Level 2 显示:内盘数量增加1000手,外盘数量增加1手。 这就是为什么在免费行情中,有时候明明显示有一笔大买单成交,但是买一的数量瞬间变小了,而卖一的数量没有什么变化,这种情况可能是买一撤单了,但也可能是真实成交了。 In my experience it is the perfect verb to convey the sense of raising a problem to a higher level of competence. That may be because I've been using it for decades in a technical support context. Let me give a specific example. We operate a telephone support service. Calls are dealt with by front line support staff. 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、影视 ... To "get down to someone's level" usually means to change one's vocabulary or even one's way of thinking to match someone else. It can be condescending, as in using shorter, less complicated words because you believe the other person is less sophisticated than you, or it can mean making an effort to understand other person's thought process and ... Hi everybody. In an intense scene of the famous Academy Award-winning movie “Good Will Hunting” (1998), Sean, a psychology teacher, says to Will, the boy-wonder genius: “I’d ask you about love, you’d probably quote me a sonnet. But you’ve never looked at a woman and been totally vulnerable... fnomad, equivalence often depends on which way you're going, where you studied, and what subject: Ex.) if you have a US Bachelors (4-yr) degree and are seeking admission in a French university, they will often consider this degree equivalent to Bac+3 and admit you into the 4th year of the program.... unless you came from a particularly prestigious school (and therefore get bac+4 equivalence ... Hi people. Is reach a plateau used only after an increase and not a decrease, whereas "level off" can be used after either an increase or a decrease? The price increased and then reached a plateau. The price decreased and then reached a plateau. The price increased and then leveled off. The price decreased and then leveled off. 3) They are on the same level in the company structure. - "On the same level" implies that they are very similar and are more likely to react in the same way as opposed to the use of "at" which is more coincidental. I think depending on the context, one of the sentences is probably more correct than another. I really hope this helped you. Hello, my friends, I was wondering which one you prefer and are they idiomatic: 1) He play basketball at a high level. 2) He play basketball at high level. Thoughts: He is proficient in playing basketball. Hello, forum veterans. Let me ask you a question regarding prepositions. Today, while working on my TOEFL workbook, I came across the following conversation: Employee Well, first, you need to talk to the instructor. They have to assess your level and steer you to the right class – you know...
2024.11.26 11:54 chriskiji Corruption at every level
submitted by chriskiji to WhitePeopleTwitter [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 11:54 lss_web_1444 Link post title 224
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 11:54 DANGERD0OM Made this song, what you think??
submitted by DANGERD0OM to AdvertiseYourVideos [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 11:54 Flat-Improvement8637 Taking pants off with a catheter
This is such a stupid question but when taking off the pants of someone with a catheter how do you take the pants off, specifically tighter pants? I take them off, pull them down through the drainage tube and then they just get stuck on the bag and everything. This happened to me yesterday and I had no idea what to do and was too embarrassed to ask.
submitted by Flat-Improvement8637 to cna [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:54 PrivateFM What possible developments in the future do you think will make the Keys harder to evaluate?
This year, American voters saw a major party publicly criticising their own standard-bearer and a nominee who hadn't undergone the regular nomination process. The United States was also highly invested in a major war abroad without having any troops on the ground. It could be argued that these developments made the Keys harder to assess this year and made for a more uncertain prediction which of course didn't align with the eventual outcome.
While hypotheticals are difficult as the Professor always says, what potential future events do you think will make the Keys difficult to assess once more? For instance, I think social media will make it more difficult to determine what counts as a major scandal especially if there isn't any bipartisan recognition.
submitted by PrivateFM to 13KeysToTheWhiteHouse [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:54 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Business] - Singapore, Hong Kong among best Asian markets for investment and business: HSBC report | Bangkok Post
submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 11:54 BodyByBisquick Windows behaving as if ctrl key is stuck
Not sure I'm going to describe this correctly, but my cat will sometimes decide he wants to type, and my keyboard ends up acting like the ctrl key is stuck in the 'on' position. Keypad quits working, numeric keys only show special characters (i.e. 6 turns into ^, etc.) If I'm in excel, I can't select a single cell, it highlights a range (just as if I was holding down ctrl). Only way I can figure out how to fix it is a complete reboot, which isn't world ending, but it is annoying. Is my cat hitting some weird combo to cause this, and is there a way I can undo his efforts at writing a novel?
I'm on Windows 10, latest updates, et al. I appreciate any advice. Thank you.
submitted by BodyByBisquick to WindowsHelp [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:54 salientconspirator Reverse blade Asian-fusion tactical blade. D2 steel, etched Hamon, epoxy-soaked Tsukamaki
Built this for a client a few weeks ago. He's thrilled with it! Thought I'd share. submitted by salientconspirator to Bladesmith [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 11:54 SolipsismCrisis One Man Ramble : Galaga
submitted by SolipsismCrisis to OneManRamble [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 11:54 heckinhomo Taylor Zakhar Perez
submitted by heckinhomo to ShirtlessCelebMen [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 11:54 besttien LUNC bullish ! Monthly burn coming..by Binance
submitted by besttien to LunaClassic [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:54 yonkon In the 18th and early 19th century, a network of commercial R&D institutions in Britain - composed of scientific societies, mechanics institutes, and others - helped sustain modern economic growth. (J. Dowey, 2017)
submitted by yonkon to EconomicHistory [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:54 zooMobMember What’s the problem?
I never understood the hate the flash got towards the end and I’ve never saw the “decline” everyone else points out, mostly claiming it got bad after season FOUR????? S5- my favorite season honestly S6- had its issues but not that fucking bad S7- LOVED THAT SHIT S8- I loved Ryan as red death I don’t understand the hate she received, I think it was more of a comic thing which is annoying all around because FUCK THE COMICS! S9- wasn’t the best sendoff for flash but towards the end they got their groove back and delivered. (haven’t watched flash in a while so sorry if my info doesn’t line up all the way.)
submitted by zooMobMember to FlashTV [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:54 loveyryzy self sabotaging a relationship because you're too unstable
Help me? Well not really that I need help. Just an advice please, so I am 23F andI have a boyfriend, a genuinely caring, loving, providing me with everything I need boyfriend. He's the best thing to ever happen to me, supportive in every way, listens to me, helps me with my anxiety. So here is the thing, I am very mentally unstable, I have Bipolar Disorder II and Anxiety Disorder, no worries, I know how to handle it, but sometimes I don't. Sometimes I just wanna push him away cause he doesn't deserve this, he deserves someone better, he's well aware of my condition and I could not ask for anything else. I love him, I'm very sure I love him, I love him sooo much, but It's my first time in a "healthy relationship" and all I feel like doing is running away from it. I even gaslight myself sometimes saying to myself na "baka nag settle lang ako sa kanya dahil siya lang nagtiyaga magmahal sa akin" and I am beyond scared that it might be true.
What I need is just advice, or some stories, did you guys ever felt like this? what did you do? how did you cope? are you still together?
submitted by loveyryzy to adultingph [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:54 Theendofmidsummer What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Theendofmidsummer to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:54 Adventurous-Scale652 Please add me in Pokemon go 795819009676
submitted by Adventurous-Scale652 to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:54 jooshfxyt Thanksgiving pay??
Hey I’m a full time driver at my store and I had heard a rumor going around that FT’s get an automatic 8 hours of holiday pay on thanksgiving. Is this true?
Just wondering since I was only scheduled 25 hours this week and could actually use the other day off that I’m off to get stuff taken care of lol
submitted by jooshfxyt to AutoZone2 [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:54 Comfortable_Life3458 [Japanese to English] this is a scene from a show i'm watching right now, i'm just curious what the note says - can anyone help out?
https://preview.redd.it/oj2l0lbwi83e1.png?width=2074&format=png&auto=webp&s=c10ef51c1070fd612990c15ded50465f70296843 submitted by Comfortable_Life3458 to translator [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 11:54 ClinTrial-Throwaway 📰 NEWS: Medicare proposes covering weight-loss drugs, teeing up clash with RFK Jr.
Paywall-free link: http://archive.today/tObg6 Excerpt:The Biden administration Tuesday will propose expanding coverage of weight-loss medications for millions of Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries, a late-term proposal that officials said would boost public health and which puts pressure on the incoming Trump administration to finalize the benefit.submitted by ClinTrial-Throwaway to Mounjaro [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 11:54 Dad_Morales Anyone else launches the game just to sit there and brain rot to NC tv?
B submitted by Dad_Morales to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 11:54 Sea_Mission_5949 Sto fallendo
Sono al terzo anno di una triennale in lingue, e oggi dopo l’ennesima bocciatura mi chiedo se dare ragione o meno a quei professori che mi dicevano “ripensaci, forse l’università non fa per te”. Non ho mai voluto, ne voglio ora dargliela vinta, perché so delle mie capacità, ma allo stesso tempo sento tanta fatica.
Quando studio non mi concentro più, e quando all’esame un prof mi fa una domanda io non so porgli in maniera adeguata la risposta senza risultare ridicola o ignorante riguardo all’argomento. Sono veramente stanca e in burnout. Ho anche pensato di iscrivermi di nuovo di palestra perché fino ad ora ho sempre solo fatto casa-università e studio su studio, precludendomi un sacco di possibili esperienze. Non so più dove sbattere la testa, chiedo un vostro aiuto, se sapete darmelo.
Grazie intanto, in anticipo.
submitted by Sea_Mission_5949 to Universitaly [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:54 Original-Battle3473 Pick me please! Now up to $2,000 off!
Tesla is offering 0% APR on Model 3 and Model Y. And when you use my referral link, you can get up to $2,000 off as well https://www.tesla.com/referral/taylor789479
submitted by Original-Battle3473 to teslareferralcode [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:54 the_one_above_all__9 بلدك الحقيقيه
هذا هو العلم الذي يمثل هوية مصر الحقيقية, اسمها "كيميت" وليس مصر لأنه اسم توراتي خرافي, الأخضر الزرع الأزرق النيل الأصفر الصحراء, النسر نسر حورس ممسكاً بالعنخ مفتاح الحياة, انشروها بين جميع المصريين لعلهم يستعيديون هويتهم الأصلية التي طمسها الإستعمار العربي الإسلامي! submitted by the_one_above_all__9 to AlexandriaEgy [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 11:54 Spiritual-Tune966 Looking for inspiration
Good day folks! What are some amazing and functional marketing agency (digital or other formats) websites that you guys thought were amazing or better yet felt like “they know their shit”..?
submitted by Spiritual-Tune966 to marketing [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:54 Ill-Needleworker887 Becky’s notes
just wondering how other people got on with becky’s notes. I supplemented them a bit but not by much esp for property and equity and just about passed both 53 and 55
submitted by Ill-Needleworker887 to FE1_Exams [link] [comments]