
2024.11.25 10:24 March_Explorer 用茶送西藥可能會影響藥效嗎?

submitted by March_Explorer to hongkongstuffs [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 10:24 deeDaila I bims

Ich kann mich einfach nicht an Machtgerangel und intriganten Gruppendynamiken beteiligen, also bin dahingehend total untalentiert... auch fällt mir "lügen" schwer habe mal in irgendeinem Text aufgeschnappt, dass das pathologisch sei - denkt ihr, das stimmt?
submitted by deeDaila to berlinsocialclub [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 10:24 android_tests_pac test post 25/11/2024 10:22:51

submitted by android_tests_pac to AutomationRulesFlair [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 10:24 AnywhereBig2990 Airsoft field in nyc? I’m based in the bx😅🤦🏾‍♂️

Hi everybody I’m new to the airsoft community and super excited to get started! I’m looking to meet some like-minded people who are into the sport, as well as connect with others who might be interested in making YouTube content together. My goal is to have fun, improve my skills, and maybe even find someone to hit up an arena with. If anyone’s up for teaming up or has advice for a beginner, I’d really appreciate it! Looking forward to getting to know you all.
submitted by AnywhereBig2990 to airsoft [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 10:24 patrick_europe Compression fracture T12 vertebra.

Do you think they had to operate on me? A little over 2 years ago I broke my T12 vertebra. (bicycle accident) There was a height loss of approximately 70% at the front of the vertebra. Sometimes I think they made a mistake in the hospital, because you often hear that they operate when the collapse is more than 50%. I had to wear a brace and take painkillers. My pain is now between 1 and 3 out of 10. Thanks in advance for your answers.
submitted by patrick_europe to SpineSurgery [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 10:24 vsanto73 Batman didn’t need to beat up the shark 🦈. He had repellent.

Batman didn’t need to beat up the shark 🦈. He had repellent. submitted by vsanto73 to batman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 10:24 CarnivorousVegan What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by CarnivorousVegan to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 10:24 DigJust8037 If the fact that if you add 1 to any natural number you will get a higher number is the central property of infinity…?

And If there are an infinite number of natural numbers, and an infinite number of fractions in between any two natural numbers, and an infinite number of fractions in between any two of those fractions, and an infinite number of fractions in between any two of those fractions, and an infinite number of fractions in between any two of those fractions, and... then that must mean that there are not only infinite infinities, but an infinite number of those infinities. and an infinite number of those infinities. and an infinite number of those infinities. and an infinite number of those infinities, and... (infinitely times. and that infinitely times. and that infinitely times. and that infinitely times. and that infinitely times. and...) continues forever. and that continues forever. and that continues forever. and that continues forever. and that continues forever. and.....)...
submitted by DigJust8037 to askmath [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 10:24 cash_crafter Auf Bitcoin 100'000 $ warten und dann Long?

wie sieht ihr das, sollte man warten bis die 100,000 Schallmauer durchbrochen ist und danach Long gehen, weil es wahrscheinlich danach noch mal 10-25 % hochgeht?
submitted by cash_crafter to wallstreetbetsGER [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 10:24 RadiantRain891 Che cosa avete contro canne e THC?

Non riesco a capire come mai così tanto accanimento verso una sostanza molto tranquilla Per esempio io sono astemio, non mi piace come reagisce il mio corpo agli alcolici; ma mai mi permetterei di impedirne l'uso, neanche attaccandomi a scuse come chi causa incidenti, chi ha la ciucca aggressiva etc.. Perché dipende tutto dalla persona ma nessuno lo vuole capire . Io fumo per dormire, non dormo se non faccio qualche nota Eppure faccio il corriere e amo il mio lavoro L'incidente lo fai se sei co**ione Appena presa la patente fumavo alla guida per andare a lavoro, non avevo tempo di fare in modo diverso; ebbene se l alcool toglie i freni, il thc li mette a parere mio, in effetti se corro sono sano. Ho smesso ma per semplice paura delle guardie Ora sto sano tutto il giorno, sono l ultima persona che ti aspetteresti di vedere fumare Non ho neanche un filtrino in vista e mi vesto molto bene Ma ho seriamente bisogno della mia ninnacanna
Il problema sono i criminali che ci girano in torno? ( perché si, non mela procuro da doraemon purtroppo) motivo in più per legalizzare
Pensi seriamente che faccia male al cervello? Tik tok fa male al cervello. Un cannone fa solo riflettere. Come ogni cosa è l'abuso a essere pericoloso non l'uso
Io non so divertirmi come fa l italiano medio Non c'è il Vino sulla mia tavola, non vado a ballare (a parte che implicherebbe guiderei ubriaco per tornare a meno che non dormo in macchina e comunque poi dovrei farlo coi postumi )
Poi ci sono le slot e i grattarevinci che rovinano le persone legalissime
Non si può più fare niente a questo mondo Mi sento con le mani legate, per divertirmi non mi basta uno schermo
Non pensate solo a darmi del tossico di mer*a, vorrei anche in parere un po più articolato in cui mi spiegate il vostro perché Perché odiate ciò Perché volete eliminare ciò
Perché a parere mio lo sbaglio e di chi priva la libertà Ogni cosa fatta con cognizione porta vantaggi
Se dovete colpire colpite chi abusa Ma fatelo in real non qui da leone da tastiera
submitted by RadiantRain891 to Italia [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 10:24 Petitefeet3535 Up on my toes, showing off all my soley wrinkles… thoughts?

Up on my toes, showing off all my soley wrinkles… thoughts? submitted by Petitefeet3535 to soleslovers [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 10:24 Capital-Cranberry140 Best place to hangout!?!?

Going to meet my friends after such a long time. Wang to spend the entire day chilling someone suggest good places good food to chill and vibe ?!?!?!?!
submitted by Capital-Cranberry140 to vijayawada [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 10:24 Technical_Energy_171 Internet has been completely ruined, VPNs banned, can't run meta ads anymore for my clients

Meta business suite is not working on VPNs, and without VPN I cannot upload anything. Why would the government do this? Makes no sense at all.
I sure hope this is a temporary issue, otherwise I will lose my clients and be out of work. Thousands more freelancers will suffer the same fate if this continues like this.
I bet they will ban reddit soon too.
submitted by Technical_Energy_171 to karachi [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 10:24 OwnDefinition327 Is MA a worse masters degree than MS?

I'm 17 and ive recently started researching about colleges and degrees. I want to get psychology to be a therapist but I noticed there's these things called master of arts and masters of science. I was wondering what these were and how they changed what you learned and what jobs would accept you? i tried searching it up on google but I still don't get it sorry!!
submitted by OwnDefinition327 to GradSchool [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 10:24 talalstorm Last character speculation?

Last character speculation? Since the codename for the last character is "hamster".. I can't think of anyone except these 3 that could somewhat resemble a hamster. Thoughts? Lol
submitted by talalstorm to Tekken [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 10:24 chnlisa 20% OFF YESSTYLE COUPON CODE

Yesstyle Black Friday ✨Get 20-23% off!🌟 Use Coupon Code: BYREOBF18 and Rewards Code: LISACHNN
submitted by chnlisa to ReferralCodeYesStyle [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 10:24 bashdude_1 Australia seeking advice on crypto taxation to OECD

Australia seeking advice on crypto taxation to OECD submitted by bashdude_1 to ethtrader [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 10:24 jackf1977 Work clients welcome online advice

Work clients welcome online advice submitted by jackf1977 to dumbblonde [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 10:24 aimee_bby wishing this was my "just woke up like this" face

wishing this was my submitted by aimee_bby to LovelyFace [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 10:24 Spikebolt_100 Dude, How the f#ck? Just a coincidence? Both Bills (ofc both from videogames) are f*cking GAY?? [as in HomoSexual]

Dude, How the f#ck? Just a coincidence? Both Bills (ofc both from videogames) are f*cking GAY?? [as in HomoSexual] That's Bill from "The last of us". Ellie finds a gay po*n magazine from his place.
submitted by Spikebolt_100 to reddeadredemption [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 10:24 warlock004 I found Arijit Singh's Marziyan Remix Version on YouTube

I found Arijit Singh's Marziyan Remix Version on YouTube I know you guys liked this song which was sung by Arijit Singh's AI voice. Here's the remix version I found on YouTube. This also sounds pretty good. I hope this song reaches Arijit Singh so that he can actually sing it.
submitted by warlock004 to BollywoodMusic [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 10:24 shitonthepackers X-posted from minnesotavikings : Teams in the playoffs

submitted by shitonthepackers to shitonthepackers [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 10:24 lodensepp Neue Studie: Jeder vierte junge Deutsche weiß nicht, was eine Aktie ist

submitted by lodensepp to Finanzen [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 10:24 deadpool84895 Here's some V pics

Here's some V pics submitted by deadpool84895 to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 10:24 ardajr tyt matematik soru bankası ve branş denemesi önerisi

önerilerinizi bekliyorum branş denemesinde bilgi sarmal 15x40 tyt mat düşünüyorum soru bankasında 3 4 5 düşünüyorum
submitted by ardajr to liseliler [link] [comments]
