First pixel turned to light blue - is that a kind of error code ?

2024.11.25 14:28 kenaddams42 First pixel turned to light blue - is that a kind of error code ?

Hi All !
My setup has been installed for Halloween and now I'm changing some boos by some bells, stars and snowflakes.
On one channel, I've got: a window outline and a prop. When powered on, the first pixel turned to a light blue while all the other pixels were off. I've changed tne cable between the controller and the first pixel and the the lights turned on. I think the cable was wrong. Why, I don't know.
Does the blue color means something, a specific error in the LED pixel world ? I've got another prop on another control box that turned blue yesterday.
Thanks !
submitted by kenaddams42 to xlights [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:28 cheekydarlingbabe POV: You took a bus ride in the summer and your dumb *** got a window seat.

POV: You took a bus ride in the summer and your dumb *** got a window seat. submitted by cheekydarlingbabe to animememes [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:28 powerplay89 S-Class Alien Rifle Multi-Tool Red Body, Light Gray/Metallic Red Barrel w/ Horns Ickjamatew Galaxy

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2024.11.25 14:28 Sudden_Criticism_998 My cute selfie just woke up

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2024.11.25 14:28 le_das_yaar Palkia Raid 027409745651 - Adding 10

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2024.11.25 14:28 lss_web_1444 AMA post title 618

AMA post body
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:28 Necessary_Food5761 Borrowing money 😐

I don’t understand why so many people are okay borrowing money. Well asking to borrow money. I NEVER ask to borrow money ever. I just go without, make another way, bartetrade… whatever. Like I’m sorry you’re in the position you’re in but maybe stop eating out so much and doing uber eats. Eat at home. Eat beans. Take the bus. You don’t need to take a car service. Saving little by little adds up.
submitted by Necessary_Food5761 to Adulting [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:28 Entire_Machine_6176 How much is that ring worth? That looks like an expensive ring. Can we have the ring?

submitted by Entire_Machine_6176 to AlwaysSunnyMemes [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:28 cryptonatic selling my lenovo s145 1tb hdd 12gb ram with minor discoloration on corner, how much should I expect?

selling my lenovo s145 1tb hdd 12gb ram with minor discoloration on corner, how much should I expect? i'm looking to sell lenovo ideapad s145 which i bought 2 years ago
  • 12gb ram
  • 1tb hdd
  • slight discoloration on corners
  • ryzen 3 3300u
how much should I expect? does anyone need it?
submitted by cryptonatic to GadgetsIndia [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:28 cooki3bit3r looking for popstar pikachu

looking for popstar pikachu submitted by cooki3bit3r to PokemonGoTrade [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:28 RockOnGold-DustWoman Pain moved upwards?

Pretty much the title. Feeling confused. Went to docs yesterday due to excruciating pain in my groin- a familiar pain since I had a kidney stone last year. Sample showed blood but no infection so kidney stone was diagnosed due to having had 1 already. Prescribed pain meds and advised to drink water. I vomited a couple times during the day but slept fine. Today the pain has gone from my groin area but I am now feeling pressure in my back and sides.. is it normal for the feeling to move upwards?
submitted by RockOnGold-DustWoman to KidneyStones [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:28 One_Man_Click ENEMIES (Official Music Video) Out now

submitted by One_Man_Click to ContentCreators [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:28 Holiday-Ad7226 What’s next?

My house psssed inspection, how long will it take to sign a lease?
submitted by Holiday-Ad7226 to Section8PublicHousing [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:28 Fit_Front6272 Where to get suits tailored?

Where can I get suits tailored in Lincoln?
submitted by Fit_Front6272 to lincoln [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:28 butterjack He scream at him hand . #CatsOfTwitter #cute

He scream at him hand . #CatsOfTwitter #cute submitted by butterjack to butterjack [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:28 worlds_worst_dad Every day, I wake up missing you.

It's only been eight weeks, but it feels like a year. Every time I log in and see I don't have a message from you, a little bit of the hope that keeps me going dies. It's probably false hope anyways. If you were to send me a message, I think I know it wouldn't be one I'd want to read. You'd tell me your marriage is getting better, that there's no chance of us at all, that you were foolish to even entertain the thought of us getting back together. I can't decide what would be worse: losing all my hope at once or a slowly a little bit at a time.
I don't know what I'll do when I run out of hope. Nothing foolish, at least I don't think so. Maybe some day, but not soon. Without you, life is just something to endure. Meaningless and empty. I'm empty. People have even said it's how I seem. There's nothing else for me. If we're over, really over, I have nothing else to look forward to, nothing else to hope for, to want. I'll just be trudging through life until I die.
My therapist says this isn't what I should be doing. That you wouldn't want me to just wait for you. But I am stuck in my own head, turning this round and round, trying to find the answer. What I'm supposed to do, what I can say. Those magic words that will bring you back to me. I know that's not how it works, but it's where my mind goes when I think about you, and everything makes me think of you. Everything.
I was looking back at our texts from last year, when this all started. It really seemed like we were going to make it work. And then when you came to town, nothing has ever felt as right as when I had you in my arms. I really thought we were going to get a second chance, a way to fix the mistakes we made before. But now I don't know. Was it real? Was it anything but a distraction for you?
I know it doesn't work that way, but it felt like we were being pulled toward something. A future together. That we could have ended up like this, I hate to use the word, but it feels unfair, like this can't be happening, shouldn't be happening. I feel so selfish thinking like that. I feel so selfish hoping that your marriage doesn't work out. But I want you and I don't want anything else.
I meant everything I said and I still do. All you need to do is ask and I'll leave her for you. If you can, give me hope. Say something to help me believe that you might still ask me some day. If you can't, don't say anything and I'll choose to believe that you didn't see this.
I love you, and I always will.
submitted by worlds_worst_dad to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:28 OtherwiseSprinkles79 Graphic Design is their passion

Graphic Design is their passion For someone who owns a print shop, they have the most basic ass fonts and prints for flyers, etc.
submitted by OtherwiseSprinkles79 to RodriguesFamilySnark [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:28 File-Full Auto Idle Start/Stop Shutdown

I have a 2020 Volkswagen Golf GTI 2.0T SE. I have the auto idle start/stop activated.
Sometimes when I’m parking the car, it idles off right before I’m about to shutdown. When it idles off, I can’t shut it down. I have to hit the start/stop button, the engine starts to run, and then I hit the start/stop again. (Should I let it run for a few seconds before shutting down?)
It feels clunky doing this. Am I missing something? Other than deactivating the auto idle start/stop, how can I avoid this?
submitted by File-Full to GolfGTI [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:28 PangolinNo2791 AS! Part 2: dum cam hat girl and bucket head photographer

AS! Part 2: dum cam hat girl and bucket head photographer submitted by PangolinNo2791 to HildaTheSeries [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:28 Free-War2802 What’s something everyone pretends to enjoy but secretly hates?

submitted by Free-War2802 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:28 AshamedAd4566 FS! Cky volume 2 picture disc

FS! Cky volume 2 picture disc Selling my cky volume 2 picture disc for $125 plus shipping. Plastic sleeve has a few tears so I'll throw it in a mofi sleeve for shipping! Hit me up!
submitted by AshamedAd4566 to cky [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:28 Feisty_War_4156 QC FW22 Madeira down jacket

QC FW22 Madeira down jacket submitted by Feisty_War_4156 to AllChinabuy [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:28 Snoo-82170 Preciso da opinião de vocês nisso

Atualmente eu trabalho como júnior CLT a 3 anos. O meu trabalho é extremamente tranquilo, todas as pessoas com quem eu trabalho são muito fáceis de conviver e não tem nenhum estresse no trabalho. Sério, é o trabalho menos estressante que eu poderia imaginar, só tem um problema. Eu trabalho com FUCKING Email. Isso, email HTML. É um HTML que era usado em sei lá 2005 kkk. É a unica coisa que eu faço, o dia inteiro fazendo emails com HTML. Ou seja, eu não uso nem javascript no meu dia a dia. Por causa disso eu nem me considero um programador, meu trabalho não é usado nem lógica de programação. O que me leva a estar COMPLETAMENTE estagnado da na minha área. Eu não estou aprendendo nada que eu va usar de verdade no mercado, o que eu aprendi aqui na minha empresa, eu vou usar SOMENTE aqui e mais em nenhum outro lugar.
Por causa disso, comecei a estudar e fazer projetos por fora a mais ou menos uns 2 anos, então já tenho um portifólio razoavel, com alguns projetos com React/Node/Typescript etc, mas tudo o que eu aprendi foi estudando fora do horário de trabalho, porque no meu setor só usamos HTML.
Cerca de uns 7 meses atras, a minha empresa fundiu os times que trabalham com Email, e com os que trabalham com Landing Pages, ou sites normais, que dai eles usam Html, css e javascript normal mesmo. Ja demonstrei pra minha empresa que me sinto estagnado trabalhando com email, e eles sempre falam que agora com a fusão desses times, começariamos a ver mais coisas com javascript etc, mas ja fazem 7 meses que rolou essa fusão e até agora eu só continuei fazendo email. Teve um dia la só que me botaram pra fazer uma issue super simples que dai era com js e html normal, mas tirando isso, eles sempre falam '' ah, agora vcs vao começar ver outras coisas, pq vamos misturar as issues pra vcs'', mas devido a pauta ta sempre apertada pra email, eu sempre preciso ficar alocado cuidando dos emails, até pq eu ja consigo fazer eles bem rapido (não que seja dificil).
A minha dúvida é se eu continuo nessa empresa e espero eles realmente me colocarem pra trabalhar com outras coisas sem ser Email, e continuo estudando por fora para não ficar estagnado, ou se devo começar a procurar uma vaga Junior que eu programe de verdade. Pq o que eu faço hoje em dia eu não considero muito programação...
Meu medo é ir para uma empresa e eu não ter experiencia o suficiente para resolver os problemas, pq como nunca trabalhei numa equipe com frameworks ou javascript, eu tenho medo de ser demitido, pq os 3 anos que eu trabalho aqui, eu não aprendi nada que eu va usar em outro lugar. E atualmente eu acabei de me mudar com minha companheira para uma casa nova, então se eu for demitido eu iria me foder MUITO.
Sinceramente, eu ate trocaria receber um pouco menos do que eu recebo hoje, para ir para uma vaga que eu pudesse aprender tecnologias que são usadas no mercado. Mas tenho muito medo de largar um emprego facil que eu sei fazer tudo o que pedem, para ir para uma vaga onde eu não consiga resolver as paradas e seja demitido.
O que voces acham? Fico na empresa e aguardo eles começarem a me incluir mais nos projetos que envolvem javascript, ou arrisco e tento ir para outra vaga que seja diretamente com frameworks e tecnologias modernas? Eu me sinto muito estagnado onde eu estou agora
submitted by Snoo-82170 to brdev [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:28 SarSean I love modular armors!

I love modular armors! submitted by SarSean to SkyrimPorn [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:28 lakers3413 Jill Jelnick - Fox 17 Nashville

Jill Jelnick - Fox 17 Nashville submitted by lakers3413 to local_newswomen_caps [link] [comments]