2024.11.25 21:43 thecobbles FROGS TOGETHER STRONG

FROGS TOGETHER STRONG submitted by thecobbles to Pepecryptocurrency [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:43 lss_web_1444 Image post title 649

Image post title 649 submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:43 TheAtheistGawd Give some tips for 8/O Turn test

submitted by TheAtheistGawd to indianbikes [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:43 Chemical_Shame_ What does it say about me?

What does it say about me? Any comments or remarks about my chart that you think I should know? I have diagnosed OCD, it’s that something that can be seen in my chart?
submitted by Chemical_Shame_ to astrologyreadings [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:43 OneTwoPandemonium Chase's trolley problem

Chase's trolley problem submitted by OneTwoPandemonium to HouseMD [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:43 sabrynekrystal1992 If you could turn yourself into an animal what specie would you choose to turn into?

If you could have a magical skill to turn into any animal either temporary or altogether, what kind of animal would you like to be?
I'd turn myself into a white cat or a colorful butterfly. White cats are the most beautiful ones and most people like cats and cats are clean, they don't make a lot of mewos noises needlessly like dogs, who bark for nothing and cats suit any kind of home.
And butterflies are large and colorful insects and one of the few bugs that most people like and don't have stigmas attached to them. And they suffer metamorphosis, the caterpillar create the cocoon from its own body and after a?while they turn themselves into a very completely unrecognizable insect.
submitted by sabrynekrystal1992 to feminineboys [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:43 FlyByTieDye What your Reddit Recap says about your community

What your Reddit Recap says about your community submitted by FlyByTieDye to dccomicscirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:43 Pressureeeee 1,122,626 attack & 561,313 health doubling each turn

1,122,626 attack & 561,313 health doubling each turn My best yet!!!
submitted by Pressureeeee to hearthstone [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:43 Deckardisthething Tuna the Tuxie

Tuna the Tuxie submitted by Deckardisthething to TuxedoCats [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:43 ScarSame8096 Pc not turning on

Well I'll give a brief overview of the state my PC is in. It's been over 1.5month I built my PC from a shop and now it's winter time(just thought it might have somethingto do with the issue).
Up until yesterday my PC was running fine(very rarely i had to spam a little on the power button for the PC to turn on) and suddenly today it doesn't turn on and only the rgb fans blink in a certain delayed time and it's very frustrating. Put even everything out(almost) and reassembled it, yet the same.
Someone pls just help me with this issue. I can't afford another PC atp and my parents can't buy me another.
P.s. what could be the possible solutions?
submitted by ScarSame8096 to iBUYPOWER [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:43 RPGBOTDOTNET INSIGHT VS DECEPTION: You don’t have to be smart to lie to people - RPGBOT.Podcast S4E137

INSIGHT VS DECEPTION: You don’t have to be smart to lie to people - RPGBOT.Podcast S4E137 submitted by RPGBOTDOTNET to RPGBOT [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:43 tedtrollerson why did agurin abandon j4?

he played a grand total of like 2 j4 games for the past few days on his main and alt combined. he now resorts (in descending order of number of games) to wukong, nocturne and kha for AD, and elise and diana for AP.
does anyone know the reasoning behind this ditch?
submitted by tedtrollerson to JarvanIVmains [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:43 bruthjup2 Advice?

I type this with embarrassment and shame. I’m a 26 year old Male; I keep falling back into masturbation and all I can think about it, is the Hebrews verse that talks about “willful sin”. Mainly because, I obviously know that’s it’s a sin while I’m doing it, and even before I do it. I should mention I’m sorta recently growing in my knowledge and faith, I just feel fear that I am willfully sinning and there’s no forgiveness for me if I were to die today or tomorrow.
I don’t do it because I wanna rebel against God, or do everything my way. It’s just cause I’m attracted to women and it feels good, truly simple as that. I do wanna be better, I pray every time. But I also feel it’s hard to say that it won’t happen again. Thank you for any advice in advance
submitted by bruthjup2 to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:43 lss_web_1444 Link post title 701

Link post title 701 submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:43 Mother_Lie_5680 I think I found the inspiration of Aran Ryan and this guy is a real criminal

I think I found the inspiration of Aran Ryan and this guy is a real criminal And the criminal is also apart of my family
submitted by Mother_Lie_5680 to punchout [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:43 Inevitable-Zombie776 What is your opinion on the cities of Tijuana, Mexico-City and Cancun?

Hello everyone! I'm sorry for writing in English, I'm not sure if it's ok.
I'm doing a project about how people in Mexico perceive various cities in their country. I'd like to know some opinions of you folks about three cities: Mexico-city, Cancun and Tijuana.
Can you share some local jokes, stereotypes or generally the image of these cities that exists in your mind? If they're any.
submitted by Inevitable-Zombie776 to mexico [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:43 FakeGamer2 Which feeding schedule would be best for these cats?

Which feeding schedule would be best for these cats?
I'm watching these two cats for someone for the next few months and this person is in basic training for the military so I can't communicate with them.
I do know they are supposed to get 1/2 cup of dry food each per day since they are chunky adult cats that are supposed to be on a diet. I was told feed once per day but I'm going against that because I hears cats need at least two meals per day. Also the food has a scooper of size 1/4 cup.
So I've come up with two possible feeding schedules that woukd work for me, which one is best for them? They don't seem too annoying about food like I lock them out of the bedroom at night and they never meow or shake the door to get me to feed them in the mornings.

  1. Use the 1/4 cup to put one scoop into each bowl in the morning, around 7am give or take an hour depending on work or weekend etc. Then do another 1/4 cup when it gets dark around 5pm or so. This lines up with when I get home from work on office days.
  2. Same situation in the morning, 1/4 scoop into each bowl. But then at 5pm when it gets dark, use 1/4 scoop to split in between two bowls so they have an afternoon snack. And then do another 1/4 cup split between two bowls just before bedtime (could be anywhere in the range of 10pm to midnight or later) so they have something overnight.
I'm worried that using situation 1 will cause them to become anxious overnight if they finish their afternoon food quickly. So that's why I came up with situation 2.
submitted by FakeGamer2 to cats [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:43 Mountain-Bullfrog-30 Somewhere near the Bahamas

Somewhere near the Bahamas Took this last week from the balcony of the cruise ship we were on
submitted by Mountain-Bullfrog-30 to sunset [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:43 LilCelery100 This feels like a high school musical right now

The final four fish all went to high school (before famous house 2.0) together and now they’re going into college Binx: she’s now the popular kid Burt: is the nerd that gets bulled Payton: is the one trying to pursue her career Luke: was the kid that got bullied in high school but is now the popular kid Wifi: left his home town to go university or something
submitted by LilCelery100 to fishtanklive [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:43 Taredmonkeh Update on my Ork Chaos Knight kitbash!

Update on my Ork Chaos Knight kitbash! Decided to proxy this knight as a Gorkanaught so finally reached a point where I’m happy with how this Deffstorm mega-shoota looks! Need some advice on closing in those gaps though!
submitted by Taredmonkeh to orks [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:43 Ok-Rent-9155 Las oreo son una mierda

No entiendo porqué tienen tanta buena fama si la verdad son una porquería y cualquier galleta puede superarlas sin esfuerzo.
La crema que tanto anhelan y extasia a muchos es terrible, su sabor no resulta la gran cosa y puede sentirse la textura del azúcar. En cuanto a la galleta en igual a otras galletas de primera marca, solo que las oreo tienen un colorante más oscuro
submitted by Ok-Rent-9155 to OpinionesPolemicas [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:43 Defiant_Historian948 R36S - NEUE SD ohne alte Boot-Dateien möglich?

Hallo zusammen,
bei mir kam vor wenigen Tagen der R36s an. Das Teil ist wirklich cool, hat aber einige Macken und ich hoffe es kann mir hier jemand helfen.
Geliefert wurde er mit EINER 128GB-Karte im LINKEN Slot.
Es funktioniert (fast) alles; aber einige entscheidende Sachen eben nicht.
Problem 1: Ich habe das Save State 0%-Problem - allerdings in einer sehr eigenartigen Variante: Einige Emulatoren können speichern, z.B. Neogeo, NES, C64
Bei anderen tritt das 0%-Problem auf: SNES, Megadrive, etc.
Problem 2: Keine Boot Partition ersichtlich in Minitool Partition Wizard.
Problem 3: SD-Karte reparieren läuft auf Fehler (klappt nicht).
Problem 4: Neue SD-Karte bootet nicht Ich habe mir ne neue Karte besorgt (Samsung) und hab da Arkos in der neuesten Version draufgemacht (mit Rufus). Im Minitool Partition Wizard wird da auch alles mit den Partitionen angezeigt; aber egal ob die Karte in den linken oder rechten Slot ziehe; es bootet entweder nicht (rote Lampe leuchtet ganz schwach) oder es kommt die Fehlermeldung "We can't find any system!", also so als ob gar keine Karte drinnen wäre. Da ich die alten Boot-Dateien nicht auslesen kann, kann ich die auch nicht auf die neue SD kopieren (wie es in einigen Foren beschrieben ist).
Das Teil ist so cool, aber wenn man seine Spielstände nicht speichern kann, macht das halt nur wenig Sinn. Außerdem würde ich gerne auf die neue Karte wechseln, bevor die Alte ganz den Geist aufgibt.
Da muss es doch irgendeine Lösung geben. Wenn jemand die SD-Karte verliert hat er ja das gleiche Problem und kann dann das Teil nur noch wegschmeißen? Das kann's doch nicht sein?
Das ist mein erster Post und ich hoffe sehr auf Hilfe.
submitted by Defiant_Historian948 to R36S [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:43 chaos_kitty_2 ID? Georgia, US

ID? Georgia, US This one has been safely removed from the house once already. Has now returned to the same spot. Is it dangerous?
submitted by chaos_kitty_2 to spiders [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:43 Car_S10 Erfahrungen BaFa Antragsservice

Hallo zusammen,
ich plane, meine alte Öl - Heizung gegen eine neue, energieeffiziente auszutauschen und möchte die BAFA-Förderung nutzen. Dabei bin ich auf den Anbieter BAFA-Antragsservices gestoßen, die die Antragstellung für einen erledigen.
Hat jemand von euch Erfahrung mit solchen Services?
Lohnt sich das, oder ist der Antrag mit einem Energieberater vor Ort sinnvoller? Worauf sollte man achten, wenn man einen solchen Service in Anspruch nimmt?
Ich freue mich über eure Tipps und Erfahrungsberichte 😎👍
submitted by Car_S10 to Handwerker [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:43 Afraid_Phrase1476 ocenie

submitted by Afraid_Phrase1476 to SexyPolishInfluYoutub [link] [comments]