
2024.11.26 13:20 Fer_Pet Happyhodl

Happyhodl will be the new memecoin king 🤑🤑
submitted by Fer_Pet to pumpfun [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:20 MugShots More victims accuse Bucks County man Andrew Gallo of drugging, sexually assaulting victims he met on dating site

More victims accuse Bucks County man Andrew Gallo of drugging, sexually assaulting victims he met on dating site submitted by MugShots to ArrestStories [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:20 Composteer Guys I just had a conversation with the real DTKL_OP omg :0

Guys I just had a conversation with the real DTKL_OP omg :0 submitted by Composteer to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:20 Intelligent-Cup-3023 Third time's the charm

It was so complicated I never should have let it get this far. It took me 3 times to officially cut things off. Every time you'd convince me to stay despite everything. You never asked me what I wanted or how I felt. I'm such a people pleaser, I let myself be guilted into staying with you. I know you said your sorry, I appreciate that. I think it was in hopes that I'd stay. Why do you think it's ok to sacrifice and hide parts of yourself just to be with me. There's nothing wrong with your beliefs but I know you. You're never going to be satisfied with me not holding the same values. The only reason we got along is because you refused to talk about it. I guess there just wasn't enough time. I wanted to take things slow. You're rushed everything. I went along with it. I wanted to break things off and just be friends. You kept going like we where dating. Again I let it happen. I wanted to be friends with benefits. You still called me your girlfriend. And I didn't deny it.
There's so much more that I let happen over went along with that encouraged you. Maybe cause I secretly didn't want to lose you even though I knew we weren't right for each other. I did so many things wrong. And now you're hurting because of it. I'm sitting here crying and missing you, because once again I let myself get too attached. I need to work on myself because this just feels like a toxic cycle. I'm so sorry. I hope you're ok.
submitted by Intelligent-Cup-3023 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:20 Beneficial-Fig-7432 To seniors: What do you think of ageing?

submitted by Beneficial-Fig-7432 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:20 Rare-Brick-3878 Girls bodycount

Why do girls get upset when guys say that they prefer girls with low bodycount. Sometimes even call those guys insecure and I dunno what. I think it's fair that you wanna search for someone that matches your values.
submitted by Rare-Brick-3878 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:20 honeybunbliss 2meirl4meirl

2meirl4meirl submitted by honeybunbliss to 2meirl4meirl [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:20 Hotdogwater-2789 Client upset

So I got sick this weekend and had to call out of work. I had to reschedule 5 dogs. 4 clients had no problem and wished me to get better soon. But I had a client with a large goldendoodle that takes me 3 hours get extremely upset. I am completely booked through January so I offered 2 off my days off to come in and get him done. Those days didn't work for her and she's pissed. She refuses to go to any other groomer than me and expects me to give her more options and to be compensated. What do you do in these situations?
(This lady also always complains about prices and gives me less than a 10% tip)
submitted by Hotdogwater-2789 to doggrooming [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:20 RelationshipOk9928 Stading 26th jan budget 8k. Need only 1 pass.

submitted by RelationshipOk9928 to coldplayindia [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:20 _Shinnouzen Cassieee

Cassieee Island doggo
submitted by _Shinnouzen to dogsofrph [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:20 CanOk8878 8in bwc bull for massive tits/ass/bbw

submitted by CanOk8878 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:20 Galex49-117 Conflicting advice: Does the AMS Lite roll back the spool when switching colors?

I have Prusa Mini+ which I use for printing jewelry. I buy PLA in small 50g coils (not on spools). I have dozens of colors, but I only need a small amount of each.
I am considering a Bambu printer with AMS Lite, which would save me a lot of manual filament switching. But the sales people at MicroCenter told me I couldn’t use the AMS Lite with loose coils. They said the filament has to be on spools, because the spool rotates in reverse to pull back the recently-used filament when the new color is pushed into the hot end.
Is that true? My interaction with Bambu support tells me (in somewhat broken English) that loose coils can be used, as long as they are supported so they can turn smoothly without tangling. I also heard from one user on this site that he occasionally puts leftover short lengths of PLA through the AMS Lite without a spool.
Who is right?
I know I might have to come up with supports to hang the coils on the AMS Lite if I’m not using spools. But I think that should be easy.
submitted by Galex49-117 to BambuLab [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:20 LiszaAnne Scrisoarea magică care te lasă șomer

Bună ziua.
Mă confrunt cu o situație ciudată și nu știu dacă e legal ce îmi propune șeful meu. Lucrez în această firmă de aproape 5 ani. Fiind primul job, am fost naivă și am acceptat în primul an să lucrez fără contract de muncă, mai apoi cerându-mi dreptul după un an de zile, când m-am mai deșteptat puțin.
Am o colegă care ocupă același post ca mine și încă de la început mi-a pus bețe în roate. Și am avut multe conflicte între noi. Cam toate legate de modul meu de a lucra și cerințele mele salariale sau de program.
Lucrez într-un domeniu în care postul meu ar trebui sa aibă program flexibil, adică să fiu diponibilă după o anumită oră și să trimit acte sau să răspund la telefon. Pe CIM scrie 8 ore de muncă, între 9-17. Acum câteva luni, în vară, mi-am negociat din nou salariul cu șeful. Cu greu a fost de acord să îmi acorde o mărire,în mână, nu în contract. Iar eu am fost de acord să lucrez de la ora 9 la ora 18. Înainte lucram și până la 20, ca să îl mulțumesc, dar văzând că nu primesc același tratament pe care îl ofer, am schimbat pagina.
Și a funcționat ok o perioadă, până azi când aceași colegă s-a trezit făcând scandal că eu nu lucrez până târziu. Chestia e că nici ea nu o face. Ea are același post, dar face cu totul alte chestii. Și ea termină devreme și cu siguranță e plătită mult mai bine, deși figurăm amândoua cu același salar.
Și din cauza ei a trebuit să discut iar cu șeful despre aceste neînțelegeri și i-am zis că dacă vor să mă dea afară pentru că refuz să lucrez ore suplimentare neplătite, să mă bage în șomaj și toată lumea e fericită, scapă de mine iar eu am timp să caut în altă parte. El a zis că pe 15 Decembrie sunt liberă să plec ( atunci intră firma în concediu). I-am zis că nu îmi dau demisia, să mă dea el afară dacă nu îi convine și să mă bage în șomaj.
El insistă că nu are cum pentru că trebuie să închidă acest post și are nevoie de om. Eu i-am zis că nu semnez nimic. Acum el mă amenință că cealaltă colegă care face și treburi administrative, o să scrie o scrisoare prin care o să mă anunțe că nu mai putem colabora reciproc având în vedere că refuz să răspund după o anumită oră și să îmi fac treaba. Atunci când sunt în timpul programului 9-18, îmi fac treaba conform. Dar după 18 îmi închid telefonul de muncă, chiar dacă unele sarcini depind de trimiterea actelor după acea oră. I-am zis să mă plătească pentru acele ore suplimentare și am să continui si după 18. El refuză.
Oricum am zis că nu semnez nimic fără șomaj și el insistă că mă poate da afară legal fără să semnez nimic. Nu am primit avertismente oficiale, gen email sau tip foaie, doar texte pe Whatsapp. Nu mi s-a scăzut salarul. Nu nimic. Pur și simplu vrea să mă dea afară după ce intrăm în concediu.
Are dreptul să o facă pur și simplu fără ca eu să semnez nimic? Mă gândesc să merg la ITM, dar sincer nu știu cum să procedez.
Deocamdată eu lucrez în continuare, îmi fac sarcinile și răspund la telefon. Dar nu știu când am să mă trezesc cu acea scrisoare care cică mă concediază instant și am să rămân în aer.
submitted by LiszaAnne to juridice [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:20 CerealChiller_HH How to Setup Gearbox for Touge-Races?

submitted by CerealChiller_HH to PixelCarRacer [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:20 EmphasisWorth7863 NATO Parliamentary Assembly Calls for Ukraine’s Admittance to the Alliance “As Soon as Possible”

NATO Parliamentary Assembly Calls for Ukraine’s Admittance to the Alliance “As Soon as Possible” submitted by EmphasisWorth7863 to UkraineConflict [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:20 SaucePiciousz RPHA 11 PRO

is hjc rpha 11 pro still a bang for the buck? planning to buy one this dec, upgrading from an hjc c70. thanks!
submitted by SaucePiciousz to PHMotorcycles [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:20 R1chou Which size ?

I need your help because i don’t know which size is better for me.
submitted by R1chou to tissot [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:20 CockroachNew8433 at work jerking off remixing, will cumtrib when i’m home send the hottest/cutest slut that needs cum on her face kik lovecelebs1234

submitted by CockroachNew8433 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:20 thephoenixprophet Golden Bullrun $Gold on Raydium and Jupiter

CA: HHegCiT5d2i6oUnvBoxPP9dsYjJt1dKoxWw3rWegpump
Already 150k market cap in a day get in while you can.
The golden bull has been born and is about to make its run!
submitted by thephoenixprophet to CryptoMarsShots [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:20 JontyHD Am I limited in where I move from student accommodation with housing benefit?

The council seem keen to house me in a flat quite far away from where I am now/want to be. If I find a place within the local housing allowance that is nicer and a private landlord, is there anyway they're able to reject my application just because it's a higher price? Also, what about the landlord being paid through housing benefit? I know that I can get paid directly to me and then I pay, but wouldn't there be a big gap between me moving in and being able to pay?
submitted by JontyHD to HousingUK [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:20 ocolly OSU goes 7-3 against Texas Tech in 10 EA Sports College Football 25 simulations

OSU goes 7-3 against Texas Tech in 10 EA Sports College Football 25 simulations submitted by ocolly to ocollysports [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:20 Fluid_Commission_875 I wanna be cucked super hard while I watch dm on telegram-dog32455

I wanna be cucked super hard while I watch dm on telegram-dog32455 submitted by Fluid_Commission_875 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:20 Leading_Afternoon_31 Looking to upgrade for gaming

New build or upgrade?
Existing parts/monitors to reuse? (List with models/links)
Corsair 4000D White Case w/ ML120 Fans
MSI GeForce RTX 3070
HP Omen 1440p 240 hz
PC purpose? (Gaming, editing, etc. List apps/games)
Mostly gaming. Valorant, Rainbow Six Siege
Purchase country? Near Micro Center?
US, Microcenter but hours away so not preferred
Monitors needed? (Number, size, resolution, refresh rate)
Budget range? (Include tax considerations)
WiFi or wired connection?
Wifi preferred but wired is good
Size/noise constraints?
No size preference, but noise less could help
Cololighting preferences?
Color or not does not matter. ( Have Corsair RGB fans with controller)
Any other specific needs?
Looking to upgrade to Ryzen 5 7600 from 7 3700x. Have discount on Amazon for any purchases. Would like a good motherboard, AIO cooler, PSU, etc
Thank you!
submitted by Leading_Afternoon_31 to buildapcforme [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:20 LittleTimmy07 I think I’m ready for my first cock. Hopefully it’s in panties too.

submitted by LittleTimmy07 to cocksinpanties [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:20 Still_Care8572 trip my arab sis if u have sec screen 0578f807f4327f5cdd70ad2b04ed784d90f4655e52ab526b5fe40df4cfb2950808

submitted by Still_Care8572 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
