Best relationship yet.

2024.11.25 17:30 some_randomperson13 Best relationship yet.

I have had one long term previous relationship, which in hindsight was abusive (mental and emotional).
About 2 months ago (just less than) after I announced that I was leaving my job, one of my coworkers came up to me and confessed that he had feelings, and wanted to kiss me. At first, I was skeptical. I found out a week later than it was more than just a physical attraction, and there were genuine feelings which scared the crap out of me, because I felt the same. But I knew that at the end of January, I'm moving cities.
After a while, we went on our first date, and it was great. It kicked off a relationship which has moved super fast, but everything has been perfect. He is the best I've ever had, in many aspects. He's amazing in bed, very nice, and super supportive.
We're going away next weekend (after just over a month of dating), but we worked together for a year before anything happened. He knows me so well, and puts my needs before his.
He is the sweetest human ever, and I wish things weren't as complicated as they are.
He was with me when I got the pre-approval for the apartment on Friday, and he was there today when I got the official approval.
That's where my question comes in, is it normal to get especially rowdy or passionate after good news? I feel like I can't keep my hands off of him after I get good news.
submitted by some_randomperson13 to dating [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:30 julessantana21 How to transfer Invoice Data to Google Sheets?

Hi I frequently get invoices from the same supplier and want to collect their data into a google sheet.
I have a ChatGPT plus subscription and been trying to solve that simple task for hours now. It hinders me by making uploading PDF documents TERRIBLE. I have PDF invoices and need their data put into a table. As simple as it could be - not possible! Now I am facing an upload block as if I uploaded 20 TB of data already. It's just 64 simple PDF invoices...
Any idea on how I could do that in the future, without ChatGPT would be great - stole my time already
submitted by julessantana21 to googlesheets [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:30 SargentSuffering Positive affirmations

I'm considering forcing myself to do more mirror work, especially affirmation kind. Affirmations are hard for me as they make me feel narssisic and selfish, does anyone have any suggestions to help this? Usually I try to do them in meditation, but intrusive thoughts of the opposite make me feel bad. I know it's embrassing to ask, so sorry in advance. Trying to force myself to allow myself to talk nicely to myself is difficult after a life of being punished for trying.
submitted by SargentSuffering to ClubEso [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:30 nature-is-metal What monthly in hand i can expect from this CTC? Please help.

submitted by nature-is-metal to IndiaFinance [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:30 Van-garde Heads up to any mid-laners who don’t watch population-level statistics:

The winrate of The Fey seems to be climbing rapidly. It’s approaching 60%. Dig her out if you know what you’re doing with her abilities and want to improve your chances of winning. She’s dominating currently.
That is all.
submitted by Van-garde to PredecessorGame [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:30 Pale-Painter-3340 Algum homem vale a pena?

tive algumas experiencias ruins , e queria saber se foi só comigo
submitted by Pale-Painter-3340 to transbr [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:30 The_Observationist Business card from Code Enforcement, proper way to deal with this?

Hey yall,
A couple of days ago I got a card from Code Enforcement, there was no notes on it, it's just their name, title, and contact information of the person. No letters are mailed out however.
This is one of the cities in LA County, but not in city of LA.
How should I proceed about this? Should I call them back and see what happens, or should I wait until they send a letter otherwise? Thanks yall
submitted by The_Observationist to AskLosAngeles [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:30 NVRBLND My first 1/1! One of the best to ever Rock the Rim

My first 1/1! One of the best to ever Rock the Rim submitted by NVRBLND to basketballcards [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:30 EntertainmentTall149 Honestly BioLife…what do you want me to do with this?

Honestly BioLife…what do you want me to do with this? I got my twice weekly email with a sh*t deal from BioLife but this one hit different. Oh I can “get up to $”?? I’ll come running as a return donor with my pro….oh wait…there’s not a promo code here…
submitted by EntertainmentTall149 to plassing [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:30 PsychologicalLeg692 Smontiamo il bias di conferma o confermiamolo pt2.

Smontiamo il bias di conferma o confermiamolo pt2. Ciao a tutti, dopo aver già chiesto il vostro aiuto in passato, torno di nuovo a consultarmi con voi sulla costruzione del mio portafoglio a lunghissimo termine.
Qualche giorno fa, in attesa di una nuova puntata di "Too Big to Fail" o "The Bull", stavo ascoltando un altro podcast di finanza che seguo da tempo. In una delle puntate recenti, i conduttori hanno espresso ancora una volta perplessità sull’oro come asset in portafoglio. La loro visione sembra allinearsi a quella di Warren Buffett, che notoriamente non è un fan delle commodities.
E qui nasce il dubbio: sto ragionando sui ribilanciamenti del mio portafoglio e mi è venuta un’idea malsana che vorrei sottoporvi. Ascoltando quella puntata, ho iniziato a considerare l’ipotesi di eliminare del tutto le obbligazioni (che attualmente non possiedo) e spostare quella parte interamente sull’oro (che attualmente possiedo in piccolissima parte, 5 quote di PPFB). Dai backtest che ho fatto (25 anni di dati), questa asset allocation sembra avere risultati interessanti, almeno sulla carta. Allego alcune immagini con i dettagli per darvi un’idea più chiara.
Secondo voi, ha senso una scelta così drastica? Ci sono rischi o fattori che dovrei considerare meglio? Mi interessa capire se sto ragionando in modo troppo lineare o se ci sono aspetti che sto trascurando.
Grazie per il vostro parere!
Aprile 1999 - Aprile 2024:
Gennaio 1985 - Settembre 2024:
ETF utilizzati:
iShares Core MSCI World UCITS ETF USD (Acc)
Xtrackers Global Sovereign UCITS ETF 1C EUR hedged
Amundi MSCI World V UCITS ETF Acc
iShares Physical Gold ETC
submitted by PsychologicalLeg692 to TooBigToFailPodcast [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:30 jaxxattacks Always check local buy nothing groups. You never know what you can score

I scored all these holiday minutes for free. What a come up!
submitted by jaxxattacks to sandtraytherapy [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:30 Obvious-Hotel5382 Is this PD?

Is this PD? Anyone have suggestions for cure
submitted by Obvious-Hotel5382 to Perioral_Dermatitis_ [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:30 Cyfrik Is this the minecraft movie?
Hope anyone hasn't done this before
submitted by Cyfrik to PhoenixSC [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:30 seahawksfan_80 - NBA EV 11/25 - NBA EV 11/25 Come check the site out for more!
submitted by seahawksfan_80 to sportsbetting [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:30 Bitter-Safety1027 Genuinely lovely Gma experience

submitted by Bitter-Safety1027 to SkyGame [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:30 After-Rope-6954 teen scat group add with sample to join 05d5aa02328bf7a08698f5433d1c4e93b67329d6e4a34bb69100581714ac344669

submitted by After-Rope-6954 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:30 electricmehicle Cut The Calories This Thanksgiving With Our Low-Carb Recipes That Taste Like Shit

submitted by electricmehicle to onionheadlines [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:30 ConsequenceSimple786 First layer + tolerances issue. Bambu X1C. Please help.

First layer + tolerances issue. Bambu X1C. Please help. I'm using PLA+ material and have been using settings given in numakers website ( with some adjustments. The settings were working fine earlier. But for last 1 week, the prints are not coming good. Having issues with first layer like in the image, issues with tolerances and filament spread.
Please help. Suggest on how to recalibrate and what settings should I use in my Bambu X1C 🙏
submitted by ConsequenceSimple786 to 3Dprinting [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:30 No-Introduction-1229 Dua lipa Mumbai silver tickets at cheapest possible rates!

Hey everyone,
I am selling these 2 Dua Lipa Mumbai silver tickets at 4K each!
Please revert me if you are interested!
PS: I’m not a reseller, I’ve just got chance of plans. Please DM me if you’re interested and I’ll clear all your concerns you might possibly have with necessary proofs!
submitted by No-Introduction-1229 to concerts_india [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:30 abigailhoscut What was the hardest thing to figure out for you in Rise?

I was adamant on avoiding any spoilers or hints or guesswork, which is great but makes it hard to change an assumption once it was made.
Once it was known that people can be fully transported, I realized the red curse was the result of the empty bodies, but this led me to mistakenly identify Isaac Nowak as the main brain behind everything, the one experimenting on homeless people. Then it was extremely hard to figure out that it was Jack, given that the whole time he just seemed to me like one of the kiss-ass corporate people.
What was the hardest for you?
submitted by abigailhoscut to caseofthegoldenidol [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:30 ComprehensiveDate591 What scenes do you most dream of seeing reimagined in the Monsterverse?

What scenes do you most dream of seeing reimagined in the Monsterverse? submitted by ComprehensiveDate591 to Monsterverse [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:30 elhabi A real héroe.

A real héroe. submitted by elhabi to FUTMobile [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:30 dogtoebeans101 Please help!?! Spots😑

Please help!?! Spots😑 Wondering if anyone has experienced / has any advice they can give me, I feel SO insecure 😞
I’ve never really struggled with my skin, other than this summer where I was getting sweat rash on my forehead due to excessive sweating from taking prescription stimulants.
I had 6x b-12 injections over the last 2 weeks (loading dose of hydroxocobalamin) and my skin has suddenly and quickly become very spotty, side note this picture is from yesterday, they are now on my chin aswell. I did some research and found that this is likely due to the injections, but why?? And what the hell is happening and how do I fix it?😞😞
submitted by dogtoebeans101 to B12_Deficiency [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:30 Middle_Wheel_5959 Penn State Offensive Tackle out with “long-term” injury, per James Franklin

Penn State Offensive Tackle out with “long-term” injury, per James Franklin submitted by Middle_Wheel_5959 to WeArePennState [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:30 SouthernInfluence151 Need advice on bed removal

Hey guys, I’m helping a friend remove the 8 bolts on an 08 duramax and we can’t get the 4 bolts up front out. Using a phone camera we saw they are riveted on the other side with no way to access the other side, so the 18mm bolt just spins.
What do yall think would be the best way to remove these and what have you guys done that worked for you?
submitted by SouthernInfluence151 to Duramax [link] [comments]