Anywhere in town offer motercycle lessons during winter?

2024.11.26 09:21 Specialist-Air-5862 Anywhere in town offer motercycle lessons during winter?

submitted by Specialist-Air-5862 to RedDeer [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:21 Efficient-Salt8832 Szomszédom laptopjával mi legyen?

Szomszédomat hallottam tegnap mesélni miszerint a céges laptopot minden papír nélkül elhozta miután ott hagyta a céget. Nem akarom, hogy baja legyen, na de mégis csak papírozás nélkül oda adták neki. Kell ezt jeleznem valakinek? Előre is köszi!
submitted by Efficient-Salt8832 to jobshungary [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:21 TB95m8 First ever PSA submission results !

Really happy with the returns, sent the Bellingham on the off chance but not too much of an issue as it’s for my PC anyway. Only took 12 days to get them back too 😁
submitted by TB95m8 to sportscards [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:21 RareLeadership369 Obsessed n possessed,

I’m used to being, copied, envied & hated.
I can’t see myself through the eyes of others, but I do know, narcissistic females absolutely hate me.
I’ve always sincerely felt sorry & had authentic empathy for the unfortunate.
My empathy doesn’t control my emotions, I’m not gonna sacrifice myself, being treated badly, cos I feel empathy for the less popular, less fortunate, less attractive.
Y’all need to Work on urself, heal ur self hatred.
Beautiful comes from being an orb of Love n light.
I’m unsure what’s so fascinating about me, y’all feel the need to gang stalk me, hack into my iPhone. I’m extremely boring to stalk with intention. Lmao.
Generational slavery, masters make commands & Ya’ll comply.
Indoctrinated from further education.
Always Condescending others, cos u’ve been to university, educated yourself back into slavery.
submitted by RareLeadership369 to self [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:21 Diligent_Use_9659 Forced fantasies please dm

submitted by Diligent_Use_9659 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:21 RobotTheKid Anyone have an in-universe location they would like to visit? This scene always felt so relaxing!

submitted by RobotTheKid to cowboybebop [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:21 lord_doofus0 Maharaja

Maharaja submitted by lord_doofus0 to omnimatter [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:21 Charming_Ad3793 Which team is better?

Which team is better? submitted by Charming_Ad3793 to DBLegendsReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:21 anomander_drag3 School going kids of kanpur, when do you have your farewells?

As a former school going kid I was a bit ashamed during farewell as I wasn't dressed well compared to my peers. Is there someone amongst you who cannot afford 1000s of rupees worth dresses and want something good on rent at fractional costs?
submitted by anomander_drag3 to kanpur [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:21 taitai3 BigBang - Bang Bang Bang and Fantastic Baby Reaction Cam ft. (G)I-dle, Zerobaseone, Bibi, Meovv, Dex, and Ahn Jae-hyunMA Awards (241123)

BigBang - Bang Bang Bang and Fantastic Baby Reaction Cam ft. (G)I-dle, Zerobaseone, Bibi, Meovv, Dex, and Ahn Jae-hyunMA Awards (241123) submitted by taitai3 to kpop [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:21 ocolly Slaughter: Alan Bowman's Senior Day is against his former team. How will his current fans honor him?

Slaughter: Alan Bowman's Senior Day is against his former team. How will his current fans honor him? submitted by ocolly to ocollysports [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:21 No-Character2290 What are you proud of?

submitted by No-Character2290 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:21 bahbahhummerbug I want/need something similar to a flange spreader, except not hydraulic, and able (mod or stock) to affix different "tips" to the lever/wedge ends for different tasks

I can picture this thing so cleary in my mind except I haven't been able to find something in mant many hours of hunting.
If I could get a ratcheting flange spreader for what I believe to be reasonable (less than 50, since hydraulic is like 70-100 starting) I woulda gotten that and messed with it. but alas.
my vision: A wedge (like a log splitter wedge but larger), made of two halves, split down the long axis. Inside is a leadscrew that moves another wedge along bearing surfaces on the inside face of the main, outermost wedge. screw moves inner wedge forward which forces the two halves of the outer wedge apart. so basically a flange spreader. I think that's how most/all work at least.
I'd like to be able to screw on different tips to the front section of the spreader in order to make the tool more versitile. I'm always opening cases, trying to align things, lift furniture, etc.
So it's kinda like a set of paralell open/close pliers except that their strong in the opening direction.
I could screw on some really slender, narrow tips for one task. A tip with a curve for something else.
I've thought about making a set of "reverse pliers" with a non-fixed hinge point that uses two sets of jack/leadscrews to provide a constant opening force which could alternate along a set of holes along the length of the two tool halves. Don't really like that idea.
messing around with a scissor jack but that's also not serving well. The trim popping opening pliers from HF are insteresting exept their way too weak and the jaws are totally unsuitable.
oh, and why are these things called "simplex jacks" like a million bucks and why haven't the chinese copied those? they seem to never rip ofF many of the products that I want and should be easy to duplicate and make. those simplex jacks are cool.
submitted by bahbahhummerbug to Tools [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:21 poopooprincessXD traumatic experience at a rave… i want to cut off all my friends

plur is dead. my friend got so fucked up they wouldn’t let her in. i tried to get my other friends who were helping her out inside the venue—ended up getting in a fight with security guards and almost arrested. my friends left me outside on the curb to take care of her while i missed the whole show. they didn’t even care to check up on me or her after it ended. instead, they complained about how she ruined their entire night and left without a word… at least they got to see the show.
huge slap in the face! this experience reminded me how selfish people truly are. i don’t think i can rave ever again… at least not with them. my whole friend group is fake. idk who to rely on anymore. i’m so disappointed.
p.s. the girl who got fucked up was our rave mommy and took care of us all when we first got into raves. she was always dd and the designated water pak/fan carrier.
submitted by poopooprincessXD to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:21 HengiHengi [FOR HIRE] Anime-styled commissions | More info in the comments | DM for details!

[FOR HIRE] Anime-styled commissions | More info in the comments | DM for details! submitted by HengiHengi to artstore [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:21 No-Entertainer8011 $2000 off a new tesla
submitted by No-Entertainer8011 to TeslaReferralsCode [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:21 iR3d17 Amzchef induction hob

Hi I’m looking at replacing our stovetop. We live in a rental and I’ll probably be here for another 5 years. I wanted to get something within the 300€ range and saw this AMZCHEF one. Does anyone have any experience with this or any other low budget options?
submitted by iR3d17 to Appliances [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:21 rosuvertical Davai vot

submitted by rosuvertical to romemes [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:21 rama_rahul Pawan Kalyan gaaru visited the Oxford Bookstore Connaught Place today

submitted by rama_rahul to pawankalyan [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:21 wewdwtnizrub Udacity Black Friday Coupon Code

Check here for Udacity Black Friday Coupon Code
Save 20% with hand-tested Udacity discount codes in November 2024.
submitted by wewdwtnizrub to dealssofjuly [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:21 flyestfishy Theory

Ok, hear me out. What if everyone on from is…everyone from from? Fatima is definitely Martin, and Boyd is definitely Michael, but other than that that…no way. They have to be from characters!!!!
submitted by flyestfishy to FromCircleJerk [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:21 Expensive_Kitchen107 Lf: touch trade Magearna

Just need a Magearna to complete my home dex that’s all :)
submitted by Expensive_Kitchen107 to PokemonHomeRooms [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:21 insideigoweepweep Job Prospects of an Interior Designer?

Hello, what kind of interior design jobs are there? (events, residential, commercial etc and what else?) Also, does anyone know what are the job prospects if i were to choose the non-sales route, and the rough salary range? (for context, i have a diploma in architecture, my bachelors isn’t design-related)
submitted by insideigoweepweep to askSingapore [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:21 Expensive_Kitchen107 Lf: touch trade Magearna

Just need a Magearna to complete my home dex that’s all :)
submitted by Expensive_Kitchen107 to PokemonHomeRooms [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:21 schlafendish WB palkia now 959980569177

submitted by schlafendish to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]