What is this?

2024.11.26 08:50 IrnBruImpossibru What is this?

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submitted by IrnBruImpossibru to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:50 lovesickkitten381 Patience

Moonlit nights, shadows roam, whispers of a heart that's lost its home, yearning for a love that's yet unknown, but still, I hold on to hope's sweet tone, a gentle breeze that carries his name, though distant, I remain, patient and still, for I know he's out there, searching, and someday, our paths will entwine, and love's warm light will be mine.
Through silences, I listen for his sigh, a whispered promise, a gentle reply, across the miles, my heart beats fast, anticipation builds, and love's sweet past lingers, a ghostly refrain, guiding me forward, though lost, I remain, steadfast, true of heart, until the day we meet, and love's pure flame ignites, banishing all doubt, forever unbound.
For in his arms, I'll find my home, where love's warm fire will forever roam, enveloping my heart, a tender nest, where I'll reside in peaceful rest, with every beat, our love will grow, a sweet surrender, where devotion's purest glow shines bright, forever and always, mine, yours, our love's sweet light.
submitted by lovesickkitten381 to justpoetry [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:50 Otherwise-Command- save up to 20% on amazing tours, activities, and experiences worldwide!

save up to 20% on amazing tours, activities, and experiences worldwide! save tours, activities, and experiences
Looking to explore new cities, cultures, and adventures? Sign up with my exclusive link and **save up to 20%** on amazing tours, activities, and experiences worldwide! automatically
Whether you’re planning a day trip, a thrilling excursion, or simply want to enjoy local attractions in style, **find, compare, and book** your perfect experience—all while saving money! 💸
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**Ready to explore? Sign up here and save instantly!**
submitted by Otherwise-Command- to ReferralsDeals [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:50 Okaythrowawayacct Does anyone feel like they embarrass themselves a lot in social situations?

I have had periods where I had a friend groups and at the moment I’m friendless. I’m trying to put myself out there to get new friends but I keep thinking of past experiences that make me cringe so bad. It’s like I don’t know how to act appropriately and always say the wrong thing, or ruin an opportunity by over sharing or trauma dumping or info dumping. Or embarrass myself by considering an acquaintance as a friend and doing too much too soon into the relationship.
I know social skills should be practiced and I will make mistakes but it sucks! I’m 28 and have the social skills of a toddler and fear at this point it will be even more difficult to find friends since people this age already have friends and some are even getting married etc.
Can anyone relate?
submitted by Okaythrowawayacct to AutisticAdults [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:50 fyian Early Access Nov 25 Update

We have a new update rolling out now! And we're planning another for early tomorrow Australian time.
First, here's what's NOT in today's build. We have a fix for the visible movement lag issue tested and ready, but it's such a significant change to our netcode that we did not want to push it out at the end of the team's day today in case there were any side-effects that would cause major problems for users that we couldn't catch in our small-scale testing. We plan on rolling out the build with that lag issue tomorrow as soon as the Australian team starts their day.
We have also been working on damage changes based on user feedback. We still have more tweaking to do, but we hope to roll out an experimental version of those changes very soon that can be toggled on for custom matches or for the boxing dummy.
Here is what IS in today's build.
0.1.14 Patch Notes

Also, make sure to check out our roadmap. It's not completely comprehensive, but you can see some of our longer term goals. Follow the link on our website at thethrillofthefight2.com
Thanks again for participating in The Thrill of the Fight 2 Early Access!
submitted by fyian to ThrillOfTheFight [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:50 Crustlung John Oliver

John Oliver This is the best birthday gift ever.
submitted by Crustlung to PokemonTCG [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:50 truth6th Relative lost item on MRT. What to do?

Relative lost an item in MRT toilet, include his personal document and some cash.
Reported police but police seems unwilling to do anything or even bother to check the CCTV on the MRT station.
What can be done at this point ? Or just move on?
submitted by truth6th to askSingapore [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:50 leilamaee_ which do i look the prettiest in?

which do i look the prettiest in? submitted by leilamaee_ to SelfieDump [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:50 Working_Prior_8282 Mommyude puthiya saree enganne und friends

Mommyude puthiya saree enganne und friends submitted by Working_Prior_8282 to Actress_Kingdom [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:50 z8Qx-z1Xs ウォルマート、多様性支援を中止-今後「DEI」という用語使わず

ウォルマート、多様性支援を中止-今後「DEI」という用語使わず submitted by z8Qx-z1Xs to newsokuexp [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:50 Comfortable-Ice-5584 Deutsche Synchro und Sprecher

Hallo ihr lieben. Die Frage ist mir zwar etwas peinlich aber dennoch hoffe ich ihr könnt mir helfen. Kennt sich jemand mit dem Quereinsteigen in die Synchro Branche aus ? Ich würde von mir selbst behaupten eine Interessante Stimme zu haben und wollte das schon immer mal ausprobieren. Jemand eine Idee wo man da anfangen sollte ? Wo bewirbt man sich oder wo gibt es seriöse Agenturen ?
Sorry falls dies das falsche Bord ist -
submitted by Comfortable-Ice-5584 to anime [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:50 Wooden_Mud7815 Some of my characters. Please give it a try.

Hi. I have several characters. Please check my c.ai (Malek Sinner) and you can check others through my profile :
submitted by Wooden_Mud7815 to ShareYourCharacters [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:50 Hswetheart Todo ano novo me sinto deslocada

Meus colegas estavam falando no trabalho que não vão trabalhar, e me peguei pensando que mesmo que eu não vá trabalhar, não tenho nenhum compromisso interessante para ir.
Todos os anos que passei tentando comemorar o ano novo eu sempre me metia em ciclos sociais de pessoas que não eram tão próximas de mim, ou que só não tinham a mesma vibe de curtir que nem eu, e me sinto deslocada, que não faço parte. Todo ano a mesma sensação, é muito ruim pq eu ficava "nah, deveria só ter ido trabalhar"
Tenho pessoas que eu posso passar, pessoas que gosto muito, mas ali na hora eu sinto que tô nada a ver ali. Não sei se é a expectativa que eu tenho do ano novo, mas fico sempre nesse looping
Eu poderia passar com meu namorado, mas geralmente ele passa com os amigos dele, que tem uma vibe beeem diferente (tipo usar droga etc e eu só bebo e no máximo fumo um) e fico com receio de ficar deslocada (como sempre) e estragar o rolê dele.
Sabe aquela coisa, vai ter o "rolê dos manos" e aí "fulano de tal vai trazer a namorada......"
Eles nunca reclamaram de mim, meu namorado diz que eles gostam de mim, mas, sei lá não quero ser a chata
Tenho um amigo que poderia chamar para beber e talvez ir para um lugar que tenha virada, tipo um bar sla, mas pensei que meu namorado acharia paia (apesar de ele já saber da nossa amizade e ser de boa com isso). Bom fico meio assim...
Só um desabafo mesmo, as vezes esses pequenos momentos que me sinto deslocada me fazem me sentir bem sozinha no fim das contas, como se não me encaixasse em lugar nenhum.
Todo ano esses eventos me deixam meio deprimida :/
submitted by Hswetheart to desabafos [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:50 Same_Strawberry_4123 Weed 🥦

Weed 🥦 Ist alles was ich hab. Wird das was? Oder lieber den gewinn mitnehmen?
submitted by Same_Strawberry_4123 to wallstreetbetsGER [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:50 ThI_Inder Lady Annabelle as waves cleaner

Lady Annabelle as waves cleaner Hi everybody.
Just wondering if Lady Annabelle can clean S8 of Cursed City Hard in correct equipment. I don't see other options to survive (see screenshot). Lady Anabelle of mine can be ranked to 6 and awaken to 5 star
submitted by ThI_Inder to RaidShadowLegends [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:50 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Sports] - ’Bows hoping to have blast with the past with throwback unis | Honolulu Star-Advertiser

[Sports] - ’Bows hoping to have blast with the past with throwback unis | Honolulu Star-Advertiser submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:50 Feeling_Welcome9884 hiya! 19-3f here :3 i’m sooo horny right now, and i really need to be fed to cum.. i love NL and forced :3 0584289d35ffdb80bf49cecc8c52a743c3b8782bff3447dfc40a8a65ec2f191153

submitted by Feeling_Welcome9884 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:50 wankerzoo Trump vows to impose 25% tariffs on goods from Mexico and Canada | President-elect Donald Trump announced plans to impose 25% tariffs on goods from Mexico and Canada, and 10% on Chinese imports in response to the fentanyl smuggling and immigration concerns.

Trump vows to impose 25% tariffs on goods from Mexico and Canada | President-elect Donald Trump announced plans to impose 25% tariffs on goods from Mexico and Canada, and 10% on Chinese imports in response to the fentanyl smuggling and immigration concerns. submitted by wankerzoo to politics2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:50 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Sports] - Acting AD Manin will not seek job permanently | Honolulu Star-Advertiser

[Sports] - Acting AD Manin will not seek job permanently | Honolulu Star-Advertiser submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:50 tom_zeimet Renault announced electric truck with 600km range | electrive

Renault announced electric truck with 600km range | electrive submitted by tom_zeimet to EuroEV [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:50 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Sports] - UH Board of Regents upholds surprise firing of athletic director | Honolulu Star-Advertiser

[Sports] - UH Board of Regents upholds surprise firing of athletic director | Honolulu Star-Advertiser submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:50 Appropriate_Pea4644 Employee Experience Trends in 2025

As we approach 2025, the landscape of employee experience (EX) is undergoing significant transformation. Organizations are increasingly recognizing that a positive employee experience is not just a perk but a critical component of business success.
Here are the top 5 trends;
Trend 1: Focus on Supporting through Systems 2025 will bring an increased focus on supporting employees through enhanced systems and processes. This includes;

Trend 2: Instilling Trust Matters Trust in leadership and a sense of inclusion are critical components of a positive employee experience. However, only 56% of employees believe their leaders would prioritize employee well-being above short-term gains. (Qualtrics)
Trend 3: Comprehensive Employee Onboarding Strategies Companies with well-organized onboarding improve new hire retention by 82% and productivity by over 70%.
The quality of employee onboarding sets the tone for the entire employee experience and impacts retention and performance.
Trend 4: The Importance of Digital Employee Experience: AI and Automation AI and automation in 2025 will be a focus to:
Trend 5: Upskilling and Development Employee development and opportunities for growth have always been key factors for employees when deciding on a new role. And with the rise of AI integration into workplaces, this takes on new importance.
Check out more if you like on https://usewhale.io/blog/employee-experience-why-smart-sops-are-the-next-big-win/
submitted by Appropriate_Pea4644 to Employeetrainingtips [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:50 IsaacRArt Not able to sleep so I drew something

Not able to sleep so I drew something submitted by IsaacRArt to drawing [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:50 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Sports] - Hawaii will have its hands full with North Carolina | Honolulu Star-Advertiser

[Sports] - Hawaii will have its hands full with North Carolina | Honolulu Star-Advertiser submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:50 Asleep-Pirate9016 How many bananas did you scroll this year

How many bananas did you scroll this year submitted by Asleep-Pirate9016 to teenagers [link] [comments]
