2024.11.25 09:19 TypicalProcess9250 can she put that on her resume?
submitted by TypicalProcess9250 to suicidebywords [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 09:19 Kela-el Space Horizons
submitted by Kela-el to TrueEarth [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 09:19 Next_Ad_8399 North or South first
This question seems kind of random, but I am thinking of going to the North( for example Chiang Mai) first because I have seen that the weather in the south and on the islands will be pretty bad. I am a little bit concerned because my dream scenario would be meeting people to continue my traveling with(I am solo M 19) and I have heard that in the North its less active and I could imagine it's harder to meet new people there. Am i concerned for a reason or is it irrelevant where I go first? Thank you for your answers!
submitted by Next_Ad_8399 to ThailandTourism [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 09:19 kollisbollis [Feature request] Import recipe from plain text
I use ChatGPT a lot when creating new recipes, and somtimes they are so good I want to save them for later. Would be great if I could upload a recipe to Umami using plain text that is converted into a recipe. Then all i would have to do is copy/paste form ChatGPT and maybe add my own picture of the finished result. Thanks.
submitted by kollisbollis to umamirecipes [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 09:19 EndersGame_Reviewer This crazy umbrella idea could actually work
submitted by EndersGame_Reviewer to funny [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 09:19 Militado-watch Updates : The ML10 --37mm pilot watch will be sent with sandblast caseback , photos on webiste will be updated soon .
submitted by Militado-watch to Militado [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 09:19 DotLimp434 Lost connection to servers/host in the middle of zombies games's
Iv tried to play 4 zombies games this weekend with mates, with 4 different hosts each time and every single game has ended in the above text on my screen. anyone know what's up?
submitted by DotLimp434 to BO6Zombies [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 09:19 Spiritual-Body4947 Sony A6700 or A7CR better?
Sony A6700 or A7CR better for someone buying camera for the first time and planning to do portraits mostly as an influencer?
submitted by Spiritual-Body4947 to SonyAlpha [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 09:19 CrazyTacoLoco How you deal with insomnia and panic attacks?
About the insomnia...
- Coffee I've tried not taking any at all, barely helps to get some extra sleep and in few occasions i remember having insomnia even if i didn't take a single drop for a day or two and then days later i slept for 7h despite drinking coffee late at night, btw i'm the kind of person who just takes a cup or two daily, not a gallon.
- Vitamins I take multivitamins supplement, in my country the most famous brand is "centrum" by Pfizer, then i have my 3000 ui vitamin D tablets to take every other day.
But i don't take my vitamins that often anymore, why?
well some sources claim that multivitamin supplements can cause insomnia, even vitamin D can cause insomnia because somehow interferes with melatonin production but then some people say lack of vitamin D can cause insomnia as well...
In this sub I've seen comments about how important is vitamin D when you feel drowsy, lightheaded, weak etc i suppose i should take 3000 ui daily (Doc said it was fine to take vitamin D and i could just forget the other vitamins).
- Melatonin and valerian pills doc also said it was fine to take any of those yet i'm not so sure about valerian because in the PVC subreddit (ectopic hearbeats) people say that valerian can cause PVC palpitations... i already got that thx to Graves disease and don't want no more please... im already miserable and depressed.
what's your experience with melatonin and valerian?
When i have bad insomnia the only way i can get some sleep is by sleeping 3-4h one day then next day I'll sleep 6-7 hours rinse and repeat, it's like i need to stay awake for more than 18h to get better sleep next day else if i force myself to go early to bed i can waste 3 or 4 hours rolling around just wasting time until dawn then i'll grab my phone and watch youtube or go back to pc until i finally get sleepy.
I remember a friend saying to me "you should only go to bed when you actually feel sleepy and tired else you won't sleep" yeah this definitely works but GL with that when you have a schedule and a job.
is it graves? coffee? the vitamins? anxiety? all of it?
About the panic attacks...
Today i think i had a panic attack or flare up no idea... everything was OK then i decided to smoke like 1/4 cigarette (i barely smoke one or two daily) and for some reason a minute later i started feeling funny and that triggered a panic attack or something, HR raised up to 95-110 just like that and slowly dropped to 80-90 like an hour later and 2hours later back to 70-80.
i assume it was a panic attack because 6 hours later, i had some coffee, another smoke and HR at 70... what happened? i did it on purpose i wanted to see if the cigarette or coffee was to blame but here i am, calm, slightly sleepy, no issues... im totally relaxed.
Any HR above 95 has a risk of giving me panic attacks, people have told me that even 100 is no concern at all but i just freak out and that makes things worse. I remember one day i thought i was suffering from thyroid storm or heart failure when HR reached 115 but had no pain no sweat no other thing just feeling doom, so much fear, panic etc
Even low HR like 60-65 can give me a panic attack because i feel way way too relaxed, i can barely feel my heart beating and that's how the panic begins.
Doc said valerian could help to stay relaxed but again i don't like that some ppl claim that this natural remedy can cause pvc ectopic beats, what do you think? BTW i don't get panic attacks all the time, maybe once or twice a month.
Anyways what do you do when you feel a panic attack is coming? thx for the replies.
submitted by CrazyTacoLoco to gravesdisease [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 09:19 myrmekochoria A member of the Deutsche Bundespost posing with the Eisbär, 1950s
submitted by myrmekochoria to dragonutopia [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 09:19 Conscious-Garage4397 Patching nds???
Alright i have a patched version of pokemon heart gold and it never works on twilight menu, it always brings up the red error bootstrap screen. Has anyone found out a way to play patched/hacked games like rom hacks on twilight reliably? My version of renegade platinum runs fine so idk what’s the issue.
submitted by Conscious-Garage4397 to 3dspiracy [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 09:19 HLYjls Vermieter fordert Nachzahlung so nie vorausgezahlt wurde
Nachdem ich im Mai 2023 in meine jetzige WG gezogen bin, ist uns schnell aufgefallen, dass wir keinen richtigen Überblick über die Finanzen haben. Da mir sowas aber sehr am Herzen liegt, habe ich das Thema angesprochen und wir haben uns gemeinsam darum bemüht, Licht ins Dunkel zu bringen. In Bezug auf die Heizkosten habe ich die vergangene Nebenkostenabrechnung betrachtet und gesehen, dass wir eine Gasetagenheizung haben, da dort keine Heizkosten aufgelistet waren, sondern dickgedruckt "Gas-Etage" stand. Auch ein Gasvertrag, welcher bis November 23 ging, sprach für eine Gas-Etagenheizung. Wir konnten uns alle nicht erklären, wie das sein kann, dass wir keinen Gasvertrag haben, wir allerdings trotzdem mit Gas beliefert werden. Nach Rücksprache mit dem örtlichen Grundversorger rat er uns die Zählernummer + Zählerstand durchzugeben, sodass die den Vertrag auf uns umschreiben können. Als wir feststellen mussten, dass keine Gaszähler im Keller sind, rief ich den Verwalter vom Vermieter an um zu erfragen wo die Zähler den seien. Er verwies mich an den Sanitärmann, da er keine Ahnung hatte. Nachdem ich diesen anrief, teilte er mir mit, dass wir seit NOvember 2023 eine Gaszentralheizung hätten.
Ich rief also wieder den Verwalter an mit Bitte um Aufstellung unserer Miete. Daraufhin er am Telefon "Ich glaube Sie zahlen auch gar keine Heizkosten, oder?". Ich meinte nur, dass ich die Vermutung auch habe.
Jetzt ist voraussichtlich die Abrechnung im Juni fällig und wir müssen mit einer dicken Nachzahlung rechnen. Ich finde es zioemlich blöd, dass vom Verwalter nie ein Schreiben kam, welches meine WG zu dem Zeitpunkt drauf hingewiesen hat, dass sich die Miete anpasst und ab jetzt Heizkosten zu zahlen sind. Hat er überhaupt das Recht eine Nachzahlung zu fordern von etwas, wo nie voraus gezahlt worden ist? Und ist es die Pflicht der WG zu merken, dass sie irgendwie keine Heizkosten zahlen und sich demnach proaktiv an den Vermieter zu wenden?
submitted by HLYjls to wohnen [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 09:19 molidity-yt Bug?
Just 3s a th14 and it didnt count any buildings that i destroyed. There is nothing mentioned about what base will count. This pisses me off because now i have to do more attacks with no guarantee that the next time it will count the buildings destroyed… submitted by molidity-yt to ClashOfClans [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 09:19 Goldbears93 First timer to OLED Gaming. Help me choose which one to get?
Hi all!
Looking to pick up my first OLED for gaming to be used with my Xbox series X!
Currently using the Dell 2721DGF and it has been a great monitor but looking to make an upgrade. Ideally looking to keep it <$1K and Have been reading reviews and landed on either:
LG C3 42”
Dell Alienware aw3225qf
I actually didn’t realize people were using OLED TV’s for gaming as I always thought the input lag would be noticeable vs a dedicated gaming monitor, but it sounds like the C3 is becoming the Defacto for a high end Console gaming.
I also looked at the LG 27GS95QE-B monitor, but looking to get a little bigger than my last monitor.
So curious to hear if y’all think one is better than the other or if there is another better option that I am not considering at all?
And FWIW I will mainly be playing FPS games like Apex, COD, Etc.. which is why I had the input lag concern on the C3. I will also use it to watch YouTube and some occasional video editing. But mostly gaming on my XSX!
Thank you so much for any advice, I am so excited to game on an OLED!
submitted by Goldbears93 to OLED_Gaming [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 09:19 bruhmoment0000001 they gave one greed token to alchemist and three to pugna
im speechless
submitted by bruhmoment0000001 to DotA2 [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 09:19 Interesting_Ad6007 Mike Tyson vs Jake Paul fight was a complete mess,
Mike Tyson vs Jake Paul fight on Netflix was a complete mess,
submitted by Interesting_Ad6007 to teenagers [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 09:19 Responsible-Beach612 ixn pro file taking cum req
submitted by Responsible-Beach612 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 09:19 Angrybedroom What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Angrybedroom to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 09:19 Eyeroboros Good Luck!
submitted by Eyeroboros to sandiego [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 09:19 Lagalag_sa_Taglagas BPI Holiday Shop Anywhere
BPI Mastercard Holiday Shop Anywhere is here! Just got the notification a while ago. submitted by Lagalag_sa_Taglagas to PHCreditCards [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 09:19 bluebetaoddeye 241125 chuucandoit - Chuu Can Do It new episode update
Source https://www.instagram.com/p/DCyeUFZvxM6/ submitted by bluebetaoddeye to LOONA [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 09:19 Ok_Dealer_1673 Uni students of Bolehland, what kind academic writing style you often use?
I usually use APA since I'm used to this style since secondary iirc. Gambar sekadar hiasan. submitted by Ok_Dealer_1673 to Bolehland [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 09:19 ramonaflowers6666 P45,000 with benefits?
Yes you read that right! Hello! We are hiring for an experienced SEO Specialist position (residing in the Philippines). We are offering P45,000 salary with benefits and more! Ofcourse this is a work from home job. If interested and want to know more please do message me! Thanks!
submitted by ramonaflowers6666 to RemoteJobseekers [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 09:19 dhruvagarwal2109 SUGGEST SOME GOOD ORIENT WATCHES WITH 40-42 mm case size
submitted by dhruvagarwal2109 to ticktocktreasures [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 09:19 killver Selective domain through VPN
I want to achieve the following in my home network:
route access to selective domains such as google.com via vpn server I have a homeserver available with proxmox. I already installed gluetun with the vpn installed in a docker container - it also exposes http proxy.
If I use this http proxy on client side it works fine. I also have AdGuard Home running and also played with Technitium. But I cant figure out a good way to forward certain domains to this proxy/vpn setup.
Happy for any guidance.
submitted by killver to homelab [link] [comments]