Is anyone selling their ticket to Adrianne Lenker 11/26 tonight in Philly?

2024.11.26 13:50 Head_Appearance_595 Is anyone selling their ticket to Adrianne Lenker 11/26 tonight in Philly?

I would simple love you and be forever grateful #cookiepoints
submitted by Head_Appearance_595 to adriannelenker [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:50 Technical_Football76 Astrum Aureus❓

submitted by Technical_Football76 to CalamityMod [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:50 cupokelly Men who waited until marriage, how did that turn out for you?

submitted by cupokelly to AskMen [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:50 Snoo_48886 Faceit 2.0

Faceit 2.0
waiting waiting waiting waiting... EU btw
submitted by Snoo_48886 to FACEITcom [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:50 zachkakl February 2025 Concert @ Orange Peel - Helene Status

Would it be insensitive to go to a concert in Asheville in February 2025? How's the travel from Raleigh, NC? I don't want to cause any harm to the community.
I looked in the Helene mega threads and could not find specific information.
Thank you.
submitted by zachkakl to asheville [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:50 sidneileeart Sol ring of massacre girl!

submitted by sidneileeart to mtg [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:50 EepySnow Did the make Edd a face thing

Did the make Edd a face thing By u/soybon-adventure
submitted by EepySnow to Eddsworld [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:50 KaiDestinyz Nobody expects the Persian Invasion

Nobody expects the Persian Invasion submitted by KaiDestinyz to PTCGP [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:50 evannarosee Who’s the last person you had a good laugh with?

Who’s the last person you had a good laugh with? submitted by evannarosee to smileygirls [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:50 Naive-Discipline7216 Is happening

Is happening Let's see how long it lasts
submitted by Naive-Discipline7216 to deadbydaylight [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:50 purpleburglaralarm- Weird behavior from a Mainer?

I live in western Maine. My adult daughter and her boyfriend (who moved here in April) took her car to a local mechanic (like a one man show).
As they were leaving, his dog started barking and he said loudly "oh stop, they didn't vote for Biden".
I found this to be extremely bizarre behavior from a business owner who has never met these customers before. I've also been told countless times that the Mainer way is "live and let live" and "mind your own business".
I suppose the Maga has trumped (ugh no pun intended) the Mainer in these people at this point. Is Maine losing the attitudes and unique social norms that has set it apart as a different kind of place for so long?
submitted by purpleburglaralarm- to Maine [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:50 Snake-creature Thanks to someone on this sub I shall now have egg and toast for breakfast instead of ice cream.

submitted by Snake-creature to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:50 A_Kenmomen4096 小型ロケット「イプシロンS」、エンジン燃焼試験が失敗 2回連続で爆発 JAXA

小型ロケット「イプシロンS」、エンジン燃焼試験が失敗 2回連続で爆発 JAXA submitted by A_Kenmomen4096 to newsokuexp [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:50 hotcabbagesalad Who’s the toughest to get shards for? And why is it this guy? Lol

Who’s the toughest to get shards for? And why is it this guy? Lol I can never get many of these. Had him since the beginning. Lol
submitted by hotcabbagesalad to gameofthroneslegends [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:50 Proof-Spell-5417 Will I keep losing weight?

Hi all
I’m obsessing over a couple of cheat meals at the weekend and need a bit of reassurance lol.
I reached my goal weight last week (actually a pound below). To celebrate, I overindulged at the weekend. My plan was to go to maintenance for 2 weeks and then bulk but now I’m freaking out about the calories from the weekend (rough estimates is I was around 4500-5000 above maintenance in total over 2 days).
My question is, given that weight doesn’t exactly drop instantly from eg a day in a deficit, is it likely that my deficit days from the tail end of last week will still be working through my body and therefore will offset some of the extra calories? Or should I treat it as I need another 1-2 weeks in a deficit to lose the extra fat likely gained from this?
submitted by Proof-Spell-5417 to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:50 Mangopie5555 Can't Nekki detect these names on their own?

Can't Nekki detect these names on their own? submitted by Mangopie5555 to ShadowFightArena [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:50 HeroVax Arcane causing me having mental health issues

I never thought a TV show could affect me so deeply, but I can’t stop thinking about it. Even at work, I feel so down.
Whenever I see posts about Arcane or I hum the songs, it brings me flashbacks of that scene. All the pain and grief from the show. I’m worried it’ll stay with me for a long time. What can I do to cope with this?
Sometimes I cried.
submitted by HeroVax to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:50 lvpre NZB Issues...stuck on queued

Anyone else getting the same and do you have a fix?
I emailed support a few days, but no response yet. Even trying to usenet through SABnzbh results in a similar message about half the time. Using their sever is hit or miss; but Easynews is 100% with the same file.
Adding an NZB file to the web downloader just sits at Queued. Not sure if it is a premiumize issue or something with my account.
Any ideas?
submitted by lvpre to Premiumize [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:50 Longjumping_Arm_3457 Running HDMI and USB over Ethernet

Running HDMI and USB over Ethernet I would like to move two PCs to my basement and have remote access in my office. The office already has an existing 2.5gig ethernet run and I would like to avoid doing any more cable runs if possible. Ideally, it would have two endpoints in the basement (one for each pc) and one endpoint in the office with the ability to switch basement PCs from the office. See the diagram below.
Minor latency isn't a huge issue since I don't game (turn-based strategy fiend) and mostly code/edit videos/spreadsheets/documents.
I found one device on that appears to allow switching between transmittereceiver on both ends but only supports one HDMI on the Tx and Rx sides and only 2 usb ports specified as "only for keyboard and mouse input." It's pretty close to what I would want, but I would need the dual hdmi (monitor) setup for certain tasks and would like the c920 webcam for video chats.
Core questions:
  1. Would it be possible for me to connect both PCs over the existing run?
  2. Would this be possible under $300-$400?
P.S. I apologize for the long post, but I hope I am accurately explaining my goals and questions! Please let me know if there's any further clarity I can provide!
submitted by Longjumping_Arm_3457 to homelab [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:50 Shmimmons Thinking about organizing a bike ride across Teyvat.

Looking for future Mavuika mains to join the Abyss Angels™️ and ride from Mondstadt to Natlan with me, making stops at certain landmarks along the way for photoshoots. I'm not a good travel guide so I'm hoping someone more creative than myself could plan the route lol
submitted by Shmimmons to Mavuika [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:50 Rare_Arm4086 New pc in the ladies's campaign?

I prefer the supercuts so I havent seen the eps but who is the new lady? She looks familiar.
submitted by Rare_Arm4086 to VivaLaDirtLeague [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:50 Tecito_conCanela Softwares ERP pencas

Hola buen día, quisiera consultarles, ¿han trabajado con softwares ERP que parece que aún estuvieran en beta en alguna empresa que le tenga tanto amor al software que no lo cambian aunque ni reciba actualizaciones? JSJDJDJS Estoy organizando una bodega con ERP y es lo opuesto a user friendly, no se puede elegir campos con el mouse, tiene que ser con las teclas de función XD, pero hay otras cosas que si funcionan con mouse. En el peor de los casos, elegir una opción incorrecta crashea el programa completo porque da error con la base de datos MYSQL XDDDDD
submitted by Tecito_conCanela to chileIT [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:50 VeritySkyes This fence design!

This fence design! submitted by VeritySkyes to Satisfyingasfuck [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:50 Collapsing_Cliff_01 opinions on twitter rebrand

submitted by Collapsing_Cliff_01 to anonymauson [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:50 ftomika96 Gázszivárgás

A társasházban, a pincében szivárogni kezdett a gáz, és 2 hétre elzárták az összes lakásban. A vagyonkezelők intézik a javìtást, de amit nem értek, hogy a lakóknak kell fizetni a javítást.
A társasháznak nagyjából 3 millió forintja van, és kb 10 millió lesz a javítás. A kérdésem az, hogy ezt tényleg a lakóknak kell e fizetni, vagy ez a biztosító kötelezettsége lenne? A lakások nagy része önkormányzati lakás, nem tudom ez számít e.
Köszönöm a segítséget!
submitted by ftomika96 to lakokozosseg [link] [comments]