Hoog water Friesland door Storm Bert: 'Beheersbaar, maar nog niet voorbij'

2024.11.26 11:20 remvs98 Hoog water Friesland door Storm Bert: 'Beheersbaar, maar nog niet voorbij'

Hoog water Friesland door Storm Bert: 'Beheersbaar, maar nog niet voorbij' submitted by remvs98 to NUjijDiscussies [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:20 Fenitoina Laser CO2 vs Fotona

Which is best?
submitted by Fenitoina to AcneScars [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:20 Acrobatic_Fondant707 Can the owner dm međź’•đź’•

Can the owner dm međź’•đź’• Not mine!
submitted by Acrobatic_Fondant707 to ratemyfeet_ [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:20 psweeney52 Small profit parlays

Small profit parlays I know these have a lot of legs for very little return comparatively but these have become more fun than trying to hit the big returns. NBA makes it somewhat interesting haha
submitted by psweeney52 to sportsbetting [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:20 NarrowCountry7656 Alltag managen?

Ich bin so bisschen mit meinem Latein am Ende und dachte vielleicht geht’s hier jemanden ähnlich und ihr könnt mir da weiterhelfen / Tipps geben. Ich wurde mit 18 mit ADHS diagnostiziert und es hat sich dadurch für mich viel erklärt. Doch merke ich jetzt 5 Jahre später, dass mich das unheimlich in meinem Alltag einschränkt. Seit 2 Jahren bin ich am studieren und ich kriege es einfach nicht hin hinzugehen, Sachen nachzuarbeiten oder mich überhaupt aufzuraffen. Hänge in allen Fächern super hinterher. Es ist aber nicht nur das Studium, mein Haushalt ist regelmäßig komplett unordentlich. Ich kriege es nicht hin morgens früh aufzustehen und einfach Sachen zu machen. Brauche für alles immer unfassbar lange, fühle mich schnell ausgelaugt. Habe eine Zeitlang Elvanse genommen, damit war es besser doch hatte ich sehr oft das Gefühl, dass es in mir eine Art Angst aktiviert hat und dadurch war ich regelmäßig abends sehr unruhig und wusste nichts mit mir anzufangen. Wie meistert ihr eueren Alltag? Mit Uni? Mit Haushalt? Nimmt ihr Medikamente? Wenn ja, habt ihr Tipps damit ich mit denen besser zurecht komme? Mit 18 habe ich Elvanse 20g genommen und das war nie ein Problem, doch jetzt habe ich das Gefühl, dass ich super sensibel drauf reagiere und alles nur zerdenke.
submitted by NarrowCountry7656 to ADHS [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:20 Sandman-734 Vintage style

Vintage style submitted by Sandman-734 to SophieThatcher [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:20 jvc72 Buy Signal Axactor ASA - 26 nov 2024 @ 12:02 -> NOK3.09

Ticker: ACR.OL
Exchange: OSL
Time: 26 nov 2024 @ 12:02
Price: NOK3.09
Link: https://getagraph.com/OSL/stock/live-signals/ACR.OL/ENG
submitted by jvc72 to getagraph [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:20 JHilderson One person saved.

One person saved. Even if Dough bans you from reddit, you can still private message people interested in buying their products to not do that. Fuck em.
Obviously not gonna spend all my time here with this but now and then I'll take some time out of my day to inform the unknowing.
submitted by JHilderson to doughtech [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:20 MammothBattle33 Bitcoin-Backed Credit: A Bridge to Financial Inclusion for the World’s Unbanked

🚨 Crypto News: 1.4 billion adults remain unbanked globally, according to the World Bank. Traditional finance is failing millions, but Bitcoin-backed credit is flipping the script. Imagine accessing loans without credit scores, endless paperwork, or political red tape. That’s the revolutionary promise of BTC-backed credit systems!
By leveraging your $BTC as collateral, these platforms provide a lifeline to the underbanked in regions plagued by inflation, restrictive policies, or a total lack of banking infrastructure. From Argentina’s 120% inflation to Lebanon’s dollar shortages, decentralized finance emerged as a literal game-changer.
No KYC nightmares, no income checks—just pure, borderless access. But tread carefully. Despite its perks, volatility and over-centralization risks linger. As the financial dinosaurs, aka traditional banks, creep into the crypto space, will BTC-backed credit systems stay true to decentralization? The jury is still out!
Could Bitcoin-backed loans bridge the gap left by conventional banks? Or is this the next battleground in the fight for financial freedom? Let us know your thoughts. Stay woke; stay decentralized.
BitcoinBackedLoans #CryptoInclusion #BTC submitted by MammothBattle33 to Blockmandev [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:20 Aromatic-Base-9380 TUESDAY 11/26: Daily Snark Thread

Happy Tuesday, snarkers!
Please use this post as a way to discuss & snark on topics and influencers that don't need a whole post.
As always, please remember to follow the sub rules & block out usernames/names in media and use initials only when referring to influencers.
Happy snarking! 🤭🩷
submitted by Aromatic-Base-9380 to CollectiveSnark [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:20 DryPreparation8952 Timegod powers

I think i figured out why the TG powers are not made clear because this is how BB can control the situation in house, by giving someone the power to nominate, showing people talking videos of people talking behind there back and not giving anything to other TG.
Instead of helping the "unfavorable" TG improve his game (which they did with the prior TG), BB would rather destroys his game by making everyone go against him(especially rajat) by showing his videos, cornering him, and putting up allegations on him.
By not specifying the powers, BB can make the "unfavorable" TG's time period good for nothing.
Just how it happened with dig, he'll most probably get bashed on WKV over the food punishment thing, but the people who didn't do any duty can get away with it.
Only punishment dig could give was to nominate them but did he even get to nominate one person? Ofcourse not.
So basically housemates can not do any duty, they can't get punishment by basic ration and the current TG cannot even nominate them. What can he possibly do? ill not even be surprised if BB and Salman says that digvijay did not do anything as a TG. I fuckin wonder why? Because he was not given any power at all.
I'll be damn biased towards digvijay from now on given the shit BB has been putting him through.
submitted by DryPreparation8952 to biggboss [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:20 Flat-Proposal-7033 Wantin to chat and share my petite Asian wif3 with massive bulls who can cuckk me. Kik slowjo77 or 05f7c15e9473447cc9054c4ffbb5358ad2cbbf515a93b699456d43f660cf0ae831

submitted by Flat-Proposal-7033 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:20 Goopy301 19nb Looking for cool people to kill time

As the title says. Looking for more people I can chat to, saves me from dying of boredom. Interests: movies, music (the strokes mainly), warhammer (painting side, the lore and game overwhelms me but feel free to try and convert me) and games (currently playing temtem and bo6)
submitted by Goopy301 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:20 abjinternational Maya Jama wows in a tiny brown bikini as she dances and poses for sizzling video during lavish Dubai getaway

Maya Jama wows in a tiny brown bikini as she dances and poses for sizzling video during lavish Dubai getaway submitted by abjinternational to newslive [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:20 XDEC0DE madlad trying to buy social media and now news..

madlad trying to buy social media and now news.. submitted by XDEC0DE to madlads [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:20 Sea_Ad_7360 V1.05 firmware released. All fixed?

submitted by Sea_Ad_7360 to PioneerDJ [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:19 _razenn Grounding Tip with Anti-static wrist wrap

Greetings fellow Zephyrus gang members,
So, wanted to ask some tips on how to ground myself properly. Lately my "fear" of working with the back of my G14 has been building up cause of this nature "static discharge" behaves (also quite the fear of unplugging my battery now honestly).
So when watching PC building videos I usually see them use this so called ESD wrist band to "balance" the charge building up in you and they usually hook it into their PSU OFF and plugged in.
So with this information, in our case (having a Zephyrus LAPTOP), it it valid to attach mine to the barrel of our laptop charger plugged in? or even just touching the barrel itself time to time to keep myself grounded? or does it work differently compared to when working with a PC itself?
I'm not really familiar with this stuff, so I'd really appreciate any information to both learn and work with my laptop safely without necessarily unplugging my battery everytime.
submitted by _razenn to ZephyrusG14 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:19 VoyZan [Office Chair] Seat: mesh vs cushion/padded?

Which one is better? The mesh or the cushion/padded seat? Any pros and cons?
Example mesh seating
Example cushion seating
I'm appx. 80kg (180lbs), 185cm (6'1), and spend 5-8 hours a day every day working from the seat.
I exercise and stretch, so while I appreciate the general advice too, I'm looking for answers focused on the type of the seating. Thanks! :)
submitted by VoyZan to Ergonomics [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:19 fencheltee Many Questions about my upcoming trip to Oman

We are going to do a trip to Oman as part of a longer vacation. I 'm currently planning our stay and have a couple of questions.
I would like to learn how to dive. Would you recommend doing this in Muscat or Mussanah?
** Wadis Which wadi is best for swimming with an 8 year old kid? Is the hiking in Wadi Shab ok for an 8 year old? Youtube videos show some climbing, but I don't know if this is necessary or if the people just didn't find the correct path. Which wadis can be explored by a regular rental car, which ones are better with a drivetour guide?
I've read that some of the wadis can get dirty like the Al Hoqain pools and waterfall. Are there any places that are so dirty, that we should skip them?
Where do I haggle and where is the price fixed? As a tourist, how much do owners increase prices towards me? 40%, 100%, 300%?
Cooking classes
Are there any cooking classes to learn how to cook typical dishes?
Aqua shoes
What type of aqua shoe would you bring? I would use them for the wadis, as well as for snorkling or taking a walk at the beach

Natural fauna and flora
I want to learn something about the native animals and plants. Is there a botanical garden or a zoo featuring native animals, a shared tour I can book? I saw a new botanical garden in development, but it's not ready yet. Is there an older garden or park that I can visit right now?
We work remotely. So we travel with work laptops. If we change from one hotel to another our laptops would be in the car.. Would you leave an expensive laptop and all your other baggage hidden in the rental car at a tourism spot like Bimmah Sinkhole or Wadi Shab? Or would you rather always go to the new hotel, leave the laptop there and then drive back to visit the attraction? Always leaving the laptop in a hotel makes roard trips difficult and increases the kilometers we need to drive, but we cannot afford our stuff to get stolen.
I've read that drones are not allowed to bring into Oman. I want to use my drone at my next destination in another country. If I'm not allowed to bring it, what could I do with it while traveling in Oman? It's a DJI Mini and weights 249 gram. I've found the following information:
"My drone got confiscated at the airport in Muscat. Luckily they will keep it for me and I can take it back on the way back. They can keep it up to two months and it's free. Don't try to bring it in, there's a good chance that they won't even find it, but then if they find it on your way back you can face jail for smuggling illegal goods. I'd suggest not bringing it to Oman, or leaving it at the customs on the airport."
Is the still the case? Is this also true if the drone weights less than 250 gramm?
Clothing for women
I found this table what to wear. https://beyondtheroute.com/2016/04/05/sultanate-ep-003-what-to-wear-in-oman/ Do you agree with this? What would you wear as a woman while swimming in a wadi? I was thinking a black leggins and a UV sirt. Does the UV shirt need to cover my elbows? My leggins is long, but if I swim it might slip and my ankle might show. Does the leggins need to cover my whole ankle all the time? How strict are these rules? I don't want to offend anybody, but I would not wear this if is not necessary.
submitted by fencheltee to Oman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:19 Spikebolt_100 Hormones drive people fucking NUTS!!

Yeah, that's it. That's the post.
submitted by Spikebolt_100 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:19 Few-Reindeer-6982 Alguien para paja mañanera ??

submitted by Few-Reindeer-6982 to emimernesbitch [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:19 yaoaoaoao Update: someone crushed the poor orange 2 days later

Update: someone crushed the poor orange 2 days later submitted by yaoaoaoao to notinteresting [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:19 papasmurrff2222 What's on your feet today?

What's on your feet today? submitted by papasmurrff2222 to SneakersIndia [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:19 batuhan-yazici Klaus Organic Worms™

Klaus Organic Worms™ submitted by batuhan-yazici to PixelArt [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:19 Makisaur Which one should I get for 15k??

Which one should I get for 15k?? submitted by Makisaur to RedditPHCyclingClub [link] [comments]
