2024.11.26 08:40 Commercial_Wait_2025 Jetzt wird´s spannend...
submitted by Commercial_Wait_2025 to MeierKrimis [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 08:40 mg43fromhamburg As promised, Kazdel's potential leaders for Hearts of Originium 4
submitted by mg43fromhamburg to 0sanitymemes [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 08:40 krajacic How can I save all settings in Forge from previous generation? Or export and upload settings?
Hey everyone,
I primarily use ComfyUI, but lately, I've been testing the [Forge] Flux Realistic sampling method. It's becoming quite tedious to re-enter settings in ADetailer, ControlNET, and other nodes every time I restart Forge WebUI.
Is there a way to export my current settings and upload them later when needed?
The PNG Info option isn't very effective—it only imports details like the sampling method, scheduler, steps, seed, and dimensions. Unfortunately, it doesn't work for settings in ADetailer and other components.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
submitted by krajacic to StableDiffusion [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 08:40 jolly_hatdawg will we ever get more cheese?
I think it would be a great thing to add more cheese like we can have four cheese pizza, cheese burger pizza with actual cheddar cheese, creamy spinach (new ingredient alert!!) pizza, pepper-jack pizza
...or not.
submitted by jolly_hatdawg to GoodPizzaGreatPizza [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 08:40 mmeikol What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by mmeikol to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 08:40 Ok_Yogurtcloset_48 Tipps zu meinem Port5
Irgendwelche Tipps ? Einfach weiterlaufen lassen ? Verkaufen?... Steh gerade bissel aufm Schlauch. Sparpläne laufen in den etf ,nvidea und take two
submitted by Ok_Yogurtcloset_48 to Aktien [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 08:40 Rare_Section_187 C1 projector...native OS apps vs Fire Stick 4K apps..do they look different?
has anyone compared the two using the same app to see a diiference in picture quality and settings options? The included OS has all the apps I use except Hulu, I wonder if a netflix movie will look better using a firestick 4K versus netflix included in the C1's OS
submitted by Rare_Section_187 to Hisense [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 08:40 HannoPicardVI NovaAir Flight 128 diverted to Keflavik International Airport in Reykjavík "after female co-pilot dies onboard after suffering a stroke". The A340 had flown out of Brussels and had been due to land in Toronto in Ontario the next morning
An international flight from Brussels to Toronto was forced to divert to Iceland today "following a medical emergency."
NovaAir Flight 128 was flying from Brussels to Toronto when a "medical incident" was reported onboard.
A spokesman for NovaAir stated, "An in-flight emergency led to the Captain sending out a Mayday call and Flight 128 was diverted to Keflavik International in Reykjavík. The plane was deplaned and all passengers were transferred to another flight."
It is understood that the co-pilot, 38 year old British national Laura Hooper, "suffered a stroke" and died onboard Flight 128.
NovaAir is a relatively new airline, beginning operations in 2022 and the airline regularly advertises low-cost flights from Europe to Canada.
This wouldn't be the first incident to affect the young airline. In December 2023, a "bomb threat" led to RAF jets escorting a Boston-bound NovaAir A340 flight to an Air Force base in northern England and two passengers were detained and arrested. In April 2024, a Nigerian stowaway was found dead in the wheel well of a Brussels to Toronto NovaAir flight and to make matters worse, a postmortem found that he had suffered gunshot wounds to his right arm which had been sustained prior to the flight. It was not immediately clear how he had managed to get into secure areas of the airport or the wheel well itself.
submitted by HannoPicardVI to stories [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 08:40 Odd_Industry_2376 Is it normal to feel morally guilty about skipping a class?
Hi, I am EE freshman and I often skip my classes of engineering maths because I went to math gymnasium, I did most of linear algebra, including matrices, eigenvalues and eigenvectors and all that the professor does is walks from one point to another point in the amphitheater and speaks 3 words per 5 seconds, ultra slow. In classes of technical mechanics, prof. is proving Newton's axioms and general axioms of statics which again leads me nowhere close to solving an actual problem in the exam. In programming classes, the prof is reading from the slides and I guess it's more useful to visit programming practice classes which I never miss though.
For such subjects I certainly feel like I can do much more if I mass-solve problems by myself instead of sitting there and wasting my time but damn, since I went to high school and the attendance was obligatory, now that I switched to this system, I am feeling like a bad person.
I wanted to know what y'all had as experience with this, especially older generations or people who have similar ethical thought-struggle as myself, how they are coping with it.
I would kindly appreciate 🤞🏻🙏🏻
submitted by Odd_Industry_2376 to EngineeringStudents [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 08:40 Lezzlo21 Nachricht geschrieben, Empfänger will mich nun anzeigen
Hallo liebe Schwarmintelligenz, gestern habe ich beschlossen dem Ex Partner meiner Mutter eine Nachricht zu schreiben. Er hat mich im Kindesalter sehr traumatisiert und bis heute habe ich mit Panikattacken und unter anderem einer generalisierten Angststörung zu kämpfen, die auf diese Zeit mit ihm von einem Therapeuten zurückzuführen ist. Gestern habe ich beschlossen mich endgültig von ihm zu distanzieren und ihm eine Nachricht geschrieben, die Rückblickend wahrscheinlich doch etwas zu emotional war. Nun möchte er mich wegen Verleumdnung, übler Nachrede oder Beleidigung anzeigen, was er über meinen Halbbruder bzw. Seinen Sohn angekündigt hat und nun habe ich natürlich etwas Angst, was auf mich zukommen kann. Ich bin aktuell noch Studentin und ohne festes Einkommen. Ich fände es gut, wenn einige von euch die Lage einschätzen können. Ich werde die Nachricht anonymisiert unten dazuschreiben.
Schon einmal vielen Dank für eure Einschätzung.
Fyi: die Nachricht habe ich NUR ihm geschickt, er hat sie im Anschluss noch meinem Halbbruder weitergeleitet.
Nachricht: Hallo, ich möchte dir heute schreiben, um dir mitzuteilen, dass ich von nun an nicht länger von dir kontaktiert werden möchte, auch nicht an meinem Geburtstag. Ich werde niemals vergessen können, was du und Mutter mir angetan habt, und ich werde den Kontakt daher auch bis auf jede kleinste Nachricht abbrechen. Ich empfinde, dass das, was ihr gemeinschaftlich gemacht habt, definitiv nicht das "Beste" für mich war, wie ihr es immer so schön gesagt habt, sondern eher das Schlimmste, was mir im Leben jemals wiederfahren ist. Ich liebe Halbbruder von ganzem Herzen und ich werde auch weiterhin immer und jederzeit für ihn da sein. Falls er mich irgendwann danach fragt, werde ich ihm von alldem erzählen, was ihr beiden mir in meiner Jugend angetan habt und welche Folgen ich davon für immer tragen werde. Aber jetzt ist es an der Zeit, Schluss mit meinen Tätern zu machen und endlich für mich selbst einzustehen und Grenzen zu ziehen. Dafür ist dieser endgültige Schlussstrich mit Kontaktabbruch unausweichlich. Alles Gute
Vielen Dank für eure Aufmerksamkeit
submitted by Lezzlo21 to LegaladviceGerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 08:40 _Zso What are convenient alternatives to a hangboard?
I've been climbing for 8-9 days now, and am comfortably sitting at V11 level.
However I find myself struggling to do overhang routes, and slabs, and verts, or any climb requiring crimps, pinches, or jugs.
I would like to workout at home, but don't have access to Google, YouTube, a library, or friends.
How badly does punching holes in the wall to use as holds damage the walls?
What kind of punching gloves should I purchase
submitted by _Zso to ClimbingCircleJerk [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 08:40 Firm-Presentation314 ✨ Day 11! ✨ Ace won Evil Idiot! Who would fit Evil Rizz?
submitted by Firm-Presentation314 to BungouStrayDogs [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 08:40 BrittanyKisses01 Golden Goose - best version
So this pair is the newest batch from HC. The leather feels really good quality, soft and shinny.
The scratches are well placed not to many, they are just right. I got this pair and another one, that I will post tomorrow.
Each of them coming at 40$, really good price for the quality of the shoe. We do not have that much sellers with the quality that HC offers on this pair that is why I decided buying from him after 1 month of search for a good pair
To sum up, I paid 40$ for this pair and I have to say that I would rather buy the same pair again from him instead of another seller, the 10 dollar difference that we see on HC comparing to other sellers is really worth it, only if you have a real pair in one hand and fake on another, of course in that case you can notice small differences
Hope I helped you guys that are deciding about where to buy this pair, I have some other products from my latest haul to review. Stay tuned
submitted by BrittanyKisses01 to repbudgetsneakers [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 08:40 SpiderUnderUrBed Does KDE plasma have a systemd service dedicated for its startup?
I am not talking about the sddm service or display-manager service or whatever is your login manager, I meant something specific to kde plasma, I am working on some systemd services for hyprland and KDE and I need to be able to set attributes like wantedBy or bindsTo or after for kde and hyprland, I set it for hyprland, but I need to know of a appropriate user service to use for this use case.
submitted by SpiderUnderUrBed to kde [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 08:40 DifficultLawfulness9 SDA collector Review in 2024: how was it?
I like to gather different kinds of facts and information, and I found something called "SDA Collector." Getting and putting together information quickly and correctly is key. This sounds like it could really help me get my projects and study done faster, which is why I'm interested. Have any of you used SDA Collector before? I'd like to know how simple it is to use and whether it can be used for different types of data collection. Someone who has tried it would be very helpful. How did you feel? Does it do what you want it to do for getting data? Was it easy to use?
submitted by DifficultLawfulness9 to ComputerPrivacy [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 08:40 rusakovic 📩 Government Relations Analyst Salary: 💰$100,000 - $115,000. 📍Remote job in 🇺🇸 United States
submitted by rusakovic to likeremote [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 08:40 PoorPcMr how to move pdf content text?
pretty much when we export a pdf of a drawing, any text thats in the exported pdf cant be selected or moved, it can be edited by using the pdf tools>Edit pdf text option, but thats all, the only way to move it is to cut the pdf text then paste it, which converts the text to a moveable editable text box, but this doesnt work on more than one piece of text at a time
is there a way to convert the whole pdf to seperate, editable entities or something similar?
and im certain that the text is not flat because it can be edited when using pdf tools and ive tried unflatterning it
submitted by PoorPcMr to Revu [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 08:40 stre11122 Enameled grill or cast iron grill?
Hello everybody, I am going to buy this charcoal grill today. I have found it in the same price (80 euros), from 2 different brands. The one has enameled grill grates and the other one has cast iron grates. If I had the option I would choose inox grates but there are not available with the grill. Maybe later I will order a custom inox grate. Since I have cast iron pans, and I know that they need care after use, I am confused which is better. I am afraid that enameled steel grates will get damaged? And is it ok for high temperatures such as charcoal grilling? Which one you think is a better option for charcoal and for slow cooking? Enameled or cast iron? Thank you in advancee! Attached are pictures of the cast iron grate (one with round piece) and black steel grates. https://preview.redd.it/cfmm7ybak73e1.png?width=900&format=png&auto=webp&s=7452fb701471ddfa68f310558cfa77fbab21a8bc https://preview.redd.it/1stcctpjj73e1.png?width=376&format=png&auto=webp&s=22b8b71d8dcae683152aa560a5793ae271cf4025 https://preview.redd.it/ni7v6ayhj73e1.png?width=706&format=png&auto=webp&s=43e6cfff641ced431bb981f520bc66a9b79908d5 https://preview.redd.it/u27cl9j5h73e1.png?width=504&format=png&auto=webp&s=68b1892f43134c916b9cf0c0ddb1ae3e186adb9f submitted by stre11122 to BBQ [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 08:40 TriSquPenHexSeptOct SCT with 9/10 match
Hello! Anyone have any experience with 9/10 HLA matched stem cell transplant that they can share?
My partner (33m) has NPM1 mutated AML which unfortunately hasnt quite yet gone after 2 rounds of chemo (15 copies of mutated cells per 100,000 left in the peripheral blood; 147 leukaemia cells in 100,000 left in the bone marrow). Docs are trying a third round of chemo (high dose cytarabine) but might have to move to SCT.
They can only find a 9/10 match so far. We are gonna do a big push to try to find a 10/10 match but just in case we can’t, any experience with a mismatched donor transplant?
Also, any advice on things we can try to request/investigate from the docs? Any trials or other drugs etc? We have requested mylotarg/gemtuzumab, just waiting to see what they say…
Thanks everyone x
submitted by TriSquPenHexSeptOct to leukemia [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 08:40 TheOriginalSamBell Performers who buy songs from Max Martin & Co. are dead to me as musicians
The music industry has always been a machine that turns art into product, with professional songwriters crafting hits for performers who are more marketable faces than artists. From Tin Pan Alley to Max Martin's pop factory, musicians have long been buying prefabricated emotional experiences instead of creating their own. When artists outsource their musical storytelling, they're not just selling a song - they're selling out the entire premise of musical authenticity. It's a betrayal of what music should be: a raw, personal expression that comes from the artist's lived experience, not a calculated commercial transaction designed to top the charts.
The older I get the less tolerance I have for all this generic garbage that harasses us everywhere, all the time.
submitted by TheOriginalSamBell to LetsTalkMusic [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 08:40 1st-time-on-reddit H: 40k caps W: 50 leaders
800 per
submitted by 1st-time-on-reddit to Market76 [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 08:40 GoldenGrouper Hot arid Mediterranean pioneer trees as support
I am looking for both plants and shrubs to plant as pioneer and support species to generate biomass but also other plants as nitrogen fixer.
I identified one like pseudoacacia but I need more diverse species I want to diversify as much as possible.
I live in Puglia which in the coming year will become more and more hot arid Mediterranean
submitted by GoldenGrouper to Permaculture [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 08:40 No-Emu-1345 did a quick freestyle set on myself
submitted by No-Emu-1345 to Nails [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 08:40 Frosty_Telephone_248 HMU
Selling Loudpunx-VIP-Ticket for Miami for cheap prize since I couldn't find anyone yet...
submitted by Frosty_Telephone_248 to rollingloudfestival [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 08:40 Historical-Room3831 Port placement next week
Hey all,
I will have a procedure next week to put port on my right arm. I already have very bad veins and I think it was a smart decision for me. I do it 2 weeks prior to chemo to not have pain at the timr. I wonder what to expect, how long the pain laats, how it gets better,, and how it effects neck. Is it ok to get a massage for neck and PT to ease pain?
submitted by Historical-Room3831 to breastcancer [link] [comments]