why would i be denied?

2024.11.26 06:41 snarkysharky03 why would i be denied?

i paid off over $400 earlier before the app crashed i was approved for a purchase for amazon just needed to put down a deposit now it’s denying me all together?! i’m well below my purchase power wth…
submitted by snarkysharky03 to Affirm [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:41 Chillsadguy Fell in love with my friend and I don’t know what to do

So my friend and I are really close. We both have dealt with a lot and it was so fucking great to just have someone who got you. Feels like a special little bond that we can always be ourselves with.
I never had any intentions of falling for her but here we are. It’s so fucking tough. I am very much an over-thinker and anxiety ridden and she doesn’t care. She helps me, listens to me and all of the above.
About a week ago I just got hit with this weird ass feeling and I couldn’t figure out why. Now keep in mind I am a bit of a helpless romantic and that itself can suck. Anyways, the more I thought about it, the more I realized she made me feel this way. I realized how much I care for her and how those feelings developed into way more than I intended.
I feel so fucking ashamed because I don’t know how to even go about it. We are close but idk how she feels about me and ofc anxiety kicks in and I automatically assume the worst. There is SO much more that complicates things but part of me feels like she may have feelings? But the other part is saying I’ll fuck things up and make things weird and my friendship with her is too important to do so. But what if I miss my chance. Ahhh fuck :( being alone with my thoughts and anxiety kicking in is the worst in this situation.
submitted by Chillsadguy to lonely [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:41 CarOk2604 New GSSR Banner

Can anyone tell me why the new GSSR banner that released yesterday isn’t showing up for me? I must be missing something, but I’m so confused.
submitted by CarOk2604 to grandorder [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:41 Asleep-Beat-7856 Three Years Later, QuadrigaCX Still under the Microscope of Blockchain Analytics Firm. Here’s Why… - Netcoins - Buy Bitcoin

Three Years Later, QuadrigaCX Still under the Microscope of Blockchain Analytics Firm. Here’s Why… - Netcoins - Buy Bitcoin submitted by Asleep-Beat-7856 to CryptoEducationHub [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:41 vanyshersolis Half demon inuyasha tessaiga fang sword

Half demon inuyasha tessaiga fang sword submitted by vanyshersolis to BigGiantSwords [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:41 xeewai [FOR HIRE] $30 STARTING PRICE

[FOR HIRE] $30 STARTING PRICE submitted by xeewai to HungryArtists [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:41 Tanawy I have a bunch of Questions about Quests. What's this story about missing quests? And how does the Updates and Multyplayer stuff works?

Hello everyone, I recently bought Stories 2 for the Switch; I have yet to play it, but just a few hours ago I got a glimpse on the Internet about some kind of problem, like that certain DLC Quests do not show up or something. That made me ponder a few questions, I hope somebody can help me:
Can someone better elaborate what is that about? Are some Quests to be downloaded from the Internet? (I think there is a Connecticat or something that lets you do that? After how much time of tutorial/intro I have to play before I can check if everything is good with it?)
On that note, I saw that some stuff is apparently locked behind Multyplayer; since the game has Co-op, can't I technically do something with it?
Tnak you in advance.
submitted by Tanawy to MonsterHunterStories [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:41 Individual_Goose4852 My head hurts

My head hurts submitted by Individual_Goose4852 to badparking [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:41 No-Philosophy8136 Hirtelen hosszú évek langyos pocsolyája utána lehetséges nagy ívű karrier emelkedés, ti hogy kezelnétek ezt?

Gyengébb tanuló voltam az iskolában, sajnos nem voltam olyan szerencsés helyzetben, mint akik abból megélnek 4-5-ös szinten amit a tanórákon hallottak. Erre utána még a kamaszkori lázadás is rátett egy lapáttal. Folyamatos félresiklott pályaválasztási kísérletek, végül egy érettségis "melós" lettem. Volt több munkahelyem, szereztem ilyen olyan tapasztalatokat, és van egy pár plussz skillem, de alapvetően nem mertem volna magamtól semmi komolyabb helyre pályázni, ami nem csak "meló" mert világ életemben ezt ismertem, és attól tartottam nem vennének majd komolyan. Most a jelenlegi munkahelyemen adódott egy elég komoly előrelépési lehetőség ami ráállíthat egy komolyabb karrierútra, és ha minden jól összejön akkor talán kompenzálni tudja majd a közoktatásban és fiatal munkavállalóként alacsony hozzáadott értékű munkákkal elpocsékolt éveimet. Egyenlőre még semmi nem fix és biztos, de bizakodó vagyok. De sajnos folyamatosan férkőzik be a fejembe a bizonytalanság sajnos nyilván valóan a múltbéli rossz tapasztalataim miatt, hogy biztos menni fog ez nekem? képes leszek rá? van nekem ehhez elég eszem? Miközben tudom, hogy meg kell tudnom csinálni, és ez az egyetlen lehetőség, hogy végre bizonyítsak saját magamnak, hogy nem vagyok annyira buta gyerek ahogy annó egyes tanárok leírtak.
Amíg be nem jött ez a lehetőség a láthatárba, eszembe se jutott, hogy ennyire önbizalomhiányos lennék, de most hirtelen szembe találtam magam ezzel a szituval. Jó tanácsok? Saját sztorik? Esetleg self-development könyvek, amik segíthetnek a témában?
submitted by No-Philosophy8136 to tanulommagam [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:41 Alexander-305 "STIX Hits KCEX! 🚀💰"

. Exciting news! 🚀 @STIXprotocol is joining KCEX! 💼 Deposits Open ⏰ Trading Starts: Nov 26, 2024, 07:00 UTC .#KCEX #STIXprotocol #CryptoTrading #NewListing #Web2Meme
submitted by Alexander-305 to KCEX [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:41 Prize_Young_7588 Bluey Privvy Coins spotted at Aus Post

Bluey Privvy Coins spotted at Aus Post Just a bit of a public service announcement. Yesterday, I noticed that my local post office had had a restock of these. Has anyone else seen them at their local 🇦🇺 Australia Post outlet in the last few days? (I couldn't get a full set, and another post office had none).
submitted by Prize_Young_7588 to bluey [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:41 Awkward-Umpire-9222 Are you a call center agent? Please answer my survey!

Are you a call center agent? Please answer my survey! submitted by Awkward-Umpire-9222 to Marikina [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:41 Connect-Ad524 My SPO2 went from 87% to 99% in a minute

what are the chances that the 87% was a misreading? i wasn't moving and i didn't have cold hands
submitted by Connect-Ad524 to Pulmonology [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:41 LemurianSentinel When greed ends a potential god run...

submitted by LemurianSentinel to noita [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:41 djbeema2 Cleaning a chroma controller?

Is there anything to be aware of when cleaning these as opposed to a regular controller? Didn't know if the sparkly finish is affected differently. I cleaned mine with a clorox wipe like I normally do with my others before realizing it might need something more delicate. I could swear it's less sparkly now but that's probably my paranoid imagination 🤣
submitted by djbeema2 to Dualsense [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:41 TheStrayAlien Fluffy haired twink 😈

Fluffy haired twink 😈 submitted by TheStrayAlien to GayRateMeTwinks [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:41 Retrocop101 Mushroom madness.

submitted by Retrocop101 to Yorkies [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:41 longlivekingx0 desi girls are the best 😲😍🤭

desi girls are the best 😲😍🤭 submitted by longlivekingx0 to desihubxxx [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:41 Altruistic_Truck2421 Best Starfield Romance and why?

submitted by Altruistic_Truck2421 to Starfield [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:41 SophieGoodspeed Stocking Stuffers for Seniors on at London Drugs

Please consider picking up a tag from the tree and spread some love to local seniors this Christmas.
I miss my grandparents every day and picking out gifts for this program reminds me of shopping for them years ago. ❤️
submitted by SophieGoodspeed to princegeorge [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:41 Jisoeslastbeug Posted on Facebook for stealing paint

Reckon cops Will follow it up or should it be fine
submitted by Jisoeslastbeug to graffhelp [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:41 Anxious_Ordinary6163 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Anxious_Ordinary6163 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:41 meth68 Open enrollment suggestions

Hi all, I just got an email from get covered that open enrollment begun. I currently have UHC with my wife but we had issues all year with it from most not accepting it around here to finding doctors ON their website only to find out after our visit they were out of network.
Any suggestions what I should look into, also gym membership assistance to lifetime would be a huge perk even to pay more monthly to get it.
submitted by meth68 to HealthInsurance [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:41 Zonderling81 Skipping med to drink - rebound depression - not worth it

So last weekend on Saturday + Sunday I was in an extra good mood. Its winter here, but we got a break from the cold due to some weird weather event, we got some sunshine and warm temps.
So being in a good mood, I had a "brilliant" idea. I skipped my medication, I thought I would have a good time drinking a few strong beers. Just to relax.
My observation. On the beer drinking itself, It was impossible to catch that typical buzz I was looking for. When I kept pushing after beer number 4 all I got was getting sleepy. Went to bed at 8 PM
Totally not worth it. On Monday my depression came back with avenging. Not really having a typical hangover, but everything seems extra dark and gloomy. Weather reverted back to its dark and wet normal state of the year. No motivation at all. I'm convinced its some kind of rebound effect from skipping the med + depressing action from the alcohol. Idk why I'm writing this, maybe to have some accountability. Or maybe someone can relate or benefit for this experience.
TL:DR: Skipping bupropion just to drink beer won't kill you, but its so not worth it, there is literary no payoff, nothing to gain.
submitted by Zonderling81 to bupropion [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:41 Micscott10 Skiing in Austria

Hi all. I’m currently in Budapest and am planning to rent a car here and drive up to a really nice ski resort in Austria. With the tons of options available I am really overwhelmed and am looking for advice from experienced skiers in the area. Below are some things I’m looking for:

  1. Reasonable driving distance (6-8 hours) I can do. Good roads so I don’t need a 4wd.
  2. I want a resort that’s big enough to explore for 2 days, don’t wanna get bored too quickly.
  3. Not too expensive. Will probably crash at a hostel but should have reasonable parking options. I don’t want to pay Switzerland kind of money lol.
  4. None of the previous ones matter if the experience will be nothing short of AMAZING. I’m from the US and my first time skiing in europe. I want to have the time of my life in the Austrian Alps :’)
Please hit me up with any options you think would be great to explore!! Currently have my eyes kn Ischgl but it seems kinda far with an almost 9 hour drive. Not the worst thing but if there’s an equally good option closer, would prefer that!
Lastly what are the weather conditions for skiing like rn? I’m planning to go in the next couple of weeks.
submitted by Micscott10 to Austria [link] [comments]
