2024.11.25 12:18 Careless_College Lex Luthor gets his control panels in the same place the Galactic Empire does. What other instances of movies using similar props can you think of?
submitted by Careless_College to Letterboxd [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 12:18 Guilty_Werewolf_6558 hows my lyney build?
guys help this is my lyney build, (the weapon is 20 cuz i havent gotten the materials to level it yet) i use him with bennett, dehya and sucrose. sucrose doesnt have vv yet but she has around 600 em. the dehya and bennett are sort of built already but not amazing is it normal for him to hit like 36k with his skill at lvl 5 or should i be doing more? idk if its cuz of my rotation/team or his build. i put dehya then i hit until Iv 2 then i put bennets + sucrose burst and hit until lv 5 and do his skill submitted by Guilty_Werewolf_6558 to lyney [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 12:18 Poulet_au_smic STB d'avoir menti pendant un an à un "ami" avant d'enfin pouvoir l'exclure de notre cerle ?
Je fais partie d'un ancien groupe d'amis du lycée, tous garçons de 19/20 ans maintenant. Tout se passe très bien à part avec une personne que j'ai ramené au fil du temps.
Gentil mais au final de plus en plus casse pieds, pas très mature et surtout très égoïste. Si bien qu'au final notre groupe (moi y compris) a essayé de trouver des excuses pour ne plus le voir et l'inviter aux soirées. D'autant plus que les quelques fois où il est venu, il s'est comporté de façon juste ingrate avec nous et nos parents.
Le souci vient du fait que plutôt de lui dire directement, on l'a laissé poireauter dans son coin en inventant des excuses bidons. Quand il nous demandait s'il était encore apprécié, on éludait la question.
Je l'ai donc enfin appelé pour conclure cette situation et apparemment c'était un très mauvais moment pour lui. Sommes-nous les trous pour avoir autant attendu, ce qui l'a sans doute retenu pour se refaire d'autres amis alors qu'on était tous d'accord pour ne plus le revoir ?
submitted by Poulet_au_smic to suisjeletroudeballe [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 12:18 Stuffbutscary Any good mods like harmony in diversity?
I’m looking for a similar game changing mod like harmony and diversity to play with my friend online if anyone’s got any recommendations!
submitted by Stuffbutscary to CivVI [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 12:18 MordecaiMortis gangrenous gallbladder
so apparently i must have a crazy pain tolerance! i'm 3 weeks post-op today and i just cannot stop thinking about the fact that my gallbladder was starting to turn gangrenous by the time they decided to take it out. i had been in the hospital for 3 days by then and my pain was okay (read: tolerable), and i'm pretty sure they would have kicked me out if my blood tests weren't showing signs of inflammation. they didn't think to tell me it was that bad though, i only found out when i went to get my stitches out the following week.
the crazy thing is, this isn't the first time. i also had appendicitis when i was 15 and the doctors wouldn't believe me if not for the blood tests, because i was walking and communicating like normal, and pressing on my stomach did little to nothing. i chalked it up to some kind of delirium from having a pretty bad fever, but no, i'm just like that. dad says my grandfather was the same. my personal theory is that i'm used to cramping because my menstrual pain tends to be pretty bad. maybe it's both?
submitted by MordecaiMortis to gallbladders [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 12:18 PositiveMetalhead Old Wounds - Bitter Days (FFO: Every Time I Die, Coalesce, Converge)
submitted by PositiveMetalhead to Metalcore [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 12:18 truetablecom Another Liveboard sank today
submitted by truetablecom to scubadiving [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 12:18 OddRedditNoun Holy stomach pain!
Yesterday was my second shot day of 2.5ish mg. I didn’t eat much of anything until about 4:30 pm at which point I had half of a tallegio grilled cheese with speck plus some fries while out. I was really full after and relaxed at home with a small glass of rose. I woke up around 12:30 am with uncomfortable burning pain in the center of my abdomen and couldn’t get comfortable. I did finally sleep but I woke up with heartburn and burping up my 4:30 early dinner! I’m going to guess that was simply a bad call on eats for a shot day. I’m going to take it easy food wise today. Any advice on how to combat that type of stomach pain? I wasn’t nauseated so I didn’t take anything for that in particular. Worst of all, my weight went up today! Ugh!
submitted by OddRedditNoun to tirzepatidecompound [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 12:18 FriskyKatty [HIRE ME] Get Help With Math, Computer Science, Chemistry, and Academic Writing
I can hel with assignments, labs, quizzes, and tests in the above subjects. I will issue a refund if you're unsatisfied with the grade you get.
Can provide proof of work with clients.
submitted by FriskyKatty to HomeworkHelp_Reddit [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 12:18 Remarkable-Wave-8024 Help with trying to put a photo upright when it’s taken laying down.
Hello, I hope someone might be able to help, I have been asked if I could put a photo upright when it’s been taken laying down. It’s monogram initials I’ve reached out the person who I purchased them off but she’s refusing to help or even send them over so they are vertically upright. I am new to photoshop so any help/advice would be great.
submitted by Remarkable-Wave-8024 to photoshop [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 12:18 Fun-Needleworker932 Tips
Aoa everyone I am in O3 and need to prepare almost whole syllabus of physics, chemistry and maths within a week for my mid terms how can I prepare and still get an A. I know I have not been serious but I want to change the circumstances
submitted by Fun-Needleworker932 to Olevels [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 12:18 howlsmovingdork I made this last night and my high a$$ called it a Krabby Patty
Spinach feta turkey burger and sweet potato fries. StonerFood but make it ✨healthy✨ submitted by howlsmovingdork to stonerfood [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 12:18 FitPriority6252 Hello :>
Hope you femboys have a good day today, that is all! :>
submitted by FitPriority6252 to feminineboys [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 12:18 MR--B0NES Ya no disfruto jugar videojuegos )':
submitted by MR--B0NES to DylanteroYT [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 12:18 March_Explorer 沉香,又稱為「香中之王」
submitted by March_Explorer to hongkongstuffs [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 12:18 Intrepid-Caregiver30 Dica com sistema de som
Bom dia pessoal! Estou procurando um sonzinho legal pro meu setup e tenho algumas dúvidas. Tenho uma MOBO Aorus Z790M e estava considerando uma soundbar, porém tenho dúvidas quanto a qualidade da saída P2. Tenho um iPig de anos atrás e a impressão que tenho é que o som não fica tão bom quando plugado na P2.
Usar o bluetooth parece dar um som ligeiramente melhor, porém existe um delay que para jogos fica bem incômodo. Pensei em usar uma Echo Show 8 para isso, só que cairia no delay do bluetooth.
Sobre o P2, um amigo me sugeriu comprar um DAC para melhorar a qualidade de som. A dúvida é... Como vocês têm ou montariam um sistema com caixas dedicadas.
Enfim, aceito dicas. Obrigado!
submitted by Intrepid-Caregiver30 to computadores [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 12:18 Lilyana0999 What is something you wish you have?
submitted by Lilyana0999 to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 12:18 houndoom92 Uniform Matchup Progression - Calgary vs Ottawa
submitted by houndoom92 to hockey [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 12:18 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Local] - Downtown Greensburg stores to offer incentives to shoppers on Small Business Saturday | Pgh Tribune-Review
submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 12:18 No_Thought7511 Gym as a skinny guy
So, I’m 16 and recently started lifting weights, but not seriously. Back when I was in SEE, I joined the gym for 3 months but didn’t really know much about fitness. I kept repeating the same exercises because I was just a bullied guy trying to look better. After that, I stopped going to the gym for 6 months.
Later, I started going again in Chaitra. This time, I met someone knowledgeable about bodybuilding, and I learned a lot from him. Over 6 months, I gained 5 kg (from 45 to 50 kg) during that phase, which felt like progress. After that, I continued going to the gym consistently for a year. However, I’m stuck at 50 kg now and haven’t bulked up much. I know it’s because I’m not eating enough, but it’s hard to keep up with the required diet.
My muscles look decent, but I still lack mass. I tried using creatine for a month, but due to financial problems, I had to stop. Recently, I gained 2 kg, although I suspect at least 1 kg might be water weight.
As a skinny guy, I have a slim waist, and I want to maintain it because I prefer aesthetics over size. I’ve been avoiding exercises like deadlifts and squats, mainly because I use the gym to relieve stress rather than to chase size.
submitted by No_Thought7511 to NepalSocial [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 12:18 MrBeneos Ruined City Bridge | [Animated Battlemap] [41x41] [100px per Square] [Gridless] [3D Rendered] [OC] | Beneos Battlemaps
submitted by MrBeneos to battlemaps [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 12:18 Flat-Dragonfruit2006 How important is streaming quality?
In your experience do you get paid more when you stream 1080p (5000+ bitrate) vs. a 720p (3500 bitrate) stream?
I am multistreaming right now and don't watch to push my bandwidth by streaming HD on both my sites.
I look at my 720p stream and think WOW that is blurry. But if it doesn't make much difference to viewers I may not change it. Thoughts?
submitted by Flat-Dragonfruit2006 to CamGirlProblems [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 12:18 broodroosterycx Lipsync cultuur Nederland
Ik heb een random vraag. Geen idee of mensen hier iets meer over weten. Ik weet dat er voguing en wacking competities in Nederland plaatsvinden die ook open zijn voor beginners. Ik was benieuwd of er ook zulke evenement waren voor beginnende drag queens of voor mensen die lipsyncen (zonder perse in drag te zijn). En of iemand hier misschien een ingang voor heeft (met name rondom Utrecht). Thanks alvast :))
submitted by broodroosterycx to LHBTI [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 12:18 Original_Set6276 From Zero to Millions: How SNOOFI Could Explode 100x to $1 in This Bull Market
**🚀 SNOOFI - The Viral Reddit Dog -**🚀
Looking for the next 100x meme coin? Meet SNOOFI, a rising star in the Solana ecosystem with explosive potential. This isn’t just another meme token—it’s the one to watch. Jump on board before it skyrockets!
Snoofi- 100x Memecoin SNOOFI Is Poised for a Massive Breakout!
Get ready, because SNOOFI is the hidden gem you’ve been waiting for. With a market cap under $20 million, this is the perfect launchpad for exponential growth. Once it crosses that $20M threshold, brace yourself for a potential 100x surge that could dominate conversations everywhere. Blink, and you might miss your chance to join the ride!
Meme Coin Mania: SNOOFI Takes the Stage SNOOFI is riding the same momentum as legends like GIGACHAD and MOG, bringing a unique blend of hype and community power. Its passionate supporters and meme game are second to none, setting it up to become the next big thing in the meme coin universe.
The “Reddit Dog” Magic Is Unstoppable Here’s the twist—SNOOFI’s secret weapon is the viral “Reddit Dog” phenomenon. Even industry insiders like CryptoOfficiel are taking notice. This isn’t just hype; it’s a movement. Get in now before FOMO hits, because SNOOFI is about to redefine meme coin success!
Contract Address: 7M9KJcPNC65ShLDmJmTNhVFcuY95Y1VMeYngKgt67D1t
Website: https://www.redditdog.com/
Community: https://www.reddit.com/snoofi/
Media Mention- https://cryptoofficiel.com/is-r-snoofi-the-next-100x-solana-meme-coin/
submitted by Original_Set6276 to ShitcoinCentral [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 12:18 Beeean03 Lowkey thinking of going heartsteel against stat checkers.
Against stat checkers Singed’s early game is pretty much even. Then the enemy scales up way faster than Singed’s damage output. Even if he runs conq + liandry + 40% healing reduct R. The Dot dmg from his gas does not penetrate through the enemy’s MR.
So why not going heartsteel against mundo, ornn, etc. By rushing fated ashes for wave clear and then heartsteel to stack health. Heartsteel is more gold efficient than warmog now due to the reduced gold. I think this can allow singed to go even with. Also you can buy riftmaker as a third item to double proc healing from damage. Allowing Singed to stat check and dont die easy.
submitted by Beeean03 to singedmains [link] [comments]