another ethnicity and how did you feel when you dated someone from your ethnicity? any success story?
submitted by Clean-Ant-1342 to dating [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:30 Free-War2802 What’s a moment in your life when you felt truly free?

submitted by Free-War2802 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:30 AdhesivenessDry4835 Should I go to youth group

I have been thinking about going to my churches youth group for a while now. I really want to expand my faith beyond the surface (I’m 14 and I want to have a deep relationship with god) and I think a good what to do that is through, a youth group and to build relationships with my peers and the leaders at the youth group. But I’m a somewhat shy introverted person and I don’t like meeting new people especially that are my age(I get almost social anxiety). Should I push past my earthly fears and go or should I not go
submitted by AdhesivenessDry4835 to Christian [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:30 Surfee User Research for a Simple Business Card Scanner App - Need Your Help!

User Research for a Simple Business Card Scanner App - Need Your Help! submitted by Surfee to takemysurvey [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:30 Maleficent-Citron-14 Streaming again - F4F need affiliate plllllllzzzz

submitted by Maleficent-Citron-14 to TwitchFollowers [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:30 CH24steady Welcome to ATRON - The Arbitrage Protocol The mission is to connect the DeFi space through arbitrage! To learn more, join our community ⬇️ http://t.me/atronprotocol Arbitrage, Volume, Rewards!

Welcome to ATRON - The Arbitrage Protocol The mission is to connect the DeFi space through arbitrage! To learn more, join our community ⬇️ http://t.me/atronprotocol Arbitrage, Volume, Rewards! submitted by CH24steady to ATRON [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:30 NoTop4008 Any private space in Coimbatore for Cocktail parties ?

Hi everyone, I'm planning a small, private cocktail party for 10 people in Coimbatore. Does anyone know of a suitable bar or lounge that can be reserved for private events?
I appreciate any feedback!
submitted by NoTop4008 to Coimbatore [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:30 No-Following-6725 Got my first car!

Got my first car! submitted by No-Following-6725 to ween [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:30 _LT_Dan_ice_cream Anniversary edition house bugs

Need help deciding on the least glitchy houses from the AE houses. I'm newly in Hendraheim, I do really like the aesthetic but I've heard it can be extremely glitchy and thinking of moving because of this. I've read some of the wiki on different houses and so far it's not looking great when it comes to bugs but I'm curious what people's experiences are with different houses.
So far Myrwatch looks alright from a bug perspective on the wiki
TLDR: need to decide on the least buggy houses from AE
submitted by _LT_Dan_ice_cream to skyrim [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:30 Annual-Marketing7317 Hey All

This is an all inclusive community. We build each-other up. We game together. And we do what we can for the community!
submitted by Annual-Marketing7317 to TwitchBuildUp [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:30 LaborIpseVoluptas Lucrez în învățământ. Colegii mei au votat preponderent cu Georgescu

Colegii de istorie: e un fascist extrem, ăsta ne scoate mâine din NATO și din UE.
Nu-i adevărat, nu e de acord doar cu unele chestii din UE! Atât!
Despre USR: aia ne bagă în război până și cu indula șerpilor hahaaha
Colega de fizică: îmi place cum vorbește Georgescu, chiar își iubește țara...
Unul: Trebuie să fii incult să...
Aia e, suntem noi ăia inculți acuma - zic câțiva.
Un coleg de istorie revine și zice: i s-a amintit, într-un interviu, lui Georgescu că legionarii l-au ucis pe Nicolae Iorga, la care Georgescu a replicat că astea sunt niște mistificări. A zis că oamenii ăia au fost martiri. Susținem criminali acuma?
Mai mulți: las', toată lumea încearcă să-l atace acum, o să fie numai minciuni zilele astea! Nu mai plecați urechea.
Există totuși un consens: sărbătoarea generală că au pierdut PSD-ul și PNL-ul. Super mega extaz.
Mă rog, au fost mai multe comentarii de pomină. Inclusiv de la elevi am auzit același lucru, aparent au votat masiv cu Georgescu (eu nu i-am întrebat nimic, ei erau entuziasmați fiind în cls a 12a, primul vot și își tot împărtășeau opțiunea de vot pe coridoare sau în clasă, în timp ce ne așezam).
Pe ansamblu, un început de zi foarte interesant.
submitted by LaborIpseVoluptas to Romania [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:30 vansomereng I’m currently at 6.1.4, should I be able to reach TB and Paragon with this roster and masteries? Where do I improve?

submitted by vansomereng to MarvelContestOfChamps [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:30 Individual_Still982 I'm going to be super rich, apparently :)

So, I just started randonauting 2 days ago. Some background about me is that I'm a very positive and optimistic person. Very into manifestation, Law of Assumption, that kinda thing. I genuinely believe this can be used a manifestation tool.
I love going big so I set my intention for 5/7 of my explorations to be about experiencing money windfalls like finding money clips with stacks in them. Something I could hold in my hand. Someone on tiktok said they'd found 1k in a bag doing this once so I said that's going to be me :)
..What I got instead were literal mansions or very upscale homes/apartments. I live in a big city so it makes sense. But I personally found it symbolic. I used Power, Atttactor, and Quantum. Nothing was on the ground and I didn't feel comfortable walking very far because they were all private property with security cameras. I wandered around the sidewalks but didn't linger too long.
When I set my intention for 'My Destiny' today I was lead to one of the largest mansions I've seen. I walked around a tiny bit but didn't find anything significant. But it felt like validation to me. I researched that the homes from that street go from 2-10 million.
I'm going to keep hunting for money stacks for fun and am even considering using the app to treasure hunt. Even though I didn't get exactly what I wanted, I heard that saving the addresses can be relevant later.
This was really fun! I'm a very intentional person so I legitimately think I saw my future. It's fascinating! ❤️
submitted by Individual_Still982 to randonauts [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:30 easylearn__ing 6.5 h (4.5 stars)- Master Linear Algebra: Data Science & Machine Learning Foundations

submitted by easylearn__ing to udemyfreebies [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:30 lairyloreeee Skincare Discussion | November 25, 2024

Welcome to our Let’s Connect & Glow!
Happy Monday, beauties! It’s time to dive into our weekly skincare discussion. Let’s talk about everything related to skincare and help each other out with tips and recommendations.
Feel free to:

Let’s make this a great discussion and help each other achieve our skincare goals!

Important Notes:
submitted by lairyloreeee to skincare_ph [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:30 napleswebguy Download HULU episodes

Hi, any open source or freeware software that lets you download Hulu episodes? I have the "ad" plan and it doesnt let you download the shows to your PC, only the "ad free" plan. Any suggestions on software would be appreciated!
submitted by napleswebguy to opensource [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:30 AutoModerator the news

coding blog began on 25/8/2024
submitted by AutoModerator to indiantechteen [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:30 mydisheveledhair 27 [F4A] Philippines/Online - childfree aroace looking to talk

Hi all! I’m a 27-year old childfree aroace girlie from the Philippines and I’m looking to talk (short-term bc i can’t commit to long-term connections, it’s okay if we talk only for today)😁 It would be cool to meet fellow aroace people but if you’re not that’s not a problem at all! My interests include anime, manga, books, a little bit of video games and music. If you’re 25 to 35 and think we could share a good convo feel free to hit me up!
submitted by mydisheveledhair to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:30 AutoModerator Multilevel Models, Random Intercept & Slope for items ? | Stats & Data Analysis

Reach out on | Discord or email [email protected] to read Reviews & send Project / Task details and Get Started.

Statistics in Psychology | R Studio | Jamovi | STATA | SPSS | Excel |
submitted by AutoModerator to statisticsHomework [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:30 This_Insurance1056 Overpayment from employer

I worked for a mining company from 2018 till 2024. A bit of backstory: we did rosters and worked through the public holidays. There was an enterprise agreement that all the annual leave booked during the public holidays will be paid back. Now back to the story, I resigned, with my last working day being the 5th of June. I got paid in June, and I did not complain, as a lot of my previous colleagues got a full month paid even if they worked part of the month when they quit. And I was sure my annual leave would cover that even if they were to get that from me. Come July, I got paid again, and when I looked at my payslip, it was a normal month's pay. So I got hold of HR and told them they paid me wrong and I am only expecting the annual leave payout. My email access was taken off (no more payslips), and the HR straight away wanted me to transfer all the money back. I did transfer all the July payment back after they promised me all the dues would be settled in the August pay run. So come August, I got paid, and it was a bit more than what I expected. My previous colleagues(who still work there) told me that the enterprise agreement kicked in and all their annual leave used during public holidays was paid. So I thought the company did the right thing and paid me what they owed me; in a million years I did not think they would make the same mistake again. I went my happy ways and paid my rates and a few bills. Come September, I got paid again. Got hold of payroll, gave them a mouthful, and transferred the coin back, and now they are after me, chasing all the taxes, super, and any extra payment. According to the company, I will get the taxes back in PAYG, but the June payment is not even shown in my last year's tax statement, and this year's tax statement shows the company has paid my annual leave out in October, and there is no other payment shown there. They have not paid me my annual leave (I think they are crediting it back to the monies owed to them) and have not paid any super. The super account I had with them was cancelled the day I left work. What are my chances here? Thanks in advance.
submitted by This_Insurance1056 to AusLegal [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:30 SeekOutCast Monday

submitted by SeekOutCast to SeekOut [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:30 adulting4kids Famous Writers As Inspiration Part Two

  1. Explore a moment of existential reflection where the protagonist questions the purpose of their existence, echoing the philosophical inquiries found in Albert Camus's works.
  2. Write a scene set in a dystopian society where characters resist against a regime that controls language, inspired by the linguistic manipulations depicted in George Orwell's "1984."
  3. Craft a dialogue between characters that delves into the complexities of identity and societal expectations, echoing J.D. Salinger's exploration of adolescence and authenticity.
  4. Describe a surreal dreamscape where characters confront their deepest fears, capturing the psychological and symbolic richness reminiscent of Clive Barker's dark fantasy.
  5. Write a character-driven narrative set in a vibrant and chaotic urban landscape, capturing the raw and unfiltered observations of city life inspired by Henry Miller's works.
  6. Explore the consequences of a character's encounter with a mysterious artifact that alters their perception of reality, drawing inspiration from Philip K. Dick's exploration of altered states.
  7. Craft a scene where characters navigate a fantastical realm, capturing the whimsical imagination and linguistic inventiveness characteristic of Lewis Carroll's storytelling.
  8. Describe a protagonist's journey through the gritty underbelly of society, where vices and desires lead to self-destructive paths, inspired by Charles Bukowski's unfiltered exploration of the human condition.
  9. Write a satirical and darkly humorous critique of contemporary society, exploring the absurdities of the world through the lens of George Carlin's observational wit.
  10. Explore the intersection of spirituality and social consciousness in a narrative inspired by the mysticism and philosophical musings of Timothy Leary.
  11. Craft a dialogue-rich scene set in a seedy bar or underground club, capturing the gritty realism and dark humor characteristic of Charles Bukowski's works.
  12. Describe a protagonist's journey of self-discovery and rebellion against societal norms, infused with the spontaneous energy and poetic freedom characteristic of the beat generation's spirit.
  13. Write a hallucinatory account of a routine event, infusing the mundane with a surreal twist, capturing the disjointed narrative style reminiscent of William S. Burroughs.
  14. Explore the consequences of a protagonist's encounter with a forgotten language or code, infusing the dialogue with layers of meaning and symbolism, inspired by the unconventional expression found in Allen Ginsberg's poetry.
  15. Craft a poignant and socially charged poem or song addressing issues of racial inequality and systemic injustice, echoing the thought-provoking and emotionally charged style of Tupac Shakur.
  16. Describe a crossroads in your story, exploring the diverging paths available to the characters and the uncertainties, fears, and hopes associated with each choice, inspired by the moral dilemmas found in the works of Ayn Rand.
  17. Write a dark and atmospheric scene set during a severe weather event, capturing the characters' adaptation, struggle, or discovery of unexpected beauty amidst the chaos, drawing inspiration from the elemental and existential themes found in Cormac McCarthy's works.
  18. Explore the consequences of a character's decision that leads to unforeseen challenges and existential reflections, capturing the moral ambiguity and psychological depth found in the works of Albert Camus.
  19. Craft a narrative that delves into the dual nature of identity, where characters grapple with their inner demons and societal expectations, echoing the psychological complexity and philosophical themes found in the works of Fyodor Dostoevsky.
  20. Write a dialogue-heavy scene between two characters with a complex history, capturing the subtleties, unspoken emotions, and underlying tensions that define their relationship, drawing inspiration from the interpersonal dynamics found in the works of F. Scott Fitzgerald.
  21. Explore the consequences of a character's decision to rebel against a dystopian society, capturing the themes of resistance and individualism found in the works of Ayn Rand.
  22. Craft a scene where characters confront the consequences of their actions in a surreal dreamscape, drawing inspiration from the psychological and symbolic richness reminiscent of Salvador Dali's surrealism.
  23. Describe a protagonist's journey through a surreal dreamscape, exploring the intricate details, unspoken emotions, and underlying tensions, capturing the hallucinatory and symbolic richness reminiscent of Salvador Dali's surrealism.
  24. Write a dialogue-rich scene where characters grapple with the consequences of their actions and the elusive nature of meaning, drawing inspiration from J.D. Salinger's exploration of identity and existential angst.
  25. Explore a moment of existential reflection where the protagonist questions the purpose of their existence, echoing the philosophical inquiries found in Albert Camus's works.
  26. Craft a narrative set in a haunted small town, where characters uncover chilling secrets buried beneath the surface, drawing inspiration from the atmospheric horror and psychological twists found in Stephen King's works.
  27. Write a satirical and darkly humorous critique of contemporary society, exploring the absurdities of the world through the lens of George Carlin's observational wit.
  28. Describe a pivotal moment of realization for your protagonist, delving into their thoughts, emotions, and the internal shifts that occur, inspired by the introspective and philosophical style of J.D. Salinger.
  29. Craft a monologue for a character reflecting on the passage of time, capturing the regrets, joys, and lessons learned in a manner reminiscent of Charles Bukowski's raw and unfiltered honesty.
  30. Explore the consequences of a character communicating solely through metaphorical language, infusing the dialogue with layers of meaning and symbolism, inspired by the unconventional expression found in Allen Ginsberg's poetry.
  31. Write a hallucinatory account of a routine event, infusing the mundane with a surreal twist, capturing the disjointed narrative style reminiscent of William S. Burroughs.
  32. Describe an unexpected encounter between two strangers in a bustling city, capturing the nuances of their exchange and the potential impact on their lives, drawing inspiration from the existential exploration found in Albert Camus's works.
  33. Craft a narrative set in a vibrant and chaotic urban landscape, capturing the raw and unfiltered observations of city life inspired by Henry Miller's works.
  34. Explore the consequences of a character's encounter with a mysterious artifact that alters their perception of reality, drawing inspiration from Philip K. Dick's exploration of altered states.
  35. Write a character-driven narrative set in a vibrant and chaotic urban landscape, capturing the raw and unfiltered observations of city life inspired by Henry Miller's works.
  36. Explore the intersection of spirituality and social consciousness in a narrative inspired by the mysticism and philosophical musings of Timothy Leary.
  37. Craft a dialogue-rich scene set in a seedy bar or underground club, capturing the gritty realism and dark humor characteristic of Charles Bukowski's
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:30 Baby_Jcakes Cool Whip

Has anyone ever had an issues with cool whip ? I typically use it for a Thanksgiving recipe and for pies but this is my first holiday season since going gluten free.
Thank you so much for any and all feedback!
submitted by Baby_Jcakes to Celiac [link] [comments]
