Dear Apprehensive-Tone275, It's Charlie.

Pessoal, Preencham os espaços em branco usando say , tell , speak ou talk da forma mais adequada e comum . A. Don t _lies. It s wrong. I never_any lies. B._hello to your teacher. C. He leaves without_goodbye. D. We_on Facebook every week. E. Can you_.. It's been a long day without you my friend没有老友你的陪伴 日子真是漫长. And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again与你重逢之时 我会敞开心扉倾诉所有. We've come a long way from where we began回头凝望 我们携手走过漫长的旅程 2、It's been such a long time since I played. 自我上次演出以来已有很长时间了。 3、I think it's my round. 我想这轮该我请了。 4、I keep forgetting it's December . 我总是忘了现在是12月了。 5、I think it's very rare to have big families nowadays. 我想,如今大家庭已经很少见了。 这个“Its”用来描述动物或没有生命的物体。“Its”和“It's”经常混在一起,是因为一些人错误地把“It's”当成所有格。 2、It's是 it和 is的缩写形式,是第三人称代词(it)加be动词(is),是"它是"的意思。 例: It's time to buy a new computer.(是时候买一部新的电脑了。 Then it's worth fighting for 总是需要付出无数鲜血 It's not until you fall that you fly 不再畏惧跌倒 直到你展翅高飞的那一刻 When you dreams come alive you're unstoppable 当梦想成真 你便无可阻挡 take a shot chase the sun find the beautiful 挥着双翅 追随太阳 寻找美好 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、影视 ... A expressão "it's been a long time" (faz muito tempo) não é correta quando combinada com o simple present. Frases como '' it's been a long time (since)we don't talk to each other " ou ''it's been a long time (since) we don't see each other '', não são recomendadas e não fazem sentido em inglês natural. Podemos também dizer: It’s a beautiful sunny day. Aliás, a forma contrata é a mais comumente usada no inglês, pois melhor representa a língua falada. A forma mais extensa (it is) fica mais restrita a textos um pouco mais formais. 2. O It’s também pode ser a junção do IT com o verbo HAS. Em vez de dizermos: It has been a long week. It's time (that) we went to bed. 我们该去睡觉了。 It's high time that the article were published. 发表这篇文章是适时的。 It's time you should do cleaning. 你该去打扫卫生了。 另外,上面句子中的 time 前可以加 high,以示强调。例: It is high time that the children went to bed. = It's OK 和That's OK的意思如下: 一、It's OK 侧重于OK的意思. 1、It's OK :没有问题、不成问题,可以的、表示同意、可接受的 【例句】It's OK. I'll be there on time. 没问题,我会按时到的。 2、It's OK :没有关系,用来回答别人的道歉 【例句】It's OK, I understand. 没有关系 ...

2024.11.26 10:44 Previous_Metal_9350 Dear Apprehensive-Tone275, It's Charlie.

Your headlines for your posts along with your editing, e.g., close-ups, make me laugh.
Good stuff.
submitted by Previous_Metal_9350 to ElisaJordaina [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:44 SolipsismCrisis One Man Ramble : Predator

One Man Ramble : Predator submitted by SolipsismCrisis to OneManRamble [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:44 xatfi Hizbollah sanoo iskeneensä tiedustelutukikohtaan Tel Avivissa

Hizbollah sanoo iskeneensä tiedustelutukikohtaan Tel Avivissa submitted by xatfi to xatfi [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:44 Droidfr Paris veut interdire les voitures les plus vendues en France : pourquoi cette proposition est loin d’être parfaite

Paris veut interdire les voitures les plus vendues en France : pourquoi cette proposition est loin d’être parfaite submitted by Droidfr to Frandroid [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:44 ohirony Streaming era and favorite bands

It's been discussed that in the streaming era, people don't really have favorite bands anymore due to the ease of discovery and shortened attention spans overall. As a result, people don't engage with bands as intensely as they did 20 years ago.
However, I don't think it's that simple. Streaming gives us more options, and there are so many great musicians nowadays. The issue might be that no single particular band stands out among the hundreds of great bands. But people don't have to have just one favorite band, right? We can definitely have tens (or more) of favorite bands if we truly feel that all of them create good songs and their musical vibe resonates with our identity. Given enough time, a few of them will stand the test of time and will eventually become your favorite band. It just flows differently now.
What do you think?
submitted by ohirony to LetsTalkMusic [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:44 AthleteBetter5551 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by AthleteBetter5551 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:44 PoolOpening6090 Bitcoin-Backed Credit: A Bridge to Financial Inclusion for the World’s Unbanked

Bitcoin-Backed Credit: A Bridge to Financial Inclusion for the World’s Unbanked submitted by PoolOpening6090 to CryptoCurrency [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:44 Bern_Down_the_DNC What Steelcase chair with headrest is the best for someone who works at the computer, plays games, and then falls asleep in the chair?

Apparently HM doesn't actually come with headrests, so it will be impossible to adequately test anything. What about Steelcase?
Thank you.
submitted by Bern_Down_the_DNC to OfficeChairs [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:44 HPom1234 Uncharted systems : how to find the portal on a planet if you are on PS-VR2 ?

The problem: on PS-VR2 the glyphs do not appear on the pictures you take on a planet (or in the records) ...
so, in an uncharted system (with no way to find a portal via a monolith (with charts) ...) impossible to have the coordinates of the planet you're on and come back at the portal via a different (charted) system ...
I tried the signal booster but it doesn't work (the coordinates it gives point to a different planet that the one you are on, i don't know why ...)
My question: how do you find portals in uncharted systems when you can't have the glyphs in the pictures, charts to find a monolith don't work and the signal booster is useless ???
. Thanks travelers
submitted by HPom1234 to NoMansSkyTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:44 redlorri Have you been affected by the latest JW BS?

Have you been affected by the latest JW BS? Join the protest
submitted by redlorri to johannesburg [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:44 just_podcaster How ShipFast makes $46K MRR?? 😱 FULL SEO Analysis! 🎉

ShipFast is a NextJS boilerplate with all you need to build your SaaS.
Domain Rate
70 according to ahrefs and 402/1000 according to RankChase
(higher DR than PhotoAI and HeadShotPro) 😮

However, RankChase gives it a spam score of only 1% - So all good! 😎
Top Pages
1- LogoFast | Make Beautiful Logos Fast and Free
Wait... What? 😱 The number one page ranking on google is not the boiler plate but instead a tool that allows you to make logos 😅
That is interesting...
2- ShipFast: Launch Your Startup in Days, Not Weeks (Home page, makes sense...)
3- Tutorials Stripe Subscriptions
4 - Get started | ShipFast Documentation
5- Tutorials Ship in 5 minutes
Most of the pages ranking are tutorial pages for ShipFast.
It makes me believe that Marc Louvion is actually not investing much on SEO and most of his traffic comes from his socials...
Top Keywords
1- Fast Logo
2- Ship Fast
3- Logo Fast
Once again we see that Marc Louvion is not ranking for any relevant keyword. I was expecting to see him rank for words like:
Final Thoughts
In my opinion Marc Louvion is missing out on a huge opportunity by not investing on SEO. With his current DR of 70, he would be able to see the results with minimal efforts...
How come ShipFast has such strong DR (even though he is not using RankChase 😉)?
I have two theories here:
1- Affiliates
Marc has probably hundreds or even thousands of affiliates that are linking to his website. He uses is amazing content creation skills to attract people that want to re-sell his product.
2- Marketing Loop
Maybe when people use ShipFast boilerplate, it comes with a dofollow link to shipfast domain.
This is actually a genius idea, because will generate a lot of legit backlinks from other domains 😎
What do you think? Answer with your own theory ⤵️
submitted by just_podcaster to SaaS [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:44 Pink-vacuum This podcast is hard to listen to

I used to listen to morbid nearly everyday and stopped out of the blue one day. Recently I began listening again and oh my god can these women tell a coherent story please? The constant interruptions, the lack of emotional awareness where they are at the peak of a story and begin to joke and laugh about a completely unrelated topic that either of them remember and they go on and on about it. and it just pulls me out, I feel like I’m just listening to two white women without degrees talk about their day with true crime sprinkled in between daily conversation. I am sorry for being a hater but I need to get this off my chest please just have a normal true crime podcast again yall did not use to be this annoying.
submitted by Pink-vacuum to MorbidPodcast [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:44 naguendia QC: AJ1 Trophy Room Low and AJ1 Obsidian UNC low

QC: AJ1 Trophy Room Low and AJ1 Obsidian UNC low Just picked these up- welcome your thoughts! WTC: Trophy Room from Trendy (contact in photos) and UNC obsidian from ShoeTim (+86 133 8591 6023)
submitted by naguendia to RepsneakersDogs [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:44 okay-noodles LRT 5th Avenue to TIP Arlegui

How can I get from 5th avenue station to technological institute of the philippines, arlegui? Thanks!
submitted by okay-noodles to HowToGetTherePH [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:44 FedosDaetVEbasos I can explain

I can explain submitted by FedosDaetVEbasos to EldenBling [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:44 BulkySquirrel1492 What are the major and minor differences in mentality and world view between the population of North America and Western Europe?

submitted by BulkySquirrel1492 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:44 Some-Advantage-5801 Am I cooked?

Hello, My name is Ahmed and I live in Iraq with my family in basra and I just converted into Christianity not too long ago, and since I live in Iraq I’m here to ask you guys this, am I cooked?
submitted by Some-Advantage-5801 to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:44 wewdwtnizrub Google Play Black Friday 2024 Promo Code

Find the Google Play Black Friday 2024 Promo Code
Save 50% with hand-tested Google Play discount codes in November 2024.
submitted by wewdwtnizrub to YoursCoupea [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:44 angel_slice Justice for black smoke

Justice for black smoke submitted by angel_slice to lost [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:44 faberge_kegg Q: How does Spider-Man keep his shoes on?

A: He has webbed feet.
submitted by faberge_kegg to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:44 Either-Bar-2 Buck

Am I wrong for disliking Buck? I’m well into S5 and at what point does the guy stops being a self-centered universal victim? He’s dwelling on theories that everything happening around him is connected to him and finds a way to make himself the center of everything. I get it why everyone loves him and in no way is this supposed to be hateful, but come on. I’m just tired of him making everything about himself.
submitted by Either-Bar-2 to 911FOX [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:44 CheffyNxx Career advice

I am interested in nursing. I don't have a specific area in mind as of yet. However, I do know of two entryways, apply to university or a degree apprenticeship as a HCSW. I'd like to hear from anyone who has taken these pathways, as of right now, HCSW is the only viable option for me as it seems. I'd like to note I will be entering as a mature student. I have also moved here about a few years ago so I do not have any prior UK exam results.
Here's a few questions I have. Is it possible to work part time as a full time student? (As I live with my partner), how was this managed? What type of modules/ learning takes places as a HCSW? Can this be compared to a BSN in nursing or the academic aspect is totally different? What is the process/ interview like for a HCSW with no prior experience in nursing? Are there assessment's to know about before attaining the job role or is there just an EPA? I would really appreciate honest and informative answers please!!!
submitted by CheffyNxx to StudentNurseUK [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:44 JavierAlexanderLDN How to Fix & Repair Tractors in Farming Simulator 25

How to Fix & Repair Tractors in Farming Simulator 25 submitted by JavierAlexanderLDN to VideoGamingGuides [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:44 DemonOfLeaf Looking for good HP fanfic

I’m looking for HP fanfics with female only impregnation and if possible births as well. The more impregnations and births the better. Multiple impregnations and births with the same female characters the better.
submitted by DemonOfLeaf to HPSlashFic [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:44 cyborgp Lȧȧz Rockit - NOTHING$ $ACRED (1991)

This is one of my absolutely favorite albums. The simplistic yet insanely powerful riffage on this album just punches so hard every damn time. The first few seconds of the opening track "In the name of the father and the gun.." really set the stage for what's to come, culminating in the groovy instrumental that "Necropolis" is
submitted by cyborgp to thrashmetal [link] [comments]