[Titanium White Diestro] [Crimson Diestro: Two-Tone] [Sand Castle] [Startrack] [Sky Blue Burner: Inverted] [Blue Rocks]

2024.11.26 06:40 RLCD-Bot [Titanium White Diestro] [Crimson Diestro: Two-Tone] [Sand Castle] [Startrack] [Sky Blue Burner: Inverted] [Blue Rocks]

submitted by RLCD-Bot to RLCustomDesigns [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:40 lssqa3433 Multiple post test for 26/11/2024 06:39:33 #1

Example text for post #1
submitted by lssqa3433 to LssAutomation [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:40 LootGoblin3000 Opinions on the upcoming update (PTS)

Hiya. Time to revive this sub after a month.
What are your opinions on the update? What do you like and what you don't?
I personally don't like the new building system. Yes the old one was glitchy but misaligning the scaffolds coudl lead to some me creative bases. Upkeep is downright awful.
Lastly the newbie zone. Holy smokes who thought that was a good idea... If we had random spawns along the beaches across the map it would be way better. I expect newbie zone will have loads of snipe bases and owners will shoot for fun out of spite.
submitted by LootGoblin3000 to deadside [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:40 EastSociety5750 Pushpa 2 is setting fire to the BO.

Pushpa 2 is setting fire to the BO. submitted by EastSociety5750 to tollywood [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:40 Difficult-Command281 19m bi horny as fuck. Need someone to milk me. Discord jerkbud0967 session 05d5283a89c73624a5449ac8d6e86af7f4b1148b457d5f4514ec6afb36826af646

submitted by Difficult-Command281 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:40 candidchopper Where do I get a 2nd hair transplant as 29 year old in USA? Mexico? Or Europe ? Return to Dr Bisanga? First transplant was when I was 24.

I'd like to get a 2nd hair transplant to touch up and improve my hairline. I’m posting here to get input from the community and/or recommendations here.
I'm 29. I had a hair transplant from Dr Christian Bisanga when I was 24, and he gave me 2500 grafts.
I've noticed over the last year or 2 that I need an increasing amount of hair fiber in order to look confident when I go out.
Photos: https://imgur.com/a/cPcJ8MK

  1. How did my transplant turn out?
  2. Would I benefit from more grafts since it’s been 5 years?
  3. Should I ideally return to the same doctor?
    1. Cost is a factor. I'm questioning if going to the same Dr just because of his reputation is worth it because it cost $8000 or so.
    2. I'm highly considering HMR in Mexico or Estenove. Ideally something in Mexico or Europe that isn't expensive.
Goal I’d like to get 2.5-3k grafts again to lower the hairline or fill in more thickness.
Age: 29 years old
Location: NJ, USA
Previous Transplant:
I was 24 yo, and got it in January 2020. We did an FUE with 2500 grafts. The operation was led by Dr. Christian Bisanga.
We decided to do 2500 instead of 3000 grafts because of my age and diffuse donor area since I could always touch up later.
Medicine: oral finasteride 1mg for 6+ years (nearly daily), and oral minoxidil for 4 years (with a couple breaks). I plan to continue.
* Note: There were multiple times throughout the pandemic where I didn't have finasteride for 1-3 weeks at a time. I wonder if me running out 3 or so times caused me to lose my hair further, however it really doesn't looks like my hair loss progressed, just that there weren't enough grafts in the first transplant?
Hair-loss history: I began balding since I was 20 with significant loss by the time I was 24. I began finasteride when I was 23 and the hair loss stabilized.
Donor regions: I think I still have a decent amount of donor hair on the side/back of my head. Additionally I have plenty of thick coarse hair on my back, shoulders, chest, and under my jaw.
The scalp FUE scars are minimal unless you look very close and the hair is short and there’s enough lighting.
Timeframe: I am coming from the USA. I have downtime this DecembeJanuary and no obligations until February/March. I will not have this availability for the next few years due to work and school. I realize now is probably the last chance I’d have to get a 2nd transplant for a long time.
I can provide more photos or videos if it's hard to gauge!
Photos: https://imgur.com/a/cPcJ8MK
Thank you so much. I'd love any input on what to do and potential doctors within my budget. I'd really like to get 3-3.5k grafts in Mexico or Columbia or elsewhere in Europe and ideally would spend $5-6k including airfare. But let me know if this is impossible.
and let me know if I'm best off just going back to Dr. Bisanga?
submitted by candidchopper to HairTransplants [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:40 WallabyEducational36 Mohan Ji in UK and Germany for Investments

I use to complain when only TN and TL use to go to Davos and seek investment, First time I am seeing a Madhya Pradesh CM going abroad to seek investment, We have lot of complains with him but this CM is more industry centric than just being farmer centric.
submitted by WallabyEducational36 to Indore [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:40 ios_post_creator Hello World

submitted by ios_post_creator to LssAutomation [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:40 AdeptMinute5812 [Mobile] [2020] this lost game i cant find

There was this game I used to play on IOS where you could build things but I dont think there was a protagonist or an antagonist i think it was just a free build but i think it had enemies. The game had like a dark blue kinda black background and you could do stuff like turn water into ice. The game was kind of 3d cube shaped. If anyone finds it please let me know
submitted by AdeptMinute5812 to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:40 CityplantWW Car people this is your safe space

Feel free to use this post to comment your favorite car and why, no DMs. Mine has to be the Porsche 918 spyder in that sleek guards red of its. Plus a hybrid! Extra points for me!
submitted by CityplantWW to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:40 cigarrette I can’t get over how good this band is

Ya man. Condemned 84 some of the best to ever do it. And Combat 84. What the fuck into with bands that have “84” in their title? RIP Chubby Chris, heaven has as many Thai hookers as you may desire. Or is that the Islamic heaven? Who knows. Time will tell, or I will see you all in hell anyways!! Muhahahahaba
submitted by cigarrette to Skinhead [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:40 snart_Splart_601 Al Jazeera Investigations reports on the family of 65-year-old grandmother Safiya Al-Jamal - who was critically wounded by Israeli troops raiding her home. Israeli soldiers mocked the family as they lay wounded, used one family member as a human shield, & then ran over Safiya Al-Jamal using a tank.

submitted by snart_Splart_601 to EvilofIsrael [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:40 Ok-You-2660 Should Jinx get a buff?

I lately played a lot of jinx and even though shes very fun to play, her impact in the game feels so low. (compared to other ADC's). Maybe if her base health and damage got just a little bit higher in the early game and the late game scaling stays the same? Because if you get in a match against an ADC who is strong even early, you basically get no chance to farm and it is very hard to catch up later. Jinx is very iconic and it's kind of sad to see her being one of the worst ADC's in the game.
submitted by Ok-You-2660 to wildrift [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:40 Genji_Boi Shoutout donor I encountered twice gave me 300m bubs

Shoutout donor I encountered twice gave me 300m bubs This dude is the goat he gave me 300m bubs total I don’t know how I encountered him twice. First donor I ever encountered.
submitted by Genji_Boi to MarvelSnap [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:40 Curious_Cheerio_839 Less focus on underserved populations as MD/PhD Applicant?

I've already applied and finished all but one of my secondaries, so I'm asking this mainly in planning for potential reapps. When writing about pursuing an MD/PhD, did you guys still tie it back to supporting underserved or vulnerable populations... or mainly focused on advancing research?
submitted by Curious_Cheerio_839 to mdphd [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:40 DancesWithAnyone About that drider guide.

My (seldarine) Drow got some unique dialogue about the preposterous idea that she should follow such an abomination anywhere, and having spotted his lantern, I correctly surmised that he wasn't needed for navigating the shadows at all. So died he did.
But what happens if you follow him? Any events tied to him or the others who foolishly chose to side with this crawling excrement of Lolth?
submitted by DancesWithAnyone to BaldursGate3 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:40 Personal_Maximum999 Stare

Stare submitted by Personal_Maximum999 to eyesgonemildPH [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:40 FamousDnail101 Do y'all think carti is trying to dodge other albums to get no.1?

He might be waiting for other peoples albums to die down since Tyler and Kendrick dropped albums recently. That being said he might get blocked by Kendrick even if he dropped late December
submitted by FamousDnail101 to playboicarti [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:40 TheMaksimAhrov Я сделал комьюнити Новочебоксарска заходите кто там живет или просто по фану

Я сделал комьюнити Новочебоксарска заходите кто там живет или просто по фану Лол
submitted by TheMaksimAhrov to chuvashian [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:40 TheStrayAlien Fluffy haired twink 😈

Fluffy haired twink 😈 submitted by TheStrayAlien to TrapCuties [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:40 MessyyNick Camp 🏕️

Camp 🏕️ How do you guys feel about this look? I thought it was giving kinda campy 🩵
submitted by MessyyNick to RDRSuperstar [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:40 Aggravating_Pie_5340 help!!!!! nose injury or potential disease

help!!!!! nose injury or potential disease never in my career in fishkeeping have i ever seen this. my betta lady has swelling on only her nostril hole and i have no idea why. i thought maybe she bumped it and the swelling would go down, but it has actually gotten slightly worse. what could cause this? her behavior hasnt changed, nothing recent added to the tank.
i have no idea what this could be!
what treatment do i need for her and what is her condition?
submitted by Aggravating_Pie_5340 to bettafish [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:40 xoxefo3952 Amada Esposa do Deus da Guerra by Feathers to Read for Free - Romance Stories

Minha sogra me odiava tanto porque eu não podia ter um filho para seu filho, embora meu marido e eu estivéssemos casados por seis anos. Ela quer desesperadamente que meu marido se divorcie de mim, então ela e minha melhor amiga armaram para que eu fosse fodida por um estranho. Quando meu marido soube disso, ele zombou de mim e se divorciou de mim. Enquanto arrastava dolorosamente minha bagagem para fora de sua casa, vi minha melhor amiga grávida carregando sua bagagem para dentro da casa de meu marido. Acontece que meu marido engravidou minha melhor amiga. Chorei sangue e deixei a cidade. Sete anos depois, tornei-me um cirurgião geral popular e agora tenho lindos trigêmeos ao meu lado. Mas fui enviado de volta à minha cidade porque minha habilidade médica era mais necessária. Por uma reviravolta do destino, casei-me com um belo soldado. Só depois que retomei o trabalho descobri que o soldado com quem acabei de me casar é o general cinco estrelas, líder de todas as unidades militares do país, além de ser de longe o homem mais rico do país. Sou apenas uma mãe solteira tentando criar uma vida melhor para meus três filhos, agora que me encontrei enredada em seu mundo frio e implacável, como vou sobreviver? E como vou explicar a ele que não sei como meus trigêmeos tinham a mesma semelhança com ele? Read more
submitted by xoxefo3952 to Novelideas [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:40 Equal-Course6802 5.5 months old strains to poop

I’m EBF. Haven’t started solids yet but planning to do so in the next 2 weeks. She is straining and struggling so much to poop and she poops every 2-3 days. Is this normal?
submitted by Equal-Course6802 to NewParents [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:40 desmontes Tarot Lesson for Giuseppe by Alejandro Jodorowsky

Tarot Lesson for Giuseppe by Alejandro Jodorowsky submitted by desmontes to TarotDeMarseille [link] [comments]
