
2024.11.26 09:36 jackbbya123 Perfectenschlag

Perfectenschlag submitted by jackbbya123 to DunderMifflin [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:36 Effective-Trouble07 Hey this is the 10th time I’m doing this cause I’m bored

17M gay love dogs listening to music and watching movies I wanna chat to some peeps I love to watch comedy/ horror comedy and love relaxing/ chilling
submitted by Effective-Trouble07 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:36 WthWangi Mbappe maxed and Toure. Thoughts?

Mbappe maxed and Toure. Thoughts? submitted by WthWangi to DreamLeagueSoccer [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:36 vvilin Je cherche le catalogue 2013 du festival Lumière de l'année de Q. tarantino

Je suis à la recherche du catalogue du Festival Lumière 2013 de l'année de remise du prix à Quentin Tarantino.
Si vous sauriez me rediriger ou si vous l'avez je vous serait grandement reconnaissant 🙏
submitted by vvilin to Livres [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:36 neoIithic stuck at 215 max cyberware capacity

the title. wtf? at the beginning of the game, i would not loot all the bodies just because i didn't understand how the game worked. but now i loot every body and i never find the shards. my capacity is sooo low it really sucks. any tips?
submitted by neoIithic to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:36 D0ggee League of Legends Challenge at the Icheon Airport - Seoul

Hey everyone,
I recently tried the League of Legends challenge at the Icheon Airport in Seoul. The challenge is to get 33 CS per minute by 4:00, and the prize is a passport cover.
I decided to try the challenge in the jungle with Nidalee, using Ghost and Smite as my summoner spells. I was able to complete a full jungle clear in 3:10 and got 24 CS by the time I finished. I was only 9 CS short of hitting the 33 CS mark, but the rules don't allow farming minions in lanes, and it seems that I need a faster way to farm to complete the challenge.
Has anyone here successfully completed this challenge or have any tips on how to get those last few CS more efficiently? I'm wondering if there's a better pathing strategy that might make this easier.
submitted by D0ggee to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:36 MotherAssociation676 محمود اتوفى النهاردة أدعوله بالرحمة

محمود اتوفى النهاردة أدعوله بالرحمة إتعذب كتير والله
submitted by MotherAssociation676 to Mansoura_Dakahlyia [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:36 IntroductionLower238 Game:homicipher

AHHHHHH!!! Cloud moon please add homicipher!!! Very, very please🙏😭
submitted by IntroductionLower238 to CloudMoon [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:36 ajleeblog Baghdad: A Timeless City of Culture, Resilience, and Progress

Baghdad: A Timeless City of Culture, Resilience, and Progress Baghdad, the capital of Iraq, is one of the world's most historically rich and culturally significant cities. Established in the 8th century during the Abbasid Caliphate, it has served as a cradle of knowledge, a hub of trade, and a symbol of resilience through centuries of change.
submitted by ajleeblog to Ajleeblog [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:36 waidoo2 Question: Looking for an anime scene.

Me and my friend were talking about an anime scene but couldn't remember where it was from. Heres what it was: A protagonist talking about either his master or ancestor who was the master of capturing/training huge creatures/monsters/dragons. The scene shows a giant dragon and on top of its head is another small dragon - zoom in and on top of the small dragon's head is the master standing. Appearing to have captured/trained such big creatures. Thanks in advance!
submitted by waidoo2 to anime [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:36 SnooKangarou Are Retail Investors Losing the Patience to Hold? Has the Memecoin Frenzy Destroyed It?

submitted by SnooKangarou to worldoflosers [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:36 FunkyJellyBeanMan Commission Help

hi!! im new to the world of nendoroids and just recently purchased my first one (chuuya nakahara) and i know its quite a leap of faith but i'd like to commission someone for a nendoroid of Makoto Yuuki from ensemble stars!! , for people who have purchased commissioned nendos, where should i go and what face and hair mold suits Makoto the best? Thank you in advance :))
submitted by FunkyJellyBeanMan to Nendoroid [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:36 PasTaCopine Tricks for clothing inventory management?

I love the fact that we have layerable outfits/armor but I often get confused about which piece of clothing occupies which slot (can't have the red scarf and an overcoat at the same time etc) and which piece is the optimal one in my inventory. Is there a trick to facilitate this? Sort of like filtering between allocated slot pieces?
A second challenge is sorting by item stats. I can sort by protection, price and weight but what about charisma and conspicuity for example? When I quickly need to swap between stealth gear, charismatic gear and fighting gear, it takes me a bit of time to figure out what outfit pieces to pick.
submitted by PasTaCopine to kingdomcome [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:36 Independent-Emu3170 I don’t like making decisions

I don’t like making decisions submitted by Independent-Emu3170 to depression_memes [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:36 MrXStitch A weaving so beautiful you feel like you could step right into it! Follow artist Liz Chester here: @liztheweaver #mixedmediaart #mixedmedia #mixedmediaartist #illustrativetextiles #contemporaryart #contemporaryartist #3darts #3dtextiles #weaving...

A weaving so beautiful you feel like you could step right into it! Follow artist Liz Chester here: @liztheweaver #mixedmediaart #mixedmedia #mixedmediaartist #illustrativetextiles #contemporaryart #contemporaryartist #3darts #3dtextiles #weaving... submitted by MrXStitch to Xstitch [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:36 Ill-YaSh03 📢 UniLend Finance Announces

📢 UniLend Finance Announces Greetings from the Gasless Revolution
With more than 150 partnerships joining the Gas Abstraction wave, blockchain interactions will become simpler in the future!
This is a seismic shift in #Web3, not just a new age!
GasAbstraction #NumaNetwork submitted by Ill-YaSh03 to UniLend [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:36 Turbulent_Traffic787 How do I know when to break up?

My (24F) boyfriend and I (24M) have been together for 2 years, and I think our relationship is a too good to leave, too good to stay situation.
For context, things were great the first year. At the start of the second year, we started arguing more and it was always about him not showing me enough affection. He has a hot temper so he has a tendency to say hurtful things when he's upset. The arguments would always end the same way -- he'd apologise and tell me he'd work on it. As the arguments got more frequent, the less I believed him. I wanted to take a break then so we would have some space to think. But we both didn't believe in breaks and wanted to stay on in the relationship, so no break and we worked on it. It worked.
Until a few months ago I realised I wasn't very happy. Many times I had to ask him directly to be nicer to me, some times while crying. He would get defensive when I told him how I felt and the conversation would end up in an argument. I've tried many different ways to communicate my feelings to him and to manage my own emotions, hoping for a different outcome. It never worked, the arguments would always end the same way, apology then a promise. It became such a predictable pattern that I stopped believing those promises, and later on even told him not to apologise our promise me anything. The defensiveness also got a bit worse, and he would end up telling me that I was being unreasonable when I told him how I felt. We had a big argument recently and it triggered me to set an ultimatum, that if I ever felt that disappointment again, I'd leave.
I'm conflicted because the good times I've had with him have been the best. I admire his personality very much and he's a good person, just not so much when we argue. I know that he loves me and I love him. I'm afraid that leaving would mean letting go of the all of this. It's hard for me to believe that I'll experience a love like this again. Part of me knows that I should not be tolerating this from someone who claims to love me, but part of me also can't bear to let go.
Smaller issue that our lives are quite entwined so stakes are a bit higher for me to break up. I'm also dreading the idea of having to meet and talk to new people, what are the odds that I'll be so lucky to meet the one? The fact that I have to spend time to be in a new relationship also scares me, I'm not getting any younger.
Is this a bump in a relationship that couples can work through? Or is this grounds for a break up?
submitted by Turbulent_Traffic787 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:36 Dry_Establishment941 Message me on telegram @Subscription_Provider6 if your want mizo exclusives and mizo leaks 🥵

Message me on telegram @Subscription_Provider6 if your want mizo exclusives and mizo leaks 🥵 submitted by Dry_Establishment941 to IGCSLUTSF [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:36 Valoub18 Rate my GOD PACK

Rate my GOD PACK submitted by Valoub18 to PokemonPocket [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:36 Necessary-Piano-2188 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Necessary-Piano-2188 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:36 ampulafoartemare_96 Voi vota Calin Georgescu in al 2lea tur doar ca sa-i fac pe useristi butthurt. Cope and seethe.

Big L pt USR. Patriotii nu ii vor vota niciodata niste libs si soyjaks.
In primul tur am votat cu Ciolacu. Sper ca componenta nationala a PSD sa se intareasca si sa avem guvern patriotic PSD-AUR-SOS.
submitted by ampulafoartemare_96 to romemes [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:36 Demom-Saiyan-9722 This is my Frieza Race cac what would you name him

This is my Frieza Race cac what would you name him submitted by Demom-Saiyan-9722 to DragonBallXenoverse2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:36 learningtobevulcan Can you help me confirm those are the correct words?

Hello So I want to say change of mind(set)/imagination in Quenya but there are many different words for both change and mind.
I came up with Sáma virya but wanted some opinions before using it. Thanks in advance.
submitted by learningtobevulcan to Quenya [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:36 Maximum-Breakfast-25 [no spoilers] I made a fanart of CaitVi. The full ver is a bit too much to post here so here's a cropped one

[no spoilers] I made a fanart of CaitVi. The full ver is a bit too much to post here so here's a cropped one submitted by Maximum-Breakfast-25 to arcane [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:36 Discombobulated_Pen Is this thrips?

Is this thrips? On my blue star fern, wondering if this is thrips or just a mineral buildup as I just use quite hard water from the tap, bottom watering.
submitted by Discombobulated_Pen to houseplants [link] [comments]