Aftermarket Gainers and Losers for Today 🚀📉

2024.11.25 22:47 realstocknear Aftermarket Gainers and Losers for Today 🚀📉

Here’s a quick snapshot of the top gainers and losers in the after-hours trading session:
Afterhours Gainers 📈

Symbol Name Price Change Market Cap
KULR KULR Technology... $0.92 +16.12% $169.22M
SMTC Semtech Corpor... $60.60 +13.19% $4.03B
WWD Woodward, Inc. $199.50 +11.21% $10.70B
VUZI Vuzix Corporati... $2.46 +9.70% $165.08M
EXAS Exact Sciences ... $60.10 +8.84% $10.22B
Afterhours Losers 📉
Symbol Name Price Change Market Cap
ALEC Alector, Inc. $2.74 -30.98% $388.79M
LESL Leslie's, Inc. $2.81 -20.17% $650.89M
API Agora, Inc. $4.26 -10.22% $399.09M
QMCO Quantum Corpora... $19.85 -8.53% $105.22M
QMMM QMMM Holdings L... $1.01 -7.76% $18.84M
Let me know what you think!
submitted by realstocknear to stocknear [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:47 JorlJorl Finished stickering (and scrambling) the Andromeda Dodecahedron

Finished stickering (and scrambling) the Andromeda Dodecahedron It's hard to understand just how big this thing really is unless you're holding it.
Looking forward to a very long solve ahead of me lmao
submitted by JorlJorl to Cubers [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:47 CharmingPlantain4186 Need gaming pc for less than $800aud

Hi there, first time building a pc and I just want something that will run games like rdr2 with mods, Skyrim/fallout vr with some basic mods. I’d like a case that big enough so I can add to it later, parts just need to get me up and running for now.
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance
submitted by CharmingPlantain4186 to buildmeapc [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:47 Chartreuseajah Libra tarot reading for the week of Nov 24-30

Libra tarot reading for the week of Nov 24-30 I always do weekly readings on my insta page for each astrology sign. I thought I’d share with you Libra’s here ❤️ The 10 of Pentacles tells you to sit back this week and enjoy all of your hard work! If the week isn’t starting out just right, it will end with a feeling of warmth and fulfillment. This card can also symbolize community gatherings. You may be feeling the need to give back this time of year. Enjoy this special time Libra. It will be a good week ❤️
*pictured here with rhodonite. This crystal is powerful for Libra’s. It aids with self love and inner balance.
submitted by Chartreuseajah to libra_astrology [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:47 riceandbeans_7 La famosas "baterias"; para copiar en los exĂĄmenes.

La famosas Buenas tardes estimados redditors.
Recientemente cuidando a un grupo de estudiantes durante una prueba, me pasó algo que yo hice en mis tiempos de cole jaja. Me ganó la nostalgia y entonces, les traigo hoy a recordar algunos métodos utilizados dentro de las aulas costarricenses. Que tiempos aquellos jaja. 🤝🏼
submitted by riceandbeans_7 to Ticos [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:47 DrJohnIT Granite School District employees have been hacked

My wife works for Granite School District. They received an email that all of their PID, personally identifiable data, has been compromised including social security numbers. If you are a Granite School District employee I would recommend being proactive and change your account information just like I did this afternoon 😀
submitted by DrJohnIT to Utah [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:47 ABCDragonBoosted Law Education Program Questions

Current JO planning on attending law school in a little under 2 years when my obligation is up. Been considering the LEP, but my LSAT expires in 2 years. So, if things were to fall through when I apply for school next year and I didn’t get picked up for LEP I would lose my score.
For context; 175 lsat, 3.81 gpa.
Is it possible to apply and concurrently submit resignation? If I don’t get into the program I 100% want to attend school using GI.
Also appreciate other thoughts about Navy JAG in general if there are any thoughts.
submitted by ABCDragonBoosted to navy [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:47 securiton Does anyone recognize this?

Hey y'all, i just bought this bracelet in an antique store in Germany and would like to ask if you guys could help me on identifying what it is/what the stones (?) are. The metal is silver (835 stamped on the back) and the seller said that the stones might be a type of lapis but she wasnt sure. Any input appreciated!
submitted by securiton to Vintage_Jewelry [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:47 LollyBonz What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by LollyBonz to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:47 LeatherNo4653 [USA-NYC] [H] DDR5 RAM [W] Local cash ONLY

Local to 10001
Have 4x8GB T-FORCE DDR5-5200mHz CL40 Ram in WHITE
Looking for local offers only.
submitted by LeatherNo4653 to hardwareswap [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:47 TeaMobile9693 Any femboys or fags looking for a 30 yo daddy? Hmu ;)) 05b9c56e9230ac46a2dbe4afe3c7e67198b05102b9aa2486449ac0bca74193a201

submitted by TeaMobile9693 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:47 Theluki0909 Help and suggestion

Help and suggestion submitted by Theluki0909 to dndmaps [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:47 smg990 Me and my girl Lilith

Me and my girl Lilith submitted by smg990 to Mensmittenwithkittens [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:47 PrincessEepy My friend helped me get dolled up for my birthday party 🥰

It was a joint bday party with another friend and also our big friendsgiving--such a fun and perfect day 💜💜
submitted by PrincessEepy to TransLater [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:47 Responsible-Fun-9811 The game feels so much smoother now

I don’t know if it was part of the update but ever since I updated the app, it’s been incredibly smooth
submitted by Responsible-Fun-9811 to AtlasEarthOfficial [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:47 na_joe 2h MTX Weapon Skins with Giants Blood

Will the 2h version of the skin apply or will it change to 1h skin when using Giants blood? Anybody have any idea?
submitted by na_joe to PathOfExile2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:47 lss_str_01 New image post 1125144637

New image post 1125144637 submitted by lss_str_01 to ImageAutomatedTest [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:47 purennice Starting from Scratch—Can You Be the 2nd Subscriber?

Starting from Scratch—Can You Be the 2nd Subscriber? Every great journey starts with a single step, and every success story begins from scratch. I’m putting in the work, overcoming challenges, and building something meaningful—will you be the one to support and grow with me? Let’s rise together, one subscriber at a time.
submitted by purennice to YouTubeSubscribeBoost [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:47 _darkmoney_ How are companies making money on Black Friday deals?

I suppose it doesn't really matter to me. We got wiped out. My job was eliminated about a year ago, and we bled down retirement savings to pay for groceries, and now we're financing groceries. So, I'm hoping that the economy will turn around next year and we can get out of this mess.
Even so, I enjoy "window shopping", and I see all these Black Friday deals now. Nothing on groceries of course, but you can get all sorts of toys and gadgets for a discount. I've been watching the retailers for a few weeks, and I think a lot of people must be in the same position as us, and simply cannot buy. So, cool things and other junk were marked down 10%, then 25%, 35%, and now I'm seeing stuff that is 50% off. Can't buy any of it, but it's fun to watch. Has me wondering if they'll get to 90% off!
Anyhow, while daydreaming about the what-ifs that are not, a thought came to mind. How the hell are the manufacturers and retailers making money if they can cut the prices by 50% or more? I mean surely they are making money right? So, if they can make money at 50% or more off the original price, and yes the prices are plummeting over weeks now, then were they making an arm and leg before? How are they doing it?
New user pass phrase: Thank you for your answers
submitted by _darkmoney_ to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:47 stig1103 This is mine

submitted by stig1103 to recap [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:47 Qbo_obQ can anyone help me?

can anyone help me? i need jungle for a bramble crate, but i don’t know if this is the jungle, is this? or any tips for faster fishing, sorry for bad english and if it’s a dumb question, i’m new
submitted by Qbo_obQ to Terraria [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:47 Effective_Step_2338 JFK T4 fast track security

The website says SIN BC class can use fast track security. What’s the difference than the regular line? I don’t have TSA pre but I have CLEAR. Does that change anything? Thanks
submitted by Effective_Step_2338 to singaporeairlines [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:47 No_Abrocoma5551 I need to stop buying for a minute!

Here is what came in today and still have 5 more packages this week. The wife is not nearly as happy to see them come as I am lol
submitted by No_Abrocoma5551 to Silverbugs [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:47 toastslapper The future of loyalty programs?

I am a 30-something that’s returning to cruising. I’d like to try to reach the top status with a company over the next five years in hopes that cruises collectively improve their loyalty programs over the next decade.
It’d be nice to have top loyalty somewhere by the time I (maybe) have young kids in my life. However, I know it’s kind of shit out there right now with inflation and travel demand.
Do you guys think loyalty programs will ever improve to include discounts and comps again? If so, what line had the best rewards in the past and what line has the best chance at a robust loyalty program by 2034?
submitted by toastslapper to Cruise [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:47 Tootstwisted Monday Momming!

Monday Momming! submitted by Tootstwisted to SelfieOver25 [link] [comments]