2024.11.25 15:49 AceTheProtogen The goofiest car in the game also goes the absolute hardest
submitted by AceTheProtogen to gtavcustoms [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 15:49 Impossible-Lion-7251 Two Demon Crybabies XD
submitted by Impossible-Lion-7251 to Helltaker [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 15:49 phocoeana_sinus need help with transit pluto in the 12th house
hi! please help a fellow 12th houser out 🥹 my mental health has been total wack recently (even more than usual) and at first i tried to blame it on my period (since that's usually the case) but it's been a week and things haven't started to calm down yet. i noticed that waking up gets progressively harder everyday where my body just feel so heavy and i'd get random aches on my back and/or arms without doing anything strenuous the previous day. haven't changed sleep positions or anything like that. i also get triggered a bit more easily the past few weeks (snapped at family members, crying easily for very minor things or at random, etc.). not to mention, lots of rumination and negative thinking. while i know my mental health hasn't exactly been the best (since forever), it's gotten too much that i finally (FINALLY) decided to see a professional. before, i keep saying that i'd one day do it once i have a stable job and enough savings, but the fatigue has finally caught up to me. also, where i'm from, it's a luxury to seek therapy that's why i keep deciding to just brute force through life (i know, it's bad). having made this decision, i can't help but question if my symptoms are real. of course, as any sane person would do, i decided to look at the astrology behind all this 😀. upon checking my transits, pluto in my 12th stood out the most to me. not sure if that's to blame but i guess that's my question to this sub (and basically the main question behind this entire post). to those who have recently been through transit pluto in their 12th, are there particular events that happened relating to your mental health? is this transit always hard? do you guys have any tips to be able to come out of this transit in one piece 🥲? and lastly, does any of this makes sense or am i waaaay off? any form of insight or tips are appreciated! thank you for reading this far 🫶 submitted by phocoeana_sinus to 12thhouse [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 15:49 Sciency_Mess Actual on-leash dog parks?
Hi everyone! Looking for on leash dog parks neaaccessible from Johannesburg North where people actually keep their dogs on the leash. Have a very energetic dog that needs more exercise and enrichment, but is not ready for the full off leash experience yet. Thanks!
submitted by Sciency_Mess to johannesburg [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 15:49 No-Temperature3336 ¿qué es lo más raro que has visto hacer/decir a un niño pequeño?
Esto paso en diciembre de 2022. En ese entonces mi primo, llamémoslo josh acababa de cumplir 6 años y empezó a decirle a su madre " mami tienes a mi hermanita en la barriga y se llama Laura" y asi paso hasta enero.
Un día a finales de enero la madre aplicó para un trabajo y su hermana le sugirió hacerse una prueba de embarazo y cuando la iso salio positiva. Yo le decía, te imaginas que sea niña y que se llame Laura y me respondería que ni loca le pondría ese nombre a su hija. Meses después se enteraron que sería una niña pero aún insistía que no se llamado Laura, ahora la bebe tiene un año y Josh cumplirá 8 en 2 semanas y adivinen como se llama la bebe Si, posiblemente adivinaron "Laura"
Pasaron muchas mas cosas en el transcurso como por ejemplo que nació con menos de 7 meses por complicaciones en todo el embarazo , pero esa es historia para otro dia
submitted by No-Temperature3336 to RedditPregunta [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 15:49 WelcomeCivil51 It all started with a Reddit tip
submitted by WelcomeCivil51 to ACHR [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 15:49 Odd-Metal8752 BAE's HERNE Extra Large Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (XLAUV) undergoing testing. [Album]
submitted by Odd-Metal8752 to WarshipPorn [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 15:49 leftwingheartbreak dying, or just discolored? money tree
I think this particular stem may be dying. no leaves are growing from it but there is quite a a bit of green to go with the spotty areas. the green bits are firm, but brown is a bit soft. I didn't see any signs of root rot, so hopefully I'm safe there (I water it about once a month, or whenever the soil feels dry). it does sit in an east facing window, though I do rotate the pot so all parts of the tree get a fair amount of light. should I just prune this stem off and hope the rest of the tree doesn't get the same problem? how can I save the rest of the tree? submitted by leftwingheartbreak to plantclinic [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 15:49 NearbyEmu What’s been your favorite Nuuly find/s to date?
I’ve purchased 6 pieces so far directly from Nuuly but my favorite piece has been the Balloon Leg Jeans by Agolde in charcoal.
A very close 2nd would be the Ella Strawberry Sweater by Lisa Says Gah.
submitted by NearbyEmu to NuulyReviews [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 15:49 Odd-Gur-8872 Qual é o melhor investimento para comprar nessa Black Friday?
Tigrinho e apostas exportivas não vale, só o que tiver com um desconto digno do sub
submitted by Odd-Gur-8872 to farialimabets [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 15:49 pleasmomdontfindthis What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by pleasmomdontfindthis to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 15:49 Physical-Ad8176 EURUSD Short
I decided to enter EURUSD short again based on fundamentals.
submitted by Physical-Ad8176 to Forexstrategy [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 15:49 Fancy-Selection6274 I hope her ear hair never stops sticking up
Fig, my wild baby submitted by Fancy-Selection6274 to cavaliers [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 15:49 Equalizer6338 Have you seen this in any movies? And where is it in real world then?
submitted by Equalizer6338 to GeoPuzzle [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 15:49 SignificantTip1302 Black Friday?
Are we going to have Black Friday discount in-game purchases or no?
submitted by SignificantTip1302 to CapybaraGoGame [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 15:49 BlueLover0 Leaks Spoilers
Imagine if Citlali and Thoma switched their shield scalings.
submitted by BlueLover0 to ThomaMains [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 15:49 GlitteringUmpire482 Converting 1 zone boiler to 2? Boiler work necessary?
I miss my Alexa powered two zone Hive system in my new house.
I have a two or three year old Ideal combo C24 Logic Max boiler.
I know I need to get thermostats, transmitters and receivers for the system.
But would mods have to be made to the boiler to allow it to operate in two zones?
If so, is this a major job? And would I be better to stick to TRVs on the rads? I haven’t had a good history with TRVs so would prefer a two zone system and I can resume shouting at Alexa to turn up or down the heating.
Thanks for any advice.
submitted by GlitteringUmpire482 to HiveHeating [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 15:49 Violet_BriarBeauty (Tiktok picture I made) AHHHHHHHHH
submitted by Violet_BriarBeauty to inanimateinsanity [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 15:49 Delicious-Fuel-4190 Looking to Sell or Trade
Hey y’all, Just got this Detroit Jacket yesterday and it fits a little too big compared to my other 48 jacket. Willing to trade for a smaller size brown or dark brown and am also open to sell. Just hit my pm! Thanks. submitted by Delicious-Fuel-4190 to Carhartt [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 15:49 Downtown-Bag-6333 Big tournaments without heads up?
Are there any examples of big tournaments skipping heads up because of a multi way all in to scoop?
submitted by Downtown-Bag-6333 to poker [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 15:49 Birdy_Cephon_Altera I just returned from a weeklong vacation in Hawaii, and now I can't get to sleep because there isn't the sound of rain hitting the tin roof or the chirping of the tree frogs at night.
submitted by Birdy_Cephon_Altera to firstworldproblems [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 15:49 Fun_Kick_9969 john saying when he was at the bar he asked a guy talking shit calmly if he would “like to go outside”😂😂 but john said it in a way where he felt bad asking the guy because john didn’t wanna hurt him hahaha the delusions of this man are stunning.
submitted by Fun_Kick_9969 to DabblersAnonymous [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 15:49 -_-666_-_ Enes batur
submitted by -_-666_-_ to shitpostfrommygallery [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 15:49 DellUser9900 Increase in masculine energy after quiting porn and mastrubation
I've noticed an increase in masculine energy within ~ 2 weeks of quiting porn and mastrubation. I feel like porn and mastrubation makes me feminine, for example, I lose the depth of my voice, I might act psychologically as a female etc... It's like they keep me from individuating as a man and keep me in the mud of the puer aeternus, or in the (feminine) unconscious. I also noticed a similar effect (but to a lesser degree) when quiting listening to music. Do you have a similar experience ?
submitted by DellUser9900 to Jung [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 15:49 OkWoodpecker3387 A mis amigos se les para el 🍆al perrear con chicas en la disco y a mi no , tengo algo mal ? Que puedo hacer?
Hola, la pregunta me termino de invadir el dia se ayer domingo que hablaba con mi compa de la noche anterior (sabado y madrugada del domingo) Que salimos a bailar , como de costumbre en una parte de la noche bailamos con unas chicas full reggaeton y yo considero que bailo muy bien ya me lo han dicho y ella lo movia muy bien pero nada , ni por cerca , mi 🍆 mas dormida que mandada hacer) bueno yo disfruto mucho de bailar y me dio igual Pero ya al siguiente dia ya hablando con mi amigo me dijo el que bailando con la chica a el si se le paro el asunto y que le pasa normalmente que a las chicas les gusta por lo regular eso, y digo a mi no me pasa ? Porque?
submitted by OkWoodpecker3387 to Preguntas_de_Reddit_ [link] [comments]