يحيى إبراهيم حسن السنوار (1382- 1446هـ / 1962- 2024 م) هو سياسي ومناضل وروائي فلسطيني، شغل منصب رئيس المكتب السياسي لحركة حماس منذ 6 أغسطس 2024، بعد اغتيال إسماعيل هنية. أعلن الجيش الإسرائيلي، مقتل زعيم حركة حماس يحيى السنوار. نشر جيش الاحتلال الإسرائيلي ما قال إنها اللحظات الأخيرة لرئيس المكتب السياسي لحركة المقاومة الإسلامية (حماس) يحيى السنوار بعد استشهاده إثر خوضه اشتباكات مع قوات الاحتلال في مدينة رفح جنوبي ... يعتبر يحيى السنوار الذي أعلنت إسرائيل مقتله في رفح، المسؤول الأول عن هجوم السابع من أكتوبر على إسرائيل والذي جلب حربا مدمرة على قطاع غزة راح ضحيتها قرابة 43 ألف فلسطيني. يحيى إبراهيم حسن السنوار، اسم أرّق الاحتلال الإسرائيلي، هو رئيس حركة حماس في قطاع غزة وتضعه إسرائيل على رأس قائمة أهدافها في حربها على قطاع غزة التي بدأت في 7 أكتوبر/تشرين الأول الماضي بعد ... سيطر مقتل يحيى السنوار، رئيس المكتب السياسي لحركة حماس، على صفحات الرأي في عدد من الصحف الصادرة اليوم ... أثار إعلان مقتل يحيى السنوار، رئيس المكتب السياسي لحركة حماس، تفاعلاً واسعاً وردود فعل كبيرة، خصوصاً مع ... تستعرض فرانس24 في هذه الورقة أبرز المعلومات المتوفرة لحد الساعة حول مقتل رئيس حركة حماس يحيى السنوار إثر ... يحيى السنوار رئيس حركة المقاومة الإسلامية ، من مواليد عام 1962، اعتقلته إسرائيل عدة مرات وحكمت عليه بأربع مؤبدات قبل أن يفرج عنه بصفقة تبادل أسرى عام 2011، وعاد إلى نشاطه في قيادة كتائب عز الدين ... لم تكن إسرائيل تتوقع أن يحيى السنوار ذلك الرجل الذي جمع أحكاما تصل إلى أكثر من 430 سنة سجنا وأطلقته دون تحفظ في صفقة جلعاد شاليط عام 2011، سيكبدها بعد سنوات أكبر خسارة عسكرية لها في تاريخها.
2024.11.26 00:20 programmer-------_1 دعاء السنوار: الاجمل والافضل
شخصياً مشوفتش اجمل ولا أفضل من دعاء السنوار انسان بيقدم نفسه مش قاعد يارب اهزم الكفار يارب دمر الإسرائيليين انزل عليهم عذاب من السماء لا كان دائما كلامه : اللهم اكسر بنا شوكتهم / اللهم نكِّس بنا رايتهم اللهم أذِّل بنا قادتهم اللهم حطم بنا هيبتهم اللهم أزل بنا دولتهم اللهم انفذ بنا قدرك فيهم بالزوال والتدمير والتتبير يارب العالمين
آمين يارب اللهم استعملنا في نُصرَت اهلنا في غزه وهزيمة اعدائك واعدائنا يارب العالمين
submitted by programmer-------_1 to EgyptExTomato [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 00:20 Snoddy2Hotty91 Mako Squad, reporting to the front!
Been a fan of Carcharodon lore for years and have been looking for a new hobby… So I jumped the gun and took a swing at making a Space Shark look sort of like what my custom classes look like in Space Marine 2.
Add me on Steam if you need someone to play SM2 with @ Snoddy2Hotty 🤘😎
This is my first time ever painting a miniature so any tips are appreciated, Void Brothers! 🦈
Not 100% finished yet but I have to say it’s very relaxing and fun to sit and paint this guy.
submitted by Snoddy2Hotty91 to Carcharodons40k [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 00:20 RememberYo CAD/USD just got much worse
25% trade tarrifs by Donald Trump to Canada and Mexico is sending some volatility in exchange markets.
If this actually gets signed, I don't see how inflation doesn't spike and this cost gets put on consumers.
submitted by RememberYo to PersonalFinanceCanada [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 00:20 n00dle-doodle Bro
submitted by n00dle-doodle to CharacterAI [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 00:20 Hungry-Nerve-9743 Snickers
Just found out my childhood dog, Snickers, is going to pass away soon. Beginning phases of kidney failure. The vet said she’s not in any pain, but only has 3-6 months. Going to miss her like crazy. She was my first and only pet growing up, and she made me love yorkies so much that I have two of my own now. She is a great dog and a an absolute cutie pie ❤️
submitted by Hungry-Nerve-9743 to Yorkies [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 00:20 BroccoliSupremo [For Hire] Virtual Assistant for Hire [6USD/Hour]
As a freelancer with several years of experience, I am here to offer my services as a Virtual Assistant to help streamline your business operations and increase productivity.
I have worked with several clients in the past and helped them with various tasks such as email management, data entry, social media management, customer support, technical support, and more.
I am committed to delivering high-quality work within the deadline, and I am always available to communicate with clients to ensure that their needs are met.
As your Virtual Assistant, I can help you with a variety of tasks, including:
2024.11.26 00:20 BKCowGod Today I did the miscalculation stacking nosedive. Currently shoving leftover Halloween candy in my face. Yay!
submitted by BKCowGod to diabetes [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 00:20 XxEXTxRxEMExX Legendary on a Weapon i never use F
submitted by XxEXTxRxEMExX to CallOfDutyMobile [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 00:20 limsalominsaenjoyer5 23M [Friendship] Looking for a cute, clingy, longterm & close type of friendship with someone likeminded 😵💫😵💫Warning⚠️: This post is going to be unstructurized and long as hell and I'm letting my thoughts flow freely 😭
Yeah! Um, not even really sure where to start ^^' Hello hi!! Thank you for checking this out!
I guess I'll start off strong with the most important part of "me", and the one that I'm looking to match with someone the most! :3 I'm very clingy, I get attached very easy and if I like you, oh boy will you know that I like you. I love being silly & goofy with people, chatting their heads off, asking questions, and overall just really appreciating the time we spend together! I'm someone who, if I like another person, they'll be in my mind from the moment I go to bed to the moment I wake up and I really really wanna find someone like that😭
I do want to note that this is all in a healthy manner, not in a "I'm extremely overwhelming and you'll have 0 space!! 😈" I understand that everyone needs time off, everyone feels different each day and I have no problem being a shoulder to cry on for you when you need it! 💖I also want to note that if you're someone who wants to have a quick chat or have a short-term convo in mind, my post isn't for you. It's absolutely not a bad thing but I'd really love to start off with the right idea in mind that we are both alike (at least somewhat) & looking for something similar!
Aside from that... I really don't care! I don't discriminate, so whatever, whoever, or whatever you are or may believe in - none of my business and it really doesn't matter to me ^^ Just be kindhearted & lookin' for something like this!
As for me, I'm a student, I work, I enjoy lots of things such as photography, gaming, collecting various trinkets & odds n ends, drinking water, breathing, and many, many other exhilarating hobbies. (no, but for real, I won't spoil everything here! There'd be no fun in chatting if I listed my entire CV here 😵💫)
If you've made it so far... you're one hell of a trooper. I applaud you! And you are also, most very likely, someone that I am looking for. Only a select few can sit through 5 minutes of reading rambles and actually tolerate it so well done 💖
Let me know a bit about yourself in your initial message! Tell me what you favourite species of monkey is! Tell me about what you think lies at the end of the universe! Anything, really, as long as it's not just a hi 😭take care reader, mwah have a good day <3
submitted by limsalominsaenjoyer5 to MeetPeople [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 00:20 Viix02 A bit lost.
I have been losing weight for the past 2 months and I am down 17kgs. I am currently on a chicken and Brocolli diet with supplements to make sure I am getting all the nutrients I need as directed by my doctor. But I currently feel a bit lost. I spend all day on google reading articles and there are so many different opinions on what is good for you and bad for you. My dr recently told me to skip peanut butter because it’s not really good fats but then says I need to make sure I am having good fats and it’s all very confusing and I feel lost. In turn my body also feels strange, I can’t explain it but I just don’t feel right.
Maybe I’m more cut out for a tailored programme from someone than doing it myself.
submitted by Viix02 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 00:20 Regretnotis What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Regretnotis to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 00:20 SwiftlyStruck How to Inprove Looks?
Don’t get me wrong I look decent (like a 6/10) but I just want tips for how I could improve!! note: I normally wear my hair straightened, the braids were just a rare moment submitted by SwiftlyStruck to LooksmaxingAdvice [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 00:20 tigerbellyfan420 Visiting from Houston. Any nightlife activities going down on a random Monday night?
Looking for anything involving Bars, raves, clubs, emo nights, karaoke that someone might know.. I know I'm asking for a lot because it's Monday but I figured I'd give it a chance
submitted by tigerbellyfan420 to sanantonio [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 00:20 bosssantana163 Anyone to change on the team
This is everyone I have and the team I been using. Should I change anyone? submitted by bosssantana163 to PhantomParadeJK [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 00:20 Emotional-Sundae3755 Yo when the fuck did Alex show up ahahaha
let the seething commence
submitted by Emotional-Sundae3755 to fishtanklive [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 00:20 BroMandi [Running Warehouse] adidas adizero Adios Pro 3 Men's Shoes Solar Red/Black | Running Warehouse $112 [Deal: $112.39, Actual: $250.00]
submitted by BroMandi to RedditShoppingDeals [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 00:20 Limp-Owl-8866 Can I have Obamacare with ATC if offered insurance through my husbands employer?
I am a stay at home mom. My husbands employer offers health insurance, which is affordable for him. For me, it would cost close to 15% of our gross income to add me. Does that make it unaffordable and therefore I can use ATC?
submitted by Limp-Owl-8866 to HealthInsurance [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 00:20 Cool-Pea7916 Dm for captions
submitted by Cool-Pea7916 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 00:20 Pending-Chaos Apprenticeships?
Looking for good places in the area to maybe do an apprenticeship. Wanting to try something different than what I’m doing now and something that is more layoff proof. Already tried electrician apprenticeship a few years ago and wasn’t a fan. Thanks for any ideas!
submitted by Pending-Chaos to dayton [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 00:20 Icy-Excuse-453 Julie time traveling
So I was wondering is Julie really time traveling or projecting herself into a timeline? I know it sounds the same but its not really. I consider this to be some kind of twisted Freddy Krueger scenario. Meaning that she is not really time traveling but just time skipping into a different timeline or past in current one. I just can't figure out how this shit works. We saw that she time traveled when Boyd was in dungeon. And now she time traveled to a moment and place when Jim was killed. And her comments suggested, along with her looks, that she is from future. But from a future where Jim was killed and no one knew how or they found out from Man in Yellow later (MIY). So it seems in that alternative timeline Jim was killed but he was alone or with someone else. Maybe Jade or Tabitha. And the result was the same. All of this suggests that she can only time travel into the past and not to the future. I think maybe this is like spider web. They weave a certain past from different timelines and try to set course to the narrative. And MIY is trying to push his own narrative into the story. Why I say this? Because she is not really time traveling but projecting herself somehow. We saw how she influenced the events while being in trance on the ground. At the same time she was physically in present and past. So its not really a case of time travelling but projecting into the certain time frame of the story. I still can't figure out is she was afraid for Jim alone or for herself also. This is important because is she can get hurt in past while projecting herself into the past that maybe means she will die in future too. Like in Matrix. You enter a Matrix but if you die there you also die in real life (your own timeline). Meaning that she can never come back to present if she dies while inserting herself into the past. It also raises the question of interacting with your own past verson. Can Julie talk to her younger version? Anyway I believe this is gonna be important distinction. Maybe Martin was doing the same in Miranda's era and got locked up. Then he will come back later as reincarnation in the future. Future Julie's existence implies that they are still gonna be trapped in Fromville for years to come. She seems older, looks way too different and knows a lot more it seems. Randall and Marielle could be "jumpers" too. Somehow it all point out to the fact that they can alter timeline with their projections. So in the end they are probably in future and point of these jumps is collecting information. We all know how residents never share info, can't figure out stuff, etc. And collecting information seems dangerous because the closer you are to solving the mystery the more you are gonna invoke the wrath of MIY. He is probably doing the same thing as Julie or he is correcting their actions to suit his needs and narrative. I just can't understand is MIY directing the story in some way or he is just interesting in maintaining the status quo. Like, what's the point of his existence if we assume he is the main villain here and mastermind behind all of this? Is he just some entity trapped here as well of is this his domain?
submitted by Icy-Excuse-453 to FromSeries [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 00:20 bot_olini Regresa izquierda al poder en Uruguay
submitted by bot_olini to Mexico_Videos [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 00:20 Slow_Plastic7624 K pump
Is a k100 enough?
I have an electric pump, 4” barrel pump for top off at the car, but I want something to bring with me on overnights. Plus I want to fill a rmr 48” tube for the people who want to send it into a wave train. My raft is only 9.5’
submitted by Slow_Plastic7624 to whitewater [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 00:20 R1verRuns Kids Competitive Dance Studios
Moving to Schaumburg area. My 12 year has been in competitive dance since she was 3 and wants to keep it up when we move.
Wondering if anyone has studio recommendations. Usually lean towards studios that teach multiple styles Jazz, lyrical, ballet, contemporary, etc
Ideally they have their stuff together with billing and schedules. Looking for a competitive team with as little toxicity as possible.
Thanks :)
submitted by R1verRuns to ChicagoSuburbs [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 00:20 ParadoxFluxgd2 My wife is cheating on me. What do I do?
submitted by ParadoxFluxgd2 to AnarchyChess [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 00:20 TonyMontanaSaysHello "It Doesn't Work Anymore": Stu Burguiere on How the 2024 Results Showed the Corporate Media is Dead
submitted by TonyMontanaSaysHello to reasonrising [link] [comments] |