2024.11.26 00:55 Pale_Photograph_9932 first time tips
before i start, i know everyone’s sick of these “first time” posts but i’m only 20 and would be going for the first time with my gf. i know it’s gonna be summer and super hot so are there any places to relax and put a blanket down (besides vip). i’m worried she will get too tired and that i’ll get over stimulated so i guess i’m wondering how your guys’ first time experiences have gone in the past years.
submitted by Pale_Photograph_9932 to welcometorockville [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 00:55 michaelmarsproducer Conway The Machine x Westside Gunn Type Beat - "Exchange"
submitted by michaelmarsproducer to beats [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 00:55 Snarbler what is ur favorite haunted mouth project??
i personally fw gunsmith and burning barn 😅 semester scares me when he yells so i dont fw it personally but i dont mind if you do because im not racist 😎 thoughts twins
submitted by Snarbler to HauntedMound [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 00:55 t0ny_gx Comprar Camiseta
Alguno qué sepa alguna página para comprar camisetas baratas👍
submitted by t0ny_gx to uruguay [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 00:55 BiPolarMaxy My bf laughed at me while I cried and expressed my feelings. I don't think someone being hurt is funny?
I feel even more sad now
submitted by BiPolarMaxy to bipolar2 [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 00:55 shoebakas Pookie messed up
submitted by shoebakas to ihadastroke [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 00:55 Sea-Bunnies_Are_Cute I (in my own opinion) hate dance
It's a rant about school and it's like.... so dance used to be in gym for 2 weeks but now oh since we're in grade 8 we aren't allowed to choose our electives so they put it in a rotation. And Dance got turned into an elective and not like a club or something. And we are forced to. And so my dance teacher got mad at me because even though I just came from music exploration I couldn't tell anything about bpm. Since I listen to fast music. So she got mad. Second she didn't understand that hey maybe me saying "I'm not gonna dance u don't really like it" doesn't mean "I'm not doing it because it's stupid". Because dance brings her joy and she's excited about hosting the class. And so I ended up having to leave to the support room to cry. Since I don't dance and it's kinda awkward for me or makes me super uncomfortable in my own body since I'm a girl and aroace and sometimes I'm sue to anxiety afraid of being looked at for doing something stupid. And so she was
submitted by Sea-Bunnies_Are_Cute to teenagers [link] [comments]
submitted by TheIndigoBoy1213 to Promote_Your_Channel [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 00:55 aJellyfishIsInTheTub Bright green/blue mascara and/or eyeliner?
Looking for reputable brands that sell anything in the title. I like more bright or neon colors. Any suggestions? A lot of stuff on the internet looks hella cheap and sketchy.
submitted by aJellyfishIsInTheTub to Makeup [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 00:55 tangytoby Mushoku Tensei (無職転生) - Tabibito no Uta (旅人の唄) Guitar Cover
submitted by tangytoby to animemusic [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 00:55 interestingfactoid Jack Smith Surrenders: Ends Florida Prosecution Against Trump in Triumph for President-Elect
submitted by interestingfactoid to NewRepublicans [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 00:55 RustiestBelt Tate says Dave threatened him with non-renewal
submitted by RustiestBelt to barstoolsports [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 00:55 Budget_Wafer382 Concrete step design help needed
I don't work in concrete and need some assistance in ensuring these steps we are replacing are designed correctly. We looked at getting the steps lifted but it would create too much of a rise from the sidewalk to the first tread. We then discussed doing a standard configuration rather than a flush configuration so there would be a step up from the landing to the door threshold which would be about 3 in, whereas now, the landing is flush with the door. Here is a pic of the steps and roughed out plan from the contractor. Just need to know if a 3 in (approx) step up from the landing is going to be awkward and if so, how do we configure the steps to keep the landing and maintain the correct rise and run configuration. The main picture is zoomed out to show the entire configuration of the parking lot, it seems that the concrete sidewalk and parking lot starts to slope down at the end unit which is what is causing us to have to reconfigure how the steps are designed. Any help is much appreciated. submitted by Budget_Wafer382 to Construction [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 00:55 maplexxmiint looking for your honest 1-10 rating of this selfie :)
submitted by maplexxmiint to selfierating [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 00:55 MrGamerOfficial I was very productive this weekend.
I'm proud of myself.
submitted by MrGamerOfficial to teenagers [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 00:55 ZealousidealAd9994 Could I be a model?
my mother keeps bringing it up saying I should consider it. But I don't want to waste her money or disappoint her if I decide to try it and I fail. honestly I don't really know much about modeling. and the requirements. I'm asking for some advice before I get my hopes up haha. 😅 submitted by ZealousidealAd9994 to ModelingCareerAdvice [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 00:55 Dazzling_Finger7798 Anyone from southeast Michigan? Add me on kik tazctdfxvg or session 05a41fd13786141916c93003449ebc551be042f5e8436084d1817259fc17143278 trying to see if anyone knows this girl
submitted by Dazzling_Finger7798 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 00:55 hwagaemarkets made the TNTL set in animal crossing!
complete with my chosen cosplay :) i saw someone on here make the reddit stories set in animal crossing n it inspired me
submitted by hwagaemarkets to smosh [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 00:55 ieatbabies23958430 BAAHHH
submitted by ieatbabies23958430 to VoidParadox [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 00:55 Infamous_Image4375 I am gold locked and in need of Super-visor. Can trade Art review for it.
submitted by Infamous_Image4375 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 00:55 SignificanceOk981 What bundle is this card showing?
submitted by SignificanceOk981 to Rainbow6 [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 00:55 WIDE_420lbs Sanyaa tips?
How do you play her? Are you really supposed to just stay in play rough and spam dodge+smash?
Her 3rd smash is kinda awkward to use
I've almost unlocked skill awakening, anything not obvious to know?
submitted by WIDE_420lbs to Vindictus [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 00:55 Relative_Clerk_3343 1938 S&W Pre Model 10 .38Spcl
Absolutely sweet and soft shooter. Oldie but goodie. submitted by Relative_Clerk_3343 to Revolvers [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 00:55 Neat-Biscotti-2829 Inherited Thomas Mercer - 20295
Looking for some information on a Thomas Mercer inherited from my grandfather. Looking for any information or where I can get something like this appraised. *Reposted after I got some better photos submitted by Neat-Biscotti-2829 to Antiques [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 00:55 Mel_Galcatraz 3 Years!
I was quite private about my sober journey, maybe too much so. I hit three years today and nobody in my family remembers. I feel a little down, but not enough to want to drink. It’s been great honestly, I used to wake up in my crusty makeup and grab my phone, dreading to see what embarrassing thing I had done while drinking. Now I wash my face and do a skin care routine before bed. I don’t text stupid shit to people. It’s nice. I don’t worry about driving drunk. It’s honestly been a real relief. The thing that helped me most was pretty easy, just bought some non alcoholic replacement drinks to crack open when I got home. I’ve been trying to practice more self love, and I guess that’s something I need to work on more. Moving past needing validation and getting in the mindset of having done this for myself. I spent 20 years of my life feeling like I wasn’t worth good things because I was a lousy wino, and I need to work past that. I think that’s the best part, and the part I need to move past as I embark on this 4th year, self love, the feeling of deserving good things. I’m rambling now so I will wrap this up, but it feels good and I hope that anyone struggling knows I read posts from people who had several years and never thought it would be possible, but I did it, I kept wanting it and it just clicked one day. I’m rooting for anyone out there struggling, it’s a crappy thing to pull yourself out of, but you can do it.
submitted by Mel_Galcatraz to Sober [link] [comments]