
2024.11.25 21:50 FoodPleaseX Opinions

Opinions I got punched in the rib and it has hurt bad for like 2 weeks, does anything look abnormal? Waiting for the dr to get back with me but it will take a few days
submitted by FoodPleaseX to XRayPorn [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:50 Antique-Artichoke-52 Do I have a chance of becoming a Pre-Doc?

Hello everyone! I am an international student - already a senior undergrad now at Top-3 University in my country, interested in becoming a predoc in the US. About me:
● Majoring in Economics, minoring in Mathematics
● Attended Summer Sessions at Stanford University ( DS, CS and Stochastics classes) and UC Berkeley (3 proof-based Math classes - Linear and Abstract Algebras, Intro to Analysis)
● A lot of experience as a TA - for Analysis, Probability, Economics and Game Theory and Econometrics Classes.
● A bit of Research Experience - I started an RA possision at the Lab in my Uni this month.
● Completed a Term Paper with a colleague of mine (on Theoretical Microeconomics) and am working on my Bachelors Thesis now (on Empirical Industrial Organization).
● I am currently working on a proper Github portfolio to show some data cleaning and visualization, DS and ML skills. I know Python and R, and a little bit of SQL and MatLab.
I know that I want to do research in the future and end up getting a PhD at some point, but I am not sure in which field. I definitely want it to have a strong mathematical component. So, I am looking more into Quantative Finance, Applied Data Science, or Operations Research.
I am thinking about applying for a predoc position this year instead of going for Masters, just to get a sense of what doing real reserch could feel like, to improve my academic CV and figure out what my true interests are.
I am worried about a couple of things in my CV:
○ Relatively low GPA (about 3.6/4, if converted to US standards)
○ A "C+" in my Stanford transcript (since I accidentally took a grad-level class and really underestimated how hard it can be for a rising junior)
○ Do not have any GRE scores.
My supervisor tells me that I probably won't get a position as an international student with such a GPA. Do you agree with him? From your experience, what is the most important part of the application? What should I work on?
submitted by Antique-Artichoke-52 to postbacc [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:50 tactical_shampoo How ksy felt when Ksy scammed u (I forgot his name 😔)

How ksy felt when Ksy scammed u (I forgot his name 😔) submitted by tactical_shampoo to RADAL [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:50 rythm_of_rain Losing balance/partial paralysis

Losing balance/partial paralysis We are taking Beau in for an urgent vet visit. He all of a sudden started getting wobbly when he stands/walks and seems like his back leg is somewhat paralyzed.
He’s 6 months old and so far has never been to the vet for a non-routine visit so we have no idea what happened. No trauma or accident happened and his morning routine was totally normal.
Send us some good thoughts- we are so worried about our precious little one ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
submitted by rythm_of_rain to Maltipoo [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:50 musin81 ARCTIC Liquid Freezer III 360 in a Cooler Master MasterBox TD500 Mesh V2

This is my first attempt at a PC setup.
However, I'm wondering about component compatibility, and in particular whether it's possible to fit the arctic liquid cooler on top of the case.
Is it possible that the RAM or the motherboard could prevent the Arctic liquid freezer III 360 from being fitted?
Here's the setup: https://fr.pcpartpicker.com/list/WNGq4p
Please let me know if there are any other major inconsistencies!
submitted by musin81 to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:50 Logical_Mushroom_689 Anyone knows where Stranger Things is today?

I’m visiting and wondering where they’re filming
submitted by Logical_Mushroom_689 to Georgia [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:50 Expert-Office-4220 Skammer mig over min familie

Hej brevkasse, Jeg (K23) står i noget af et dilemma.
Jeg er begyndt at date en super sød fyr, men jeg føler, han er alt for perfekt til mig. Han kommer fra Nordsjælland, læser en høj uddannelse og har en baggrund i en normal og velfungerende familie.
På den anden side er jeg vokset op med nogle udfordringer. Jeg kender ikke min far, og min mor er sandsynligvis narcissist (selvom jeg har svært ved at indrømme det). Hun har udøvet psykisk (og til tider fysisk) vold mod mine søskende og mig. I dag har mine søskende ingen kontakt til hende og kæmper generelt med at få et godt liv. Jeg ser mig selv som en mønsterbryder, fordi jeg har valgt at fokusere på min uddannelse og fremtid og gå en anden vej.
Mit dilemma er, at jeg virkelig skammer mig over min familie. Den fyr, jeg dater, har et tæt forhold til sin familie og lægger stor vægt på familiebånd. Jeg er bange for, at han ikke vil kunne forstå mig, fordi vores barndomme og livserfaringer er så forskellige. Jeg tænker meget over, om jeg bare skal droppe ham, fordi jeg ikke føler, jeg kan leve op til hans forventninger.
Jeg har nok været den i søskendeflokken, der har fortrængt vores barndom mest. Jeg benægter til dels, at vi aldrig har fået kærlighed, er blevet slået og talt grimt til. Men det er måske også det, der har gjort, at jeg i dag betragter mig selv som den “fornuftige.”
Jeg vil stadig gerne holde kontakten til min mor og resten af familien, selvom vores forhold er kompliceret. Men jeg har tænkt over, om jeg bare skal lyve overfor ham og lade som om, jeg kommer fra en normal familie. På den anden side ser jeg ham som en potentiel fremtidig partner, så jeg ved virkelig ikke, hvad jeg skal gøre. Jeg vil ikke skræmme ham væk, men jeg føler mig fanget.
Hvad synes I, jeg skal gøre?
submitted by Expert-Office-4220 to DKbrevkasse [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:50 Relevant_Sir_9411 L.G.B. bono 5 sizing?

Wanna get a bono 5 puffer, seen one in size 1 but everywhere I compare measurements differ. I’m 6 foot 75kg. Should I go for it?
submitted by Relevant_Sir_9411 to japanesestreetwear [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:50 AnonymousBro9707 POV: Larry gets a direct hit

submitted by AnonymousBro9707 to Brawlstars [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:50 Equal-End-4255 First time printing

Hello all! I'm new to 3D printing and have just got my A1 combo and plenty of filament. My questions are what should I do first besides putting it together and calibrating it. Do I need to order anything extra or some helpful tips I should know about?
Thank you in advance!
submitted by Equal-End-4255 to BambuLab [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:50 avid_reader14 Why do I only see Peter Dinklage cast as a LP in media?

submitted by avid_reader14 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:50 Sissy_Liesbeth Good dress for New Year's?

Good dress for New Year's? submitted by Sissy_Liesbeth to crossdressing [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:49 Shordey19 Which XDJ Model for a beginner

I think about buying a Pioneer XDJ, but I'm not quite sure witch model. Which Pioneer XDJ model would you recommend for a beginner (I've started using a basic tractor controller in 2022), which is not to big, so I can use it in an home setup? It should have similar functions as an club CDJ setup, but as I've Said, I don't have the room. I'm quite overwhelmed from all the different models, so I appreciate any help
submitted by Shordey19 to PioneerDJ [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:49 Historical-Pitch- Where can I score near life republic?

Looking for a good score in hinjewadi life republic
submitted by Historical-Pitch- to hinjawadi [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:49 LibraryLongjumping63 HSA Contribution Max

Splitting hairs question......When you hear or see maxing out your hsa contribution, does it matter if its by way of a lump sum check or payroll deduction over the course of the year to get to that figure? Or combo of the two....?
submitted by LibraryLongjumping63 to TheMoneyGuy [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:49 MammothBattle33 Justin Sun Invests $30 Million in Trump-Backed World Liberty Financial (WLFI)

🚨 Crypto News: Justin Sun, the founder of Tron, just shook the crypto scene again with a $30M investment in World Liberty Financial (WLFI), a DeFi platform backed by none other than Donald Trump.
WLFI, launched in late 2024, promised decentralized borrowing and lending but struggled to gain traction, falling well short of its $300M fundraising goal with just $21M raised prior to this. Limited token accessibility and the non-transferable nature of WLFI tokens didn’t help its case either.
Sun’s massive injection could breathe new life into the project, which has been led by a mix of Trump associates, crypto pros, and financial veterans. Interestingly, proceeds from token sales are poised to benefit a Trump-owned firm—but only after crossing the $30M mark, a milestone officially achieved thanks to Sun.
In typical Sun style, he took to social media, calling the US a blockchain hub and expressing his excitement for aligning TRON’s vision with Trump’s ecosystem. While this partnership raises eyebrows in the crypto world, one can’t deny that Sun knows how to make waves.
From splashing millions on viral art to shifting capital in emerging protocols, Sun continues to push boundaries in both crypto and cultural markets. WLFI now has the chance to gain momentum, but whether it can meet its ambitious goals remains to be seen.
One thing is clear: Justin Sun is not playing it safe in the decentralized finance space.
DeFi #CryptoNews #Blockchain submitted by MammothBattle33 to Blockmandev [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:49 Nohan07 Les liaisons téléphoniques et l'internet mobile perturbés à Nouméa ce mardi matin

Les liaisons téléphoniques et l'internet mobile perturbés à Nouméa ce mardi matin submitted by Nohan07 to Nouvellecaledonie [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:49 GrimCoven WebOS update caused issues with AVR and Apple TV

Hi all. It's been infuriating just turning on my TV ever since the newest web OS update. Here's my signal chain, equipment, and what issues are occurring:

Before the update, I could just press the home button the Apple TV remote and everything would turn on together and I could use the Apple TV straight away.
After the update, when I do the same thing now the TV is stuck on a no-input screen and the volume indicator keeps flashing. I can press home to go to Web OS and then go into "home hub", hover over the input that the AVR connects to, and then it MIGHT work if I click OK. Often it still just goes back to the no-input screen again. I have to turn the entire system and TV off and back on several times hoping it will work. I try not to punch the TV screen during this time.
Any help with this? I wish I had never updated.
submitted by GrimCoven to LGOLED [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:49 SnooPets9513 L&D peeps - what’s the weirdest thing you’ve seen a woman request to do with her placenta?

🤔 I’m almost scared to ask
submitted by SnooPets9513 to nursing [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:49 Weary_Pop9017 Could someone find this hoobuy link asap

Could someone find this hoobuy link asap submitted by Weary_Pop9017 to hoobuy_finds [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:49 Lazy-College-9593 Lane 3000

Anyone ever used USB connection locally, and RDP to connect the local device to a server(windows 2016 in my case)?
3rd party integrator using a solution my company’s sells to process payments. Similar to this person’s issue, but we’ve figured out the port issue & now show the device in Device manager. The device manager, and port issues had to do with some sort of group policy they didn’t deploy. Once deployed, and after a restart we are now seeing the device, but still not seeing on the service app that is supposed to initialize/run the transaction. One item to note… It works fine when they remote in as an admin, but not for generic users…
Device manufacturer, and my company’s dev team are having a heck of a time figuring why their app isn’t seeing the device. I’m a sales guy so I know I’m probably missing key information. Hoping to retain this customer! Please ask any additional questions needed. Thanks in advance for your help!
submitted by Lazy-College-9593 to sysadmin [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:49 ChairNapper When can I leave?

So I got my masters paid by for by Pratt knowing I would need to stay for 2 years after completing the degree to not have to pay it back. If I finished my degree 12/15/22, does that mean I can leave the company 12/15/24? Does anyone know if there is somewhere I can verify these dates? I know if I go to HR to ask I’ll probably be flagged as a flight risk to the company. Thanks!
submitted by ChairNapper to Raytheon [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:49 SurroundTiny Morn of a morning walk then hike but I could not resist the pose and backdrop

Morn of a morning walk then hike but I could not resist the pose and backdrop submitted by SurroundTiny to hikingwithdogs [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:49 slooshter 19yo struggling to choose a career path.

Hello! I’m currently a sophomore in college, but i’m having trouble deciding what career i want to go into.
This has been a big stressor of mine for the last 2 years.
I am a very family oriented person, so i know that at the very least I want to make enough money to take the load off of my future wife and give my kids the life I didn’t have growing up (single parent poverty).
I have played with the idea of police officer (and moving up to higher paying jobs in the field), (forensic, child) psychologist/therapist, even going into academia. I always end up talking myself out of whatever I choose, though.
My girlfriend doesn’t want me to be a police officer because she’s worried about me getting hurt. Being a psychologist would be fun but I worry about not getting into a PHD program. Going into academia for kinesiology is my dream job, but I am worried I won’t be able to do it.
I am so ignorant on post graduate and getting a job after college. I don’t know where to go or what to do. What’s realistic what’s not?
Don’t really know what I’m asking for. Just advice on how to decide what I really want to do, i guess?
submitted by slooshter to findapath [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:49 Ancient_Weight_8750 VFS Global for Schengen visa

Has anyone tried using VFS Global services? How was your experience?
I am trying to get my Swiss visa through them and for that I have to go to VFS Global Chicago (because the state I am resident of comes under Chicago juridiction for Swiss visa processing) and they will take my biometrics and stuff and will be sending my information and documents over to the Switzerland embassy for them to decide whether I get the visa or not. This is what I understood. Can someone please shed some light here and help me understand if this is correct . If wrong, please help!
submitted by Ancient_Weight_8750 to SchengenVisa [link] [comments]
