Amateur Musician Advice

2024.11.25 19:53 churchcod Amateur Musician Advice

Hello, this is my first time posting here so please be nice. I am an amateur musician who just finished writing enough for an EP. I have the means to record it but when it comes to sharing it, the copyright scene makes me a bit nervous. I want to make a few things clear. First, the lyrics are original, but the instrumentals are not. Most I got from YouTube and a few are instrumentals from already famous songs. Second, I am not looking to make any money off of these, that is not the goal at all. I just want to put them somewhere other than my computer so it doesn’t take up a bunch of storage. Third, I would prefer to avoid paying for a license. Where are some places I can post these songs to let my friends and family listen while avoiding copyright infringement. I have heard multiple things like unlisted YouTube videos and SoundCloud uploads set to private, but I’m not confident that either of those will be safe. I have also read some things about parody, covers, and fair use, but I am new to it all so I decided to come here. I have no issue putting the credit for each instrumental, but again, I have heard that that isn’t a guarantee. Or am I just being paranoid and nothing bad will happen. Once again, I do not care if I can’t make money off of these, as long as they don’t get taken down or muted. Thanks in advance for the help!
submitted by churchcod to musicians [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:53 JaminZ22 Bambino Plus vs. Barista Pro (both $499 new)

For 5-6 years I've used a Duo Temp Pro, but I had to get rid of it over the summer. Since, I've missed my morning latte and ready to get back into the espresso game. I have a Breville Smart Grinder Pro that seems to still be going strong (I know it's not great, but I also don't have the budget to upgrade it anytime soon)
I've been doing a lot of research and finally settled on the Bambino Plus as my new machine. Reasons were: - Price (Max budget of $500) - 9 Bar Pressure (I rulled out the older Infuser which I actually found for $400 because of the pressure issues) - 3 way solenoid (reason for not wanting the regular bambino) - Newer thermojet vs. thermocoil - The auto milk thing is nice and would save me a few seconds each morning, but I have no issues manually stemming/texturing milk that's satisfactory to me.
However - I just found a Barista Pro at Marshalls for $499...
I know, I know - machines with integrated grinders are frowned upon around here... But considering I'm using, and satisfied enough with the smart grinder pro, this doesn't concern me a lot.
What I'm wondering is all things considered, since the prices are the same, the internal tech is largely the same, and the Barista Pro has the advantage of adjustable temperature - is there any reason I shouldn't go this route vs. the Bambino Plus
submitted by JaminZ22 to espresso [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:53 shoppingbabe Dr. Fuhrman Black Friday Ads 2024

Follow this link for Dr. Fuhrman Black Friday Ads 2024. Access the latest deals and promotions by visiting the link, featuring a constantly updated list of coupons, promo codes, and discounts.
submitted by shoppingbabe to ClearanceBreak [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:53 -The_Caliphate_AS- The Trial of Yazid ibn al-Muhallab (Short Context in Comment)

The Trial of Yazid ibn al-Muhallab (Short Context in Comment) submitted by -The_Caliphate_AS- to IslamicHistoryMeme [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:53 Eczemanewbiee After 3x sessions light therapy

After 3x sessions light therapy i could see the hyperpigmentation on my skin slowly faded. This makes me really happy with the result. But the thing is that my back, upper legs, chest and neck are permanently itchy😵‍💫. These parts actually free of eczema so i assumed it is the side effect of the treatment. I wonder how i should continue the process. Some small rashes even showed up on my upper legs, i believe it is not kind of eczema. I usually dont get burned easily, but i do have sun allergy when i stay too long under the sun without the sunscreen, my skin will turn red and itchy. It seems like Im experiencing this now. Does anyone know, having the light therapy for 1 min and 16 sec considers as too strong? 😑
submitted by Eczemanewbiee to eczema [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:53 KJ6BWB Zuma reassigned to drive the dozer after Rubble quits to go run his new construction company

Zuma reassigned to drive the dozer after Rubble quits to go run his new construction company submitted by KJ6BWB to PawPatrol [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:53 Low_Grapefruit2196 Anyone wanna play with me? 😊

submitted by Low_Grapefruit2196 to gaybrosgonemild [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:53 bubweiser2 1993 F150 4.9l e4od showing codes 621,622,626,629

Truck runs pretty good but stalls out when put in reverse and bogs down quite a bit when put in drive. I pulled codes and ended up getting 621,622,626,629.So far I’ve cleaned both ends of the harness that runs from the drivers side fender back to the solenoid pack all of the plugs looked pretty good after cleaning them up but I’m still having the same codes and issues. I plan on pulling that harness out and checking it for any damage and checking continuity. If I don’t find anything there what else could be my issue?
submitted by bubweiser2 to MechanicAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:53 Melancolica_safe Help. preciso de opnioes e ajuda

Meu namorado foi trabalhar em outra cidade por 6 meses. eu fiquei vigiando o instagram dele e começou seguir e ser seguido por mulheres la da cidade que ele esta! perguntei sobre ele nao diz nada. devo me preocupar ? domingo ele folgou e sumiu o dia todo. liguei chamada de video de voz ele nada de me responder, mandei milhoes de mensagens ele ate respondeu três vezes,a primeira no comeco eu disse que estava com saudade, ele disse' eu tambem estou' em audio, logo depois eu disse q nao ia mais incomodar dele, pois parecia q eu estava e ele disse que eu nao incomodo ele jamais, e na outra disse boa noite!! o que eu faço ? e hje ele mandou um audio falando desculpas nao ter respondido antes, vamos conversar sim. por que disse ' vc quer conversar ou terminar ? To confusa, pode nao ter sido nada, mais eu to preocupada e triste.
submitted by Melancolica_safe to desabafos [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:53 Pouchyy What am I wearing today ?

submitted by Pouchyy to dustkitties [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:53 Novaria_Orion The way my housemate opened this cereal

The way my housemate opened this cereal We’re all literate adults… right?
submitted by Novaria_Orion to mildlyinfuriating [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:53 CoupleTraditional525 O Palkia. Add now. 3 with me. 2757 5013 7820

submitted by CoupleTraditional525 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:53 lemons101010lemons what do i do?

what do i do?
should i keep buying pig spawners to increase my money, or keep saving up to buy creeper spawners? i dont know what will be the faster option
submitted by lemons101010lemons to Cubecraftskyblock [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:53 Weekly-Coffee-2488 The WOKE apple doesn't fall far from the LIBERAL tree

The WOKE apple doesn't fall far from the LIBERAL tree submitted by Weekly-Coffee-2488 to publicuniversalfr1end [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:53 Ok_Salamander_2484 Mmj npc ships are so good

Mmj npc ships are so good Like they have an actual meaningful bond and story beyond just knowing each other. Sad they aren’t playable characters so nobody else ships them.
submitted by Ok_Salamander_2484 to ProjectSekai [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:53 Clover_M135 🫶

🫶 submitted by Clover_M135 to CatsBeingCats [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:53 IdentifiesAsGreenPud Does Bambu actually take improvements from the public and improves their design ?

There have been about a million remixes of extruder PTFE adapters to solve 'pull back filament' issues, Hydra mods for AMS and all sorts of other mods that solve problems, and many are actually shared on the official blog and encouraged.
Does Bambu actually take those and incorporate these fixes ?
I have an original AMS from Kickstarter and one quite a while later (which has subtle changes) but first one is kinda dead so wonder, when buying a new one, what are the chances that I still have to print those fixes ?
submitted by IdentifiesAsGreenPud to BambuLab [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:53 No-Instruction-2922 Ich bin schon längst an meine Grenzen gestoßen.

Ich bin schon längst an meine Grenzen gestoßen. Die Medienmündigkeit
submitted by No-Instruction-2922 to ichbin40undSchwurbler [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:53 kaylaemalee Male or female

please help me sex these 3. there’s lots of fighting back and forth
submitted by kaylaemalee to quails [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:53 embryomanofficial Weekly IVF research brief

Weekly IVF research brief submitted by embryomanofficial to EmbryologyIVFSupport [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:53 TheZebstrike1 Graduate Job Market grievances (why it sucks)

So 2 weeks ago I had two actuarial graduate scheme phone interviews for insurance companies. This was the third step, following an initial CV and cover letter scan, a suite of psychometric tests and video interviews in an overall soul-crushing, needlessly arduous and self-respect stripping process. Yes, after emails asking for a timeline for feedback, the two companies have likely blanked me after completing 70% of their hollow application pipeline.
My question is, why is each step of this process so contrived ??? The video interviews are my biggest problem because they are extremely unnatural and portray a completely unrealistic picture of a supposed ‘forward-facing, direct client experience’ workflow that 90% of companies have as one of their forefront values. How can you, as a a hiring manager, be taken seriously when you expect applicants to employ the ‘STAR’ method and essentially force graduates to make up and doctor a host of fake situations and experiences?? How else is a graduate meant to prepare when you have 60 seconds to answer drivel that is so insultingly vague (‘what does it mean to be x or y?’) or stupidly specific (‘tell us about a time…’).
Now video interviews usually follow a series of psychometric test which are, at a minimum, filters for neurodivergence and at their worst, a complete waste of time. There is absolutely no need for a wholly analytical computational role to test my reaction time or my ability to distinguish between different emotions using a collection of horrifying AI generated delphic faces. Emotional stability and attitudes in the workplace isn’t something that can be gauged without at least meeting the person face-to-face, i.e in the assessment centre. The questions in your situational judgement tests are an embarrassment and are purposefully ambiguous. ‘Be honest, there is no right or wrong answer’… yeah alright.
Thirdly, ghosting and hypocritical behaviour is all too common in this already selfish landscape where employers are very much risk adverse to any form of training or simple acknowledgment that graduates don’t have much experience outside of an internship and the odd retail stint. I pray for the downfall of the lazy hiring managers who can’t be bothered to send a generic rejection email following a CV admission, let alone after a full fledged interview. As such, those two power tripping middle managers, who ignored me and others, deserve every bit of reproach for misaligning with their own company values of transparency, with the most bitter glassdoor reviews, or wherever, with their name’s dropped.
I already know the comments are going to be swarmed with ooh ‘gen z entitlement strikes back’ and ‘ahh this new generation doesn’t know hard work’, but please do take from your job description and apply critical thinking and empathy. Let’s not beat around the bush here, you had it much much easier. You had hiring managers who would sign you up to internships at mere career fairs. You had 0 online tests to complete and no video interviews; the process was significantly more streamlined. You could afford to not work at university, therefore submit more quality applications, as you had a reasonable cost of living with maintenance grants provided and tuition fees subsidised. Behave.
submitted by TheZebstrike1 to UKJobs [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:53 Lubz3 Sister experiencing paranoid delusions

For context, mental health problems run in the family - 2 of my brothers were diagnosed with schizophrenia and slowly lost their grip on reality. One brother sadly passed away and the other functions day to day with medication.
The rest of us were seemingly unscathed. I've had issues with depression & anxiety resulting from the traumatic things we experienced in childhood but for the most part, can function day to day.
My sister, whilst being quite difficult/hot-headed at times, generally didn't seem to be suffering from any major psychiatric disorders, or even issues with depression or anxiety until recently where I could see that work-related stress had massively impacted her mental health. She was signed off work recently and put on anti-depressants. Despite this, her mental health has gotten progressively worse and for the past week or so she's been having paranoid delusions (thinking her work colleagues have hacked into her phone, that they've tampered with her water supply in her house, that they're following her etc.).
I live 200 miles away from her but she's been staying with me for the past week or so. She headed home today and when I rang her to see if she got home OK, I got no answer. She then called me back saying she was at the police station as her work colleagues had hacked into her phone and were following her. She told me to go to the police station too as her work colleagues had apparently hacked into my phone and were following me too.
I was understandably worried so I called the mental health crisis team local to her area and they advised me to contact the police station where she was at as they have a MH team there. I was told it was a 40 minute wait to get through to their front desk, panicked and called 999 so I could get a mental health professional to speak to her ASAP. She was behaving so erratically, I was genuinely concerned she was at risk to herself and maybe others. I have family who live close to her and also filled them in so they could check in on her ASAP.
Anyway, a few hours later and once the paramedic MH worker spoke to her, they called me to update and told me they don't think she's a harm to herself or others but that they've requested an urgent referral to her GP for her tomorrow to review her medications as she's experiencing paranoid delusions. They put me at ease by saying that as alarming as it is, it can happen to people experiencing extreme stress.
I'm now dealing with her and my other family members vilifying me for contacting professionals, citing how it may affect her professionally in the long run. I'm trying to not let it get to me but as mentioned, I do have my own struggles with depression and anxiety. I was a lot younger when my brothers were diagnosed with schizophrenia so I was uncertain how to deal with things like delusions and it was quite alarming for that to be coming from someone who seemingly had all their faculties. All the advice online reiterates that early intervention with things like psychosis means people have a better chance of making a successful recovery long-term.
I guess I'm just looking for advice or similar stories from others who have maybe dealt with something similar.
submitted by Lubz3 to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:53 Creative-Bluebird-96 mogul interior new shipment of carved doors

submitted by Creative-Bluebird-96 to bohemianrhapsody [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:53 AdamLuyan 17.2 金刚经 Diamond Sutra

17.2 金刚经 Diamond Sutra 如是我闻。一时,佛在尘刹土国须弥颅山目苑,与大和尚尼姑众千二百五十人俱。尔时,世尊于日初分,整理裳服,执持衣皱,入舍卫大城乞食。时,佛于其城中行乞食已,出还本处。饭食讫,收衣皱,洗足已。于食后时,敷如常座,结跏趺坐,端身正愿,住对面念。时,诸和尚尼姑来诣佛所,到已顶礼世尊双足,右绕三匝,退坐一面。具寿观世音亦于如是众会中坐。
Thus, I heard. Once upon a time, in Dust-Instant-Soil country, Buddha sojourned at Eye-den Garden in Mount Sumeru, with a company of 1,250 monks and nuns. Dawn, Social Honor enrobed, carrying his bowl, entered the capital city of Abandonment-Defense to beg for his food. Amid city, Buddha begged from door to door sequentially; then, returned. After eating time, Buddha put away his robe and bowl, washed his feet, rearranged his seat, sat down in lotus flower seat gesture, straightened up his body, adjusted his intention, dwelled in facing-to-faces spell. At the time, monks and nuns come to ask Buddha’s instructions. When there, they headed Social Honor’s feet courtesy, walked to the right three rounds, then retreated sitting on one side. Thus, full-life Guanyin Bodhisattva sat among the crowds.
17.2.2 一问 First Ask 尔时,众中具寿观世音菩萨从座而起,偏袒一肩,右膝著地,合掌恭敬而白佛言:希有!世尊!乃至如来能以最胜摄受,摄受诸菩萨摩诃萨;乃至如来能以最胜付嘱,付嘱诸菩萨摩诃萨。世尊!诸有发趣菩萨乘者,应云何住?云何修行?云何摄伏其心?
At the time, among crowds, Guanyin Bodhisattva stood up, uncovered one shoulder, knelt upon her right knee, and respectfully raising her hands with palms joined, addressed Buddha: Rare! Social Honor! Up to Tathagata can by supremely victorious assimilative acceptance to assimilate and enjoy Bodhisattvas and Mahasattvas (i.e., real humans and great real humans); up to Tathagata can by supremely victorious instructions to counsel Bodhisattvas and Mahasattvas. Social Honor! Many of those have aroused interest to Bodhisattva Vehicle, how should they dwell on? How should they behave and cultivate? How should they assimilate and tame their own hearts?
Buddha told full-life Guanyin Bodhisattva: Benevolent! Benevolent! Benevolent Manifestation! Thus! Thus, up to Tathagata can by supremely victorious assimilative acceptance to assimilate and enjoy Bodhisattvas and Mahasattvas; up to Tathagata can by supremely victorious instructions to counsel Bodhisattvas and Mahasattvas. Therefore, Benevolent Manifestation! You should listen attentively, benevolently makes intentions; I should explicitly explain it for you.
Full life Guanyin Bodhisattva reported to Buddha: Thus! Social Honor! Willingly gladly desire to listen!
17.2.3 大乘正宗分 Correct Lineage of Mahayana 尔时,佛告观世音:善现!诸有发趣菩萨乘者,应当发起如是之心,“所有诸有情,有情摄所摄:若卵生、若胎生、若湿生、若化生,若有色、若无色,若有想、若无想,若非有想非无想(如图17.2.3-1),乃至有情界施设所施设,如是一切,我当皆令于无余依妙涅槃界而般涅槃(如图17.2.3-2)” 。虽度如是无量有情令灭度已,而无有情得灭度者, 何以故?善现!若诸菩萨摩诃萨有情想转,不应说名菩萨摩诃萨,所以者何?善现!若诸菩萨摩诃萨不应说言有情想转,如是命者想、士夫想、补特伽罗(义为习气疙瘩,竹马,如图13)想、意生想、摩纳婆(义为随念自我,亚伯,儒童)想、作者想、受者想转,当知亦尔,何以故?善现!无有少法名为发趣菩萨乘者。
At that time, Buddha told Guanyin Bodhisattva: Benevolent Manifestation! Those aroused interests to Bodhisattva Vehicle, should arouse the heart: “all sentient beings, sentient beings’ assimilations and being assimilated, such as born from eggs, born from wombs, born from moistures, or born from conversions; either with color or colorless, either with think or thoughtless, and neither think nor non-think (see fig. 17.2.3-1), up to all sentient beings’ boundaries setting up and being established. All of those, I should transcendently ferry them all, via Non-Dependent Nirvana boundary, to arrival at Nirvana (see fig. 17.2.3-2). Thus, limitless sentients have been terminally ferried, but there aren’t any sentient beings gained the terminating ferry; wherein? Benevolent Manifestation! If the Bodhisattvas and Mahasattvas have sentient thinks turning, they should not be called Bodhisattvas and Mahasattvas, wherein? Benevolent Manifestation! To Bodhisattvas and Mahasattvas, should not say that they have sentient thinks turning, and so on, living think, warrior think, Pudgala (i.e. hobbyhorse, a habitual aggregate; see fig. 13) think, intent born think, Manava (i.e., along thoughts ego, Abel) think, creator think, and acceptor think should be known as this also, wherein? Benevolent Manifestation! No laws are named as the having aroused interest to Bodhisattva Vehicle.
17.2.4 施摄六渡 Donation Assimilates Six Arks 佛告观世音菩萨:复次,善现!菩萨不住于事应行布施,都无所住应行布施;不住于色应行布施,不住声、香、味、触、法应行布施。善现!如是菩萨如不住相想应行布施,何以故?善现!若菩萨都无所住而行布施,其福德聚不可取量。善现!于汝意云何?东西南北上下,十方世界之一切虚空可取量不?
Buddha told Guanyin Bodhisattva again: Furthermore, Benevolent Manifestation! To practice donation, Bodhisattva (i.e., a real man or woman) doesn’t dwell on affair to donate, dwells on nothing to donate, doesn’t dwell on sound, incense, taste, touch, and law to donate. Benevolent Manifestation! Thus, Bodhisattva doesn’t dwell on phenomenal thinks to match her or his donating behaviors, wherein? Benevolent Manifestation! If Bodhisattva dwells on nothing to donate broadly, the gained fortunate virtuous aggregates are immeasurable. Benevolent Manifestation! What do you think? Can you measure all the empty spaces extending eastward, northward, westward, southward, upward, and downward?
Guanyin Bodhisattva replied: No, Social Honor! I cannot!
Buddha said: Thus! Thus! Benevolent Manifestation! If Bodhisattva dwells on nothing to donate, the fortunate virtuous aggregates gained are immeasurable, are just like that.
17.2.5 如理实见 According Theories to Factually View 佛复问观世音:于汝意云何?可以三千威仪八万四千细行,如是诸相具足观如来不?
Buddha asked Guanyin Bodhisattva again: What do you think? Can Tathagata be viewed as “fully with 3,000 majesties 84,000 enchantments”, by “fully having those phenomena” to view Tathagata?
Guanyin Bodhisattva replied: No, Social Honor! Bodhisattva shouldn’t view Tathagata as “fully possessing 3,000 majesties 84,000 enchantments”, why is that? “Tathagata” said “fully having those phenomena” isn’t “fully having those phenomena”.
Buddha said: Benevolent Manifestation! Up to “fully possessing all the phenomena”, all are illusions; up to “not fully possessing all the phenomena”, all aren’t illusions, thus, by phenomena as non-phenomena to view Tathagata.
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submitted by AdamLuyan to LifeTree [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:53 Enigmatic1329 Goku gets gamer rage and spouts the most random shit

Goku gets gamer rage and spouts the most random shit 100% for kids.
submitted by Enigmatic1329 to CharacterAiHangout [link] [comments]