Pepe coin army The results show a huge leap currently to build a strong cryptocurrency. Pepe army coin requires efforts to build a strong Pepe coin army, and only those with strong Pepe coin army’s can win the victory of this rally rank in the top 10. Pepe Army coin is taking the lead.

2024.11.25 23:33 CurveUseful5427 Pepe coin army The results show a huge leap currently to build a strong cryptocurrency. Pepe army coin requires efforts to build a strong Pepe coin army, and only those with strong Pepe coin army’s can win the victory of this rally rank in the top 10. Pepe Army coin is taking the lead.

Pepe coin army The results show a huge leap currently to build a strong cryptocurrency. Pepe army coin requires efforts to build a strong Pepe coin army, and only those with strong Pepe coin army’s can win the victory of this rally rank in the top 10. Pepe Army coin is taking the lead. submitted by CurveUseful5427 to Pepe_Memes [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:33 physicallyyellow44 BREAKING: FINAL NEWS ON JACK SMITH’S TRUMP PROSECUTION

BREAKING: FINAL NEWS ON JACK SMITH’S TRUMP PROSECUTION submitted by physicallyyellow44 to JimmyDoreGrifter [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:33 vinster57 33 [M4F] US/PA/Online - I just want to feed you and rub your butt while we watch movies and tv shows. :D

Helloo hello. Hope you had a decent Monday. If you didnt, tell me why?
Just looking for someone to shoot the shit with and chill. Meet new people, see where it goes. No real expectations. Whatever you're looking for, Im down to fill that gap.
A little rundown on me:
Big foodie, so if you enjoy food and want to spam food pics and watch youtube street food videos until we pass out, Im your guy. I also have a passion for motorcycles. I have been riding since I was 21, so if that is something you are into or looking to get into, huge plus! I do some gaming as well, mostly PC tho. I mostly play League of Legends (yeah i know...), Rocket League, COD, some racing games. I do have a decent size library on steam and I love playing co op games, like puzzle games and stuff like that. Im sure we could find something we could play together. I have been trying to get back into the gym lately but Im lacking the motivation, help! Overall, pretty laid back and chill guy. I dont really have any requirements like some of these crazy ass posts I see to message someone. I try to respond to everyone.
Hope to hear from ya soon and if not, hope yall have a good rest of your week.
submitted by vinster57 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:33 CombinationBig9331 Looking for yng femboy/twink to play 05b1fbd76d4a5211432b08dda717571cf2ff33a7da0fe9c0e1df47aba9f953751d

submitted by CombinationBig9331 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:33 Annuhtje Okay so I heard a rumor that you men can apparently smell when we are horny. Is this true?

Like for real wondering this😂 but I’m currently not with a guy at the moment who can confirm or deny it
submitted by Annuhtje to AskMenAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:33 mouseshot_ Swollen lip that randomly went away?

Hi:) F18
Today I had the strangest thing happen and I was wondering if this has happened to anyone else or if they know why it happens.
Out of nowhere, my upper lip started pulsating. It was a tiny bit itchy, and it felt like it was in/ around my nose. I look in the mirror, and there was this big white bubble on my upper lip/ on it a little. My upper lip was completely red and swollen and it just felt really weird.
Within 15 minutes, it started going away. After an hour, it was completely gone. I have no idea why this happened. The white bubble was huge and the symptoms that it was accompanied by were slightly concerning.
This was in the morning. I did not eat anything and nothing unusual was around my face. I did have dental work about an hour prior but no work was done, they just did a scan for Invisalign.
submitted by mouseshot_ to HealthQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:33 lss_str_01 New image post 1125153305

New image post 1125153305 submitted by lss_str_01 to ImageAutomatedTest [link] [comments]


i bought the game like a month ago and im in deep well and i just realised sprinting was a thing, WHAT THE FUCK
submitted by cutealien0123 to OMORI [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:33 Miserable-Reach7674 Non paying commercial tenants

I have a couple tenants whom are behind in paying their rent. And I wanted to put their account in collection. This is for commercial tenants in Shopping centers. Which debt collection agency do you guys recommend?
submitted by Miserable-Reach7674 to PropertyManagement [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:33 Fantastic_Bend9091 I guess i really want to suffer in this game (New MOC 11 and 12)

I guess i really want to suffer in this game (New MOC 11 and 12) submitted by Fantastic_Bend9091 to PitchDarkHookTheGreat [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:33 office-goth Extremely carpeted, multi-floor home recommendation?

I find myself slipping into the Reddit rabbit hole of reading reviews, picking a vacuum, and then immediately finding another review that convinces me not to. I’d be so grateful for a more personalized recommendation to help me decide!
I rent an old (early 1800s), extremely-carpeted, 3 floor (including the basement which also has rugs happening!) home. And I’m short, weak, and arthritic. I’m looking for a powerful, but lightweight, upright vacuum that has a retractable cord and an easy hose attachment situation going on so I can vacuum all the cobwebs. I’m open to bag or bag less, hardwood or not really, and looking to ideally spend less than $500, but I may splurge for the perfect match. I’m super not into canisters, I just find it very clunky tolerable maneuver.
Currently own a Hoover Windtunnel 2 that I absolutely despise. It’s weak, heavy, a terrible handle shape for carrying, very dirty, and has overheated and died after only 2 years. My husband takes it apart and has ordered and installed new parts on it and everything. I’m sure we could have been even nicer to it, but I’ve only ever been worse to previous vacuums!
Thank you for any recommendations 🙏🏼
submitted by office-goth to VacuumCleaners [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:33 Open-that-door [S][USA-CA] Rode DCS-1 Dual Cold Shoe Mount + Rode PSM1 Microphone Shock Mount

Both Rode DCS-1 Dual Cold Shoe Mount and Rode PSM1 Microphone Shock Mount are in very good condition — all functional and in good shape.
Rode DCS-1 Dual Cold Shoe Mount asked for $14 shipped.
Rode PSM1 Microphone Shock Mount asked for $20 shipped.
The bundle price is $19 shipped.
Sale only in CONUS, Paypal G&S only.
submitted by Open-that-door to photomarket [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:33 SomethingSquishyToys I made a functional silicone toy out based on a graphic from the public library censorship episode.

I was told y’all might appreciate this monstrosity.
Also this thing is too cursed for even my shelves, so if anyone knows how to get ahold of the show folk, I’d like to send it to the og artist if they want it. Spread the chaos. (I tagged the show on Twitter but I don’t expect they’ll actually see it, but it’s worth a shot lol)
(for context, I’m an indie adult toy maker with a habit of making weird cursed stuff like this)
submitted by SomethingSquishyToys to lastweektonight [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:33 Keefjc89 My monstera deliciosa

My monstera deliciosa The poor bottom leaves were scratched by my cat when I used to have the plant on the floor
submitted by Keefjc89 to houseplants [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:33 Upset_Entrepreneur66 I could say a summary of foxy:

I could say a summary of foxy: submitted by Upset_Entrepreneur66 to fnafmeme [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:33 chronicallyonline10 is my exam hard?

we had 3 hrs, i struggled alot
submitted by chronicallyonline10 to calculus [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:33 Voliminal8 TCL T7B/C655 65" model audio sync issue with bluetooth speaker

Hello guys, I recently purchased a 65T7B in Europe and paired it with an Edifier D12 speaker via bluetooth.
I notice that some streaming apps or some TV channels have audio latency, while others like Netflix or Youtube do not.
Edifier D12 speaker only has 3.5 jack, RCA and bluetooth outputs.
Anyone has faced this or has any solution?
Thanks in advance
submitted by Voliminal8 to 4kTV [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:33 TemporaryOk7573 Rouse hill Sydney

Rouse hill Sydney - we have found a beautiful corner property with a big backyard. There’s a small forest adjacent to backyard separated with a fence. Would there be a high chance of snakes visiting in summers? The property is ticking all other boxes and quite close to market, station etc
submitted by TemporaryOk7573 to SydneyProperty [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:33 DoubtMaterial5608 Alguien m ayuda con poner un codigo en Umax?

El codigo es OBVN5I, se los agradecería si lo hicieran gente, xfa 🙏🙏😔
submitted by DoubtMaterial5608 to RedditPregunta [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:33 HeartNo6590 How devotion should be ❤️‍🔥

How devotion should be ❤️‍🔥 submitted by HeartNo6590 to findommes [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:33 uglybongcough Eat your heart out John Deere

Eat your heart out John Deere Who needs an RX anyways.
submitted by uglybongcough to farming [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:33 ayayeye January exams

Who else is having exams in January? anyone know how I can study everything... have not studied the whole year
submitted by ayayeye to medicalschooluk [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:33 SkyGazert Anthropic is releasing MCP, a framework that allows Claude to run servers

Anthropic is releasing MCP, a framework that allows Claude to run servers submitted by SkyGazert to singularity [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:33 sandyman88 [Palm Pilot/Pocket PC/Sony Vaio/Other][unknown] item shop game

I’m looking for a classic game that I haven’t seen in years. All that I remember for certain was that it was an app for some digital day plannepocket pc type device. In the title I have listed all of the devices I remember my parents owning at one time or another.
What I remember about this game: you crafted simple weapons, potions, and armor using money. To get that money, you sell the same items to adventurers who will go quest, get monies, and level up. You set your prices, so you have to sell high enough that you can afford to make better stuff for the adventurers, but make sure they can still afford to buy stuff so they don’t die, so you can continue to make more and more money.
I feel like I can almost picture this game, with adventurers coming from the right of the screen, and then maybe leaving on the left and then you could watch their progress through the dungeon/mountain/what not?
Help me Obi-Wan Reddit, you’re my only hope!
submitted by sandyman88 to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:33 ExpressCabinet6491 I has using AI because e don't understand how to use AutoHotKey But is does not work this is to click on roblox even when roblox is a inactive window

SetTitleMatchMode, 2
IfWinExist, ahk_exe RobloxPlayerBeta.exe
ControlClick, , ahk_exe RobloxPlayerBeta.exe, , Left, 1, 1818, 173
Sleep, 1000
submitted by ExpressCabinet6491 to AutoHotkey [link] [comments]