Why would other countries retaliate against US tariffs by imposing their own tariffs?

2024.11.26 02:00 This_User_Says Why would other countries retaliate against US tariffs by imposing their own tariffs?

So, I get that a tariff is a price that a US business pays when that business imports goods from, say, Mexico. Mexico doesn't pay anything. So, why would Mexico, or Canada, or China impose a tariff on US imports into their countries if they're not paying anything extra to export here? I've just been seeing people mention this and wondering why other countries would do that. How would that help them if they're still exporting to the US in the same way and at the same costs as now?
I get that the point of tariffs is to make businesses buy domestic goods (they won't) so it might hurt trade with Mexico if suddenly a company that imported oranges from Mexico started getting them from FL. But my understanding is that domestic goods would be even more expensive, and won't prompt businesses to buy domestic.
So...why would they impose a tariff on the US?
submitted by This_User_Says to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:00 CurveUseful5427 Pepe coin army God is good massive leap tonight. Keep going God is with us for the cryptocurrency rally. For the landslide victory. Ahooo. Ahooo ahooo🔥🔥🔥

Pepe coin army God is good massive leap tonight. Keep going God is with us for the cryptocurrency rally. For the landslide victory. Ahooo. Ahooo ahooo🔥🔥🔥 submitted by CurveUseful5427 to Pepe_Memes [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:00 Hebejeebez How to deal with winter dryness?

Where I live it’s currently winter and the air is extremely dry. I have a couple tubs that I just put into fruiting conditions, but every morning when I wake up they are bone dry. Any suggestions for keeping the humidity up? Other than just misting constantly??
submitted by Hebejeebez to unclebens [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:00 Swatisani A sher a day

A sher a day submitted by Swatisani to Urdu [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:00 Landsteiner7507 Since 2020, the ammount of minutes of rankings per year that Schaffrillas uploads to his channel has risen at a very consistent rate of 2 hours and 51 minutes from the previous year. However, 2024 is not over and there are 3 rankings left.

Since 2020, the ammount of minutes of rankings per year that Schaffrillas uploads to his channel has risen at a very consistent rate of 2 hours and 51 minutes from the previous year. However, 2024 is not over and there are 3 rankings left. So far, there have been 14 hours of rankings in 2024, but this will obviously increase once the year is done.
submitted by Landsteiner7507 to Schaffrillas [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:00 CuteTransition2343 If y’all have quests or just collecting check out my shop, idc about coins so everything’s 2:1 :)

If y’all have quests or just collecting check out my shop, idc about coins so everything’s 2:1 :) submitted by CuteTransition2343 to Soundmap [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:00 ElectronicRub9512 HEYY I NEED HELP, I'M LOOKING FOR THIS FONT! (OMORI MANGA)

HEYY I NEED HELP, I'M LOOKING FOR THIS FONT! (OMORI MANGA) Does anyone know what font is this? (Seriously, I'm desperately looking for it)
submitted by ElectronicRub9512 to OMORI [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:00 FlavianusFlavor Will this PC run the game okay?

submitted by FlavianusFlavor to CitiesSkylines2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:00 EmbarrassedPomelo170 Ahhhhh

submitted by EmbarrassedPomelo170 to TheMusicLobby [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:00 Medium-Dot-4558 Strange message during PVP

Strange message during PVP What does this mean
submitted by Medium-Dot-4558 to bloxfruits [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:00 AmazonNewsBot Pixel 9: Amazon Slashes Prices Below Google's Own Black Friday Deals - Forbes

Pixel 9: Amazon Slashes Prices Below Google's Own Black Friday Deals - Forbes submitted by AmazonNewsBot to amazon [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:00 como-no-querer-huir Will the Amazon sale continue through December 2nd?

Hi. Sorry for the dumb question. My country is getting new import laws on the 1st and I was wondering if Amazon will still have their sale up for Cyber Monday (December the 2nd). I had my eyes on a 24gb M3.
Thanks in advance! :)
submitted by como-no-querer-huir to macbookair [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:00 CommonEarth4976 Nice!

What do you think?
submitted by CommonEarth4976 to recap [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:00 naakgt How to trust

(M25) I dont want to make this a therapy session. So im gonna keep this short and not explain unnecessary details. I have difficulty trusting people especially women for various reasons. (Save your red pill comment). The "why" i dont trust them is a story older than me. What steps helped you when it comes to trust?
How i feel when it comes to trust: i want to get rid of this habit to look ppl really deep in the eyes all the time to tell myself "okay i think he/she is telling the truth." I want to get rid of this feeling that ill never be able to turn my back to someone who says they got space for me in their life. Do i really? Or is this a temporary thing? I want have this feeling of calmness in my brain where there are not assumptions that they will hurt or betray me in any shape or form when there isnt a reason to be sceptical. In a nutshell, if you aint my best friend. All i expect from you is our ways will seperate cause either you do something that you shouldnt have. Or i am overthinking/mind is racing with assumptions and I won't trust you.
I know that its too much and not right what i expect from people. but my brain just can't stop thinking otherwise. 24/7 prepared for the worst the human can offer me. Im doing kickboxing over 10 years now and competed in tournaments. What I'm saying with this is: please also spare me with the comment you have a weak mind. Thanks upfront if i dont reply.
submitted by naakgt to AskMenAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:00 absolluto gta 6 delivery missions are gonna be long as fuck, imagine how long it will take to drive between cities

gta 6 delivery missions are gonna be long as fuck, imagine how long it will take to drive between cities submitted by absolluto to GTA6 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:00 tripsma1 QLink Defrauded US Government (posted on IRS site Oct 15, 2024

I discovered this today when helping my mom with her phone. QLink defrauded the US Gov't out of funds. Huge fines and looks like imprisonment too?
Now, I can't port my mom's phone to another provider, as Qlink will need to unlock her phone BUT - Qlink has been shut down. Any ideas? It was suggested that I call the FCC about this.
Nationwide telecommunications provider and its CEO plead guilty to massively defrauding federal government programs meant to aid the needy | Internal Revenue Service
submitted by tripsma1 to QLCChain [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:00 IGdoods ✨ appreciation post ✨ [oc]

✨ appreciation post ✨ [oc] submitted by IGdoods to webcomics [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:00 BlissKiss911 Anyone with similar numbers have success with their eggs? 1.28 amh fsh 13 afc 9

1.28 amh fsh 13 afc 9 age 34
RPL(2 spontaneous , 1 from IVF), possible endo, 2 failed iui, 2 failed FET (1 didn't stick, other was another mc)
Anyone with similar numbers have success ? Anyone with endometriosis have excision and need a surrogate with endo?
submitted by BlissKiss911 to IVF [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:00 lilliesofvenus This may sound like a niche request but would appreciate help! (22F)

Hi y’all! So no one is picking their phones up and I am panicking hard. I am currently living at a somewhat dangerous place (lots of addicts and crime rate is super high) and the distance it takes me to walk from the library to the dorms is around 20 mins. Usually I call my parents but since the winter time and our time difference, they must have fallen asleep. And my friends are not answering so they must be working.
Here is my insane weird request from I suppose a bunch of strangers, is there kind hearted person who is a non pervert that would be able to have a call with me via discord?
I know it’s unorthodox but I would appreciate it so much as I am having a mini panic attack.
Thanks in advance!🥲
submitted by lilliesofvenus to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:00 coolest_nath Madani's Mother

Can anyone explain to me what was the point of having that character? Her father, who was actually quite instrumental had less than 5 minutes screen time and maybe one or two times mentioned, her mom was eating up story time for basically nothing. Why didn't they just make the mom a doctor and ditch the father, that would at least have made her relevant.
submitted by coolest_nath to thepunisher [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:00 srscinema2020 Black Friday Sale at SRS Cinema!

Black Friday Sale at SRS Cinema! submitted by srscinema2020 to srscinemallc [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:00 topcomments-app Tägliche Diskussion - Dienstag, 26. November 2024

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by topcomments-app to TestForDevvitW [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:00 Manguy16 Pre Vizsla deck

Pre Vizsla deck Working on a pre vizsla deck, what cards should I add, and what color base works best?
submitted by Manguy16 to starwarsunlimited [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:00 babyneedssocks H: Commandos AA2525 Fixer, B50250 HM, Mutant2525 HM,Aristocrats5025 fixer W: any and all offers

submitted by babyneedssocks to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:00 Plastic_Pass5936 help let’s trade plz

help let’s trade plz Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: https://mply.io/Cf5v3w
submitted by Plastic_Pass5936 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]
