Save up to $1000 and in addition I'll answer any questions you have about your Tesla purchase and provide any help that I can 😀

2024.11.26 01:31 Expert-Highlight-481 Save up to $1000 and in addition I'll answer any questions you have about your Tesla purchase and provide any help that I can 😀

To receive the Tesla discount, order your new Tesla using my referral link:
You can also purchase a new Tesla from in stock, existing inventory (to get your car faster) and receive the discount using this link:
If purchasing in the Tesla dealership, you can get the discount by using my referral code:
The current referral program gives you:
$500 off if you purchase a new Model 3 or Model Y
$1000 off if you purchase a new Model S, Model X, or Cybertruck
Please feel free to direct message me if you have any questions about the discount or Teslas in general. Thank you!
submitted by Expert-Highlight-481 to teslareferralcode [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:31 djo_oy 映画『スーパーマリオ』大晦日に本編ノーカット地上波初放送

submitted by djo_oy to nintendo_jp [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:31 That_One_Fluid_Teen New room (introducing)

So I've had my boy in the bathroom since Saturday afternoon (it's only monday) he's 6 months old, and I just introduced him to the hallway. If I put up a 4 foot lattice fence at the end of the hallway to divide the living room at the end of the hall, will he jump that during the night?
The bathroom door with all his stuff inside will stay open, but I just want to know if giving him access to the hallway overnight will let him jump that fence. (He already looked up at the top of it, but hasn't tried jumping it yet)
submitted by That_One_Fluid_Teen to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:31 Straight_Wasabi_1366 Hazel?

submitted by Straight_Wasabi_1366 to eyes [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:31 dinokakel Someone knows where to find a 3d model of a hivet tyrant / swarmlord accurate to the oficial?

I found some really great models, but the only one in cults 3d 100% accurate to the original i found is paid
submitted by dinokakel to PrintedWarhammer [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:31 Separate_Carrot_3668 Eye color ?

Eye color ? submitted by Separate_Carrot_3668 to WhatisMyEyeColour [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:31 TommyRotYT [USA-VA] [H] Wooting 60HE+ [W] PayPal

Regular Wooting 60HE+ for sale, lightly used for a few months. Comes with what I believe are the included items (keycap remover and 2 switches). Upgraded to an 80 and was just using this as a placeholder. The outside box has a few dings since Wooting shipped it in a bag but everything else is in perfect condition.
Price: $150 shipped
submitted by TommyRotYT to hardwareswap [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:31 cleaner70001 Lucchese Handmade Classics

Lucchese Handmade Classics Fantastic classic boots
submitted by cleaner70001 to cowboyboots [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:31 CSS_GamezYT THANKSGIVING ITEMS!!

THANKSGIVING ITEMS!! submitted by CSS_GamezYT to LumberTycoon [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:31 Equivalent-End-7641 I love Bowser vs Eggman and all of the art and stuff is great but can we talk about the next time a bit more

I love Bowser vs Eggman and all of the art and stuff is great but can we talk about the next time a bit more submitted by Equivalent-End-7641 to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:31 flower-power8 what colorway is this??

i’ve had this bottle for 2 or 3 years now and love the colors so much, but i don’t remember what it was called when i bought it. does anyone know what this colorway is? appreciate your help!
submitted by flower-power8 to Owala [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:31 Coffin_Builder What are you listening to right now?

What are you listening to right now? submitted by Coffin_Builder to MetalForTheMasses [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:31 stevesgonefishin Looking for an affordable solution

Where would be a good place to look for a flipper zero gently used?
submitted by stevesgonefishin to flipperzero [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:31 Angelhappy43 Thanksgiving might need to be canceled now

Thanksgiving might need to be canceled now Every week it’s some shit. Can Black people catch a break?! THE TURKEYS NOW? 😭
submitted by Angelhappy43 to BlackPeopleTwitter [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:31 BenFitzgeraldPincus Has Anyone Else Noticed This About The Intro?

Has Anyone Else Noticed This About The Intro? Links eating a ‘Mato
submitted by BenFitzgeraldPincus to goodmythicalmorning [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:31 CarterGee r/Rivian 2024Community Recap

Rivian 2024Community Recap Plus one bonus of my personal top comment of the year 😅
submitted by CarterGee to Rivian [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:31 frevueltas Transportistas exigen a Sheinbaum pago de adeudos de la construcción del Tren Maya | LatinUS

Transportistas exigen a Sheinbaum pago de adeudos de la construcción del Tren Maya | LatinUS submitted by frevueltas to POLACA [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:31 Moustachey Looking for folding mattress size advice! (featuring my dog)

Looking for folding mattress size advice! (featuring my dog) Hey there! I'm almost ready for my first car camping trip, all I now need is the mattress. The only issue is that due to the size of my Nissan Dualis SUV I can only get a max width of 60cm for a foldable mattress, whereas most of them online are 70+cm. I'm not sure if these wider ones would squish and fold nicely if they're a bit too big?
In the first photo I have outlined where I'll be sleeping, I'll also have storage containers under the head rest (behind the passenger seat) to level it out.
I'm wondering what would be my best option for a mattress? I plan on sleeping behind the passenger seat and my dog can sleep on the other half (long ways, not the way she is in the photos lol). I additionally provided a photo with measurements of the whole backing (but the mattress wouldnt fit well with the driver seat being further back).
I'm located in Australia so a lot of the US sites don't ship here.
Any tips would be greatly appreciated, thanks all!
submitted by Moustachey to carcamping [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:31 Live_Temperature111 Redban is on the latest Duncan Trussel pod!

Redban is on the latest Duncan Trussel pod! submitted by Live_Temperature111 to Killtony [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:31 roxanne_sandersss community!

throughout my journey with my prolactinoma what i've found helps me the most with dealing with it (mentally) is community! i'm a 17 year old girl, and if you ever feel alone, or want to talk i'm here!
submitted by roxanne_sandersss to Prolactinoma [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:31 velodiess My betta passed away this morning

submitted by velodiess to bettafish [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:31 Dramatic_Pool528 A Interminável luta contra a pornografia.

Eu tô prometendo a mim mesmo, desde o começo desse ano, que iria parar de ver pornografia e me masturbar vendo, mas eu consegui perder todas as oportunidades que me restaram de mudar, eu já tentei vários métodos diferentes, mas, existe algo que eu não consigo controlar, que está além do meu alcance, além de uma tela, como eu fiquei mais de 10 MESES seguidos vendo isso, meu cérebro já tá fritado e totalmente vulnerável a isso. Toda vez que vou pra escola, pelo menos umas 7 vezes no dia, eu olho pra Bunda ou peito de alguma menina ou professora, mesmo não querendo, mesmo alguém dizendo que não é recaída se eu não cometer o ato, sinto que só isso, não basta pra me fazer acreditar que só não me masturbar é o suficiente pra combater de vez esse vício, foram tantas tentativas, tantos dias desperdiçados, por que eu acreditaria que só parar me faria bem? Sendo que meu cérebro já tá todo sexualizado. Eu queria mudar minha visão sobre as mulheres, a mesma que eu tinha antes, que as mulheres eram pessoas como qualquer outras e não tem porquê imaginar elas como um objeto sexual, mas desde que, os pensamentos intrusivos viraram meus inimigos naturais, eu jamais tive esse pensamento novamente, e acho que nunca mais vou ter, eu realmente tô no fundo do poço e queria sair dele, mas não sei se há jeito certo pra isso, e se tiver, não sei se funcionaria comigo.
submitted by Dramatic_Pool528 to desabafos [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:31 Soya-Kun Kimono Firefly, Acheron & Black Swan (By: TGF)

Kimono Firefly, Acheron & Black Swan (By: TGF) submitted by Soya-Kun to AcheronMainsHSR [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:31 AgreeableDiver5013 Why does my friend sometimes stop talking to me when they know it hurts my feelings?

I literally just downloaded Reddit for this specific question, sorry if I'm not well informed on how the website works.
Very often when we're in Discord calls she'll suddenly mute herself and turn on her screen share, talking to me through things such as Minecraft chat, the search toolbar and YouTube comments when she's making me watch things such as YouTube videos, playing games or taking a pointless quiz. She never says anything the entirety of the time this happens, she just sits there. I've expressed to her multiple times that it makes me uncomfortable and that I wish we could just talk normally, but she continues to do this until I make up some dumb excuse to leave, although it usually lasts for 2 hours before I do so. I'm not sure if this is some weird psychological thing she's trying to pull to make me feel bad about myself but god damn is it working. Every time this happens I feel like it's my fault in some way, that I said something wrong or made her upset. Our friendship has been going on for a year and a half now, she's been doing this ever since we've started doing calls. I just wanna know if she's doing this for some specific reason.
submitted by AgreeableDiver5013 to FriendshipAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:31 Known_Ad_4512 Caught 1 shiny 3 days in a row!

Should I play the lottery??? I caught one shiny every day for the last 3 days!! Just a little brag but I’m so excited lol
submitted by Known_Ad_4512 to pokemongo [link] [comments]