
2024.11.25 11:50 thatbeardedguyy Thoughts?

Thoughts? A couple months ago, but looking at shaping or styling ideas.
I usually clean myself up but this was an impromptu outing!
submitted by thatbeardedguyy to BeardAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 11:50 MemoryTop5832 Corre pocoyo🗣🔥

Corre pocoyo🗣🔥 submitted by MemoryTop5832 to Mishifu [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 11:50 Deep-Knowledge7865 Feed me ur asian gf 05896987168bb95b0b82f9a8d5846e3b24cf75f07c8f7c334c10654f006fc9f103

submitted by Deep-Knowledge7865 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 11:50 JanardanEnt KETLEE BLACK FRIDAY SALE is now live! Flat 30% off on everything!

KETLEE BLACK FRIDAY SALE is now live! Flat 30% off on everything! submitted by JanardanEnt to teasales [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 11:50 StartRelevant8128 How do I get the scoped revolver

I have played Battle Royale since new update like 5 times, but I didnt found the longest vaulted pistol. Literally we HAVENT SEEN this thing since Season 9, exactlly The scoped revolver was vaulted since July 1st 2019 and it returned on November 21 2024, literally more that 5 years. I love that fortnite, to bring back long vaulted weapons . We didnt see this thing even in season OG, and a lot of people say that is even better than monarch
submitted by StartRelevant8128 to FortNiteBR [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 11:50 Purple_Peach3834 These SLP influencers/grifters are getting insane. I truly feel like most of them are past the point of actually wanting to help families because they’re so lost in how much money they are making

submitted by Purple_Peach3834 to slp [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 11:50 lunamoonthrowaway Tamales in Lund

Does anyone know where I can buy tamales in Lund? It can be a restaurant (like how Fengsson's sells their dumplings) or someone's grandma, but I want to buy a large bag of tamales. Only Lund, not Malmö or anywhere else.
submitted by lunamoonthrowaway to Lund [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 11:50 theycallmebond007 Fifth on the tap 🤮

Fifth on the tap 🤮 Any tips on this please?
I’ve moved to an area with hard water, I’ve tried timescale remover it didn’t work. It looks horrible and it’s a rental otherwise I’d change the tap!
P.S this is brand new apartment I’ve had a professional cleaner every week and before limescale there where green bits!
submitted by theycallmebond007 to CleaningTips [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 11:50 kinkypk GWA to LHR - reached 6 hours

Roads near Sadokay, Muridkay , Kamoki, Kala Shah Kaku, are all block. I advise don't travel unless its extreme emergency, Stay safe.
submitted by kinkypk to Gujranwala [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 11:50 ThisActuator3213 White Bikini

White Bikini submitted by ThisActuator3213 to bikinis [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 11:50 Djeekob I found the Patent file for the Crash center

With some searching you can find the other patents also
submitted by Djeekob to TYCO_Crash_Dummies [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 11:50 Right_Bear_2103 Legit ?

Legit ? submitted by Right_Bear_2103 to MonclerRep [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 11:50 BBY256 This sub be like

This sub be like submitted by BBY256 to linuxsucks [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 11:50 Ok-You2365 if you are obidiant hmu 057c679be6ac456a810a3f147bf4759576e10b7f201347746765595554c54eab21

submitted by Ok-You2365 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 11:50 Shan2105 Sizing Help

Trying to figure out the sizing for their leggings. I’m a UK size 16 normally, anyone else a similar size and found which size fits best if any?
submitted by Shan2105 to Gymshark [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 11:50 Different_Mix9268 My daily picture-cutting practice #30

My daily picture-cutting practice #30 submitted by Different_Mix9268 to AnimePictureCutting [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 11:50 Admirable-Painter-95 PUP ADMISSION/PUPCET

Hello, I have friend who currently want to study in PUP and will take the pupcet, but upon asking he wasn't sure sa process (me neither). make long story short, he is actually a graduate of senior high school alreayd, and have studied to diff uni but later on stop due to financial incapability. Now, he wanted to study again but this time in pup.
Q1. Is it possible to take pupcet on his status? Q2. If yes. Is there a different process on it?
Thank you and have a blessed year!
submitted by Admirable-Painter-95 to PUPians [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 11:50 dbirdflyshi Pooping near box

I have four cats and two automatic litter boxes. One of the cats is prone to pooping outside right near the box if the slight inconvenience is had like there’s too much waste in the box. When I got the fourth cat in August, we started running into issues where the new cat would harass the others while they use the box. This led to a new habit where the out of box pooper would always just poop outside for protection. We went to the vet and there’s nothing wrong her medically, it’s pure behavioral. We also proved this by giving the new cat who harasses the others a summer vacation trip to grandmas for a month and there was no out of box pooping happening the entire month. I don’t want to put the new cat back up for adoption without trying something so I come here for advice on what I can do to fix this issue. I have a third automatic litter box coming soon and I will try this in the meantime.
submitted by dbirdflyshi to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 11:50 AlertMixture6109 I’m sick with a cold

Hi everyone, I’ve currently been really sick with a cold for about a week now and I’ve already called off twice and I have work again tomorrow. I only get 3 call offs in my 90 day period, so I’m getting anxious that I might get in trouble if I don’t go tomorrow. I just don’t want to get any worse than I already am or get any of the residents sick, what should I do?
submitted by AlertMixture6109 to cna [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 11:50 Intelligent-Second72 ATEEZ SECOND WEEK TRACKING

Hellooo guys and congrats on BB #1 ✨️✨️✨️🎉🎉🎉🎊🎊🎊 BUT THIS IS NOT THEEE ENDDDD.
we still need to push to have a steady ranking on BB 200!
As per usual pleaee tune in to stationhead if you can 👇🏻 Stationhead:
Or use these playlists made by atinys since alot of people prefer that over SH.
Here is spotify community with loads of playlists
This thread has also alot of genre to choose from depending on your taste!
Ik its exhausting but please lets push a bit more to get them a good amount of streams 🙏🏻🫂❤️ i know we can do it! The results will be worth it.
submitted by Intelligent-Second72 to ATEEZ [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 11:50 Excellent_Ad7479 chętnie popiszę z kimś o naszych kumpelach, ex...

submitted by Excellent_Ad7479 to SexyPolishInfluYoutub [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 11:50 Lazy_Ad8714 Utslängd???

Det sjukaste hände mig precis. Hade köpt lite sushi på ett sånt där lite halvsunkigt ställe som finns överallt. När jag fick min mat så försökte jag vara trevlig som man ska vara och sa tack. Då bara börjar hon bakom disken storböla och en man rusar ut från någon dörr och börjar skrika åt mig.
Han tyckte att det jag sa var oförskämt och sa att ingen fick säga så i hans restaurang?? Vad gjorde jag för fel?? Och som grädden på moset tog han tillbaka min mat som jag redan hade betalat för och sa att han skulle ringa polisen om jag kom dit igen. Asså va? Får man ens göra så?
Fattar ingenting, vad gjorde jag för fel? Och kan jag få tillbaka mina pengar på något vis???
submitted by Lazy_Ad8714 to unket [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 11:50 NoNectarine962 VA step 5

Hi everyone!
This is my first time filing a claim, I filed for 4 different things. i filed July 19th, 2024. My claim went into step 5 aka rating. I haven't received anything as of now and have been on N/A for temp jurisdiction. It's been 129 days since I filed my claim. What are yall thoughts?
submitted by NoNectarine962 to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 11:50 josnaldo Alguém tem a cadeira Brizza? Vi um vídeo que fala super bem dela

Estou procurando uma cadeira na faixa dos 1000 reais. Dei uma boa olhada aqui no sub e no Youtube e me deparei com esse vĂ­deo aqui:
Porém, não vi ela aparecendo em nenhum dos posts aqui. Queria saber se alguém já comprou uma, pois no vídeo e nos comentários do youtube falaram super bem dela.
submitted by josnaldo to CadeirasDeEscritorio [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 11:50 UnfulfilledMercer Felt you before turning the corner

submitted by UnfulfilledMercer to sixwordstories [link] [comments]