Deputatul european Siegfried Mureşan (PNL): Singura variantă responsabilă acum este să susţinem candidatul pro-european la alegerile prezidenţiale împotriva candidatului pro-rus

2024.11.25 16:31 itrustpeople Deputatul european Siegfried Mureşan (PNL): Singura variantă responsabilă acum este să susţinem candidatul pro-european la alegerile prezidenţiale împotriva candidatului pro-rus

Deputatul european Siegfried Mureşan (PNL): Singura variantă responsabilă acum este să susţinem candidatul pro-european la alegerile prezidenţiale împotriva candidatului pro-rus submitted by itrustpeople to Romania [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:31 PatienceAcrobatic923 overseas?

kad vam je najkasnije u danu dostavljen overseas paket koji ste preusmjerili u paketomat? meni je trebao doc danas ali eto jos nije pa me zanima
submitted by PatienceAcrobatic923 to askcroatia [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:31 lovemeplsUwU Need help!

Need help! I made this sculpture out of air drying clay (art classroom quality) for a school exam, I sent it in dried and fixed (except the one on the back/ base of the horn), but I got it back broken and was really hoping there's something I could do about the cracks as I was hoping to keep it. I don't know much about clay, this is my 2nd piece so l'm a novice. Is there any way to fix this, my art teacher suggested a hot glue gun but I'm not sure. There is wire to help support the horns etc, I'm not sure if that will help in the fixing process, or make things more difficult.
submitted by lovemeplsUwU to clay [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:31 Redditer3011 Please I'm begging you, help me 😭😭🙏🙏

Please I'm begging you, help me 😭😭🙏🙏 so, about 3 or 4 weeks ago I left about my problem that they said "You're not eligible to keep using our services" and during that time I asked C.AI support several times for help and they still didn't do anything and didn't even sign my request. Please help me what should I do 😭🙏
submitted by Redditer3011 to CharacterAI [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:31 Life_Ambition_2344 Join my SkyGen realm :) ! Every join is much appreciated as im struggling with getting some members! ( Bedrock ED )

submitted by Life_Ambition_2344 to MineCraftRealms [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:31 Agile_Palpitation591 Did i actually predict today's Hardstyle ? (Screenshot)

Did i actually predict today's Hardstyle ? (Screenshot) I have found that screen of an old Facebook post of myself asking a question about a new kind of hardstyle, and it actually could fit a lot of the recent Hardstyle releases (mostly the first part though, not what is after the "In Addition"). Also featuring Rooler's answer (i didn't know him at that time btw haha)
submitted by Agile_Palpitation591 to hardstyle [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:31 Trippythump I want to tell you how I really feel.

I want to tell you how I really feel. We have been together since July minus September when I went off the rails and stayed in a manic episode. You said you didn’t know if you could trust me. Well I was hurt by you real bad. I don’t take kindly to being ignored. So I acted impulsively. You helped me get away from the manipulation I was under. Here I am again wanting to be your girlfriend and you said that shit takes time. How long does it take? My heart yearns for you, and you can’t deny the chemistry. I love you and I don’t want to lose you. If I could say this to your face I would. I think you have feelings for me because you are jealous and accuse me of lying, which I can understand why but how can I be lying when I spend all my freetime you? I crave you, your presence, your sex, your cuddles. I know deep down you are not good for me and it’s taken me back to old habits and I need to stop before I get caught and lose everything I have been working for. Le sigh, you’re my favorite person. I can’t bear the thought of not being around you. You have been nothing but a gentleman to me. It’s going to hurt real bad when we part ways but I hopefully won’t have to go down that road
submitted by Trippythump to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:31 CheeseEaterC Out of your friend's, Which are you?

Out of your friend's, Which are you? submitted by CheeseEaterC to MurderDrones [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:31 showbrownies What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by showbrownies to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:31 Full-Mulberry5018 This Cute White Giraffe 🦒

This Cute White Giraffe 🦒 submitted by Full-Mulberry5018 to cuteanimals [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:31 WatchThis221 My H pylori test came back negative. But I’m still dealing with stomach gurgling. Can it be that my anxiety / overthrowing is causing ?

submitted by WatchThis221 to Gastritis [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:31 moneydomi [WTS] scalaworks 1.57" Aimpoint T2, OWB p365 xmacro holster fits Que Xmacro Icarus precision grip module with the TLR7 A, TREX Sidecar for p365 x macro with tIr7A,Icarus precision ace 365 x macro , surefire

P365 holster fits the p365 with xmacro Icarus precision grip module and tir7A plus safarilad qls fork system and trex leg strap everything is like new never seen the range $150
Surefire SR07 Rail Grabber switch-$60
scalaworks 1.57" Aimpoint T2 low salt $100
Icarus precision ACE 365 XMACRO Grip some salt good condition $300
TREX side car for p365 X MACRO WITH TLR7A (also fits with the Icarus grip module) $115
... Everything comes like you see in the photos Pm only no chats Zelle or PayPal f&f no notes only.
submitted by moneydomi to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:31 Relative-Fix-7551 KeKe you say "you don't want E growing up to fast" buuuuutt don't you have adult conversations with her & set it up for her to 🤜 adults 🤔

submitted by Relative-Fix-7551 to Keepingupwithkeke [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:31 cha-yan Just found out that HMT has watches named Ajeet ,Vijay,Vikram, Kamal as well as Rajini .

submitted by cha-yan to kollywood [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:31 Yaboipalpatine Advice on wanting to start investing at 19?

Is investing a good idea? Especially at my age? What are the pros and cons to it? I've heard that if you do start investing, start it as soon as possible? Would it even be worth it? Investing has always been on my mind, but I never gave it much thought, but now, I can't help but want to learn how investing works and how to get involved.
submitted by Yaboipalpatine to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:31 Potato-4-Skirts 13w0d including a between the leg shot - any guesses?

13w0d including a between the leg shot - any guesses? submitted by Potato-4-Skirts to nubtheory [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:31 DeanRomanSeth 21M

21M How cooked am I?
submitted by DeanRomanSeth to IndianHaircare [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:31 LargeFloor5971 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by LargeFloor5971 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:31 SarcasticScholar172 Optimizing Wrong Answer Journal

Been studying for over a week now and I wanted to get some takes on getting the most out of using a wrong answer journal. I'm using LSAT Lab and the explanations make sense, so wanted to get a sense of how I should retain the rationale and skills from those explanations for future LSAT questions - especially for levels 3-5.
submitted by SarcasticScholar172 to LSAT [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:31 SolipsismCrisis One Man Ramble : Donkey Kong

One Man Ramble : Donkey Kong submitted by SolipsismCrisis to OneManRamble [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:31 LiquidNuke Crimson Bat, The Blind Swordswoman (1969) "A young girl named Oichi is abandoned by her mother and blinded by a lightning strike. When her guardian is killed, she learns to wield a sword from a traveling ronin. As she develops into a master swordsman, her profession becomes that of a bounty hunter."

Crimson Bat, The Blind Swordswoman (1969) submitted by LiquidNuke to ForeignMovies [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:31 classicthrowawayhah Boss and personal phone issues

My boss keeps initiating that I keep using my personal phone for work and communicate that way I've told him in person and on email I can not another phone and would like to communicate over work email and work phone. Also he should have to dictate over the divce I bought like not our fault he is too lazy to come into work like a normal person.
submitted by classicthrowawayhah to antiwork [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:31 SeaSite64 Turned off crossplay xsx

Barely noticed a difference, it often felt as if the difficult lobbies got even more difficult. Is my meager 1.33 elimd ratio 0.40 w/l ratio causing this ?
submitted by SeaSite64 to blackops6 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:31 Bossie81 Somethings is brewing, 40% down PM, bit more volume and going green 🚀🚀$AKTS 🚀🚀

Somethings is brewing, 40% down PM, bit more volume and going green 🚀🚀$AKTS 🚀🚀 submitted by Bossie81 to WallStreetbetsELITE [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:31 jcwhitguy CGI Animated Short Film : "Little Orange" by WW Studios

CGI Animated Short Film : submitted by jcwhitguy to animation [link] [comments]