
2024.11.26 11:35 intylij Test

submitted by intylij to cqs [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:35 Intelligent-Hurry676 Any SERIOUS bud to Trrrubutte my own tall mighty Mom private. Kik or tele ito855

submitted by Intelligent-Hurry676 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:35 vivaladil Arcane: Season 2 - Act 2 | A WDYWW Spoilercast

Arcane: Season 2 - Act 2 | A WDYWW Spoilercast submitted by vivaladil to ExplosionNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:35 idk-idk-idk3 Seeking Advice: Cost of Living and Salary Expectations for a Senior BA in London

Hi everyone,
I'm considering a Senior Business Analyst role in London and would appreciate some insights from those who have experience living and working there.
Specifically, I'm curious about:
Salary Expectations: What's a reasonable salary expectation for a 10-year experienced BA in London?
Cost of Living: -Single: How much does a single person typically spend on rent, food, transportation, and other essential expenses per month? - Family of Three: What's the estimated monthly cost for a family with two adults and a toddler?
Housing: - what would be the most optimal location for housing within London. I'm ok to travel once in a while long distance as role is primarily WFH.
I'm trying to gauge whether the potential salary would be sufficient to cover living expenses and provide a decent quality of life.
A bit more context about myself,

Any advice or personal experiences would be incredibly helpful. Thank you in advance!
submitted by idk-idk-idk3 to UKPersonalFinance [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:35 EndlessTrashposter The female character designs of Shantae be like…

The female character designs of Shantae be like… As someone who enjoys a good 2D midriff, I ain’t complaining 😜
submitted by EndlessTrashposter to Shantae [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:35 Commercial-investor1 Business Wire GlycoMimetics Enters Into Acquisition Agreement With Crescent Biopharma há 1 mês

submitted by Commercial-investor1 to GlycoMimetics [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:35 KnightTheOne Vagyonnyilatkozat vs. Munkaszerződés

Ma reggel jött szembe velem ez a cikk: https://telex.hu/belfold/2024/11/26/mkkp-kepviselo-pasztor-tibor-jovedelem-titoktartas Arról van szó, hogy egy önkormányzati képviselő, aki az Mötv. alapján vagyonnyilatkozat-tételre kötelezett, megtagadta az eljárás során a munkaszerződésében foglalt munkabérének feltüntetését arra hivatkozva, hogy az Mt. 8.§ (1) kimondja, hogy a munkavállaló nem tanúsíthat olyan magatartást, amely veszélyeztetheti a munkáltató jogos gazdasági érdekét
A hazai gyakorlat alapján a fentebbi paragrafusból levezetve a munkaszerződések általános részét képezik a munkabér megosztását tiltó bekezdések. Ezzel szemben az Mötv. 39.§ és a 2. melléklet pedig kötelezi az önkormányzati képviselőt a jövedelmének nyilvánosságra hozására.
Keresgéltem egy kicsit, de nem találtam erre vonatkozó bírósági precedenst, ezért arra gondoltam, hogy megkérdezlek titeket is. Szerintem ebben az esetben előrébb való a köznek azon érdeke, hogy átlássák az önkormányzati képviselők vagyoni és jövedelemi helyzetét, mint a munkáltató gazdasági érdeke, de érdekel, hogy ti mit gondoltok.
submitted by KnightTheOne to joghungary [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:35 strawberrysaridelhi Career transition- help!

Hey all! I've been working in scientific research for the last 12 years, 3 of which have been in clinical research (med device and pharma). I also have a masters in public health. I have been wanting a career shift for years. UX research has caught my eye as something interesting that has skillset overlap with what I do. I am also naturally very design and layout oriented which is something I don't get to utilize in clinical research. Anyone been in a similar boat? Any suggestions on how to transition and/or what types of roles to look out for and where?
submitted by strawberrysaridelhi to UXDesign [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:35 theleon-69777 New Members Intro

If you’re new to the community, introduce yourself!
submitted by theleon-69777 to Paganmonarchist [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:35 umloucosonhador Orientar o rumo de vida financeira

Resumidamente acho que preciso de uma orientação financeira visto que estou a remar no mar sem direção
Sou um jovem, 24 anos, ordenado de 2k limpos, viver em casa dos pais.
Nunca fui um rapaz de muito juízo, sempre cometi as loucuras da adolescência, noites, bebidas, drogas, férias, festas, apostas, casino etc. Mas nunca me meti em sarilhos a nível legal. Para isto dizer que sinto que aproveitei bem os anos da adolescência e onde gastei dinheiro muito mal gasto também...
Tenho a ordem 24k Tinha o ano passado em cryptos 5k. Por estar a ver constantemente o portefólio decidi tirar e passado 1 mês coloquei em ETF. E é onde coloco mensalmente 250€, sinto mais segurança lá e olho apenas 1 vez ao mês que é quando vou colocar o aporte mensal. Apesar de agora sentir remorsos em relação as cryptos devia ter deixado lá ahahahah.
Poderia ter muito mais dinheiro guardado se não fosse o vício que tive de apostas e casino que basicamente fizeram voar 4k sem que desse conta real do montante...
Tenho lido vários post aqui sobre investir o dinheiro, é algo que quero fazer. Como não sei fazer e não consigo dedicar o meu dia a dia a ver ETFs e ações ou cryptos, tenho colocado no vua, qdve,vwce para simplificar. Queria colocar o meu dinheiro que tenho a ordem a render algo, mas algo em que possa retirar com alguma facilidade o dinheiro caso precise de uma emergência ou para comprar uma casa que faço planos com a minha companheira, mas talvez só daqui a 1 ano e meio a 2 anos , ela tem 7-8k a ordem e 0 investidos, começou recentemente a poupar e a pensar mais na vida. Com isto, que bancos, ativos, ou investimentos acham que um jovem deve colocar a maioria do seu dinheiro? Até porque ver ali na conta 20k mete menos controlo emocional do que 2-3 apenas para dia a dia/emergências
submitted by umloucosonhador to literaciafinanceira [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:35 JoeyMcMahon1 I saw a post yesterday of people screaming all YieldMax funds go to 0… ZERO? Zero. 🤣

submitted by JoeyMcMahon1 to YieldMaxETFs [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:35 ImbissBrunto HELM Motor Sports Nissan GT-R from the 2022 Fuji 24h

HELM Motor Sports Nissan GT-R from the 2022 Fuji 24h submitted by ImbissBrunto to GranTurismoLiveries [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:35 britishCcups Just 20 minutes?

Just 20 minutes? submitted by britishCcups to SpongebobMemes [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:35 rossgallin 40% off Roebuck Watch Company-code below

40% off Roebuck Watch Company-code below Twin crown Tuesday is a terrific day to take advantage of amazing early Black Friday offers from Roebuck Watch Company! Visit https://www.roebuckwatchco.com and use code RWC40 for 40% off any of their exceptionally well made timepieces
submitted by rossgallin to MicrobrandWatches [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:35 BrainstormBot 🗾 Western Honshu, Japan: 地震 - Earthquake (3.6 M, at 11:26 UTC, from www.seismicportal.eu)

🌒 地震! Earthquake! 3.6 M, registered by JMA, 2024-11-26 11:26:30 UTC (crescent moon), on land, Gujō, Gifu, Japan (35.8, 136.9) likely felt 60 km away (in 岐阜市, 郡上市, 関市, 各務原市, 可児市…) by 1.9 million people (www.seismicportal.eu)
submitted by BrainstormBot to EEW [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:35 KayAddams6991 How tf am I supposed to see the item when you post pics like this?

How tf am I supposed to see the item when you post pics like this? Some ppl are just lazy. Like, you had one job. This just irritated me, because it looks like it could be a pretty skirt, but I need to actually SEE it lol Plus the 2nd pic is no better 😂
submitted by KayAddams6991 to depoop [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:35 KevinMac11 White dots on bottom of foot after shower

Backstory: 30 yr old male and got warts cryod off that spot where the main cluster is about 10 months ago. It blistered up really crazy and by the end of the process me and the dermatologist both thought the "warts" were gone. Now i'm getting these spots in the same spot only really visible after the shower when the skin is still moist. Difference is now there are tiny white dots all around the area. Any idea what this is? Is it really plantars warts? Maybe pitted keratolysis? I'd like to get it under control before it becomes a problem.
submitted by KevinMac11 to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:35 Aururas_Vale What scared you as a child that was not intentionally meant to be frightening or unsettling?

submitted by Aururas_Vale to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:35 Lopsided_You4037 Can He get 99%ile+ in Jan Attempt 🤔

Can He get 99%ile+ in Jan Attempt 🤔 submitted by Lopsided_You4037 to JEENEETards [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:35 MEDICO-RETARD राजकारण व निवडणुकीच्या पोस्ट्स पाहून दमला असाल म्हणून हा घ्या माझा पी.जे!!

राजकारण व निवडणुकीच्या पोस्ट्स पाहून दमला असाल म्हणून हा घ्या माझा पी.जे!! submitted by MEDICO-RETARD to Maharashtra [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:35 RevenantJay [QC] ¥410 | AJ3 Black Cements | GX | MEET

submitted by RevenantJay to TheWorldOfRepsneakers [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:35 Seba_USR_2024 Creat azi, dați share dacă doriți

 Creat azi, dați share dacă doriți submitted by Seba_USR_2024 to Romania [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:35 Bebo991_Gaming What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Bebo991_Gaming to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:35 DaisyRae804 Would give scritches

submitted by DaisyRae804 to bigcats [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:35 BoxoRandom Arcana Expert FC

Arcana Expert FC submitted by BoxoRandom to D4DJ [link] [comments]
