2024.11.25 09:20 P3rsephone1221 Help me find this song
I have no clue the name of the song or when it came out, but it is a love song mostly in English kind of like a pop/rap song and there’s a man and a woman and the man wraps and the woman sings and she sings some in French and some in English
submitted by P3rsephone1221 to findthatsong [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 09:20 MiiightyBeast How to report as a sole trader?
Hey guys, so I'm currently on job seeker payments and have just become an independent support worker. I started off only doing 7 hours a week and now I've upped it to 12 hours a week.
I'm not sure how to report this week because I have had some invoices paid and I've also had some business expenses come out from my bank like insurances and stuff.
Do we just report the total income received minus the business expenses or how does it all work?
I'm hoping by the new year I'll have enough work to completely get rid of centrelink. That's the goal anyway.
submitted by MiiightyBeast to Centrelink [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 09:20 sworn8 O mundo TJ é patético [um breve Adeus]
Fala galerinha! Vou escrever textão. Para quem tem paciência, pode ler o textão, quem não tem, vou deixar o primeiro comentário uma versão resumida.
Muitos já me conhecem de outros lugares e por aqui participei bastante também por 4 meses. Foi lindo e maravilhoso. Fiz amizades e espero ter contribuído e ajudado de alguma forma. Porém, estou no mundo ex TJ já fazem quase 5 fucking years. Sim, desde março de 2020. Principalmente em grupos de face, telegram e mais recentemente por aqui. Em todos estes eu adotei o codnome de Jurado8 e assim fiquei conhecido neste submundo, sendo que devo ter conhecido pessoalmente pelo menos umas 50 pessoas que me mandaram emails, ou directs através dos ambientes que eu participava com posts, provocações, etc. Meu melhor amigo fiz através de ambientes ex TJs, e os melhores rolês em SP foram com amigos deste "sub-mundo", onde atualmente nem falamos mais sobre estes assuntos.
Tenho histórias lindas como, quando estava PIMO em 2020, conheci uma moça também PIMO que sofria agressão do marido e juntos conversávamos todos os dias até conseguirmos sair. Atualmente ela está namorando um novo rapaz, "mundano", e devo ir no casamento dela em breve. Ela é de bem longe, mas certa vez nos encontramos para nos darmos um abraço e tomar um café. Eu tive que pegar um voo para isso, e foi uma viagem inesquecível de encontrar uma grande amiga.
Poucos sabem mas tenho 28 anos. Eu abri os olhos da Torre com 23 anos, logo após um curso de pioneiros onde tive certeza que ali não era meu lugar. Saí com 25 e nestes anos todos eu virei um PHD em apostasia, lendo e consumindo tudo relacionado. Saí da Torre por simplesmente deixar de acreditar. Nunca tive e não tenho experiências ruins lá dentro. Pelo contrário. Aos 23 anos eu já tinha tido e tinha até aquele momento todos os privilégios possíveis, fora o histórico ilibado e MUITOS "amigos".
Só vi que ali não era para mim, perdi a fé no Corpo Governante, dessa forma ficar ali vendo as reuniões se tornou uma tortura. Até hoje, quando tento ver algo do JW, me dá asco. Abri por exemplo A Sentinela dessa semana e tava lá algo nesse sentido: "A forma como tratamos os ungidos, que são os irmãos de Cristo, definará como Jesus nos vê". Gente, sinceramente, não consigo ficar num lugar assim não.
Para mim, aliás, é muito nítido na minha cabeça que toda crença religiosa são mitologias e as religiões são pessoas dizendo que são representantes dessas entidades mitológicas e que devemos obedecer a elas para termos algum benefício futuro no pós morte. Paga-se em vida, para a deidade te recompensar no futuro. Ler a Bíblia, Torá, ouvir alguém falar da Umbanda. Para mim é a mesma coisa que, por exemplo, ver Star Wars ou assistir um filme da Marvel. No entanto, reconheço que TODAS essas vertentes possui MUITA sabedoria, que devemos absorver com parcimônia, afinal, muito do nosso mundo atual é reflexo do que está ali. Às vezes vou à missas, já fui no Candomble, e não tenho problema NENHUM em ir a qualquer tipo de religião, pois nutro admiração por quase todas. Mas não consigo acreditar, desculpa.
O que posso dizer? O mundo TJ é patético, sem graça, sem sal. É redondamente óbvio. Não é difícil saber quais são as novas luzes que virão, e, uma vez que abrimos os olhos ali, tudo se torna repetitivo, já notaram? Mas como em episódios de Chaves que já sabemos todo o roteiro, para mim foi (e ainda é) gostoso ficar envolvido, comentar nos tópicos, fazer novos amigos por aqui. Mas estou notando que estou preso num looping. Eu saí da Torre. Mas a Torre não saiu de mim.
Como estou com minha lista de filmes? Lista de séries? Esportes que quero praticar. Já faz 3 anos e meio que saí da Torre e, muito embora tenha vivido MUITA coisa...ainda está longe de eu ter hoje a vida que sonhei fora da Torre. Está na hora de me libertar deste looping.
Por isso galera, estou me despedindo desse sub pelo menos por uns meses. Não é um Adeus definitivo pois ainda pretendo escrever um livro sobre esta importante fase da minha vida onde infelizmente perdi minha infancia, adolescencia, e início da juventude. Também, provavelmente no futuro devo retornar para comentar, mas quero que isso seja um verdadeiro hobbie que se pratica 1 ou 2x no mês, não quero ficar preso nesse looping de mundo ex JW eternamente. Para isso, um detox se faz necessário.
Sei que sentirei falta, mas o mundo ex TJ ele é como uma jangada. Você precisa dele no fim de uma margem (quando voce ainda é PIMO ou PIMQ JW), durante o processo de travessia do Rio (quando você se afasta ou se dissocia do salão). Mas quando se chega à outra margem, é hora de deixar a jangada. Você pode até acessar, mas ficar preso demais nesse mundo EX JW não é bom, pelo menos a mim não foi, e considero que este tenha sido meu maior erro até aqui: ficar muito tempo envolvido com isso.
Não dá para ser ex JW eternamente e ficar só fazendo amigos através disso. No meu caso particular, eu chegava a perder fins de semana escrevendo textos (muitos deles não publicados, eu tenho tudo guardado no meu HD), fazendo pesquisas, vendo entrevistas.
Para mim já, deu. Serei sempre um ex TJ. Mas quero e PRECISO seguir minha vida. Mas não agora, não agora....
Agora vou cuidar de mim e focar nos meus planos. Publico esse texto não como uma forma de me exaltar nem nada do tipo. Recentemente, uma amiga estava em um grupo tóxico e indiquei este grupo a ela. Fiz vários amigos aqui que conversamos via Zap. Então, é uma explicação do porque estarei me afastando e não comentando, bem como talvez alguns amigos possam se identificar e esse texto ser de ajuda de alguma forma.
Abraço a todos, e um queijo de MG
submitted by sworn8 to ExJWBrazil [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 09:20 emelinee_ Cemantik 25 novembre 2024
Vous rencontrez des difficultés avec le cemantik du 25 novembre 2024 ?
Je vous propose une aide, des indices, et même la solution si vous galérez... ☺️
submitted by emelinee_ to Alucare [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 09:20 Rubaha_40 €30/30$/23£ Store Credit for Device Activation👍
$30/30€ Referral Code: https://www.meta.com/referrals/link/rubaha
For New device: Set up the device after the above link is accepted.
For Activated device within 7 days Factory reset your Quest
If you have any questions, write to me (I'm always in touch): https://horizon.meta.com/profile/377828992075500/?hwsh=CTSsyBwInz
submitted by Rubaha_40 to MetaReferrals [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 09:20 HelomaDurum You talkin' to me?
submitted by HelomaDurum to DOG [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 09:20 WilliamD76 Favorite Booty Call
I was replaying the Laws of Attraction books with the free passes & I came across my favorite no strings attached intimate scene. I thought Sadie was sexy in Book 1 & was disappointed that we didn’t get a chance with her then. She was my “Screw” pick during the Screw, Dump, Marry game. When I first came across this scene in Book 2, I couldn’t pay the diamonds fast enough.
submitted by WilliamD76 to Choices [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 09:20 dinguspotato Hindi pa din kinakausap ng PL
Until now hindi pa din ako kinakausap ng PL ko. Ibig bang sabihin nun wala ako IPB and increase?
Last July, na tagged ako as PIP. Na pasahan ko nmn ng August. May bearing ba yun kaya? Or mag reach out ba ko sakanya?
submitted by dinguspotato to Accenture_PH [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 09:20 thatonedaddydom الصوص الأسيوي
صباح الخير احد جرب موقع yabaneez.com او موقع japansetaste اذا احد جربهم يقول كم من الموقت بياخذ الاوردر الين يوصل ايضا استفسار من اصحاب الخبرة ايش افضل نوع صويا صوص اشتريه
submitted by thatonedaddydom to saudiarabia [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 09:20 tomaz1989 any good warrior build w/o War scream i dont like this skill
any good warrior build w/o War scream i dont like this skill
submitted by tomaz1989 to WynnCraft [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 09:20 BigXBenz I'm going to play Vintage Story for the first time with a couple friends who are also new, I downloaded quite a few mods to enhance the game, but I want feedback on the mods I chose!
I downloaded a pretty big list of mods. I know some people say you should play without many mods when you're new, but I downloaded a lot of mods that seem to add to the game in a realistic way, rather than change it significantly (I think).
My goal is to keep the game challenging and immersive, and not make it easy (or too much easier) but just expand on the existing game and some QoL additions as well.
If anyone could let me know if I should remove/add any mods I'd really appreciate it! Please let me know if any of these mods make the game too much easier as well. I've read that all of the food mods/wildtree mods might add too many food options, but I don't want it to be too easy.
This is my list of mods:
A Culinary Artillery Ancient Armory Ancient Tools Animal Cages Better Firepit
Biomes (Not sure if I'll use this and saw some comments
saying it might be buggy?) Bullseye Capture Animals CarryOnCompass2 Cooperative Combat Creatures and Critters Expanded Matter Extra Chests Feverstone Wilds Foodshelves
Fauna of the Stone Age (I downloaded four versions of this that add a lot of different wildlife: panthers, wild cats, penguins, rhinos, etc)
Hanging Oil Lamps HUD Clock Joy of Sailing Maltiez Bows Maltiez Crossbows Meteoric Expansion Millwright More Animals More Roofing (Maybe?) Player Corpse Primitive Survival Prospect Together Simple Footsteps
Something in the Water (Adds some ocean life like sharks, not sure if this is redundant with Feverstone Wilds)
Storage Options Swordz Tailors Delight The Critters Package Trail Mod Visible Ore Vanilla Terrain Reformed (Worldgen mod) Wildcraft Trees & Shrubs Wildcraft Herbs & Spices Wildcraft Fruits & Nuts Workbench Expansion
submitted by BigXBenz to VintageStory [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 09:20 mr_awesome12345 What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by mr_awesome12345 to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 09:20 Hairy-Ad-4140 He wouldn't befriend me 🥺
submitted by Hairy-Ad-4140 to pics [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 09:20 gio002gt 903823822508 Dialga raid
submitted by gio002gt to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 09:20 geldberks How to stop a neighbour's intrusive and terrible singing without causing offence?
My partner and I (both 40s) bought our first house together a few months ago. It's a mid terrace and the first few weeks were quiet bliss, no noise from outside or neighbours. My partner said he thought he'd gone deaf in the night with how quiet it was.
The neighbours to the left have been there some years and true to the sellers word very quiet, you wouldn't know they were there despite having teenagers. The house on the right is the end house and was bought the same time we bought ours.
We briefly met new neighbour (f30ish) as she was moving in. We introduced ourselves, agreed on the stressful nature of moving house and were sure we'd be seeing each other agian. All lovely.
A week or so later we were woken at 3am to loud singing. I was sure it must be drunks outside. No, it was new neighbour. Fine, enjoy the freedom owning your own property brings and celebrate however you choose. This is now a regular theme. Most nights a week we are woken around 2~3am by the sounds of her truly awful singing as she shouts undecipherable lyrics for anything up to an hour before it goes quiet again.
There's no music so we assume she is using headphones. She's not singing in her sleep because we can hear her putting the washing machine on etc. My partner is starting to think she is doing it on purpose because it's such odd behaviour but I can't see why and we do on occasion bring each others bins in on collection days.
Due to the layout of the houses she is unlikely to hear noise from us so probably thinks the walls are really thick and lets loose. But as she's singing in her kitchen, bathroom and while traversing the stairs this is where we share a wall and she might as well be in our bedroom.
How best to handle this because it has to stop. I really don't care what she does in the day, everyone makes noise, but we can't keep losing hours of sleep everytime she does this.
I want to get on with her, I don't want to upset or embarrass her. I've banged on the wall a couple of times but she can't hear. I'm going to have to speak to her about this but how and what do I say? Knocking on her door the next day would be the adult thing but I don't want to put her on the spot and I'd feel awkward. How do I phrase a note to post asking her to keep it down, or to the far end of the house or to sociable hours without sounding like a passive aggressive nit picking witch?
submitted by geldberks to neighborsfromhell [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 09:20 G-Money1965 I’m Going to Re-Hash a Few Topics Over the Next Couple of Days. Trading Volume is 100% Manipulated on Wolfspeed.
There are a few metrics on WOLF worth following. Short Interest, Institutional Ownership and Trading Volume are three of the major ones. If you want to find some of the prior posts on these topics, just search for them in the search bar. I’m going to talk about Trading Volume because with WOLF, when the Buyers show up, the stock goes up. And we (the Buyers) have added 30+ million shares in the past three years. We already own at least 165 million shares, possibly closer to 200 million shares. There is a lot of research going on right now on the Discord Server https://discord.com/channels/1294088950578679890/1294088951803674628 https://www.reddit.com/wolfspeed_stonk/comments/1gtrdm1/q_how_many_shares_are_currently_outstanding_a_we/ Take a look at the Trading Volume just in the past 6 months. From less than 3 million shares/day up to about 16 million shares/day. https://preview.redd.it/0ei8p5f9m03e1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=2c066855277196a457eb2daecf4b028c17f9a353 This is total Average Daily Trading Volume split out into two-week periods to match up to Short Interest being reported by Finra. https://preview.redd.it/0xrws6wem03e1.png?width=1268&format=png&auto=webp&s=bdaf18c4658444e0be475b5970fd34fbf8865eb0 And this is Short Sale Volume. This is the number of shares borrowed each day by our Bad Guys to run their Algorithmic Trading System. In addition to being short by 36.3 million shares, our Bad Guys are now having to borrow 8.1 million shares per day to maintain their System. https://preview.redd.it/yjdui18km03e1.png?width=1502&format=png&auto=webp&s=6eee1d3d9d8c1e13ec122b913520988bc6f61e37 In the absence of Buyers, our Dirtbag Hedge Funds take over and they crush the stock. Their Trading System is REALLY powerful and they can easily crush 3 – 4 million shares of buying. But when Buying goes above about 3 – 5 million shares/day, their trading system doesn’t fight that heavy of buying volume. It just lets the Buyers run out of money and then goes back into crush mode. Here are a handful of posts where I discuss Trading Volume and HAL 9000. Definitely worth reading, and there are more posts if you search for them. https://www.reddit.com/wolfspeed_stonk/comments/1epsdls/wolf_daily_trading_volume/ https://www.reddit.com/wolfspeed_stonk/comments/1epsv7f/wolf_daily_trading_volume_pt_2/ https://www.reddit.com/wolfspeed_stonk/comments/1eptmmj/wolf_daily_trading_volume_pt_3/ https://www.reddit.com/wolfspeed_stonk/comments/1epu2vw/wolf_daily_trading_volume_pt_4/ https://www.reddit.com/wolfspeed_stonk/comments/1ewz5bb/i_am_still_getting_questions_on_trading_volume_so/ https://www.reddit.com/wolfspeed_stonk/comments/1f8uyvw/hal_9000_knows_that_he_is_not_supposed_to_fight/ https://www.reddit.com/wolfspeed_stonk/comments/1eu89a6/our_shorts_have_created_hal_9000_and_he_is_going/ https://www.reddit.com/wolfspeed_stonk/comments/1f8vlch/trading_ranges_and_triggers/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wy4EfdnMZ5g When I try to sum this up, our Bad Guys are in such bad shape, they are now borrowing 8 million shares/day to create Average Daily Trading Volume of 16 million shares. In the meantime, we just keep buying and as a result, Short Interest continues to increase. If our Bad Guys were to go out to the Open Market to cover their 36 million shares, my estimate is that the stock price would go to almost $200/share (I will re-post the link to my analysis.) GO, GO, GO Wolfspeed!!!!! submitted by G-Money1965 to wolfspeed_stonk [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 09:20 Vajld Kako vratiti PDV na robu iz inostranstva?
Kupujem laptop u Nemackoj uskoro i zanima me da li da ponesem onu tax free formu na aerodrom da dobijem povrat novca ili samo da ga otpakujem i koristim kao svoj uredjaj bez povrate novca. Procitao sam dosta postova na redditu koji govore o tome kako legalno moras da platis pdv i carinu srbiji ali kontam kupim laptop odnesem ga na carinu na aerodromu u Nemackoj i nakon toga ga pre aviona otvorim stavim neke slike na njega i ako me zaustave licni je uredjaj...
Samo nzm da li ista dojavljaju u vezi toga ili mi neki vid carine stigne tek kasnije, prvi put ovo radim lol
Btw aerodrom povratka ce biti ili Memmingem ili Stuttgart.
submitted by Vajld to AskSerbia [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 09:20 RuruChiri NowServing App ADHD Doctor Recommendation
Hello po, First time posting on reddit.
I, 18(F), would really like to get a check up regarding this since matagal ko na sinasuspect na meron talaga ako pero I don't want to self-diagnose. It's always been ruining life, but now that I'm in college I think na very serious na toh and I need to get medicated for it (if meron na meron talaga)
Sa pagka research ko, magka iba yung ADHD for man and woman and I would feel comfortable if babae yung nagdadiagnose sakin kasi I've heard stories na may times na yung mga lalaking psychiatrist, hindi nila tinatake seriously??
So far, iisa lang po yung naka pop up sa NowServing app which is si Dr. Janairo and I was planning on booking for Dec. 7.
submitted by RuruChiri to MentalHealthPH [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 09:20 tailwheeler Oil drain plug
tightened to 14Nm in March. come out with bits of the drain sump thread. Could have the thread become weaker from previous abuse and only failed now?
submitted by tailwheeler to Vauxhall [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 09:20 Top-Butterfly-7257 Welppp!! I need a female only gym.
Hey, can someone suggest me a gym?! I'm a female in my mid 20s I live in manyawas, Jaipur. I'm looking for female only gyms. But a coed gym will also do.
submitted by Top-Butterfly-7257 to jaipur [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 09:20 Miiissfox0 What would you call this kind of yarn? Like the type/style of it?
I'm trying to find a plain white version of this yarn. It could be any brand I don't mind as long as its the same texture/spun and produced the same. Does this make sense? Like I want one stranded yarn that you have to like roll in your hands to keep it all together. It's like a roving yarn but not? Thank you in advance!
submitted by Miiissfox0 to YarnAddicts [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 09:20 TheLineForPho TikTok diaper "soldier" returns from Gaza 🔥🔥🔥🔥
submitted by TheLineForPho to YesMuricaBad [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 09:20 Gravewalker21 (Old Birthday Artwork) Official 2023 & 2022 CN Birthday Web Event Shorts: Sucrose
submitted by Gravewalker21 to Lumine_Mains [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 09:20 bug-Cook901 Free AI-powered clothes remover
Recently, AIFaceswap updated an AI-enabled remover. After trying it out, I found that the effect is pretty good. It can help you in the following ways: - Remove clothes of one or more people in the picture to satisfy your curiosity - Remove clothes of models to satisfy your preferences - Change different clothes to see which style suits you better https://preview.redd.it/f1he88ekm03e1.jpg?width=2548&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d8f20977740cc2d0373c231f71afc4fe129f0a9 It has just been released online, it is completely free, and the operation is super simple. You only need to upload a photo. website: https://aifaceswap.io/ai-clothes-remove submitted by bug-Cook901 to ChatGPT [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 09:20 nahoragg Is high LDL & normal Triglycerides fine?
28 Male 180cm 87kg No health conditions/Medicines No Smoking/Alcohol Used to no excercise, high sugaoily/bad food intake from past 6 months
Until from past 2 weeks switched to no sugar, high protein diet. Regular excercise and intermediate fasting of 15hrs.
Did bloodwork yesterday and here is my lipid profile. Would appreciate if someone could comment on it. My glucose(74) and hba1c(4.8) are very normal.
Cholesterol - Total 211 mg/dL Triglycerides 93 mg/dL Cholesterol - HDL 50 mg/dL Cholesterol - LDL 142 mg/dL Cholesterol- VLDL 19 mg/dl Cholesterol : HDL Chollestrol - 4.2 LDL : HDL Cholesterol - 2.81 Non HDL Cholesterol 160 mg/dl
submitted by nahoragg to AskDocs [link] [comments]