Ilustração da Luluzinha Star Guardian

2024.11.26 11:19 Aggressive-Ice5728 Ilustração da Luluzinha Star Guardian

Ilustração da Luluzinha Star Guardian submitted by Aggressive-Ice5728 to lulumains [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:19 Maleficent_Dream1711 Grenzgänger Handyvertrag?

Hi zusammen, i bin sit nem johr Grenzgänger und hab bei minem Vertrag nur 1GB Internet in da Schweiz. Kann mir do jemand was besser vorschlaga?
submitted by Maleficent_Dream1711 to Vorarlberg [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:19 Same-Educator3455 Starting to watch!

Please no spoilers!!!
Is this show worth watching? I’m on episode 3 and it’s pretty good but idk I just want to hear from people already in the fandom!!
submitted by Same-Educator3455 to sheranetflix [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:19 clarksworth Is there a way to turn all the "smart" features off?

Had a pair of APMs for a week and I love the sound but hate all the features. I don't want it swapping from my Mac to my phone, I don't want them automatically pausing (because half the time they don't restart playing if it's coming from something like YouTube on a browswer). I don't want any fancy features, I just want a pair of good sounding, 'dumb' wireless headphones connected to my computer (and nothing else)
submitted by clarksworth to Airpodsmax [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:19 Azece0 Can someone gift me blitz messi🥲

submitted by Azece0 to eFootballHub [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:19 Haunting-Net1420 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Haunting-Net1420 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:19 ObscuredString Animation cel and sketch, scanned by @pokescans, on Tumblr

Animation cel and sketch, scanned by @pokescans, on Tumblr Link
submitted by ObscuredString to aaml [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:19 CorporateSlave27 I feel like a failure..Fucked up CAT'24

I am already 24 years old, this was my first CAT attempt, I have less than a year of work experience, completed graduation in 2023 then worked for a few months and left for CAT because I wanted to complete my education as soon as possible, I didn't want to be 28 and still in college..
Those who are thinking why graduation so late?? I was preparing for neet after 12th and hence took 2 years of drop.. Then switched my stream and did graduation in commerce..
This was my 1st cat attempt, prepared for 6months and I fucked it up!! Even if I feel like preparing for CAT 2025, I don't think my family would allow me to, considering my age, they want me to take a college this year..
My dreams of getting into low fee top colleges like IITs, Tiss, etc are shattered now!!
submitted by CorporateSlave27 to CATpreparation [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:19 Astartee_jg 🎉 UniPaws release date 🎉

submitted by Astartee_jg to nyaonearth [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:19 Drose1twentyfive4 [Recruiting] Brotherhood (#2QQQVP29L) | Clan level 3 | CWL crystal 1 | recruiting players for CWL

Currently welcoming anybody. We are looking for players preferably th14 or higher for CWL, we are at the very moment crystal 1 but anybody is welcome here is the clan link if you're interested (NA CLAN) action=OpenClanProfile&tag=2QQQVP29L
submitted by Drose1twentyfive4 to ClashOfClansRecruit [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:19 ItsAFurCoatRonda I took a shouvenir. Ralphie's pretty head

I took a shouvenir. Ralphie's pretty head submitted by ItsAFurCoatRonda to CirclejerkSopranos [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:19 Emotional_Purple3389 Anyone Seen the Golden Oreo Confetti Blizzard in Cincinnati Yet?

I recently came across this article and wanted to see if anyone has found this Blizzard treat at any of our Dairy Queen locations yet. I might visit the Colerain location today and see if I can get it there. There is a post on the Dairy Queen subReddit about it, but no one has posted that they've found it, so I'd thought I'd try my luck here.
submitted by Emotional_Purple3389 to cincinnati [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:19 shawaa_ I'm about to purchase an Olivia Rodrigo Stanley, is it genuine?

I'm about to purchase an Olivia Rodrigo Stanley, is it genuine?
They offered a price that's reasonable and is not cheap, just 20$ above the original price. It seems legit but I'm not sure...
submitted by shawaa_ to StanleyCupRealorFake [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:19 Easy-Demand1961 Kik MeetYourNewOwner don’t be shy cucks, come to daddy

submitted by Easy-Demand1961 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:19 Due-Ad6949 Scarlett Johansson

Scarlett Johansson submitted by Due-Ad6949 to FamousFaces [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:19 GGC64 Any (1) 5⭐️ for Super-Visor

submitted by GGC64 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:19 Chemical_Term4699 The Most Random Unexpected Ship

The Most Random Unexpected Ship Epel x Doll (Black Butler: Noah's Circus), is a strange ship and yet this fanart is so amazing I can't help but love it, I want more of these 'Yanaverse' ships/fanarts. I've heard this is a fan comic, so if anyone can tell me where it's from, I'd appreciate it.
My two of my favorite characters from their respective IPs.
Pin page
submitted by Chemical_Term4699 to TwistedWonderland [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:19 SeaMonster9752 Looking for Digital Chat to complete my album 😄

Looking for Digital Chat to complete my album 😄 submitted by SeaMonster9752 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:19 Upset_Concept1483 Vigilante, lights and meta

The evolution of the light tank meta in World of Tanks has certainly been a rollercoaster ride. It’s fascinating to reflect on how we got here, particularly considering the shifts in gameplay dynamics over the years. OP status of Vigilante is clear and somewhat irrelevant here as well as WG's role as I honestly think word "meta" means anything to them. Just grab some money and move on.
Initially, the T8 max light tanks held a unique position in the game. They were incredibly mobile compared to any other class and excelled in vision control, with the medium called BC-25T standing out as best light in the game. This era rewarded skilled LT players who could effectively scout and carry games, making the class both challenging and fulfilling. I played with one of Top 20 players of the game back then and he’s most played tank was LTTB...go imagine (dude often finished new tank grinds with 3rd mark of excellence…lol).
However, the introduction of T-X lights marked a turning point. These tanks not only dethroned the BC-25T but also initiated a speed power creep that changed the game’s pace. As direct damage from lights became more significant, the gameplay shifted towards a more aggressive, yolo style, appealing to casual players looking for quick action. This led to a meta dominated by light tank brawls rather than strategic scouting.
The arrival of autoloading premium lights just amplified the previous. Teams with multiple Fail Blazers and AMX 13s becoming almost standard. This period is in my view one of the lowest points in gameplay depth, where strategy really took a backseat to fast-paced skirmishes. Brutally honest opinion, it was as shallow as CW ERA3.
Then came the 6.0 downgrade, which many criticized for its poor UI, lack of content and commander rework. Yet, amidst the chaos, two major changes occurred: the introduction of active camo net and a significant boost in accuracy and DPM for every tank. This shift propelled tank destroyers to the kings of the hill, effectively sidelining light tanks and diminishing their role in the meta.
Fast forward to now, and while the game has seen cosmetic improvements, the dominance of high-alpha TDs remains unchanged. Tanks like the Taran, Grille 15 and OBJ 268 continue to rule the battlefield, focusing on raw alpha, pen and brutally strong camo.
With the recent addition of the Vigilante, we’re witnessing a return to the pre-5.0 light tank capabilities, but amplified. This tank can reclaim vision control and has a formidable gun that can challenge nearly anything in its path, unless countered by armor or another Vigilante. It’s an intriguing development that raises questions about balance and the future of light tanks in the game.
What will happen next?
1. Nerfing the Vigilante: If WG decides to tone it down, we might end up with just another “bad medium”, and the current state of the game could persist.
2. Buffing Other Lights: On the other hand, if other light tanks receive buffs to compete with the Vigilante, we could see a more balanced environment where lights regain some of their former glory. In best case this could lead to a more strategic gameplay style, reminiscent of ancient T8 light meta. But only if buffs are done in right manner.
3. Redefining Light Tank Dominance: If the Vigilante manages to carve out a niche as a dominant light tank, it might shift the meta back towards one light tank supremacy. This would be the worst option of all three and could have permanent impact, way bigger than AVRE, Taran, post 6.0 and what ever else combined.
Ultimately, it will be interesting to see how players adapt and how WG responds to the community’s feedback. I really hope it is number 2.
submitted by Upset_Concept1483 to WorldofTanksConsole [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:19 offensive_attimes Place anywhere mod for rice fields?

So i am trying out long grain rice farming, and i need to put down ricefields to do so. Ive found a really good place for them that are completely flat and generally good for rice fields.
But i have run into several collision errors even with a place anywhere mod on, but mainly 'Area is crossed off' (what does that even mean, this is farming simulator, why is this in the game) and 'Collides with an object' where is proceeds to not show any colliding object.
So is there a mod that disables placement collisions completely in FS25?
submitted by offensive_attimes to farmingsimulator [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:19 onohegotdieded 0 11

0 11 submitted by onohegotdieded to namesoundalikes [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:19 sultrybabyyy I look hot and sexy today

I look hot and sexy today submitted by sultrybabyyy to SFWGoneMild [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:19 Rude_Bad5766 What is wrong?

I don’t know if this is the right place to ask but why does my 4060ti + 5 5600g performs bad in Fortnite? In game it nearly performs the same with low and higher settings? I did all the basic things and tweaks from YouTube but I don’t know much about pcs. The fps is max 300 in creative but it goes up and down a lot and is often around de 120
submitted by Rude_Bad5766 to nvidia [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:19 Magpie_ChrisMEOW Collection Comparison

Collection Comparison Day 1 vs. After 4 months
I have more actually but this is the main shelf of where my beloveds go to! Shelves are getting small and I may need some acrylic stairs as I use boxes to lift up the other figurines at the back
submitted by Magpie_ChrisMEOW to KimetsuNoYaiba [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:19 cheatinghusb4nd 28 [M4F] Ohio - Looking for a fwb nsa in central ohio. absolutely n...l.... msg on session or tg below

05521e4493e3995e4b6de850db7e86ac946084d54492e7a1f16141993210f98c54 H7B3Q7G83
submitted by cheatinghusb4nd to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]