2024.11.25 14:41 Sons_of_Maccabees S&P affirms Bosnia's Federation at B+/B, outlook stable
submitted by Sons_of_Maccabees to theworldnews [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 14:41 nisheshmaadkata I'm setting myself up for failure, how do I reverse that?
TLDR: Hard working guy, procrastinating these days. How do I make myself disciplined without need of an external disciplinary force?
A little about me. I'm a fighter. I believe in working hard. I don't give up easily. I'm one of the most competitive people you would meet.
I come from a very humble background. I had to pay my college expenses by freelancing during college.
Right now, I'm doing my masters. It's from a good college , one which is quite difficult to get into.
Now, I have achieved all the objectives that the 19 year old wanted to achieve. There's nothing much to do in life. But also there's a lot.
Let me put it this way. I had no other option but to work hard to survive. Now that's no longer the case. I can be average and I'll still end up in a good place.
This is exactly what's hurting me. I have not been productive this month at all. (Was somewhat productive in the first week only)
There's a lot I can do. There's a lot I can learn. There's a lot I want to learn. But there's no hurry, there's no pressure, and I just seem to use that as an excuse to procrastinate. I don't like this about myself. How do I change that.
If I were to ask in one sentence, How do I make myself disciplined without need of an external disciplinary force?
submitted by nisheshmaadkata to AskIndia [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 14:41 Buoy_dayum Bartlett joins Punjab Kings
submitted by Buoy_dayum to PunjabKings [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 14:41 Windigroo7 Anuncio: Actualización de reglas, aclaración sobre etiquetas de usuario (flairs) y cambio de sub para River Plate
Se vienen dando muchas cosas en el multiverso de fulbo (? lo que nos fue llevando a agregar, modificar y unificar ciertas reglas, a comenzar a tener un equipo de flairs y demás cuestiones que fuimos armando de a poco pero ameritan una revisión para que estemos todos en la misma página.
Sin mas preámbulo, vamos primero con las reglas ---------------------------------------------------------
Cuando anunciamos la nueva moderación de la mano de G7Hunter y mía, vinimos solo con 4 reglas. Desde entonces el sub sumó aproximadamente 10 mil usuarios, por lo que es natural que fueron surgiendo algunas. En negrita vamos a marcar lo nuevo en dicha regla si fue actualizada, por qué hacemos eso, o directamente aclaramos si es una regla nueva respecto a ese último anuncio.
###**Regla 1. Los posts tienen que ser sobre fútbol**
Solo se permiten posts o comentarios sobre fútbol. No importa si son de fútbol argentino, europeo o la 4º de Zimbabue, si son de fútbol, vale. No se permiten posts sobre otras temáticas.
La política fuera del fútbol, ajena a por ejemplo la legalización de las SAD, o dirigencias de clubes, está totalmente prohibida. No estás en tina o repu_tina
Consultas por páginas de apuestas, como apostar, a quien apostar y cualquier referencia al tema está terminantemente prohibida.
Se explica fácil. No queremos incentivar esta práctica tan polémica en un espacio mayormente sano, menos sabiendo que hay menores dando vueltas en el sub.
###**Regla 2. No brigading**
No vayas a otros subs a romper las pelotas en nuestro nombre. No hagas crossposts a otros subs con la intención de atacarlos, ni con la intención de bardearlos acá. No hagas posts llorando que te banearon de otro sub.
En su día este sub vivía atacando a Soccer. Esto ya se calmó, y la paz reina en el sub.
###**Regla 3. No seas pelotudo**
Así de simple. No digas cosas racistas, homófobicas o discriminadoras de cualquier tipo. No hagas posts con la única intención de hacer enojar a la gente (trolls/bait).
No compartir contenido NSFW deliberadamente.
Posts o comentarios de usuarios “sin equipo” serán considerados potenciales trolls y pueden ser borrados a criterio y discreción de los moderadores. Elegí tu verdadero equipo o pedilo: nos vamos a dar cuenta si estás mintiendo.
Lo de NSFW se explica solo. Si bien está la Reditiquette y demás, a veces pasa por alto. No publicar desnudos, muertos, o cosas de ese estilo. No da
Respecto a los sin equipo. Normalmente ante posts polémicos, ya sean porque tratan de X jugador, o porque el tema juega en el borde de la política (como las SAD) es muy común ver que se llena de usuarios "sin equipo". Normalmente, vienen a traer discusiones que no vienen al sub (Regla 1), o a romper las pelotas (Regla 2 y/o 3). Pero sería un error solo tirarle a los "sin equipo" cuando a veces simplemente no saben como hacerlo; existe otra multitud de usuarios que trollean escondidos atrás de Deportivo Español, Defensores del Castor o de clubes europeos (sin contar a aquellos que son verdaderamente de allá, vease el mítico Salchichote) lo que genera malestar en varios usuarios y nos lo han hecho saber varias veces. Por esto es que tomamos cartas en el asunto y el chiste que ocurrió en las últimas semanas de "sin equipo=sin opinión" deja de ser un chiste y pasa a ser una herramienta oficial si consideramos que es necesaria.
###**Regla 4. Solo un post por tema**
Solo se permite un post para cada resultado de partido, tabla de liga en cierta fecha, o cualquier tipo de noticia. Esto es para que la discusión se centre en un solo hilo y no esté dividida en varios posts repetitivos.
Exceso de publicaciones que rondan sobre un mismo tema al mismo tiempo y obstruyen la actividad del sub o bien causan malestar.
Sin cambios. Admitidamente, mi regla favorita
###**Regla 5. No se habla de Boca Predio**
###**Regla 6. Prohibido mufar a la selección en épocas de copa**
Son propias del folklore del sub. Somos mods serios (?, pero también somos usuarios activos del sub que se divierten con el lore que tenemos.
##**Reglas Nuevas**
###**Regla 7. No crap/bajo esfuerzo, ni posts redundantes**
**Para asegurar la calidad de los posts en el sub, no vamos a permitir posts crap/bajo esfuerzo. Está prohibido darle entidad, y por ende, publicar sobre Pablo Carrozza, Andrés Ducatenzeiler y Flavio Azzaro.
La selección de post redundantes abarca, pero no se limita, a:
2024.11.25 14:41 _skateordie Teenage Wrist - Outbreak Fest 2024
submitted by _skateordie to 90sAltRockRevival [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 14:41 PlaneMotor270 preganglionic nerve q
i get that the preganglionic nerve has its cell body in the central nervous system ie spinal cord but i don’t get how the autonomic division of the parasympathetic nervous system stimulates it to synapse on postganglionic nerve to then innervate smooth cardiac and gland cells. for somatic division we have a sensory neuron synapsing on motor neuron that innervates skeletal muscle. but what is the case for autonomic?
submitted by PlaneMotor270 to Mcat [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 14:41 timstillhere Cambridge University Climate Scientist Emily Shuckburgh Discusses Need for New Narrative on Climate Emergency
submitted by timstillhere to Green [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 14:41 KingAteas ABBA - Under Attack
submitted by KingAteas to 80smusic [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 14:41 Still-Recipe-2493 yung lean tracker
anyone wanna help me create an up-to-date yung lean tracker? cuz the only existent one is pretty outdated and it's a pitty lean doesn't have one, it's like no one ever digs into his unreleased stuff.
hit me up on discord: temperevelas
submitted by Still-Recipe-2493 to sadboys [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 14:41 TechnologyMany1790 DIALGA adding 10 join quick- 449362705973
submitted by TechnologyMany1790 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 14:41 Cold_Rogue Instant Ban from r/socialism
submitted by Cold_Rogue to austrian_economics [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 14:41 dogieres Off White Gözlük Oeri125 Oval Siyah Unisex Güneş Gözlüğü
submitted by dogieres to kuvarsoptik [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 14:41 Outside-Entrance2531 Sharing sls 05f3f7cde398ac2a395d5c0f092a1491d3aad32691e7ec8cb32845e3acfc158402
submitted by Outside-Entrance2531 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 14:41 Calm_Association3734 30$ only US tiktok account for sale, with creator rewards program 7K followers 23.8K likes organic followers, 100K views was unlock on CRP dm me if interested.
see proofs of successful transactions on my profile here in reddit.
submitted by Calm_Association3734 to tiktokRise [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 14:41 Famous_Combination10 Am I an Archivist?
So I work for a law firm in the UK and my job title is Archivist but I’m not sure I am one. I essentially deal with and take of law files and deeds, the storage of them and storing of them. I’ve been thinking about changing jobs to see if I could do something similar for a bit more pay but I don’t really know what I am or what to look for.
Am I an archivist or a records management guy? I don’t have any qualifications in archive but have 6/7 years experience in my role.
I like that I’m left alone to do my own thing, that no one else bothers me or messes with the order or the way I do my work. If I were to look for other “archival” jobs, should I expect the same sort of role or would they usually take on other responsibilities and/or mean being part of a team of archivists?
Thanks guys
submitted by Famous_Combination10 to Archivists [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 14:41 HairTriggerFlicker New builds coming in hot 🔥
Just finishing the final touches on two new P320 builds. submitted by HairTriggerFlicker to SigP320MUP_1s [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 14:41 Qinxa Ac while charging
How do you guys use the Ac or heater while charging your cars when waiting in the car? Am not sure I’m doing it right, I press the start botten once without pressing the brake pedal?
submitted by Qinxa to Ioniq6 [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 14:41 No-Quiet-6022 F4a is it weird/wrong that i sell feet pics at school? Session (no pics)
submitted by No-Quiet-6022 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 14:41 d_sky850 How Disney+ Helped Me Improve My German (And Why I’m Obsessed)
Learning German has honestly been a wild ride. I've been taking German classes for over a year now and I've struggled so much with everything (Grammar, vocab etc) - Until I made the wisest decision ever; get a Disney + subscription! No joke, it’s like a secret weapon I didn’t know I needed.
I started watching old favourite movies and especially series in German (with subtitles, of course), and suddenly, I was picking up phrases, understanding accents, and even getting jokes in German. Plus, Disney+ makes it super easy to switch languages - no complicated setup or VPN shenanigans like on some other platforms. It’s just… there, ready to go. Especially watching series is extremely helpful as the same vocab/sentences are often repeated again and again, so you end up learning effortlessly.
So if you're in to Disney movies/series I definitely suggest giving it a try. Anyone else having other ideas? I'd love to read your thoughts!
submitted by d_sky850 to German [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 14:41 RustyPeters67 Tool Aenima vinyl release is just around the corner. It's just that the corner is REALLY long. I expect by 2034 us Tool fans will have at least one really cool repress sold for a retarded price on their website. 420 dollars for a single vinyl anyone?
submitted by RustyPeters67 to ToolBand [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 14:41 Rest_In_Many_Pieces How much Nutritional Yeast is too much?
Hello, I think I maybe eat too much Nooch because I eat aprox 4 teaspoons through the day. I put it in my lunch and dinner. It also has B12 in it.
Is that too much? Is there an unsafe/unhealth amount? ...Am kinda worried I might have an actual addiction to it, but that's another issues in itself.
submitted by Rest_In_Many_Pieces to vegan [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 14:41 Automatic-Most-5472 Advice
I’m a 20 yo male and I’ve realized recently I’m looking for something much different than most people my age. I’m not one for hookups and instead want something real, a girl who I’d like to marry one day. How do I navigate that in today’s day and age?
submitted by Automatic-Most-5472 to dating_advice [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 14:41 colba2016 Trade Delegation's Welcome
Hosting the event aboard a floating palace, hovering just outside Alsakan’s Mosaics, was a deliberate choice. The palace, a marvel of engineering and art, gleamed in the simulated daylight, its polished surfaces reflecting the clear skies curated by Alsakan’s renowned weather control systems. From its vantage, the Serenno senator would behold the sprawling ecumenopolis below, a living testament to Alsakan’s power and prosperity. The sky around the palace and the planet in general were incredibly crowed. With palaces floating higher into the atmosphere, and lines of anti-gravity flying transports busily buzzing across the sky in the sky highways of the world.
As the senator’s ship approached the planet, it was joined by an Alsakan military escort, its sleek vessels bristling with beauty, a quiet but imposing display of the planet's might. These escorts guided the senator's ship past Alsakan’s breathtaking landmarks such as the Valley of the Ten Kings, the Royal Palace, and the commerce district ending with the Alsakan Mosaics, ensuring every view was carefully orchestrated. The Alsakan mosaics came into view first, massive works of art the size of towering mountains. Each of the twelve colossal frames depicted scenes from the historic victory in the Valley of Ten Kings. Individual tiles, each the size of the building, shimmered in the sunlight, recounting King Alabaster Archias the Unifier's triumph with vivid detail. The mosaics stood not only as a testament to artistic mastery but as symbols of Alsakan’s unbroken will and cultural pride.
Soon after the Alsakan Mosaic's the senator's ship docked with the floating palace, the senator stepped onto its ramp, and a children’s choir from the prestigious Royal Institute of Arts Primary School began their performance. Their young voices filled the air with the stirring anthem Hail Alsakan.
submitted by colba2016 to g_s_revengance [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 14:41 AfroMetal Sssneaky deal - free 30$ (or equivalent) for Meta Store for registering new device or 15% off code for Underdogs, Into Black, Light brigade, Red Matter 2, Brink traveler and a few more
Ssup! One of the Zuccs reptilian troopsss here. I was told that we still need more of usss, but not just anyone - we want YOU!
Being in a pack is good, but being in a pack with benefitsss is better. Follow me, then I'll follow you.
Accept my, BitJunkie, referral http://www.meta.com/referrals/link/HighOnWords sso that you are eligible to receive fundsss for your war chest and sso will I.
Reptilians togetha' sstronk.
Ssadly it only works for new device (and also separate account), sso if you already used one of those, it won't bring further profitsss. But, my broodmate, I got you covered there.
I also have referral codess for two games, allowing both of uss to further feed on this deliciousss feedback loop. This also require uss to follow each other, ssimilar to device referral.
Beat Saber 15% off code (Rift version, but this game has crossbuy so if you have rift version you may buy quest version for free and have no fear - you can very easily return game if you haven't played more than 2h and requested refund within 14 days)
Brink (quest) 15% off code
Into Black (quest) 15% off code
Light brigade (quest) 15% off code (2/3 remaining)
Red matter 2 (quest) 15% off code
Strike Rush (quest) 15% off code
SUPERHOT VR (quest) 15% off code
UNDERDOGS (quest) 15% off code
Let uss perpetuate this virtouss cycle of sscratching each other backss
submitted by AfroMetal to OculusReferralLinks [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 14:41 Captain_Saftey What to do with all Helping boost Eevee with no skill triggers?
Would you use this eevee for anything even though it has no skill triggers? Every helping bonus possible but no skill triggers. I usually think it’s pretty easy to tell if a eevee would be good but this one is interesting. I have a great Espeon and Vaporeon, should I plan on making this a Jolteon or just wait for something with STM? submitted by Captain_Saftey to PokemonSleep [link] [comments] |