2024.11.26 06:46 ImNotADuck_69420 Man-DJ-TV

Man-DJ-TV submitted by ImNotADuck_69420 to MandJTV [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:46 randomlevimix PAO internship

Asking lang if meron na sainyo nakapagintern sa PAO. Tanong ko lang if ano pinapagawa nila, what to expect? If possible share your experience in PAO
submitted by randomlevimix to LawStudentsPH [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:46 Accomplished_Egg_31 Pneumonia and GDV

Hello! I am looking for advice and peace of mind.
I have a 11 yr old German shepherd, 3 weeks ago she was diagnosed with aspiration pneumonia, stayed two nights at clinic and came home with meds. A week into treatment she got GDV, they gave us options : surgery or euthanasia, we went with surgery and it’s been 20 hours and seems to be recovering.
Vet has been trying to feed her but she is not interested in food, is this normal? Should we be concerned?
For an old dog she has gone through a lot in the last few weeks, she is an active dog and I feel like she has good number of years to go, looking for advice on recovery, when she may eat.. thank you!!
submitted by Accomplished_Egg_31 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:46 captaincosha WTF is a surname?!

Applying for an eVisa to travel. Is it a first name, last name, idea
submitted by captaincosha to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:46 JellyfishSpare2859 Bioshock and the Mafia games getting a matching tiny update simultaneously???

Why are the Bioshock and the Mafia games getting a 128 B update all at once despite having different game engines? All I can think is it is a Steam thing not related to the engines...
submitted by JellyfishSpare2859 to BioshockInfinite [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:46 elder_tarnish Cash Boost Account-Trade at once before deposit

Cash Boost Account-Trade at once before deposit submitted by elder_tarnish to Contra_trading [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:46 sillybillyora What should I do ?

submitted by sillybillyora to skyrim [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:46 terra189 I got these two today and love em

I got these two today and love em These are the first figures I have gotten from the naruto line and I love them they may have Like some small things I'm not a fan of but I can overlook it
submitted by terra189 to SHFiguarts [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:46 Ok_Walrus3918 Is your restaurant ready for the Black Friday rush? Here’s a thought: Black Friday isn’t just for retail. 🍔

Restaurants can tap into the excitement, too! Imagine offering limited-time deals, special menus, or gift card bonuses to drive foot traffic and online orders. Black Friday can be the perfect opportunity to boost sales, clear inventory, and build customer loyalty.
How are you preparing? Are any creative Black Friday promotions planned? Let’s share ideas and make this a win for everyone! 💬
submitted by Ok_Walrus3918 to restaurant [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:46 Hot_Inflation_8197 Is there a decent camera that operates without wifi?

Long story short, I’ve been having issues with neighbors who moved in last year. They are renting and have been testing out sound systems or something all day long and I can hear their shit inside the back of my place on the other end of my house, and they live across the street and 5 houses down.
Normally during the day time I don’t have an issue but apparently some neighbors have called in complaints. I did call on them one night but it was cuz this was at 3 in the morning. My car was parked in the street in front of a neighbors house, with one of their many cars parked in the next section of parkable space between driveways, behind my car. It was trash day and I came out to my car at 7 a.m. and found my tire slashed. Cops agreed the timing between my calling and coming out to find my car (which theirs had been moved) wasn’t coincidental. Unfortunately they can’t do anything without video proof. I’ve lived here for a number of years now and never once have had an issue until this.
Is there something I can put in my car that at night that will record and detect motion that does not rely on wifi? I’m just renting a unit and the spots I park in vary to what’s available in the street. I’m sharing internet right now so have no control over what type of range it can reach (nor does my landlord want wifi capable cameras due to the hacking and security issues they can happen - which I understand).
submitted by Hot_Inflation_8197 to Dashcam [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:46 iomenomale Traduzione post su reddit

Ciao essendo una capra in inglese come traduco in italiano i post di reddit in altre lingue che mi interessano?nel titolo c'è l opzione traduci ma nelle risposte degli utenti se tengo premuto si comprime solamente il post e non me lo fa copiare.grazie
submitted by iomenomale to CasualIT [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:46 Old-Government6765 What kind of function would fit this curve?

I’ve thought about using a rational function with a slant asymptote for the rightmost curve. But I’m not sure what I can do about the middle and leftmost. Even with domain and range restrictions I’m not sure how I could get them.
submitted by Old-Government6765 to askmath [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:46 Individual-ber-752 What games do you guys play

I don't understand how anyone uses this app, maybe I'm just having bad luck but I can't find any profitable apps on this thing. I started with domino dreams but had to stop since I had to pay more to play than I was earning from the challenges, the same story happened with several other apps. I eventually found a mining game that didn't charge per play but it won't track. Can someone please suggest some games for me to play that are actually profitable? I don't mind if they charge me a little to play I just want to actually profit
submitted by Individual-ber-752 to FreeCash [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:46 AngelicAssEater65 Stanford email

Did anyone else just randomly get a status checker link sent to their email? I applied the first week of November so a little surprised to be getting an email that it (the university) was added to my LawHub just now
submitted by AngelicAssEater65 to lawschooladmissions [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:46 Wilson3440 Customer Success 2024 Vs 2025

Customer Success Folks!We’re gathering insights from the CS community to understand the key trends, challenges, and priorities for 2025! 🌟Your input will help build a detailed industry report on challenges, priorities, budgets, and AI strategies for 2025.📩 We’ll send the report your way once it’s ready! Would be lovely if you could fill out the survey 🙌🏻
submitted by Wilson3440 to CustomerSuccess [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:46 DemonicG0AT Cookie

Cookie submitted by DemonicG0AT to evangelionmemes [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:46 taylorman069 What grade is this?

I couldn’t find what grade these strips were anywhere on the package . When there’s no USDA sticker, how can you tell?
submitted by taylorman069 to steak [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:46 lnyxia Is my attack/crit rate too low?

Is my attack/crit rate too low? 5 piece havoc with crownless and the standard 5 star sword.
submitted by lnyxia to CamellyaMains [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:46 woohoo_zipline PSX W: Mule (max weapons) H: Anything

50ish weapons. Many dupes
submitted by woohoo_zipline to PatchesEmporium [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:46 PixelatedBoy55555 Neptune 4+ grinding and knocking over problem

Ive had the Neptune 4 for around two months but recently when i printed something it would start grinding at around 70-100 layers but i left it to see what would happen and it knocked over the supports so i tried again and with no supports it knocked over the print after an hour or so, so i started increasing the z offset to stop it from grinding but sometimes if i was too late it would still brake and increasing would causing lines in prints. its used more filament braking than i can buy.
submitted by PixelatedBoy55555 to 3Dprinting [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:46 TheDestressedMale When was the first leash?

When was the first leash/tethecollar? It seems we have found one artifact that implies the technique was in use on dogs in the fourth millenium. Do we know when the first collar was created, and what species it was used on? Is it possible this dates back 100,000+ years? Would neanderthals and denovians and other early humans have utilized this technology? On eachother? On themselves?
The Timeline of domestication starts with dogs 10,000YBP. Rope tethering was surely used before wild lupin.
submitted by TheDestressedMale to AskAnthropology [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:46 PhilosophyGuilty9433 Best app for learning commonest words in Swedish

I used to use Memrise for this and loved it. What’s everyone else using for 80/20 learning?
submitted by PhilosophyGuilty9433 to Svenska [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:46 RegularFries Joyrider simulator 2024

submitted by RegularFries to moza [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:46 Sufficient-Trick-201 Hmmmm..

Little one snuggled up so good he looks like a fold in the fabric
submitted by Sufficient-Trick-201 to ThereIsnoCat [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:46 T4HIRO0O SURGE AND DESTROY!

SURGE AND DESTROY! Am I a certified bro now?
submitted by T4HIRO0O to SurgeGang [link] [comments]