2024.11.26 01:29 verygoodreason Should I quit job for DoorDash?
Hey yall. Honestly I hate my job and want to quit and work DoorDash. And focus on my business. Im 22 and tired of slaving away and waiting for the day to be over. I know it’s usually not a good idea, but I still live with my parents and my only expense is my car payment and insurance. All together that’s about $600 a month. Do yall think it’s possible to make that with DoorDash? In addition to the gas and maintenance for my car.
submitted by verygoodreason to Advice [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 01:29 AggravatingEnd4257 India Cyber Defender
submitted by AggravatingEnd4257 to SMRTRabak [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 01:29 Txargotaa [WTS] PA GLx 1x Microprism, ADM AD-B5 mount (mini acog), Rearden FH 30cal,Rearden Atlas HT, Warne 30mm rings
Timestamp: https://imgur.com/a/YtqEYAj
+$5 for single item shipping
Two or more items will have shipping fee waived.
2024.11.26 01:29 StopTheBanging Is the LoL community as toxic as people say?
I've thought about playing LoL for 10+ years, but never started because my friends (and even strangers!) have consistently said the player base is super toxic so it's not worth getting into. Is that actually true? Or was it true back then, but not now?
I've fresh off finishing Arcane S2 and it just seems really cool. But it'd be nice to know if it's worth starting or whether I should stay away.
submitted by StopTheBanging to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 01:29 Rodrigoxdxd23 ¡Felicidades Shinji! (Versión Lolcows Alucines Mexican Otaco, Biri Biri Vtuber, Ramses Baltazar, Temach, Espartaco18, Adrian Marcelo, Memo Aponte, Aimp3 y Doomentio)
submitted by Rodrigoxdxd23 to MAAU [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 01:29 intromission76 Does Loratadine 12 hr exist?
I took Clariten-D 24 hr daily for like a decade, then stopped 2 years ago and switched to regular loratadine 24 hr out of an abundance of caution to keep my blood pressure and HR lower (m 48). I still use daily Azelastine and occasional Flonase when needed. Currently chasing away a flare up of allergies that has my eustacian tube dysfunction acting up (ear is blocked.) The problem is now when I take Clariten-D 24 hr I get really bad insomnia and toss and turn all night, so that's out. I just picked up some Clariten-D 12 hr and will try taking that during the day, but I could not find any 12 hr loratadine for the evening/bedtime. I know I've seen something like this before haven't I? Do I switch to a different brand? Like Zyrtec or Allegra?
submitted by intromission76 to Allergy [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 01:29 OSU2022 Anyone who needs to chat
Hi everyone. I’m a 25M and I have been dealing with a high burden of PVCs since January of this year after catching COVID for the first time. I have been through just about every treatment you can get for PVCs and high blood pressure and heart rate from it. I have been on Flecinide, Mexilitine, Propafenone, Metoprolol, Verapamil all to fail to improve my symptoms (some made them significantly worse). I’ve had a catheter ablation done that was unsuccessful and I’m scheduled to have another one done in a few weeks in which the doctor might do an alcohol injection in the heart to kill the cells and hopefully the PVCs. It is very rare that a doctor would do an alcohol injection. It is the last ditch effort and if it doesn’t work that I have to wait for new advancement in medicine to come out before anything can be done. From what my doctor has told me it will be at least 5 years. I have had the echocardiograms and cardiac MRIs done which came back normal. I have essentially reached the end of the road with this coming ablation procedure. After joining this group I have seen a lot of you with the same experiences but don’t know what to do or want to share your experiences to better help everyone else. I want to use this post as a way to have you ask me any questions about my journey that you might have in which we have something in common and I can tell you what did or did not work for me.
Disclaimer: I am not a doctor nor work in the medical field. Everything I say is from my personal experience and it does not necessarily mean it can/will work for you too
submitted by OSU2022 to PVCs [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 01:29 Subject-Safety-8385 How can I put this in pay pal?
I have around $200 in vanilla visa gift cards is there any work around to either buy btc with these or add them to a paypal/venmo account?
submitted by Subject-Safety-8385 to VANILLAGIFTCARDS [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 01:29 squidlvr Hood Golden Eggnog Recipe?
Hi all, I'm looking for a mimic recipe for Hood Golden Eggnog. It's not available where I live now and my partner really loves it, so I'd like to try making something similar. Thanks!
submitted by squidlvr to Eggnog [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 01:29 a_freezerburn Galactus for Gotcha
I need Gotcha to finish my album! Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: https://mply.io/-PYWnA submitted by a_freezerburn to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 01:29 RealBean Looking for shiny birds, offers. offering bg sr shiny palkia, shiny popular, galarian moltres etc
submitted by RealBean to PokemonGoTrade [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 01:29 bot_neen Gobernador de Tabasco exhibe a Adán Augusto y sus nexos con el narco
submitted by bot_neen to Mexico_Videos [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 01:29 ALLPhoneNumber Dewalt Deals 37% OFF DEWALT Mechanics Tools Kit and Socket Set, 1/4" & 3/8" Drive, SAE, 108-Piece- $69.00
submitted by ALLPhoneNumber to DewaltDeals [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 01:29 Status_Let1192xx Any two 5 ⭐️ takes it.
submitted by Status_Let1192xx to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 01:29 QFSJDEISO20022 The EMERALD AWAKENING Part C
https://preview.redd.it/ijoo8359f53e1.png?width=746&format=png&auto=webp&s=0cc3a246f79e17ab8789171f1de889314fbf456f The EMERALD AWAKENING Part C 1. Now we will open the GREEN STAR CRYSTAL SEAL......... So, keeping your awareness on the Doradic Sphere, the GREEN-VIOLET-SILVER ball at the Heart Center....... INHALE, 2. and... оп the EXHALE visualize or imagine pushing a cord of GREEN-VIOLET-SILVER Doradic Current down into the tail bone... to the 1st Cell...... at its very toр. 3. Breathe easy...and take a moment to visualize the 1st Cell at the tip of your tailbопе... as a WHITE-SILVER SPHERE... 4. Now within the WHITE-SILVER SPHERE, visualize a GREEN SPHERE... and then visualize а RED SPHERE inside the GREEN SPHERE... 5. Bring your attention back to the SPHERE of GREEN-VIOLET-SILVER energy in your Heart Center... and on the next EXHALE visualize, or imagine, sending a cord of GREEN-VIOLET-SILVER energy all the way down your central vertical column and into the GREEN SPHERE in the 1st Cell at the tip of the tail bone. 6. Аз you INHALE pull PALE SILVER LIGHT from your personal Maharic Shield, the platform-disc 12" below your feet, up into the tail bone and into the GREEN SPHERE. 7. As you do this, visualize the GREEN SPHERE 'pop' into a STARBURST of PALE GREEN-SILVER LIGHT. This has opened the Kundalini seal - your WHITE-SILVER & RED Spheres REMAIN as you left them earlier....Now, we will work to open the RED STAR CRYSTAL SEAL... 8. Return your awareness to tће Doradic Sphere at the Heart Center... INHALE, and then on the EXHALE push a cord of GREEN-VIOLET-SILVER Doradic Current down to the 1st Cell at the tip of the tail bone... 9. INHALE and draw PALE SILVER energy up from the personal Maharic Shield, the platform-disc positioned 12" below your feet, up into the tail bone, and into the RED SPHERE... inside.... the WHITE-SILVER SPHERE. 10. AS YOU DRAW the PALE SILVER energy into the RED SPHERE visualize the RED SPHERE 'pop' into a STARBURST of PALE PINK-SILVER LIGHT..... and..... for the next few breaths EXHALE the PALE PINK-SILVER LIGHT into the 12th Chakra, positioned 6" below your feet... You have now opened the Kee Ra ShA Seal ... so that the Sacred Flames of the Kee Ra ShA can be activated.. submitted by QFSJDEISO20022 to CourtofAges [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 01:29 Ecstatic-Leather315 Selling Emerald 2 account
For more information just DM me
submitted by Ecstatic-Leather315 to Roobet [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 01:29 Prudent_Yoghurt583 Sou babaca por descobrir "o segredo do bandido"?
Sou (H 26) babaca por descobrir "o segredo do bandido"?
Um colega (sla a idade do fdp) do meu trabalho usa um perfume que eu acho muito bom, mas sempre que o pergunto, ele não diz o nome e fala que "é o segredo do bandido".
Lá nós temos armários e, já vi que ele passa o perfume quando chega, mas só o faz quando não há ninguém por perto.
Semana passada eu esperei até mais tarde e tentei várias combinações no cadeado dele, até que eu abri. Eu vi o perfume, senti o cheiro pela tampa e confirmei que era o tal do segredo dele.
Comprei um igual e hoje ele chegou. Quando eu passei ele pro serviço e ele sentiu o mesmo cheiro, deu pra ver que ele ficou cismado. Algum tempo depois ele veio me acusando de abrir o armário dele.
Não tem como ele ter certeza disso e eu não subtrai nada do armário. Sequer borrifar o perfume dele eu borrifei. Acho que ele tá com raiva que o segredinho dele acabou e agora tá fazendo intriga.
Sou o babaca por isso?
submitted by Prudent_Yoghurt583 to EuSouOBabaca [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 01:29 CanaryHot227 Not trying to get political, but this is too funny
submitted by CanaryHot227 to ChatGPT [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 01:29 beforesunset1010 I made a fun quiz about Sabrina Carpenter, feel free to take it, thanks!!
submitted by beforesunset1010 to SabrinaCarpenterFans [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 01:29 Acceptable_Tennis Creatine Kinase value of 273
Is this concerning?
Waiting for my Dr. to call me back regarding these results that just populated to my “MyChart”.
submitted by Acceptable_Tennis to rhabdo_survivors [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 01:29 ToceanZ XKCD 948 AI is really interesting looking back
How things have changed.
submitted by ToceanZ to xkcd [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 01:29 Pleasant_Ad7134 Grogginess after surgery
So I’ve seen some people on social media share they were really groggy after surgery and in some cases don’t remember much about the day of the procedure. Is that the case for everyone? I don’t like the idea of not being all there mentally if that makes sense. Can you share your experience and how long that grogginess lasted?
submitted by Pleasant_Ad7134 to GastricBypass [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 01:29 Liesofflowers LEGIT CHECK CHROME PENDANT
Hey guys can I get a legit check on this pendant, TIA!
submitted by Liesofflowers to chromeheartlc [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 01:29 NoodleSmacking How can I sow 360 degree LED rope into/onto faux fur and a sequin jacket?
Hi I am new here and I've been trying to find info that can help me on a project I want to create. I want to make a light up outfit I can wear for raves and the holiday seasons. I only know how to sow buttons onto clothing I want to keep it as simple as possible.
I saw this LED 360° rope on Amazon and the diameter is 15mm which seems small enough and big enough for what I have in mind. I want to combine the led 360 rope with the fur by sowing it underneath the backside or if possible cutting an opening and sliding it inside. So I can illuminate the fur like all those rave outfits. I will take this LED fur and use it to line the collar and zipper area of the sequin jacket.
I chose 360° LED rope because it is thicker buy not too thick to move around the clothing and it has cool lighting effects I don't see on other LED light systems that are out of the box and don't require sowing in several straps and programming it
I don't know what type of faux fur to get that would best suit my needs. Any suggestions are much appreciated as well as sowing kits and techniques to use.
submitted by NoodleSmacking to sewing [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 01:29 AaravB16 Guys drop your best XI now that the Auction is over
And one impact player as well
submitted by AaravB16 to csk [link] [comments]